cant drill them fast enough anthony oas end oil exploration head tony seynul told the herald laat week thai right now the company only problem u unking well ait enough when enough tharei are told well have tix rig opeeting in tfui field he told e reporter who viuled the teen of the current well drilling on the van vliet farm bight now lome aackillopi drilling rig i bringing them in one at time on the town i elern ouhklrti- at lt lome open the valve of the well capped tte e tj t wee ape- q hu l a o the ear ipliltlng icreem earned by the tremendoui preuure below tony seynuk and lome aeur the pulley to the lop ol the theft which penetrate 1500 into the fterth- 32 teams sign for bantam tournament plant shape up for easter week haatan tournament bead fted aawltue uld this wlt that plkttj are all u resdneu to otirtlutt fcad bed dowu uam s0 you boekfy players oxpocied to invad tha town durina betnuta hockey wttk id uu april 21 to is to date taurnajtuftt officials mod uuh auting dubs mid klixtiuru- have lined up 1s3 bai pill s5 mwjncy beds kll that abould be rquird to kuut tlw boya rt have utwjj 4 t eervrd dlmier and uppr u uw horde for th 8y kv fenauged hmful ewntj uid saovui to entertain umoi during the lauure kuan illltu tut tutuung u handled by the kinactm au by til town amlliariee ubdr catering bead mr jiu and enitr uuuuot by the kj rumen lllrb lt grand ehaittplon luntim it km at tha cod ol the week 111 ralv individual trophies i dooeltd by the junior chajnw of coduuettc boy will re ceive their meal u the odd rrllfiwa- hallmi fhr hnrf and lit saturdays of tii wk aod at the legion hill during the ukdayi volunteers are atill being cpud and people holding st- john aiabulanca cards are especially rehired ticket booster ticket have gone on saje for ii so par adult and 7sc wr atudaju and allow the hold er adniiuiou to 10 earn of bantam hotkey they are- available frun rod auitate scretary iaul armstrong or irvasurer jan tniopeus teams who have worpud lbt invitation to date r ctasi a ovr 3s6o0 fautim peterborough marlboroughi rvir t virlwrwuiili ij mia ulpi kault sir vinp oak vilj ohjw ilurlinktoa class woodaturk gait hrampton mount lluyal qui two kjver aidr windsor hlchmond hill class c 100 woo kmu gmrttowiie prmiotl aurk kba uiootivuw nwmarkt tliloburi class f ibww 5000 ntu etltnir tlirur waulrtou lltpltr cenmioxton camp hirdett wlord port dwer ahod w6dlid copper cult winona tm momfftowm urtmiy pageu camckk conflkimctf luf brocnlwad prddent of ccargftown uuit o tk ctuxw tocely atunow a too fr6o wld in tha kjax kdwkrdslwraton hot i twiw to 1aul arintlroft awtjian ltd bloi and atunded lb cam paijfo woriiiiiop in urvparauon for tha aptil fund chuyugitj lady darts v i juat two clu rmnain um lfcdita dart wu purniturtt team hv tdl lokd up first pue uen puy comiunlty ruraitur j vltnnaa ortifn cnietowo potw xlela cnrtwr cuward v by ura jiia kjjiirm ut kinmerton wgy alao vetka lixky dra jlaotf doctors bills paid now no wl umtr ityilf uh amvkiy uwriu at b6nu etlua er 4 boilui ukllvliiimli or famltiei avalbxla in cont town and tra rau health no longer uaaru mj are 3- prtvkj o uiu vtla protection for further infornwuca and enrolmaru fill out rouoon ami tnu to hbalthhudi k t bli tnry 1m hllwj wlllawiala 0 ajevm aea seek information on possibility of dam fvfootlih to tpand much morvey on tha 9rh vnm road k tham u oing to ba action on creation of a propoiecj dam 6jrd cr ffd harrlion t monday i council meeting th road it a tenoui problem he aaid and 11 pretenlly tloaadoff credit valley conervat on authofity haa talked about a um and cr harmon want to know their plana before proceeding with road wotk pay lareaaf share i peve poured 30 000 into ae authority already he pointed out tt will certainly coat the town iwooaantu of dollar for we would pay the laryest aha re- of taa dam remarked depuy uva hunter cr harris n think that if a 4am ta planned thrre should a action now in buinfi laad land la no problem coun eji attended a eonrrvation weatlnf i ait year when rex kaelop offered to donate aome 100 acres and supply fill for a 4ah aaid cr jim immerson wouldnt count on it donating in word la one thine but it might be different uw answered cr harrison i wouldn t count too much on that until we have land deed uayor sargent said he would tavlte local conservation rcp- reaanuuvei alex maclaren and yvd muterman to a future naalintf to outline plana bradford leads milton series bradford brads fords have taken a 2 1 lead in earns eve mitten merchanta in their chol playoff terlat with a 73 win in mllten tuesday nloht bradford had a 53 edoe with time running euf and scored twice into an empty net when jackie price iced 6 ettacher in a last ditch effort to tie the score bradford wsn the ptxtr t6 in overtime friday in milton and milton tied the series with a as victory en bradford ice they play again en friday and if brad ford wraps up the series with e win there may be e game saturday between brad ford and georgetown raiders to start the semi finals in the ether series oalo vllle beat toronto 107 in heir brsr encounter escapes cusfody later surrenders to police a huttonville man walked into chlnjcuaeouiy police atalion ard five himself up to chief snider friday ending search which started 24 houn earlier following a lerlri of wild hap penings m the georgetown area th line mountatnvtew rd the car turned north with the cruiser still on its tail an ether attempt lo pass put the enmer into a snow bank the chaae continued at high rates of speed through glen williams and into chlnguacouay he was immediately charged tiwnahip and apparently end with dangerous dming escap- rd about 3i mile north of the ault lug from custody and ing a police officer forced off read the fantastic chase had lti dim when the penued car went out of control and ptung ed into deep snow dwards had started to put the hand cure at the comer of main on h r t wl and mill slrwta wher the ac v t cud allrcedly drove ihroueh he t tu a t i n- rt i cutting the policeman arrmi a red light cat ron kdwards f k k- lk the back of tho neck with the who saw the car go througti open handcuffs broke awa the intersection immediately s rha persuing the peed j v ln the n j fni vehicle t and eat on no l p who ln j 7 hikhway chae wat going on assisted according to a police report n lh cst r if wards attempted to pa vhcn ne h up the car twice before rcachnr lhr neat day he was taken to the norval hill but wai forced muon released a abort off the road both times at lime uttr on the top of norval hill the flee ing car attempted to paw an purchasi ctjier easthound ear on the with fair proceeds right side but spun out of con an opaque projretor will be trol and came to a stop on the donated to harrison public north side of the hlfihway half school by the home 4 school way down the hill facing in the opposite direction from which it had come into the bush csl edwards pulled over on tho shoulder and was getting out of the cruiser when the car suddenly sped off again up hill and back toward town at the association the association netted over 330 on its recent kun 1air a project to raise funds for thia educational aid tho fah which drew a large attendance was convened by a committee headed by mrs g flecker and mrs r daniel 7 will pay you to get the finest in pr whatever your printing needs business cards stationery form letters greeting cards rubber stamps labels wedding 0thermnvitati0ns draw tickets signs menus programmes etc you name it and well print it at low cost 30 day offer only anthony gas oil explorations limited ofk fo sau to thi public 100000 shares of treasury stock at 195 per share limited to not less than w0 shares per person not more than 500 shares per person capitalized shares 3000000 sold to date 203000 now offered for sale 100000 producing wells speyside field- 14 gas wells 1 oil well hornby field 4 gas wells capped and will be en the line thb year the georgetown herald 22 mainstreet south th 7220 1 oil well wells nos 39 40 41 42 -43- 44 have been selected in these fields and will be drilled this year anthony co did jt againwell 38 came in feb 9th a real good one j tony offers halton county citizens thi opqtunity to 8uy treasury stock ufori it u owttb i through thi stock brqjflers- we want you to share our good fortune now is your chance dont miss it t buy your shares from anthony gas oil explorations mad ofmci 141 mlu st limited acton ontario fhoni usum soiilii