Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1962, p. 8

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peter joaee ptioto even husbands get briefing at prenatal classes th north ha1ton health unit who provide and olfer advice at the weekly claitei lor motherfcbe hnlihed eno- har courte llt ihunday in knox church hall and will immed lately accept new arirolmanli trom ladieiinwiiting tor the new courta which begins ibis evening at the finil clait lait thursday attended by both expectant parents instructor norma oshaa walehei at daty and sandra timleck practice tome ot their new knowhow on a rubber doll c garden service experts say blends best by cnjn uiuliay smith for the average lawn moil xpartt adviia using a blend of variou gre rlhar than individual itemi the mixture fliva much belter reiulh be- caut they contain varieiiei with different and varied tea- ton of growth to thai there wilt be wmething green and at it bail from aprtnn 16 fall such mixturet carefully blen- ded by qualified seedsmen too are more adaptable to varioui type of toil climate and position it is nostible of court e for one to go into a ued store buy several dif ferent types of grasses and make up a mixture just as it would be to blend various to baccos but it ii far simpler for the average person lo pet mixtures already blended dy competent seedsmen in this caie too he will be sure of jotting blends that are espe cially blended for his part of canada to give the best res ults movi with cari and miricoldi coimoi delphin ium ullyhorlu at ifesl 30 inchrs and bmttr four fret away from wll and frncei if one 1 not too miliar with the plants to he crown it is always well to digest he directions and information on the seed parkrt thivre the mature height at wcu u ufc urn of tvuinic and the best location will be uteri w10k vattlety o paths even in imall layouts around the home some sort of palhi are usually required and they ran he made into attractive feat urn with a little care and tanning a winding path of course ii much more interest ing than one that runs straight from one point to another hut curves and turns ahould have some reason like a tree a clump of shrubbery a bench a gate or wall even if you have to put thee thincs trwre deliber ately where there will be only moderate traffic over the walk or path we can use grata il whether it li a douglas fir surprising how much wear we are about to transplant or wlu lf lt ttove or just a 4nch high to plant food once in a while tftato punl to its permanent cflurm r vlrr traffic place in the garden the rules aomeihinif more iuhstbntal will re precisely the tame keep required like flagstones the roots protected u much ai brave cinder asphalt or potubl from the air cover ev concrete jn addition to thwn firmly with as fine soil aa curv round iornejree or pcubl and make sure thatlrubbery a few steps lead- the soil la mout and stays through a rock garden or taulil until the plants get eiup heneh will add interest ublished to ny path thats all there one injured when car hits bridge on friday evening april ftih the bntla on the cast side of the village was the scene of another accident thla time in volvlng local people mr ietrr worthy driver of the car lost control of the car and it crashed into the bridge turning side ways and knocking out a por tion of the guard rail but the car came to reit just brfore going over the steep embank ment mr worthy was unhurt hut a pauenger in the car was thrown from the vehicle and rocnlved a bad cut on the head and a broken ankle bone and was removed to georgetown l district hospital by ambulance mr worthy a c6se neighbour of mrs smlthsona was giving jher a ride home from shopping jthey both live just the other tide of the bridge the presbyterian yps met at the home of keith and tom iaeslle on sunday evening april 1st hugh hunter gave the chapter of the study hook mary anne kingdon read the scrip ture lesion and garry mcnally led in prayer arthur davis and judy clark assisted the hostess with lunch following the meeting rial efficiency many a housewife spends two is to trans planting and if the plant tree ec shrub we are transplanting is young and healthy then with moiiture and fine anil well diy telling her neigh pressed down about the hwu hb doesnt have enough we are sure of success every tim tq d h housework time or courve with larger plnts and tree etc it is well ebo to tie firmly to a stake to keep tin wind from whipping r- and to trim off some of the top growth transplanting too is lust done in the even- 1 ing or on a cloudy day as a hot aim ia liable to evaporate too ulich moisture and shrivel tha plants tiny seeds and tall plants we all remember the warn ing about big oaks from tiny acorns grow or something like that but many of ua forget that the came applies in degree to tiny lower and vegetable aeedt seeds of marigolds tlnnias and petunias are so small that it takes literally many thousands of them to weight an ounce yet iflvo them moisture heat and scad soil nd they will crow into bi bushy plants that will require at least a foot each way to develop property and they are only average all am- nff the range of planta it is posajhle to gtow in canada the beginner especially la shnedioaowki close together failing to jeat ixe that even tiny thine like alyysum or verbena portulftca rsome audi things for best results require a few inches least in between mature this me arm thin aowlng flint place possibly mlx- on tuesday evening april 3rd the lcntrn ilible study and discussion meeting of the un ited oiurch was held at the home of mr and mrs jack may congratulations to mr and mrs douglas ilnjd of hamilton nee edith lyons on the birth of a baby girl laurie eujth a little sister for roaemary and hugh another granddaughter for mr and mrs harold lyons gunnqrit kjersdallen from the norval guides and penny reynolds from the norval it row- iea attended the rally for lady badenpowell held at the queen elisabeth building at the cnk grounds toronto on wednes day evening april 4th karh company and pack from the helton division sent a repres entative and they travelled by bus there were 4100 attend ing the rally so these girls will jbave a very interesting evening to remember mr and mrs norman guth rie terry michael and lua spent last weekend visiting with mr and mrs ted middle- ton of dunnville sympathy is extended to mr and mrs george hrown on the death of mrs ilrowns brother hoy arnold of acton and her niece jackie blackburn congratulations to mr and mrs william ialillsw on the birth of a baby girl on sunday april 8th little siiter for lleth and paul grandparents arc mr and mrs stapley good hew and mr and mrs norman laldlaw the norval united church women held their spring thank- u it r ruin meeting in the church on thursday evening april 3th with mrs f g halation of drampton president of the perl and lunertn presbytery united church women as guest speak er she gave a very interesting talk on denials for lent and the new ucw organisation mrs h mclaughlin president of the norval united church women conducted the service mrs p arnold and mrs g miller gave the devotional which consisted of the scrip ture lejson a reading- and a prayer mrs g laidhw and mr c lyons favoured with a lovely duct mrs jack may wai pian ist mrs j laldlaw introduced the speaker and mrs don mur ray gave the announcements and the roll call mrs earl wilson thanked those taking part in the service at the close nf the meeting funch was served in the church hall and a sod si time enjoyed bv doaccttwy stkaw osshy taw wms we au wet it take hmft mwt a taww dmf liljaw wasteat wmimtif ereiew she lirairi w tk kwi iwwl ma tvw wy hse jrtvewey wexiiuei u tw ussv dries puw usf j utw awe sewl tk i kuf la f fseitue vjuys crfcw w hw uum wu- hal tw w tn sy tm uiepjry nuii ws dtw t it ike family wk ut k uej ukm j kboiue rtd m ifsiiu suj us wiit lutly m l u- w jf kuj ikh e mil 1 had a mottoept of misgiving when i realised bis rout was ewaa a wak 4tw living outude of suburbia one has few illusions about service only the elapte of seven days and sunny weather would fill the linen eupboard that was es hare as old mother hub bards the isuhj e kullutr u ike driveway early the stent ksarnlnf was itful musu our lecal eacavater chese this mis- sum el marty at 13 per tarcv ie it kla kaatl in until the sprint thaw whaej e mere chat- una ing career el dlee lara in aukdivtauaa weuld ae- cupykla smk4mual skill this release ef the slenmkeumf hew- ever was 1 1st far the de livery ef eor llnea by thla time wain ealn repeeed am ike distant skelvee ef a cem- fttarcle htwis where it would slay until enelhar men- day relied areund werik ivery cent it wai in this hour of do mestic distress that 1 discover ed a new type of togetherness 1 remembered the home town boasted a coin laundry stripping the beds tewel recks end ctetket hamper i bundled these articles inte e plastic kao tken i tucked a behle ef liquid deteroent packepe et bleach my purse and e shovel in case i set stuck under ene erm end hug- pad the tailed linen in the father car end at a w tt kef i mm awk w rirry wkws a vs ley mrs j ywc umku fw ye mj cell frm lk mart tw teliefcine tw udy u tke 1w d u weaeed m ik p kvei etreaeaur tut tewmif kave a tsaro yawj while 1 ped oh the sear- est mrtifad hible i ttotieed the luuetia board dauxuas froai it jilt a dwlmad bcartsciw ua a luit of holariddled uuuji us two odd socks ajbd a tkreammwre hanku there wee ede for baby tutting acrvij dretfnskinet drtying lesns and s pathetic appeal for the return of a little boys lot jm dog hutch t 4m air aid my uurtdsy mam has 14 e cutr i culd hvr reef kapjijiy wltu t taw by their dlpp4ue ft tk bulmu kead kal ik seckt had feund their tuaua ike underwear e skape te cver d tke kaikle e ne te klew a kuiaan inlereat tlery u welt ten every day in the cu imms dua el tke natua as i drp pad my ejuarter inle tke siel tjid dumped tke jlnt lt tke tub i elmeer wished tke cycle weuld take mere htaai lt m minutes te ttnlih tkla ekee that is until tke lid lecked i4 i reellted i ksd frhrt te add the deteraent t tke ket water imri preee heportere mrs e udleaa and mrs w rldler fowers mrsi jto murray pien- ul mrs vidur and mrs or hunter nomine tlrg ccamosiitee mrs 0 hunter and airs k crawford audiure hn pat- iereon and mrs wletuvt the prfteiem cooveners elected were aricukure hi l jdsy mrs sc webb citixertiiapmrs w kidief lire j murray horn ecooomicf mr k mclean mrs il collop- public gelations mrs h skaelue mrs arnold hutoricsi research mrs g chester mrs k burk canad ian industry mrs l cleave mrs w grkhina kducauon mrs o hunter mrs h craw- ford mrs g chester conducted a very lolffciuarf contest kji ninw the bratsd of vartousj products which wae won by mrs w grehant mrs g ces- wy and mrs taylor auuud the hostess irt serving lunch at uui tuu u the aeefing mr and mr wesley louus speut tlw woekend vie ting with reutlves at southainpton the norval hockey tewa held s stag party on kriday evealug april mil at- the home of mr and urs m hkardson a social evening of cami wttk a few fhjekens and turkey as pniei was enjoyed by the chanabloflshlp th0 oboaobttowh hskalo tkwsdey aprilltsk ims page s lomethirso lack i ho if a man dottnt set happier as e gets ojder he kasbts learned whei he should sjoauj the way norval cruimttal armatreni ave tk yf74 when t had leaded the car end treveted rwe well wern ice ruts threuah tewn i was aretelul te learn that chivalry is i net really deed while i iwrestled with the slipper sack ef weih luwllna deternent bleach purse and car keys a friendly masculine voice said may i helpr thia hewever wet the last chivalrous act i was te encounter frem there en it was every man for hlm- i i there were 13 washers along one wall faced by ten huge j drum dryers there were also more than that number of fam ilies playing some sort of mus- ical washer game each one watching for a chance to grab a machine as the washing cycle indcd the more agcrcshivc ones were husbands evidently delegated to do the family wash while mother staym home with the baby atop a basket of clean sheets warm from the drier a baby elept its mother gouhped with the woman near est her while she sorted great mounds of email overalls py jlmsj work ahirts socks dresses slips and panties i was se fascinated by the numerical evidence ef the tenlshlnfl ttumber ef mouths te feedv that i missed my chance elect mrs collins institute leader the regular monthly meet ing of the womens institute i was held on thursday after- j noon april mh at the home of mrs lawrence may with the president mrs jl collins in the chair the meeting opened with the institute ode and the mary stewart collect mrs gray don chester cave the report from the district directors meeting and mrs don murray gave the financial re port mrs h smcllie presented the slate of officers for t he corning ar fr the nominating committee and it was accepted thi officers rlertnl were pres ident mrs k collins lit vice lrrsident mrs k murk 2nd vice president mrs h gollop secretary treasurer mre don murray assistant secretary j mrs k mclean- district dir ector mr k webb alternate putrid director mrs g ches- au- k8 rut fuesr dial on tv and stereo shop milliere tv uut ad utvici 14 wetleyan st 1ca vute clalrfene malewla mll lawopla rqsedale floral fl owers lorair occasions wtooima auanotmm cut f ioun and isineral dailgni j7 aiu n sl ve wire flowen 3 heat your home 1 r h thompson hardware humuno i wattne it yswi insurance travel v walter t evans co rba triangle 72512 mm sttttt serving your community for over 48 yean business directory w h car pretaulanal enolnaar a ontario laiwl lurvayer 110 mountalnvlew jw s georgetown onl ttllinela 7211 rea poena til 73300 lite permit tm thin d planthis bltgar theytknowhowto jiut themessage-across- 3tte otoroetown lmnlnrc1mbejfxoittiwcevjkutkiuphlfefrarrr lait wednaidavrtmufi malnet left it congralulalad hare by instructor tom sale of oakvlle or winning the contest while at rlgbuton dumper holdt the trpphyor molt improved ipaaker bob gauqaon 2rkf from lerijwatchalrmanof ylarfen alaalaai ma program watlaci th0mpsom 3rd dlvltlan court clark a cemmwilener tb7jaij csobcbtown animal clinic s zavlti dvm v zavlti dvm 108 caielph street cllnle open 7 pm s p m mon wed frl afmraaatit tv apealnt miene plant vi 44151 4mrtythe st koakvllle printing op distinction lettcrlreads envelopes statements wedding invitations -georgetown- herald til mmt -hullop-pbp- rnmn hu 1m n gatupihdiio whan if t time id at up and 10 homo yea sir theyre the onet whoget flred vith enthualaam robl r hamilton ro oplemetrlit kyei examined preicrlptloni filled to main sl n far aapolnlmant tr 7e71 for expert by car consult 0 t walker occulist prescriptions filed 19 uiln st s brampton gl u474 rea gl 1s2u hours 0 am 8 pm dsllj prldsy 0 am to 0 pm evenlnca by appointment dale bemifctt latimer baines barrlstara fellaltara douglas v latoter terence r badtbs totanila tml 23 mill sl georgetown prank pitch ucensed auctioneer prompt service po dox 413 til 73804 georgetown licenced auctioneer neman c uddle oaacnabbst tr 74413 prwwl ceurtau srvlt4 lever hoslun chirtred aecauntanle 10 queen w brampton gloniltle imoj 44 victoria 5t toronto mtameem 44131 losing interhstt nowadayt men dont talk wit women as much as they used to most of today con versation is devoted w7 over time snd tlmeantlahau j its no lower some lal when the texts legislature has tpeelal aeaaloa act it itt getting rather souun hewson ord and helson barristers a tetlcltara george c ikwson john 0 ord qc frederick a helson caiu1eta1 butldcno 118 mounttlnvlew rd s tr 73318 til 72210 m e manderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 t van sickler bjl barrister tallcller notary dr williams bldgj 38 main 8 ttt 74531 monuments pollock k campb1ll designs on bjuest inspect oar werktn r ph et ti jjcajwottwj rgferoy

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