Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1962, p. 6

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pler htati photo tea cups and daffodils at cancer society affair mm o m wtfwijhi sealed pourt tea and mitt merqary mackami offers a tray of fancy cakat to vn peg broomheed wife of rha president mrs- j p panabaker and mrs b f wickt at the daffodil tea a tha home of mlslet jean antf margery mackaiuia saturday tha taa it sponsored yearly by lh gwgalown unit of tha cana dian cancer society to initial their campaign for fundi urban board concerned over school building costs opinions differ on use of tranquilizer gun mrtfc tiittaa urtort beard cwultlg f rt frmt cmhulu in m1im grtwm wuj ax cewrad coriu- bu ntwd lest wjajy evening wfcwt toy acln my tktty vtuttoj tuck subts as ug cetntraj fmluulum storl jmfw fuuuutg sjtd wilding rutrlclufu aflug ctolrtmaa cro porj milt suatcmuhlftg fr jutohej mart iarca l mlltaa alerted tto lull railing a mjhail wto to tlsud ttora aggssrad la to quilt dlffoetwttca ubw tto cet f building a separate ukmj agist l buw tctoal explaining to uu to tollavad i to ctt par rfn fat public tetoel wu rated higher increased coits lone suggested increasing the rmnl nwnton diuuuml ttopn of di k tj councillor iruntud costs f building lam me no n quipped if you real rtoiuftd tgrd u wee to wanlto hatt someuuntf ttot tctoaj toards cuur i suggest putting price uk uk at tto elc tu jjunil ly on eat he reported tfiat geor feagtfewh um to toj fetowni method of collecting efeeitsd tto dapt f educat- money from dojj tags seemed to lm at ene una regarding plant w utoi addltuns and had uemed tto department tod on ly in plan available for wm ream utoej dating back to tto iwcl jack charlton told the mem ton to tod toird it i tiled tjuka often thit tto government atould bear tha entire cost of ttw schools if this happened w would lota out they would fculld schools whenever they pud he uid tbe mulon representation wu of tha opl ttlon tha government thou id do fj0uthlb about uniformity in uurlei ititini it must be a field day to be a teacher i would like to see lomethlns toort done on thit level stavat off building lea duby acton reviewed bow acton ttavim off a high frehool build i on procram thli year jim brown of george town ausirejted a deferred bull ding program thii year meant wftor labour coits and higher material rosta next year jin emmerton georgetown auffeated perhapa tha board ol education thould comlder building achooli on the plan of motels lie stated that if the buildings were erected in a u ghipa around the outside of the lot with the playground area in the centre there mlgh bat lets feaatntanance costi and would ertinly allow better supenis- lon i feel tha architects who dei ifn achooli are getting away out of this world there are too many frills which make the coats mount he emphasised frank prouie acton sugges ted perhaps we should go into more competitive bidding ior architects dag control pcattfa prout sparked a ajrhiy discussion on doa contfol toti to askad what ebmtlon la ttora to awlnllg tto doe cfanalaua and armlna hlwlh v j frawtullisar ttunr aav kmmorton rep had that bctlen had toan racalvfid by oaratowtt eouncll from tavaral ratapayars and to par- aaialrf had baau platiuad with eamnplalnta fr days soma v- aaa hiratand w ha ttahd mr pioiue remarked the gun would b uad only u a last yaaoitlf a ttary dog could not be caughl coiinclllor emmer- aiited c wai poutble the eontrol bffleer mig o xaniuw hl authoritv mr prooae hfreed that this was oil would haw to b kept under i aijruiia to put ibmdffrjmna- work quite satisfactorily mr chsr ton listed uilton was pay ing out more on coits than they collected on the tags chairman lurdy suggested if the fee for dog owners to re trieve their animals waj doub led from the present w the town could share this amount equally with the dog control of ficer in this way tha per son who buys a tag and looks after his dog is protected m he said dot taa smart rex cock georgetown told members the ultimate aim is to catch scavenger does and it is almost impossible tiry are shrewd and know all the trickj of tto trade ha remarked he took exception to tha dog con trol officers suggestion to geor getown council to raise the price tag on a female animal i have one myself and it is trained not togo off the lawn snd if we go along with the increase it is penalizing an owner for training his animal he said jim brown georgetown ag reed and told members he ow ned a female dog which was also trained to stay in the yard about twice a year it might wander oot of the yard but it is unfair to think it can t an swer nature s call he said board members agreed to in vestigate every possible channel and will contact the humane society regarding a tranquil li er gun enquiries aro to ba made regarding the appoint ment or the dg control officer as a apecial constable shah term financing bob ucnellly opened tha dis cussion on abort term loans when ha enquired if it would not be possible to save on tonic interest by taking out short term loans from loan compan lea he noted that during the period of time when a new council takes office until the first instalment oivtsxw is due councils usually have to borrow from the bank for vperatins ex pease mr charlton stated ha bel ieved the method of short term loans was excellent for big cit ies when a considerable am ount of money was involved in big projects but he didnt think until towns would have aultl dent volume to obtain dis counts frank prouse told tha board that acton council had adopted a method of setting up a res erve budget for working capl adopted tha policy and it was working sausactorily uudlnej bylawa chairman purdy noted the 3 towns had different building by laws and questioned if it might to feasible to have a mora uniform system he dis cussed a possibility of setting up a system whereby depart ment heads in each town might conduct a school every six months in order to exchange ideas members agreed there was some merit in the plan and aujj geitcd the board make a perio die review of builnris corwluc ted in order to stiesi mulls tree planting members touched anca again n tto traa j anting stragren ms xumrua said until a law yaara age acten milton and cargtwn war tto tost tsvaaaad communities a far as tiaaa were concerned a pro gram of tree planting is going beautify our communities again to ststod he noted that a lot of trees had fallen by the waside in acton during the pait few years and remarked how beautiful the approaches to town used to be ha was told that acton council had set aside a budget for a trea planting program but further steps toward this had not been taken to date members present for the meeting included jack chsrl ton uilton irsnk prouse krsnk toth les duby llamil ton peal acton bob mcnelll jim brown rex cock george town chairman george purdy uilton secretary boss pearen uilton mendedby board members for their actloil- another method of raising capital early in the year was to illowdiscounte oo taxes- paldwl thin i eertalnper g halmaon construction of rock wood was awarded tto tender for the supply of 10 000 yards of gratel at 83 cents yard spread on roads 40c stockpiled and 44 cents at the pit one wner tender v received at 1 3d insurance on tha township hall was renewed at 9 500 g road superintendent grant ucmillsn was drtrgsted to attend o two day road school in toronto in may 1 name mrs matthews president of institute ho a hlubm ss lunry st- la tha ne pnsldut si oeargaiovisa womans lani tat wfck otw imnit the to aoccesd tin w ilaftea wuao on april 4tfa tha wl held tu umul la xx church lull tin freak lb acted u ehabmau when tha nomuiatldk wmmhm uti hra thamjjjbh and mr ygvd arnutroatf pret ested the elele bth vril ee protest scrap yard for nassagaweya a 4l4tame petltieit submitted to nauasaweya council mon day evening proleited the pos- lib erection of a copper tcrap rd in the nonhfrn lection of the township althoush there hai been no firm indication to date that anyone wanta to lo cate one there feme mentha eee a arm be- ban a copper ecrap operation eltewhare in the towpihlp but the company wji atopned by council recently rejldenti in he vicinity of lot 20 conceal- ion 4 on the guelph line mile north of brookvllle be came alarmed at rumors the firm would re locate there a doxen reildenti handed in the petition on monday proteiting this relocation however councillor told the delegation there hid been no official requwt for toe company to locate there and if the com pany did apply council would probably not approve tha ap plication the aame deleaalle alto aak- ed council to ut up a ret- trlcted area lend ute bylaw to prevent undetlrabie eetab uthmantt from locating in the township in other business monday nassagaweya council learned the township hall at brookvllle wu untult able for a banquet permit to serve liquor as the facilities did not meet the standards 6f the liquor licensing board of ontario j approvidtha shares of budgets 31s to the uilton sire area committee hornby bantam baseball bun feed the hornt binum bawhal club hid a bun herd on mt ur uv tiiung march 31t at tic orange hall j hn simpv n managtr of tha ti a n ih ui 1 films to the boa and their father jjjiisk llamil oo pruionted wlne pmk n uithlhe i flcirncy auarl llarnld bobion head coach of the team presented the follow ini awinl m vst improved play a dick marshall hot batting average john ippa rbi trophy don chlslw lm firld ing atirage kin o nrill rarn- ed run average brian lruriwk kinnrlh o nrill on behalf of the team prevented gifls to mr impioii and mr llotwon for their leadership and time hot doc pie ice crram and soft drinks urre really enjord by all the lunch was served b the clubs executive a letter received by alfred brigden treasurer of hornby community park in regards to ifovernment grants reads as f 1 lius march 27th 1062 mr j t white treasurer twp of trafalgar ont it gives us pleasure to en close a cheque in the amount of 32 005 00 which represents additional share of the dovrrn nunt of ontario in the cost of your athletic fields in the am mints as designated hornby 003 00 palermo 11100 00 we are glad to have nsrticl patrd in these worthwhile pro- jecti and tnut ui chequa may indicate in a tangible way the interest of the ontario gov ernment and tha ontario de pjrt ment of agriculture in pro viding facilities for community atctivitlcs a surprise kitchen shower wss given in honor of miss carol hull bridetobe at the home of mr and mrs clifford hunter last tuesday evening tliirty five ladies attended what turned out to be a real surprise to carol sherrin bujsnu brenda rob ertson and alleen ilarrop as slated carol in op nine her many gifts congratulations to mr and mrs oage laurscn on their wedding anniversary on april 7th mr and mrs howard bradley were guests at a birthday dm ner party given in honour of mrs thomas appleyard at her home in silverwood on sat urday afternoon happy birthday wlshea to lynno hill on april 5th to hoy may on april 0th to geo- itrcy drew nrook on april 6th to bob m unlock on april btli to richard leslie who will be thro on april oth to donna a waters on april 10th and to followlntfkevn howden who will be three on april 11th tort offfco anra wuwt la towirpjy ifawf jnrt dn um let nujj ms c tf hmwkiut 2nd vlm kmkumnsj mr jaiapsi thum fcexrvfory traaokirawi jvuaa llwv4 conicv- totc i i tvotmiicovl ms w wusmc diorut dlrtktm mrs v kawiamt altvcnaito asvs jfwib evteji puuu i- tlaauj mr k y paul ad mr urn tkahnsusmii g4nists mrs uu ad mrs c lrg mv ruorhf and canadian inditotrus mrs a i to ft llvlng- stme and mrs frod arm- fttvw chkawmklpt cad frd4ka tun mrs welter vvans and mrs aaua macwr klstorual rtini mrs it r roaintn and mrs r y aul tona sxan- smu and toil hi mrs nrmn tnydr tufa and skuttni mrs km ttirt mrs turt pal dmt mrs c h mwtuwe hatp- ing tond conunlttoaj ms c r raunavan mrs ri pat mar audlurs roll call was a sample of cookies snd their recipr- urs v rsviton gavi a rejx rt of the dutrict meetinif she had attend in milton and announ cement was mads of the ji trlct annual- at boston i reib terlan church on may 22nd prlsas far pupils nve dollars was voted to the children s aid societ thr w i again this year present i prises for high ttandint p 1 kinette ladies attend conference in dtindas recently memriars of the kinndt dub of georgetown wre in dundas te attend inter club cmiferenee for district l zone a bhtm et rhel ndt is one ct the mahuxhle cvpled tor office by the ueu lot the kiolt year whan pree- uents rhort an thehr club ac- irltue lisia ytf wy one at the uut aueccmful aurb ue lbf with 100 ladle represent in- 14 clu auaedlng the din ner at tha mlhitu rmtanr- ant atleodlbg wiu kneueot ijrs dean yaylor wwe atve ueg lllrtioi ilnt ceorte sak- er urt sack utxnui aire lurry levy tire treves lleor n un sid altera lire bob riltttk and mrs hem kid dlelon kinette tue the annual klnstte dance u plsnned for the klvlera in lly ami this yaar proceeds will be allorstmi for an educational truu fund for tha local hiib school tlrkets sre avsllabla by phonlnf tit 743m 4173 41 m or 1244 hornby steering fails on water wagon sincere sympathy is extend ed to mrs victor hsll snd family on the death of victor ii ii sr on march 2chh ijidd e a pet dog owned by f rji t se mut have been tnis- t km f r a fox came home j urday with an injury that ipl ared to be a tullet wound vi ttie present time the dog in ha street iwlle animaj at tha kigh achool members hupitsl were asked to donate tviit doietl cookies for the ilaltni on uednevday william nell manor auxiliary toisar and ui n of ilillsburg and robert next monh kril on of rand valley engln- a vote of thanks was extrn rcrod the raiting of a barn on dad to miss luena campbell for l f of james bald arutnlng the year at secretary- treasurer when mra kitclv mr j it ii mrs i sampson moved to king city other rr jr d mrs a marchmrnt attend- llrlng officers were also thank jrd the preabtenal executive ed for their ear s work nireling or the icw aumapitv lunch and a social time con croe church on friday miss cludenl the meeting llidrruood a missionary from acearesi ess furvnigli fufsat apnak af tuamisry morritnst tto atmrlng tcok la doug lutjav water toulagj truck on tto aetehgro sldcrtwd bar norval doug vs badly atokea up and tto tnick txmmm wms twisud torood repair tto uornhy watasrwacoais back 1st with r driwr dlttereot tnidl covtfxtti bstava mtsuanw u34d stoadoravn pe1 nd top toft stoh wostki- e tom haines e th oioatoarrewn hikald thrdey aavil hel pag pp bob edwards plumbing 8766951 i5rikhfdr vonuulatico tsv lawn camc araciallaitsi htilizeh kacommandadby lawn care specialists like john braritiaw sogreen a balanced formula ol fjitrooen phosphorus and potash olvaa you a qrttntr healthier more beaut ful lawn rlom through ihaarowlhalaiion homooenlwd for uniform resulta dustieas odourless o fan u las tor easy application om sale mow wharwvar you buy your lawn supplies oickdiyown wood products custom millw0rk une1t hofmann custom millwork churches schools offices residential 17 maple avenue lau tr htf ittel -horhiho-tvhmh- 7knbflks ted mutan members noted thetlo conservation authority and 106 to the crelld olver cen- ervauon authority the 10 mile- creekbudget was held dendlnroceldfo furtbei-ln- liiany a guy has the hablt of aaylnk well im jolntf to teuyoa rne wo w telllog the when you have a particular problem that requires the precise match of truck to load get a chevrolet when f v x jjjx1 you run a truck operation that leaves little time for maintenance and practically no time for repairs get a chevrolet when i r you want drivers at peak efficiency- relaxed in comfort- king cabs get a chevrolet when you carry loads that require careful handling and when you need maximum space get a chevrolet when a 10wc0st truck operation is vital to your business get a chevrolet chevrolet trucks arebestforyou aeaetnlftumvabe sft v authoka cmufjaiijljt l 6 sure to tat bonanza on hj cbcjv nafworlc mach sunday chuck your heal luing hr cfianw and mm arthur scot motors lim 61guelphstreet j

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