i for fine printing cmmnd wvica mm put isssw et rnmt a set ottered by thai hmiu to geoesesoms georgetown herald telephone tr 72201 1 uses tl 73201 a ria s h s femd claes meu ohk deest ottawa rt onurk thruxlay april 12th imz sixth rxocs 4j ear yw saasve casey m teae cmh 3 times erne ouf third try vetoes bylaw amendment but committee will study control change j pter j6bu htolo car hits deer on 22 sideroad a white tailed dr wil hit ftnd knetbed dwn by a car n ha 31 sldereed utt wast f oltn william tuttday nlbht ptr dale fendley of clan williams wa driving an tha tidaread whan the tlaar a do dashed tnte hit headlights and was hil before ha could apply tha brekas opp leak tha animal to caoryalewn animal clinic bur if wn to severly injured ta aave and had ta k daitreyad fandlay suhered minor damag to hit car at a res ult of tha collision which cm curred at about i m guxrdas son in spotlight tha im of conifer guarda sit tuna the much ribbon d ijiow dot of itrv anil sid km tt slewartluwn u still atlrjctmi comments awardi at it net ntly ctsh fur hu on i i r ktlents rad roue who irum it up in tm clau at tin sjhrimiiani show has uiiu ttw hikki it mum y thuw in llir i niled slain fur puji lit futurity an annual cum prtitiun which itlrarli the best uunj irih scltrr undir one iar old from all ovt i hi i s and anada krd ituiuc ii tin month- old mid stole the jxt j ytit from mnrr mature pup for he th rd straight council nveetmg on monday peeve johntllioh placed a nuv tjo on the table to reond a march 12th rnor tion on the table to rescind a march llhmot- and th i inr the reeve obtained 7 fcpiwrt to end orve of the most major opinion tlar u in a town count i for several yean reiterate oppiiiten in twe hours although ratepayer attendance had dwindled somewhat on monday there was ttlu a well hlled count i chamber arid a lull slate of inti ernciidrnent speakers who look l most two hours to reiterate their opposition to opening up more del rex land or house bu id ng the amendment motior originally car ned on 5 4 vote with sargent cock brown mcneilly arid harrison voting it in take major parts in new musical thftek of the stars who help make opera lion 62 the success it is arc tom darcie tom troulen and nadme rupert the show played to capacity audiences in the high school buditorium friday and saturday and is expected to be a sellout for the final performance saturday endorse yaaca program share brampton director 2500 yearly will jfooi recreation bill hed vmcatype program will b m operation in orgelewn wirtim ths nexrihree months attendants at a meeting last tuesday m wngglesworth ot auditorium enthusiastically endorsed a move to start fajllj y affiliate sharing tne services of a ne ghbouring secreur9mmjtininq facilities for rccrcat on and sports wherever they cart b knuj in town a use available facilities there is no present thought of any building program as bob smith national council extension lecretary ex plained the time might come when georgetown grows to the point where it could support a city type building but at pre tent e y program can fill a defmifo need using available facilities li brampton wa uttlue tucidaj a mchlneaj wrll tkurckaa wheels baseman tt itlondcd by invited represent tpfcatover wa can and eddadjtiws of dozriut of orjjowiat kru kaman tacratary 4hart irn plu people who attended wha will probably b tha aff tit in rrsponso to adxtrtiiini as nn t mrlary in tftwn wa oprn mrltinu damt inaugurate a preoram be jack armitronb was chair cauae we have tha facility rath mn ittv ian htminj atartrd rf f we mr a program to what ibr nictminc with a devotional ppl want and naad tontmurd on rarc 2 see it again best praise or revue operation 62 combines music satire from the opening number mr gilhooly where are you to the final moving rendition of the student prince tndly ope ration 62 clipped along sparkling all the way after the week end pormance5 such comments a that were reported to the uclighted cast it ranlso smoqthly really professional and it seemed no time till it was over perhaps the comment dearest to the hearts of the cast wai id like to sea it over again which was overheard by tome unabashed eavesdroppers hr to mtrnlty n a ikil caluriiic bill uher entitled prom here to miter- nity hcucd ptrcnti ind proi- pective parents with i closlna 1d sayinc not spock bgt klmoy will become your eceed this one u obviouily aimed at adults one q the aland outi vua ah aliened ruailuiff by enid jriie4 where fverfiilino based oivloci happcnlneitbrouslit a respon sive chuckle frora the audience 1 two couchas t ed wilson in two roles one dr 1sycho who specializes in srhlzophrentu so on two couches his patients emote and a tnucb bandaced bricklayer who la hurt while bulldlnu a- school is very unrty especjalty to thono whs know hjs cbalnuau of the scltpjiljlomrj t tarhaps iheinoax atnuiintf ildt was tha operation scene w with jay abandon- did from phil 7tlrtpjc ouiof- lotcjcaittglli navar a lao the ahow moved brlfckly from utire to beautiful music and choral arranccments to hilar ity with never a lay u fit tha battle ol jericho and the student trlnee- were the choril-biajntlflhts- ot the eviui tha audience was warmly an preclativeof the hutnouv which was perhaps more sophistioatcj than ahowa of previous yeari as alwya jim iuindl cap tured the spectators wlhh chapllnesquo whimsy in cue skit in whirft he confcjiiies im glad im not weh any more the dance sequonce duuo with pretty nurses joy haines jante boaklll julie mcmillan and beryl bailey brought down lie house aa usual he reap- peartd in other kuises throuxh- duttjio bunagd to he mitch reluclanuy performed an oper- atln aj stole a scene or two wise known as georgo hbwo ndlancaj7 scalpels sutures hacksaws are h m maines best jaycee speaker h u xulnn wai awarded thn plaque aa tha winntr of the jacers ktctivf srwaklnf contest at the april 4th meet- in mr turn salr of the oikville club who conducted the three month course on effective speaking awarded tha plaque mr ron dumper wai proclaim d the most improved speaker goes te plnalt the topic upon which all tha contestants spoke wu the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations mr matnea will now torn pete in the district flntli in hamil ton on april 20th tha winner at hamilton will proceed to the provincial flnala and that win ner will then compete in the jajceea national speaking con tut crippled iamb ha new mother lindsay had a little lamb its flaace was net its ewn at den lindsays fsrm on no 7 llichwsy a story be liltinu a wilt dlmry movie or a hans anderson fairy talc was enacted last week a lamb born with one foot twitted backwarda was re jrcted by its mother who instesd of feeding it kicked it away however this re jection of an imperfect spec ies seems to be quite com mon smong animals illus tratlng again the cruelty of natures law of survival of the attest at mi same time another eheep bore a lamb tula one was stillborn the coinci dence gave farmer lindsay an idea the following astounded your i reporter but may be old stuff to farmers mr urideay akinned the dead iamb put the hide on the lamb with tha twisted foot stitching it a little to prevent it falling off then gave it to the theett whose owrclimhwas stillbom silnek tneyaeem to iddntlty tltelr offspring by smell she thought ft was hers and aitckled it souiatthyrtld in true fairy talejaihlon with every- offe hppr sheep never knew her awn unit tiled the limb found er ulpulflli bttvtuis twiswd foot is gradually sttalghteningqutt rr lack of interest night school folds n glit sclool dasici n georgetown are dead at an open meeting to st r interet n the ill fated classes tuesday n ght clev ptop e moit of them con m t lee members turned up to draw the curtain on the nighl school wh ch bega t heie t nc years ago the mot on that made it off c al read tl at the georgetown n ght school com m ttee be d sbn jed an i no tito t bt made to form anoth er included m ttie motion wai a recommend at on to the high school board that they ofler right courses in rt and ewtrg m eontu nctton- with th ecedemtc glasses they are currently opera ng in hie evenings raiort ta begging t the nr trrhnlcat wing now the cororaittee rhaininn mns der cmistructkin would leave jean ruddell ntd t iif ari nt the uiuu audunee that niiclit ijl 0 h11 nd clauei are frequently operated by the hith school board and elected vicechairman ui of public school board i him ten o k to vote the rescinding motion lost twice on a 4 4 vote wihs gent cock brown and mcneilly opposing it and harri son refraining from voting until he had legal advice aft being accused by a ratepayer of conflict ol interest in voting on subdivision matters monday cr harrison stated that lie had now determined that he was quite in order m voting on such questions and while oppos rg the rescinding motion he would alio votej agent a by law change at present too as he would like th council and interested ratepayers to see copies of e draft by law and come up with an answer to the problem before any vote is taken utf alnne wai not enough to war rant runtinuing ne intarai but it n- thr small turnout na rommitlre hamllp ihr pro- that 111111 the dialh knell for ject she aaid itm earn enrol niliii school ihe committee ment wan murli under last ear thn utn d to call it quits last t is in fact unique that a titir nt committre handle the pn and even then tht rommittie had to almost report to imkihc peopla to register it was rln tea such a k i p hit and square iiancinj thit kept it going she felt kxpene thn tcim were the same ai last but revenue jr ged badly and depite sonic tin ancut assistance tho commit tec current bank balance standi at a mcagn 134 the value of alntching nijiht school into one more term wai dis cuaaed but there wai utile to make it sound feasible jear hut public response at a similar meeting wai sufficient to ii e them the green lijjht or this past term another croud ol interested citircn could possibly hae lengthened the life pan of the classes hut its end wai inevitable the pat tern had been set by nikht schools in every part of the province which ran their course from five to ten jcars and then folded miss huddell thanked those who stuck vith the school until their dissolution stan v inlay chairman of the george rtwn iuhlie school boards vi ftftnipttee hwwar llahee pep wrw elected viee- chainnsn of the school board lait wednesday mcht at a rej ular met unc in harriaon pub lic school the stcr chairman uai created ao that sumrunr vith the chairman authority would be available throuffh the dj the chairman fdwin wil son is employed in toronto local firm gets government bid varlan atseclalet f can- ads ltd grea tawn has baan awarded a eentract in the amount of 14991330 for rwe items ef electron tubes by the depart ment ef de fense production it was an neunced this week by hslten mp landy best cr mcneilly did not chanae hit stand m th vela but mayer saroant and cre brawn and ceck sldad this time with ike reccindart t tmoelh th troub led waters of municipal affair dtseuuion will not end or the mattrr rollowinf ihe ole an km menon baxraae mo turn was unanimously carried to have lt eoouuiuce submit before tnmtnltteeof fleie fey raeomwftdsuah and study much of the evening was rep etition of the pjt two weeks with ratepayer roy warwick ii n msrtn itrn hyde har rison wood and john henlej lxpoundinc previously stated views a new voice was that or mrs h liedlrr president of georuetown llatr payer assr- istion who after statinf that he wa apeakinc for herself and not for the association launched a bl is ten rig attack 00 works superintendent r blieh maintain itself also a new speskcr was den nu cartwrisht who proposed that house building be allowed only after a school li built and paid for by e tubdlvlder all services installed and an asaejav ment from s new srea fiuxressv trrd capable of maintaining it self for several years to eoraav my proposal would mean eav pantion at no cost to the town end ou could encourage tndu trial location by providing r imbusrments for subdivldearg when it romes he said much the nssmtusj i ed httt whi fcl i kaijdy iwamlt omm eemmlwss msshii u ms affrnaa wbult tke f ftaj by4aw ajwandmsnt was dlscuee ed cr cock stoutly denied uut he had done anything saturday morning other than ulldnjf te the works supertntendeat aexl having bin type the uai eoupae of pages u his aftarnoon hrht on saturday mortung did cr cock meet with cr uekewy mayor sargent cr brown sir nhffh mr tuirstow ur 11- lap wss the question poseel by former msyor ilyde chalune te dlsetrev xir hyde aald reeve fullott v had been told when ha phoned mr cocks home that wornitisj that he was it a meeting la the municipal building bet j continued on page id aftovii thft cast of operatloi this orvei a ppjause the audience jlluipi fiullu ailed deyrilrjhfi t toiikuwjji i ak rtrlhor- n atlfielmusiciiini 7 the flraticrilriil end wliriilfteflolsmitrur inlu number mr gwje tylm ju linage w fha studeht prlhai mejueiy w ri 4tevairaitftv m