Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1962, p. 2

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v rooo raicn ippcctivi aphil it it ii 14 w mr h blah to limit quhln pu joow itolo council deliberates then squelches controversial motion whity sutssvt w f huntlat mayo doug sargent and councillors tut harrison and bob mcneilly ponder a problem dur n0 heeled committee lemon in th committs chambers saturday this saturday teuton led io bitkteck ng at ova fcvgulsr monday mailing where council paued a motion rescinding their motion lo amend the ajieismenl rat o by law mvklch would hev begun land release action in the delrex subdmi on dorse ymca program continued from page 1 sortalen and use reenun made recommendation ooahaaalr result id between larry maughan p a talk with graphs on results oi a questionnaire sur conducted last year among tfeucurea and adults and don tumminud result oi actios lo bring ymca to georgetown was the auoa of two yaart oi by a dedicated croup of and woman who called ilva the interfiled cit group chairman armstrong spoke ulariy of don parker i lnttstor of a move to pro- l wuaink recreational activ re for ywnif people ha explained how after ifal meatlnffi the icg con 1 i pubhe meeting a year at which a questionnaire was approved since tours oi work have been at compiling results and ring the need for what the will offer awrvay results war a coed juf of all but the hloh hj wrblti taor efattoh explained larry with returns in us u0 end 1 i tsw vrfwaiitlt unfehun- tk mjt tcheel survey jletruutd during vam ertj nat onoueh answers relvel to provide pre- itutln kw facilities deelrad by aiwarlmfl qimtlonnslret an liuloar swimming m ivm puyfreunda thaa- i isj a v proa rem and all ms war that a y could ii m fraat need far district don parker amid that a pro- for firls li moat import boys art fairly well look aitar for team sports but art many needs to be not presently available nt swimming facilities will j unable to meet the demands th next faw years he feels and playgrounds are for subdivisions which sfer llttla privacy movies for tit war indicated as ome- tbtas wanted in tha survey before recommending t h e pnsrm which was adopted vac freeman mentioned two lotfaar which ha felt mifiht be ma one wbicbwfeuld jt 10000 yearly would be ltoff a fulltime secretary ltm other costing 2500 would lb it us local leaden with an occasional visit from a nelflh bowing y man the 3 000 pro be felt was the best for tb town at present members pay bulk monty would coma from nbarship fees possibly n iwuhaej municipal grant and fees igor dj programs he said itrfeiua1 that memberships tld account for a large bulk c the revenue be uoyd whin who had belabouring towns ex- 1 that the ymca la not in with other recreation it helps if such ligrocsp alipa and if a program tt too big for the y it turns it over to ucb i group he ajd itsewln detuiftht hvmr a merles wea ha to the prosenf ico commit- nv interim board i jowr to increase the ten re to a maklmum of y sarvlne am the beard dom farkar mm croamehf aauobin mtt lbyd mr i ltoyd whaitotti trutn maclararv walter bletih hblmorcerteiv county budget 980 per capita ye tb evaraee haltan rati dant utt what daas tha cevnty caunclls 3 vw ooo budoat maant thar era aporenlmataly 114000 rasidants in tn yn- ty tb nlir papulation la baujid to rslw tl4j5u f th tejal caunty anpandilur an a mill rale ef tlx mills based en their 1m1 euess- mnt this means each man warns n end child in haltan was his ceunry cavarnmant 9 10 this year residents f the flv north ualton munuipalitiat have an additional f 1 cants pr capita t rait this yaar to pay off ttutitendlng dabantviras an the new acton georgetown and milton high schools tha total payment of fit 5 035 is du this year with tha total amount levied egaintt th northern towns and town ships fortunately fer haltea res idents tner ware surpluses in bath the general and reads accounts last year thes surpluses contribute 11 co par capita toward the cost of this years budget ace of 73 yttn she jnoke to die iroup for about 43 minu ten this evrninj u somethlnj mr lluiudalt a itiuwme div injfi trainer uiil 1ol rtmrm ikt next sunday tlnre will be the uun rriiur if holy coin iiiunj n in tin i mtrti i hurch a ihr 10 nv rv i in lim sn k an tint of the ibou r for juno mriowan held i t art i llarlh ihr nlmt of cattirirr v jr i ji mmed slir wn ritliilcs with carol so mm rarfi mornbv 40000 days work in winter projects an enthusiastic gathering of some 73 people in iuirhnlf on k uons club hal tail thundj heard lnfonnal spcrchrs and a pinel diwruiiion hcadrd by sandy licit llalton s federal uember of parliamrnt and piut apeikrrs john it ham ilton m p york west and bob mcdonald mp hamilton south a work preacts mr best told the moating that sm w winter works pro- lcts had provided 40000 man- days ef work in helton during the past three years he stated that th government bad taken many strides in various fields but that in th end taxpayers must realise that they have to pay fer various improvements and services bobby mcdonald former ti cat football player discussed housing and municipal aid pointed out the interesting fjet that the ienernmrnts funis under thr national housinc ait had increaid from 100 million dollar to two billion dollars in the past fis r jrars this plm lower down pamrnts on houv m had hruught about a trr mendoita surge in construction the irelet canada has i r seen matt vigorous john hamilton former depu ty leader of tha hout ef com mens and en expert aviation lawyer stated that th coming election might well be th most vigorous in decades that canadas image ionelly had improved in recent years and that our country had gene from a position purely as an intermediary to an independ ent power with vigorous end thoughtfully stated views hornby pupils take prizes at festival i trtuuti i to tip pupiu of horntis i uhl c school who di 1 so hi 11 at tl t music frsm ml m itp kwlr 11 11 ji i uctl i r is 1 he rli r t k tir i u i rung ihi i up as did tin il ublc trio w in thr cup man pi tt id u j sn nd f ir thi 1ki j cliank d s imrrs solo andlljunnv 1 rslu jn hi ixt fr the he saidlf mrs internet t0- s it limit r r jht tar of a li lull mi i u ujs x ii n i in hit iirls ells of elr i t srarfc and limit r imna kinj tj n and jirouiline hindon ti t k sfsoiul in thi ir dm t don na also o third m the girlt solo twrlsr an i mr mrs mrv hiim v is the pupil s music l jt h r the v a laihts of st stpph ins anglican hurch just tin i hrd uniting a quilt at the home of mrs li uinl itradlrs a utck jjo nim th y are hut work i iik at a quill at lie home hohert orr 8v wujwj fancv tomato juice oku h sunt niblet5 corn 6 j tynn vauiy hmvij krtlh peachss or pears 81 uibvi our mown beans pork 6sf isa margarine 5 a oold mini oh vitamin c oranges j s 5100 tomatoes u inro 2ii cauliflower uvk z lettuce vithlyst 2 29c 29c rmlv 400 in bnui tap with llbbv fincy is w fruit cocktaii km loa doo food ft loa cat food j pwl fr cup di instant miiko lb v klhntx tissui j 6s1 rkiv 3 00 in bonui tapai with r0 or nippy i ei isa cheese slices poi in bonus tapes canada 10lb p i i potatoes no cr bj 34 fnn appla farmhouse pies charry blotr rsyal cuatt small link i small link sausage pi extra a total op 38 4sl 1251 1251 4sl camaoas hnut ku and uuf uano u1p all steaks and roasts 77 bollam bav comunation of 1 x tablerite wieners i mablerite bacon tu i ui- 1 tablerite bologna all po 1 frhly oruvj uicid minced beef 39ib pork liver in yoasat auc loa apple juice loa choice peas liuyt spaghetti loa evaporated milk oold sial sockeye salmon loa instant coffee instant nestles quik loa magic liquid detergent 2 white swan whila pink yal coloured tissue tlm far 4 7 is at tlna far 6 ii i 8 2 hi lint far 2 tall tin far 10 r lar far 34 cantainara far twin paki f far loa lucky draw a f lavient s msullmy craic arol houdrn fillril crlrn mm j atkliiiii uillun carnihnl tin ia liir mra a i biru lampltil ihi iihmi tho ion anil mrs i- lrcnarrii fur lunch llir tiiilltll 2 llurnb link is to tir hrld at thr llarolil home til pau ami ijnda son rril hoik hush o mil uorkman of and brothrri glen williams girls leaders meet lady badenpowell list week two llttla ffirls tnvelled by bus with other representatives from milton acton and district to the guido rally in lxhibiuon park in tor onto diane giles was privit eged to represent the brownie pack and betty sarflent the girl guides of the villase it was a thrill for the girls to sec lilly lie den powell the world chief guide and listen to her peak for about 20 mlnutei to them two glen rangers bar bara hilts and marjorle han cock aa well ai guide leader mrs g hiiu accompanied the younger girls diane wu thril led to be close enough io touch the lady of the evening on monday evening the un ited church women met for their monthly meeting in the fellowship room of the church the president mre w ever- son was in the chair final plans were made tor the cater ing on saturday with mrs w wheeler and mrs 11 htncotk as conveners plans were die cussed for celebrating the chur ch anniversary tn may in the form of a smorgasbord a story wu road by mrs c birth of the mission boats that serve the fishermenln small coves and lntilsni along the western coast lino bread eneese and a cup of ten wajaeivednbjnhrrtr p waia- staffe and mrs f englcby the ladles served a turkey dinner to the sucits at the lonffstrtrt mcgowan wedding on saturday evening the anglican ladies had very successful luncheon last thursday it wu a new ven ture for them but proved to be a very rewarding one ai thev served about one hundred and thirty at their noon meal they plan another one shortly the old givelh away to the new so it waa last week at the postoflice our postmsstcr received a more modem date stamp and from now on yoijr letters will be stamped with am and pm aa well as- the date it would be interesting to know how many letters that old type stamp had dated of all varieties spring mut surely be here frogs were heard for the first time last weak in a swamp neir the village last monday evening brown oufl d iitmtdalc attended a dinner ht 23 prince arthur ave toronto for all ontario train ees and tamp advisers f or brow nies and girl guides the highlight of the evening was tho jrhti maoung elosej with prwlegirrtonibttirnowatct rayra dainty luneh olirult shake- tiandawlth lady baden bread ebeese anda cup of ten powell who waa spandlag three days in toronto despite her ijii uilnrsiu uic milton i ir truck woa ullid to help cxtineuish a ri ii lire mi the proprrtj of mm it king thr rail frncp ciiiktit on fire and wa spreatttni rapidly until ihr i return arrived leo houio had another close rail a speeding car coming front deortetown failed to atop in tjmekj iriday night crossed en the ircc s bun ruining s vmall tree and stopped at thr hack of thr homr so one was injured in the car ilirtliday grectinci to farl mcdowell on april 15th to kor ne sue lcannont deeffrey drew flrook jr and to mrs john br fljlui on april 18th hornby teen club hold an other successful dance at the orange hall on saturday even ing chapcrones wrre ward brownndge mr and mrs tdm bou nficld mr and mrs james snow isabel duisell sailed to eng land on thursday where she will spend ten days then aha will go by plane to western europe and back to scotland the tour will last for five weeks the ladies of st peters cb urch held their last euchre for the season at the north tra falgar community centre on saturday night mrs johnson won first agnes dent won second with mra mer- cure getting the low prize for the men f babcock was first dan kirk was aecond and jaek mccarron won the low pnlxe lorraine bussell and albert mercure won the lucky drawa lunch was served by the ladies barbara break waa tnstesi for the fifth meeting of the hornby north 4i horn em a king club oh saturday the roll iratrtrartthswbpeitbythb teri member present kothrwdenv onstvation lyndelearmontand carol fewtretv stuffed prunes victor hall was 193 county warden llalton lounh uarden in 1017 victor hall died a hl it ft 2 hornby home on march 20lri lie had hern prominent in trafalgar townihip politic culntinating in jm rlrction uarden uhile nerving on counl cruncil as trafaljar reeve spaclalliad in jerseys george and sarah ann halt he was born on 1ot 11 concession 8 and succeeded his futher on the home farm where his son george liter joined him in the businet they special ize in jeney catllr he had been a director of llalton mutual 1ira insurance association for msny years he leivcj his wife t valine stark five children victor jr of milton george at home mrs of toronto and stsnle of it it 2 streeuville the lat ler ha been llalton s provincial representative in the legislature ince i ml bethel united llr vvai a member of liethel i nited church and funeral ser v ice on march 1 tat u as con iuctcd by rev john hill three past county uardens llaro i levr feorge curne and j01 eph wickhon were among he honorary pallbearers and poll hearers ucre memtters of the mutual fire association lliom a j itrounndge i trai rrid william llrrckon jim rishcr airx moore and nor man catitelou burial was in kvernen cemetery milton sasiar j ferd rao whan i starlfd hare in 194 it was uit 132000 000 ha said and it still con tinues to increase hetten while it is onlsr las third smallest county in slie has tho hiahett assats- ment in tha province york township if iff had retained its original boundaries as a county would have been tha only county to top halton halten has tha second high est population today assessment multiplies by 7 in sixteen years heltons currant assessment ef 232453411 is ust seven times hither than it was h years ape according to as- 0urwihg weekino sicialt friday nd saturday vanila slices lemon slices cocoanuycremk lemon pumpkin pies 55tea mih tvtty dtyputlng lanl hot cross buns 6qc dot i 5c0tchzbakery phonetrf7-34s1- ipacul dlicabnl lar orqiiiuleau stock reduction sale 20 off gifts glassware english bone china april lllh 33rd crystal dinnerware 9 m 10p m7 bullochs china shop oipnnga at 24 highway its storage tlivie spring weather is friend to your fursl nows the time to protect yewjr coats sfackelt or stoles from the moths heal and humidity placvthem in the cool dry climato of our storage vaults without delay our bonded messenger jvill pick up your furs right el your door frea of chergo vdferb georgetown tr 7191 brampton ol 1axto m 1 outcutedfiinmad in is fm ijjftp tfp

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