Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1962, p. 7

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lite tvs bard said the grass isrizr now that ol soi ins unaaimooily ouipomaad ou man winter jn thair annual batlur for rha tapp hand in c4nduloru it is tima again lo trip qauy across aw meadow corolol you don i loto an oocnno mad martially that hit of springs hafbtnojmt- rob ooojs carded mo lira and the suth wrm pa fc from tke dapths of winter s gloom arvd ramnd las nn be xatling mosquitoes as they ligkl in two and thr am oor glistening forvhead at right a iwn and bajow li i in a fwlct bear out tl calendar and luonw at at i and finally spbimgi adrienne nurse is ighschdolqiieen br dtaaa barsaefaa tne om mln wi nylno- al vaa aaaat tolnly a naanaarahaa ant far many atwianre and fltaiv puaata a nenartw ran ine nirnanal itaraw ball fee tfcaxa ame yaarma a yaudi f rhe orunf trhlck stan way la an array of nm aaana ana an a af anckanhaam aiei by mn illnah oacnratuna- tna many kxtoa waril tank wwa u unw eanleetniltna atfact u haeked and hw atxd- tnae helpe amrer lw canranjund iijmt pvjunia bd a lijde aa tka aiudeau tiay ibawf around hstus- wl0 tie wain uhamlnaw ry salt st i letu ovayfcaad tni down h and lanterns creating a newl of couna use turcnatlfcii waa chana ta aba fanxuisr- auditor- the paramount tnaoiant the rum a bun rafttxtefltatlan of quean mlu adrianna nurse mount saijiama tainted by on 1 linad lovely 111 fw hawing at the studants overlookaj ibejwblta tbuytm drras ii ta- aodatand and ufa dance haw ward for tit artive ecnool tlfa tha madam aims provided iiki wall hntd popularity wsj aitvllaot tmiaie fey dihtinf the erawoine canasoay whan and loera war aoe wallnowersjahe was cdwlilly mada royalty evtgyaoa an bp dahrthg lo tha i by hat year i queen karen amootls utiaic and the twlitjnokon and whau aba atood was fco tdaaaaht eharkya not cradling fur twautifu rvd tlia tnoai protnlitafrt dance no rotfi imaminil and radiant una 44er4 to tairtd vry roucri all in all tlw formal was as slnca tba waks aad tiiafox trot i lrcst a succks as it could aver war avary bit aa enjoyable i be and will be ramemberad as even efr uanarrs lllie supreme facul tirn d tba taaehara aaenird to have schoal year district news at a glance motel- restaurant planned at milton a 12 un 1 motel wiih rtiaurant will b erected on no 25 h ghway near m iton prov ded ciquev ng townih p am endi it bjuting retrict ng by law it w d iclowed at equev ing townih tp council meet ng monday n ght mr j powo 1 tlw owner ol the proposed motel ppr ed before council teelcing a building permit tba plant itvow 12 umti georgetown men present music for manor folk mainnr n rj ilallun cuun nrfnttrr at aa ihrv t ftivrmt i u i un n im ornl trie mji i n u llutus t 1 u ily munel irtvoupauut say thank an evanino uurimtwalaj mucm au pr mr a u ij cj on reatdanlt en saturday vnlia march 341 mk ym urn lv i r n j imuticiant frm gerslttwm and uuu uan to mot h to tr fun i ii to t i ilw play a vary niyau pnartm i ttt aalafami ti ewtv oun uiani and thalr inlrumahla mi ft sfcfaew mr r urtal plana mr g raw druimc mjkv k itfw cduv ii from caeroalown and mr dm marrm vm m h i tw j tk riidant mr h vwara wih j mr jmii u i a ran with tha trap druma p4ayd hth laitiymiah m mi the mutical numbers i ftaallme band the proiiram dlspijynl ureal of i r f inn h when it divovrrrd that lhil tr di vvi jrul anne s s birthd tu luppy m rll ijv one a minj or h r also thii c h erful little i i r arnl amu hruui lit a viv fmijhirui hrlhli parly u i cluc a par ttiat v ill t i a rrmrmln r l not only by in sl n h n ur but auu each 20x14 and a d n ng room 60vt 30 the motel it let back 135 feet from iho highway why turn down e 150 000 bu idmg in e location that do buimeil op nd coun george curne it looki good to me fi concltkjed l 1 1 ok w th me added coun w imham ai long at the dept of health ap prove after mr powo i obta ni dept of health approval m ending the by taw will be com dered aj bulltilnff fmrmlta valued at not tnat cud 11u movir you tvlioid u vjid hitve ilinl were vtry a tract ivr but it a nut reuun able to iv urn- all trailer eampi nrr trut cod in aixswrr mr ouiver vaitl ur rf nikinj anjhr hbo 000 in the property hii year o we re not irtttn in any junk kuch trailer haa to be vaiued at a minimum of 0000 council will rounder the ap plication for a truler camp flintier and gie an answer at the next mrrtinc plan attendance up ulr anety it trwludod folk song bki pop goes the weasel tones of the early 1000 s such met t me in st iuu and a lexandrrj nag time hand and a numikt of reliction from famoiu musical cumnlm am oiiii them tea for two and a nudley from the student pnn ce lopular fconip from tin van alley wort also included mr shmhsnle played three tolot on the manor a own elec tric organ thee were a re quest numlht a mien in the ham and two mcrcd numbrrs hlow rial thou art and blci thu house love muiic mrs 1 flayer who n almoit totally blind and mr chalut rrovtul thrir love of mime and dancmk and tht r good aporta- lmnslup by dancinj two waltiei to y accompaniment of the orchentm mrs a mckee of the office committee staff supervised the lervlnfi of tea rqltcc and cookie for a aociav hour that broujrht this vtry cnjoable musical eveninfi to a close h mr troll mjdr thr pnn iti n of thr hrxi me tt 1 vis on sit to kerr ln 1 ip r j rr i ntini the v nor u vjt i a id mr inni cn rrjm riil i the nun rt i d it mr i lull is milr a held ea friday eur mrch pmh of ccrptj ice on hi half 1 30th for all tlkvc reuileah of xi yum ian anl him f whose urtlulays fall in ikr matt- urcrn 11 i i a o v ke hnrfu th of uarrh w very telth remmni i n hie lu ur rk of ful event mo only u avreount is- unt iirr llr adt s ai 1 of ute very exretlet eater thinking thrm for this lint k it uinment prwrviid but auo on for the ma or mr mb n i account ol lave pxesevutie i jrrrl h pt r n 1 thinks th h the niidinls as crimp mlhoiiaah thre wire 19 rest ttrtits eligible to sit at the eid tihl onl riht i lr to roinr i thr partj 1 i t so wirr mrs i imier mr slit pp nt mrs a howard mi s 11 mitealf m s ka hill and m vsrs s ltarstuck j llile and ii itojrrs discussion period for church builtilnfl ermlta valued at cj 9s060 were issued in fuut- at phyer bervicc mo tewnshlp during march the march mcetinff of unit bultdfno tnspmter wm hull d of sn johns united church told liquating council all women wa held in the church permit wr- toe residential prlor lat wednesday evemnc cemlruttien i mrs mrcumber presided for the meetinu in the absence of mr j ollivrr of twn 1 akei hr president mn 0 armiuce revelopment returned to oun the divouonal wi given by cil monday night hnnfiing a mr mccumber the theme huge aerial photograph of the belnit lent mrs g w he 40 acre resort he emphav i rg read the scripture from j ued thit the area vn a rei ijke fl the drvotional wat ort and the propoted trailer closed hv a poem 11 only take camp jutt a very small section a minute followed by a prav of it jrr mi hilda frwin wsj plan he showed the location of a it for the evening mrs a c mure small airport and a golf mcllnde reported on friendship coure if eruce is available on the question of establish ing a trailer park mr olliver tub bomattowm htaalb ttturftdey dtaprll l2hv ltu page 7 mm7ai ivfomiewff group hejilome tteuntsaai set for the men a euawikiac roeam while the aodieere imbhng in the aodalonun he- for the prosraea t- mi 1 spnnger played a rental of light elsxucaj eaisuc on the electric orsaa march awmubya describes growth the scriee of sermons based on the lives and writings of some of the great authors who u rote tht rooki of the new testament wus continued by kev j l graham at the church service on sunday afternoon march 25th after reading the first four- tocn vines of chapter 1 of the acts mr graham deliver ed an informative sermon on this very important part of the bible the outstanding fact about the acts is iti description of the iirowth apd progress of the karly christian church start ins in jerusalem ravelled to many countries and eitlet end finally to rome and is now to be found in all parts ol ute world every race st luke waa the author of this book and its heroes ere fetor and paul the book em phwlzou the fact that ute iso i tv ni i cji p t t f tht pro im u4 thrn rt ni i at compjn il at the p n b mr lttckir whi plid tht p i no for avll thr ni i ic il selurt oi s thr pro nn in her o t vro rnl r fi lion and li il h thr tinr i trt s ft tint mn il sin r 1 mcphill i 11 u the party was a tut ebaii xcllr aiilunrr jimd ln of ilalton uapor and iult sm f flvluntf oll i manor auxiliary mrs s- allen f 11ls ujs r ihe prcssdettt ei the auuliarj h rnuri tri sk t lt nn welcomed the reudents to the hrrp x v urrx party witk tytitl welcoiste kictl2 h m krinp im being exteawlea to tbose wtb p j kllu i march birttulaya ske then handed over the proeran to male trio mrs walter belt the convener mrs licit lil sin a sol of the auxiliary entertaibjneal hn ie is on ihi sntrrow who atutouibre the and later she ind mr walter various pueaben el a procramjrell sjic a dut i lesu a ids to which many persons contra- n orchesra mtdc up of mrs buted their very fine talents lorlie plaiu the piano mr the first number on use pro- u tht h and m utli onm gram was the stmt annie lau and m iivrs the bom pla le sung by the aula quartet ei cd r al lively old tutus the knox prtshyteftaji cburcai in program endel with the same milton toes sinfere were oiidc trio leading the audience cameron wilson keil udhtilj in thr sinking of several fam bill and david loctue aa anliliar hmrw encore uey sane use hymn tch and every tsr lection bid that beautiful land a utile teen enjojrtl very much and a lint a of the st johns un he ti hurch women held its montlilv meeting at the home f mr 1 litimtr 12 market st nn wednesd i ihe prt sidi nt mrs i lj nn r optnid the mtrting with n prav r a short business mtttim wis h n condufttd mr it llr xtmlit i 1 ctmiductid thr ii hie slud mr ii hoi ii r re id a chjplrr entitled i imil i ift fr un the i tit me tuilv signals hor the six us winch u ls followed h a tliscission pi nod in which all m mb r pirtieipited the hostess nerved ct tec and a pit isant meeting wis eon cuidt d with a pr o er and visitation miss hilda fxwin ffsve the llible study ushng ju her theme acknowledged the problem of origin and meaning of pente les for achools vvrth nothinj cot mrs mccumber fntnv to auesa he auggested a 10 duced mr i margeson assist iwr month per unit fee would an director principal of cedar- cover this vale school who gave i very net year hound interesting and inspirational there is no way for this lalk on church and commun money to go lo school costs dj j- the next meeting will be without changing the avsess ment act retored corge curne held on april ibth when mem hers will meet at the church moat of the people wouldn t nnd go in a group to the com be there all year round con hired praer service in the ttnded mr olliver wt have christian nnform church lou of enquiries from the states for the summer it doesnt matter relterat ed mr currte none of the money goes to education co ill cm t it be allotted for that purpose mr olliver re plied we would guarantee pigment a kocial half hour was spent with mn f dron mrs a c mr bride serving lunch that picturi keeping the sons picture on your office desk will help you along the ladder to success especially if it the boss son oaatvttlat v town council weedee to uw annual tcairmet naquakste of the oasjcvalu police tnrrattiwt tshet towns gjrtodasjrides will rvcotva a 15 per eeoc towry boost waaea tnar new agresaudt la rexlsned trtoisieted into dollars aucs n bake would put s first clat c0oible a yearly pay diqtw at jw10 ktmlbtsvlllb suncuy wea wbnu wetor rw 6y ot uw crvdit ruv- r iuxiatxla at p so u tbe tuorthic catsunta frocdoourio ibd pru ot the utf cbuhim a four wile strpmi of lb crbt kivs iii lhe aamial wbh water tkrby for tktxu and kayak lw ktanng point wmvs mccarthy uilhi m tohowto twi two toronto tup cuolruh ion worivm buried in a ravein of a ktutr trenrh oa isle 3 lligltway at fxxie rd knday escaped unoiii injury rllow- wurktnen dug franiicatly to free uw patur wlwii th wtjjs u hm trench eoliitamsil ottangevilli tlie tai rate in orange vlllr this yrir will again be r2 mills for ihibhc icttool supporters cora me petal and industrial property hoi deit will acain pay 88 mills at in luil burlington oer 73 per cent of the dgi in lluiliniton are running ar und without tau janiet green og control officer said last week concerned over the loss revenue the committee re quoted rt ports from the town awrsmjrand ihe cluef con table lajii for mules cost a ft males 10 bolton ijst weekend doiens oi delegates md their wives from in at n y ontario centres flocked to bolton to attend the aone meeting of the itoyal canadian iegion a warm welcome wst extend ed iry heeve wilton downey and the bolton branch prcs- idint john illicit iloka ther will he no open season on deer ln wellington county it uu decided by county coun ril in an unanimous vote the county hat been asked by other counties in the laflke huron dutnet and by the united jtportunen awuietatton 4 the rca lo join in a ave county open seaon aurora one man was killed and three senously injured in a car j ruck collision last week on yonje st just south of aurora dead la roks irvine hi of oak riders in hospital serious- ly injured lt his father m or lev irvine the driver normn lamb of bradford suffered a fractured skull end cuts acton what began as a grass burn ing bee developed into a eer- ious fire and eventually con turned a building housing val uable oil paintings and other items at nit i acton last week the owner alex pringlr an anlen oil painter had just started to clear hit property of dry grass when the flames raced to the building and levelled it in shprt order milton the 500 tree planting program conceived icre where s resident and the town pay jointly for front yard trees has been adop ted at milton millon coun cil instituted the program monday and will spend 200 yoarly on it ianuiwnfl tar ic rtiinff codilloliy jjwtcl saemjabbkac ttbf sauauihifl erffectiw ainl 1 imj j jttj4i it uialortkm a aiuaukt aartaetejl uawflasmr j ii 1vm ptvr ixu4o kisut aivd fuv pj-rrs- ur kuuluou ttritll lacfco- ihiect af fr kfiji uj rate pamris ilsi larlj a fsuaaaw tl tdiuor rfurucii siaj ucfatwj faoats dill lllg tlast 21 yemft tks lit 1rnl sldaflalnt with um tukst ualiun tw nt patisv liivivusfi iiaclulr4 tlvr aulp wm faaiurr tssalu j howard inplh alliiiwr and lion vsjlry nash amd mcdowell hum11no and ruatino wtlar sohanara waaae syanna ib kapalr t alartlmi tr 72842 for dependable sales and service plymouth dodge chrysler valiant fiat fargo truchs inltmaiuml trucks come to maveal motor sales umitsd main st nokth tr 73611 lfcia flohurch f mew women and children of every nationality and colour t b b later in ute procraai tbey un two more kynuu waader child come home and sad on they were mtmpuaed at ute ptano by mrs s lockie y laookiaf eiry attractive in her pink dress carol recited the atnry ol ella rjkslajtv anne hearty round of applause fol lowed bv a hpctca b mrs ai len in uluch sht ih inked mi- hell and all wlio had taken part n the nrognm the guests of honour those wbnse birthdays lill 411 march t qnderjuvre then calbtl upon to t iko their places nt the he id t ible this table looktd most attract mrs bell called on ur s allen the sunerihteadenl of the uanar to come in utn plat form ur aueki explained that a new tttevtftuui set for use mens uttotunjf roow was about lb be preacnted and usafirwaa the pit of use five firt rrjgadea of the county nauely the btirlinjois 0-sdtvtbsj-trajal- car geotateterwa acteu end milton brijtades ttepresenta uvea el all titese hrirades jadei jbad church ef chrmt la a fellowship ten celled to tke plauorvi and ivetaii iniatityuon and thai and they looted very sssartaod capable la uteir da a forms tnaaiawia7eoiarwitc been oar tw puueems were wer- den wilfrid btnl lteete msttlsjaaef oaavjue ww t a n with u hitc linen table cloths crepe paplr ftslnons cut flowers and a birthdav cake wth fancy icing and pink cm die the remainder of tlie residents tat at small tubks erby head bands when the gueils of honour were all seated the iappv birtbdi song was sung for them by all present and they were mecurolcd with birthday bead4unis each guest of hon our received a gift n mrs mary muppnrd hnd thu j f iiitii irsiitji honour of niltlng hie brrthduv cake hefrehluuenth or icti cretni maby fancy cakea tea and eoffoe were servod car or irvlnj room re or bew wtanxat axa yoei tail dftoo save ttmicglatt ktexeat cbaraee too borrow up to tt6tvac ap b 34 vtaibtitlst to pay bacjc your loen fa repdar lortelniont moenw ift iffrhastwr loan tjcatt time yoat deed nwyansj brjoocv oet our tcrttlplait joan skesv cf tomc to tiaesami ejf yow astaatott royal banlc bnuxh royal bank f seal

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