Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 22, 1962, p. 3

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turning back time- ttw ccoacetowm uekal6 ivotawy tavck hid u kallimjuat stiwahttoww w wilber park lake dam this was the favourite spot on sunday ettermion to the early iwoi wilber park lekr dam where romant c voyag urt launched thcr carvocs and took trtr favourite m boat ng at left alop the h ii georgetown h jr sclaool the people at the evlie tall eivd of llw crowd ar sitting on corvcute ebuimcni which a till rnt at the only reminder of georgetown picture spot halton mp assists in new legislation dv dorothy baivkbh protection for senior citizens halloa counts attempt to fwi a status symbol rrvi a the ehiltren dancing un oil a private bill approved by my family ln ika ontario legislature chance to sail canada moon ii with ta 1 elms bluk ai iris nljht an f jlhi inuw win tilhoiutti i against the alate jray sky lluy march td by my bedroom window it the train pi 1 toward ottawa naked of 1 j bud the trees were neverthiwss in the prison of their winlir t cop i alwam all w mnlf the luiuo of wakintf gradually to rhthm of mid win il on stri i and the crallnu of my body as thr slcopor wai rent from tide to ai it i lay think infi about w hat t uoul 1 t ii thr viewing auditnct of joii atxiut my tripping via n from coast to coast dunnk a scheduled interview n the statu n a worn en a program 1 laia 13 heavens no ring as li m habit in rivcry i made tin motions of lwistin my wedding nnj hrncm there wis no rin to twist m third finur bit hand was as nule at a nt w born bain mm tally i roil id see thi missing mbol of marital statin wink ine lta five sun 11 diamonds where i had left it on the kit chfn window nil two hundred ml lea away it would n t do much to establish my lriitmate claim to two 10 ns and four crand children having had a bit of tv experience 1 kmw that a missing weddini nnj would he quickly spotted by an observ ant female audience hhm the train pultd into the alatlon i di vow red the morning was a blustery cold one iroin the coz warmth of my room in the chat an iaur ier i could set the figure of canada famous war memorial trittti against a blizzard with me was mv winttr guest from paic comeju j oung fresh and cnthushstic alwnit her first visit to the capital city tat her is something a native from the north shore of the st i awn nee his little con cern about shi as mori con timed with tht missing wed ding ring and what could be done about it mint have stand in aftor a somewhat lengthy consultation which i prolong ed as long as possible wo de cided a stand in ring must he purchased i bundled up and fought our way two blockh from the hotil in search of a jewelry store the warmth of a woolworlhs establishment offered an opp ortunity to catch our breath dangling before our eyes was all hie glitter and embellish ment of luring even a sheba beads bangles and ah yes weddings ring greeted us at the first counter shoot tha works why not we seamed to say to each other through a mist of mouinflsnow dripping from our eye lashes thoro wore only two choices a littlo gold band sot with a single rubv priced at sdc and a more sophisticated carved affair resembling white gold at thu extravagant price of ooc why not shoot the works euvlsed thu hardy type beside tne this cadmium plated circ let seamed to restoro my coiifi donee for i knew that some time during the interview my daep family pride was sure to vr didn t mod a brink a e cort to lit nic and ii jt wt lr to the appoinlmrnl i naliztd willum slurpa end mr brown in t with ttu drpuly uiiiulur of wtlfjrv and as a rtmll a new mction was wnttinjc into thr lliuiui fr atefl act tlie pri i vjlr lull twf irr the lrtgslaturr mhiii r iniuitttr wj then ttaa wilbrawr prempted the dprtm of the new regolatlon will have welfare te tpwiur to write e pd by perliemenff i naw tetticn into the homaa lor hr wl the aoad att this utien will be troubu in oettlntj it ap- allow home to have mldenta provad the director of the as we drove through ewirls of ion ovtr tecunttea end po- home for the aoed branch of snow and blasts f wind that partiat te be managed by the he dapartmant of welfare end nicked the ear how wis gie n borne until the readenl uavea he attorney general have el victoria was to have chosen ot thereby preventing the reat ready okayed the move tawa as our capital rn in oentt from betruj fleeced out ii dim apphralion f r will the trip j tiiung cold the cits of their money by friends or nfir irl it thr in annkt was btauliful relatva 1 r rr l ul i was uslund hit i the mjkr iint rtin in pristd th up room whrre m grandmoth horts of hah m m im stantrs te conlerence rly wrinkhs wre amothf n i i hili in h p nj cjrr thr thia tints hist tr to tir n pineake makiup mv mmlh tllr f r thr di li jli n torn u w arl i1 on lhr iiicy hich bis stood nir in kom halt m cntnnii manor l j tf wtn lhp p stead as a mi ans of vocal t n irrw arfield itruwn who 1 a n s hitlun at thr on preswun and mastication for alt i seen t jo tr asurrr of thr t trio a cij1i n of llimrs for the year of my llfr made t helton manor luwrd u il our the and conft rence at fort look like cupili txw with a purptsr wmld hiv hen d rrar at that time the tnnk loos and ms esrs like u ju i hid it not l f r thi di b it appro rd thr rrso- couple of holes burned in a umiic job stan hall did hl on hwtvr thr department blanket i th in t reco m l n liul if and hoptd nobody ekr begoed down frr tr alt m request f r a wou prilt bill was pulilntel n u thr hill was prtsentnl lo thr thr new setiun allows a some rubs off s pns ill hills com h ime t ent r ml i an atrr actukllv whtn in turn cunt in marrh i w hi r it m t m ment with a resitb nt of thr bef ire the cum rs i tnjost i b tn i d in iintb r prrs i hon to n rt i hoi i at i ad mself tmmt nsrl tht klir mir f m ton nto 1 i i immisttr n d or pt rsonal pio- iihts wtre warm and comfot mruwhili mr hall solicitor rxrt in trust ng nn intrrvitwr charming ind gifted in the art of asking leading questions the oppor defends government make believe tea raises scout funds ttw scoot uuiir auxiliary met tn the cburcb fur their reg ular toototijjy uoauog on tues day filgbt a4 8 m tii caul uothers promise wu rrpaated ijkl ihi lull rait tatfwv hit c atiguj riidd and the boi- ibcw included reports from the ussajuxisr and etiur committees ectpu frat xh uke believe t wr ubuuud by th butamt4 prwhi riub aao ououd 10 su0 with suil snore to bear frottt the travel libg bukct was reported oi the wy od th jproup vu al talted to esir to s buffet opcvrr oji april lit tha uak log 0 titkrchi4tm wis dis cusmd with tii twwin eon veuer and lnviialjoiis wtr re ceived to el tend mreluiff next wrk with the tit gwiniotowri uiillary and convention lo ttrantford th enj of march hi and lin joe klcconkey rub lidr of the 4th dronw i tirwn 1erk wtrr prrtent and be showed a 40mlnutr film of hn own showing many phssn of their tvork with th boyi which wai moat intr retting to die w then the district out en council aa met in flsllln afad the same evrning ind lhr ladiri joined the group down slain for lunch the balllnafad 4 ii supper r ub waa held at the home of mr jsmieton en thurdav the roll call a supper mrrni planned at horn wis sna wered by wi firli tliey die o asrd the rules for fruit why fruit ta used and how tt ran be used for supper thai croup work was preparing a fresh fruit f up bakr 1 apples and prime sponge which wai enoyd for lunch church sidesmen sponsor euchre congratulations to the sidev mn committee of itt stephens church hsmby who held sucokf mumty evening march 17th ful euclire in the com tnumty hall here saturday ur and mrs c a grant tnd kenneth vulu d in scar boro on saturday wjth mr and un izne blunt and sirs m patterson mr howard bngia and son gary and ut roy bradley and son tommy attended the hoc ley ime at maple leaf gar rkna in toronto on saturday night mjs frank hdgar and dau hiter ruth of vetertiorough wera wtkend guests with ilrs j c liurray mr hene ctbeotl oraae has ben boudaym a fs darn wtth wsnu huav ph reys a happy btrthday to jackie ifurcisy who eelebratea bb lath i birthday uarch wth i sirs w a kjatlie vixiud is l torordo recently with mias vaney usturi ontario director of hed croif horn warsaf and her uster uft fstv llaley of manuet kww york vocational program tunitv this oftrre i to find a in w outlet for mv trel enthus asrn made mi realize that per hips omr of it would ruh oit ottawa s cial to the llrral i stormbound viewers poss mnmi support fir the fedt ral ihly planning next summer s mtrnm nt v katmnal train vacation trips the bumin asistince program was vol j voice caiifht bv a botim mikr cl in tht llouie of ommonsi and coming back to nijp over a ht rt by sandv hest mrmlxr of monitor is always mmnu to p irliami nt for halton mr ite owner mine wninded to me host was nplin to cntiti ins like an exulierant but sincere oired alw ul tht plan b lib tourist nelling cimda to her cral ami it- membt r ftllow rttliens 1 hope i did in m own riding of halton mv enthusinsm is onr thing thit in hurlui ton oaks i li and will tieser be a phony as the i or t tow n th te technical wedding ring i wore wing addition to high schools have bun approved for a total fedt rat contnlmition of approx imatel 4 million and possibly there nny iw f uruu r inttrtst on ii n i tht part of other communities wants rugger league m ending t mst ii f h lb arttd tnnt tht program io rorm in georgetown or fiiirai aid m t bmmmi thr fetural g t rninrnt anl tht iiiumcipilitv an i thi whool bojrd ht takt n it on thtm stlvrs on thttr own initiative to rt train some of the uncm ploy i d in our area the mail bag pear sir i hive been a resident of the town for three years and i have wondered if there ii uf fident inter st in town to war rant the formation of a t ub to flold a team of nuggcrltcs in the rapidly growing rugger leagues to the initiated no explanation is necessary but for those people who have ncv er played in rugger wo hove room for all sizes of players from 140 lb to over 300 jha the uniform is the minimum of shirt socks and boots so there is not too much expenti involved in dressing team a v hoe people will romem bcr the excellent team they had in the ontario league which unfortunately had to break up when the plant closed down there are over boo playing members out every week end purely for the low of sport and a good time socially it fa without question the purest un ateur sport in the world today played in almost every country in the commonwealth and eur ope and it has a large follow ing u far south as st louis so tf any of your readers would lke to heepinthe form atlon of a club 1 would ask them to contaat me at my home tft 7300t or l wber drive or vocation il schools was in part a crash program this was ncccssiry mr bvt said he cause of the arrogance of the previous i j turd i admmistra tion with its inttlleclual wailt land ami lnd time lit isaid the statements of criticisin by opposition mem bcrs constituted a significant denunciation of all the munici pal boards of education and the provincial departments of edu cation indeed of the- teaching profession i can think of no program in any educational field pri mary secondary technical or at the university level in troduced by any municipal provincial or federal govern ment that compares with the present program mr best de dared tie said the federal govern ment had no wish to dictate the educational programs and sche mes of tha provincial or munn cipol governments all the fed eral government wu doing was to grant them money to be used according to their own methods and their boirwqys and means he said ui oppo had suggested the government should he retraining the uncov ployed i of course wo arc doing that mr best salt n the a l lewis uown of oakvllle the provfncv harris floral arrangements for every occasion designs cut flowers vsfeddino bouquets 10 main st n tr 73si1 mrs aspen of tonkin ia ru itlnjf this week with mr and mr a himrt thef has in rn a ttil drjl a icltneji around thr pjst few weeka and the latest victims to be twepitalirrd are it lake french and mark fleaton who have been receiving treatment for pneumonia at the drora i twn hopttal j mr and mn walter sander son obtersed thrtr slst wet t ing anniversary last wrrkrnd tht both krrp in good hralth nd a tne of their family ayrnt in rrnln with thrm wf a also a b rth la rrlrhralu n fcr mrs sanderson srvrral of the arm r ac uts attrnded a st john ambulance course in eorgetnwn on thurt day this 1u go on for eight weeks and the boya arr grratly interealed in the project bad accounts collected on any account over 5 00 regardless of sq we pay you 71v if we collect if there is no collection there il no charge by canadas oldest collection agency kelly aiken box 399 orangeville ontario furniture ends saturday mar 31 yes mcclures double tradein offer ends saturday march 3ut so dont put off trading in your furniture remember its worth many dollars to youi we will actually allow you up to 80 50- 1 00 s25 1 0- fob your old fob youb old fob youb old fob youb old fob youb old bedroom suite dining room suite living room suite kitchen suite spring or mattress your tradein is your down payment then pay only a few dollau monthly aaatef i idcc furniture vlcllwlc 4j of georgetown see our new annex bargains free delivery 14 main st s tr 72522 we guarantee we will not be undersold j heat your home i hi modern way with natural got and smarts chinook automatic gat furnace clean um- bajnoao tlapaiuf able ealiiraj qa will iba evle telle cttueel will give yew abwatleel heat for we hou ctue- forloble wuler ysvvi ever litowtv tke ovuoee f mat t ugh tieacy asetwu lew kiel coutv rully enclotatl wllb twetfine twensa r h thompson hardware kumbino a heatind wutawi need another bathroom tt md longing for the day when you enn afford to go ahead with it 7 or maybe you need an extra bedroom a modern kitchen a paint job artew plumbing heating or elec trical syitem chances are you can have it right now with the help ofa royal hank homo improvement loan repayable by imtalmenti see any branch of the royal about this con venient lowcost way to get the cash you need to make your home more liveable more valu able or jjick up our handy booklet for details do it now with a home improvement loan v royal bsnk

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