Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 10

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mini bick time scrie th giorgitowm hiuld thursday ajwll lath 1m1 page 10 1 lii-h- iifv spring chetkup for automobiles advised w mr john penon w tum twyoltti iwdl praidnt rf use- catholic k cr to tpnng daxl- aljua brik cfeick bck i womna ulu wten tb in ptawkk aha ourtf drwi ud linln for e- jtoup bel their annual elt- ol wm ai dmnng k- trt wur u that buidllon of linn ul turtday ead uy tmtf a wr- u tpropcr itvl u cinmj moto of iw ofsli l- cylinder c w l 0urt rtf aaaao l liu but twl ul eoupi others eleeted to office ar xvtww maoy ol todytl r with teat belt for lllri j mccarthy srl vie wlktvwl s o 1 and uut of youy i proudest and menbrratih eon uu ulnuion than sll jy vener un rrd auturman prodocawj m vn rif 1 2nd vice pretident and ciuxen umttrtuori ms ske l too of golf ltilp pr rswrttr wr yvw to4 ijuoodd mun aw vi v v sjtaelb ltd vie pmideoi iu lv ul mlavadablii u v kcid of ii c uiion and umtual mr i gnttui o0fjoi fcatmnty uw l the jerwy cow i rrelry mr h- llulm irca uvl ciakktip wim u w stm urer mr k hunt aducatioa wunor djilxjt wtwh f i rd coud pju hi justtmr h bjlr kotui mr a led unattended could result bu tort o cod eerllf i rreunjn girl ituid uid lochd m 4iiv- d ll dy mw rodu77d und mr g walker 6at u lenuv i lw on m i- ol ui ih li ilo dnt and rniguin convener j l i it brojuce at wart xikri lt tf fat in our con arrwtlv yran 3ii7rviah klub y 37mainst georgetown a luckboaro moves aloi j h e du ty fcmidge wh ch uui he cn m u houiei f tew aid d u t t i ai n vlllo now and ihi n d nif ruv wixxjc i tv v olf jfiotaifdr i hen ncev lrlpen tlve to qa n tkvf pew-for- mvt out ol vtw c ou the oilownj nipr pomh we icvei at you xaax tvnm lt1aon o qaavt watrr j a if mvl ib- tulitr i1l maltqm inlcrcounty bowling ajuii lilh legion notes ky andy a si laurtjit tcrrd cotta scouts seek assistance in cbrrk ur a rwol noybl0 avfnino w td by all mtmbirt and ui wall lr friday t lh branch auditorium whtri a v j mambarthip dnva unouar wa ha id a far turnout w on hanc k bill fair lint ftood aoough wa wara anticipating anothar 7s j arin at taatt so ta alt you who muvd tha imoltr yoo aild yurtlvai out al piobably lha bct avtntng you could ar kava had jiji iiiiup acctinc ill i i t ml 1 m tti rviiiln l in 1 r j wl n at 8 jo p in an i in unit th t it our bufiti mi km a pulurt u uj tu how our inunthh n tu ire ciinihuliii t il i w r i h i i krouiit in jiul iii t i ilt ull r td oprn a k mi i uu uum pjri nj m all af th ouat found tha fcadurai cennactad with tha weekly quote ntaatinf quita imprauva m n shortly aflt r tin imrlini h r i aurenrr s un van president lje jpl r 50 so draw raulti uld introiluctil mr 11 irr 11 m hki miiu 1 mil iv7 ne coiihiianhr mr i i ht i r durki dil 1 mr hattall mada a ipaach p s vour in outlt tutilno along vital information who l0 th- bout jaan and ttatlltlc 0 all about tha bordtltu and tha bull u jim lao ton activilia ii thomat had wa had an award houta waft a vary infarmativa tpaach f 0 t night ry and cartalnly appracittcd judo j would va cartainly won it firit cutt badga 1 hi piurj 11 1 un imi il 1 buntmorris wedding in windsor church j in 1 i lllli lllmlll i lis i t t uimlmir mi vljrrh 11 hi w iiil wtmhttrii tuul puca inn utu i murni and ol vtr v limit kile fiurtud b rl tl h nh n u hull i wadding suppar alrnhl h ii 1 lv itnmii of uritlll c up4f ir p il l he yk waka tttulu wi tv 10bh7 uk quma 10 h8 wio tv wini caniolaiiurt itululff hiilt s camat chrra aiauar f fcrjliu uk chaplin tu uil lrfjx aad djr t llartiat rxliuai ittdumtar lifw ar la in sotlibx aaiavr nilt melaa nirk itroitn olrn cimui hrelv r fluid krl crnrraxar uiitor ii ruaultwiji aad 1 luttrn rbrck aw toltajta rrc rkr wrbilrr w- rv u1 mi lajlktlrjff r h rl ht un th lljk k 1 it 1 1 1 i li oak ouaaal larui avaragaa lira n rnin rrpureij i haplin 2n o i filter if wrtwin hhl oure hjrlr 2j7 to th rrtratarndjd tuiaataer caien jiuh 2i3 eratu riul ikurur 225 a door ca4uiai ballo 10 cimai ik utctw- aad ojbrr avaraaa p in nurntallr no ctf erir iliitwr in rripjur cr 1 hank hjplin tighten raavt4 ad twd un cibltt tult tcvm kirby i hil lueur lust a ni kiwd irrr u and h jtlr irpjxv if berv women institute seu year j program luff by tha tatieui aspratilana n tha facat fallowing mr hat ull ft ftpaach lorjion branch 130 pratldant dava capparauld aav ur guattt a run down en tha branch achvitiat and pro lactt i awards life mrinbrrvhip win pus lilted by mr larr hasvall to two very deserving uunc men tt jlmm tnft met our heart lett conrahilations ou cir tiinly ilecoe uch renlnition a w minula aim thow wn tixt an tha program a 3400 mil cir rally drlvan through tha f ranch and italian alpt tha film wa matt ancitlng and at far ai m cancarnad trlru 111 laava tha driving to tham ma ill ftticlt to my 0b of fly intf around in at plana it ft a lat far clearing auction sale n cttlf farm mach dairy equipmant lum truck hay and grain tor clearing auction sale of cattla implamantt furnitura etc ir p rl i t leslie giffen iai b titli i i t win s k n saturday april 28th it 1 odmk the fnllownij a ill 1- shu th rn irn l r iiul time of sjii short s horn heifer 2 jrs calf at fool a shm thorn co t r bred in n tebruar hollin low 7 r i ralf at font jrrm v tow 1 r 7 til al foot jerscv tow r v due time of salt iitmv ll ifer 2 r due turn of ar jee 1 mrs francis kris 1 ol i jnil l inr 1 i if i nto immi i nnlr v mil ol 401 lhllln friday april 27 i mi- 11 h mpl t d rnrn an rt nh f 11 cmiihi s imuu mi hie h riiiiniu 1 he pr in harr r the ca the m 111 s i inrti tupck for priavr trviutm tm fan srnrrator and poer rrr n hrlv he fio i vlfil c ippjfjtu hck abojtr pnr k and i rr ran a r fi rr aivj brr the p i n fiijinr en up after li a minor 000 bhvm kui jjrna latr output e f ma iouj 1 or tti uar up aflrr 1 beck unit altasa rrcu furk ptur at 12 k o iii ll ki wt i 1111 1 c s 1 l 111 pril 1 w s 1i111 u jun 2 l w s hi ink t inr in 6rlohir w dm in i i t w t lijd fii hrn in mirth ih ii hnd 111 u t 1 mt llnik i i n nslutud tilirnv 10 2 llnfer 2 rs ohl rn 12 heifers from 0 to 14 nths old 4 hull cihi frarn to iii months old hull il v j lo 4 months ohl ihlths 11m 4 i 11 itio irk hii 4 ton hi 1 truck ir v im id mr rii in ti i re idlit n of u man feiidlr its bun piiti kirk with pneu nionta the 1 past frw las w v 1 h h in a vprnl reeisr llorkiv m iv he nvtr for ihe 1 is 1 i ut b lull is start ml i jill is mism d nil the 1 tin viva 2 t ton plilfoim truck ui 1- nii truck 104 if t t rilini v u li ui k np hoy 14 fl iroik 11 with ilat cow 7 yn bred in november in ctei club jersey cow t rs hred in feb i t i lglannirl f jf not m hird hlsrv llciff r 18 month- mi manwesuitl 0 kilt you jcrrs llrifcr 11 mniillis irr rrm cuk yob willi wa out m lliifir 13 months jorso ii1v f quipmr st do like wow man you ravl lllrilit 4 innnllis shorthnrn jl iiirlablr milkins mach us all goosr iiumls i ikr illnfrr 20 months h m imcn hulk milk kantastil itrat womv llrtrr m months t l nr erful surwul mags1h impli- ml- rs mrkpp mar y itais ami i i mill- it stue rslrr atoii and hox usul ivx tmn nt lj 401 lulrs charll crimes ou dsrrsr s mil so vlll trarlor of straw 1 mow inns mrm blf hand for what you hjsc recently nirrlmiilod mil 7 ft 100 litis of oals s1ki bus of achieved in mch a shurt tune power moncr mil 2 furrow i pc hwiil 1irir duanlily of nil alio to the men in the ilub n 21 llotlom ilouth mm 21 w lunmlnr and jack leruuson on ihe piano traitor disc hi ur his mauunlity allis hil aa the aaylnu ton you maki s i ullisator new mil rs irnclor with mower mrl beautiful music tocether llraclor manure spnndir on n d dusrl luitor fully i mar itubli uis to mr mi- itohirt i i mliit ji i lii r lnnl on the hirlh of a lulh ilatuhti r a little si lii ki ll llaip iramlparrnls in mi ami mrs murras ijlrd d il mr anil mi rawfurd sr rarhuretor antl fut pump ksyatie auqi0n sale i cm aitlmjm ttj otvev furtutor ou c4 cbwu etc in taih villacl the proprrty 1 ike estate ol tlve la clizabetm 1 hxkihuky main m north ijin siill be 1 bt lublic aurlion saturday april 21st n 1 i ommrnnne at lupa sharp tmuis l sji wool any gv9rnmnt daf iciancy i paymant will apply only on proavarly gradad wool 1 srrure the u must t pitroi in the organization thjt 1114 li thi xnsit r i ship collect to our ragittarad warahouia na 1 waatan ontario obtain taks and twmr without roarer nun w l sanderson eob 3 balllnafad william a wilson shaarar k r 1 gaorgatewn a u 1tark gaoroatown or in sj 1 iiini to canadian cooperative wool growers limited 40 st lair axe hast toronto 7 ontario stays potent longer to fight animal diseases yha polancy prolactad molacuta in tw ramycin animal formula makat it tha uparlor antibiotic for drinking watar traat mant of dltaata in ground water araai othar antiblolici braak down and lot pottney rapidly in alkallnt watar tarramycin animal formula promotas orowth pravantft strati aetbackt and fighti tcouri respiratory ditaatai rhlni- 1i and uptroipirom in hont ihippinrj favor in cttllt enterotonemta in iambi and haap and inlactloua antanti in mink polant aconomical tarramycin difttolvaa instantly in watar administer it in drinking water load or individually complete direction on package other potent terrauycln animal haalth product pouhry formula with amti cam 71 uquu ftumutm tot ktaitili aid scout 9 rifrjavt ihjittmbi satutte gat a taat papar trewn your daalar and h your lum walar aua i n ii il 1 ioj naed tariacin if ant blotic that atarkpottntlangar in alkaline watar fmp special offer uu hjvpm ruthutl only uu aa tn4 rarlom fna eft nr ttntmwa anlmsl hmh projwt to futhlgfil fo aoitm jottfl 3 qv halton cooperative supplies 45 cualph slrsat carotawn tr 71171 t frank petch r j alrkmrr cleik music yh ppla uit couldn t ba- llav tklr art whan you itart d t tlna alt numbar war wall dllurd and jimmy maelo luna read te th llt was v vary well dan all in all boyt unoralulatlehi rubhir m ii 15 ilise 1erlihi in ill 10 fl lultipacker m ii side hake m irly new mm hope ii iv loulil 1 onl line k rkr m ii 7 ft hindi i set ol chain harrows hoot iulpir 3tl ft lxtcnsuin ladihr ikual your brat public appearance bma ilul wa a imiahlns ucce daiity tquii univetsal 2 brt iowler from lrm came unll vilvum haclllne cuntpttli pn next to entertain with hi sur un m t banjo and a well locked up siparitor pall llentei upply of comical onci and wll i leclric grain firlnckr jokei- ilert vlsilcd ua before y uilnituitk rindlav con jhd made a jot of fneuils then ul0 aill rank s1u well irr i hire h nude a lot clluch 2 rx 2 or jut friday deri i cosy steel llcl antl sprmes nature alona with hi s i coins nature alnna ery fumty aonus makeji lum much in demand on behalf of branch no 120 thank you bert for taking tune jo clime and so ua here ugcoruolowii i alio ih our midat that nloht waatom- yrulan ilnfllng atir f operation ol along with liafpjiurul thaw director tom hpnoured us all by aiug htf couple of nunibera wlitlo lilpbacponillanled litni on e ulanol tom troulon iaa very lalentftd man and i can only to i vary bright future for thankj tn ynu both it wa very anprcclutcc ntl andlmton ihtjijagma vjai bill korxack and aldwt hill whipped up vary nlc jimi tuty lunch everyon kpl f rfat10tinloi memmltaiml third txlplna zli s i i tied spunks china cupboard chairs eruit sealers duhol jnd other arltclr no lleservc in laiin il sold teiims cash frank petcti auctioneer tel 877 2b04 georue toncbtte gravel bu11dino sand roadgravel fill and top soil ston8 work tom haines cln wllllarrtl tr 73301 cciu ippeil mco 11251 illi si i irac tor mel 15 disc firtlluir dull mnllllt 1i1iii lluislinu math nit with shrcdiler ind irun rl i itoi john du ri h iiiinu r mill 100 ft tl inch itubbir hell 30 fl bale huutor mel corn harvester no 2 cock shutl liny trader mel mower 7 fl cut pt hitch 200- hal spn machine mel 1 furrow plow 3 pt hitch looilison coin bloutr with pipes mco man me spreader 3 nocllon iron llarrowh mel side delivciy iloke mcu 12 plate tiimkin disc met 21 tooth spritu tooth cullivalur with low- wheels locker mcd iflt binder mcd furrow plow on rubber mcd i way disc 1 ft mnauie uiad fr cnckihult 2 furrow plow jjinil holle ti 2 whool liaikr liny hack 2 chain hiiws portable saw mill plan rini machine laruc quantity inlmrup iron chains rnovels land folks othei articles loo uimiorous to hutillnn pnsitlvcly no itcscive 1ehms cuh wllh clerk on j day of aulo herb m reinhart a u cf i o near 1 slldurovb giant farm machinery auction hundreds of tractors and farm implements all sizes aces moijos 6 leading auctioneers wednesday may 16 10 00 am ajaaaaa noito this la a largo offer ing mid inlo must ilnrt on tillloj- salts momthly cornar no 5 hwy and 7tti mmm oaiwiu opah hay start afiuj national farm machinery r r no 1 oavllli 5auar jul -1- proclamation bantam hockey week h cailar weou many teams of young hockey player from othar municipalities will participating in a friendly tournament in georgetown wherrs he gum of hockey s recognrrd ai canada i na onal porl wh ch teachei our young to develop tt compclit ve ipinl cooperation with others body building and revpect tor authority and whereas minor hockey is ihe foundal on from which accomplished hockey player develop the municipal council has authorized mj to proclaim week bantam hockey week easter wtfck as mm that w ancourarj our horn town beys nd all ih viutlno kami le duplay ik psrttmanlhip that will mab tham champlonl i luooelt all cit em ol the town support this observance by atlendinn games during easter week w d sargent- mayor maki your selection otej o easter lily hydrangea violets rose bushes spring pots spirea t gloxinia snapdragons roses carnations tulips daffodils r- narcissus- ro ale floral wa deliver wlrhowhnj irlmgu is951 vlv u uktm t ffle vtsrt

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