Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 2

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four become queen scouts ihm hi imw4 scawifie wmt st yr pruy ktlfym u hm tuuuf mky jk nmkk ftlll lrv yamvi cfjn4 fcw cery w- ut wit hvl os sw rtfttd clw at k jmium u 0twa tast peter jonr 1 li lu smoke eaters in halton hookup yglquxgxytiii stltwjht 0 anl slap in five h rem on of prog ejl 1o i take b he loll f dpftmnl for wrm in hl been tha irulallat orj of taoatyi i 01 to re j i tf trucks wilh the 1ll an ih mutual a h centra n oak v up ad jr r if m l l i fftf in toronto lhe new yllem his be 1 uied mar y 11 e already mora f re i i jwilf breen red os from lie tow ash p truck to tie i all o guclph si ihaiiing w m i b b artists life has been interesting one wka i e4tesj mat new during thii two yaar i i mjl to fiat tome material lure ihr boat lour hi d a i t itftw a little biographical sketch the main island in thr vmlh m u go along with i chat about i arific inn nk hem sam a ifcu nhlhitinn of paintings rur ihr salomon llnds java the i irvtttly being hem in the gallery ne hebrides mji uairal a lof i ha burlington puhlir 1 ihr knit ne ealan 1 m reiun lary i hd no del 1 viiiuld ilands where it was planned tumble upon career thai make i return call in a few leould honeitl nil a book weeks or in th the run i would leave hal in i i thr r 1 and uii a baalc it miom leturn t hre jnlrrvals gr inmrdiv for in additu n tn lum a iril npp rtuntv i p k itwing in artul major newman ret late the particular i rale lb writer ith minv ah rt and he ipenl hi t me rrr nling i atones article and a couple inijirniini h paint hi ush aid i f nnveli to his credit sunday school has new worship centre toe aiav 0aav vuwr l fca mu ov ainu lv wtiuh etvau a ura itrlchln frl maaftll fetf t kluhaaf t pri iral mat ctlltol u kf uslvjtnfj kuwi akf l w wuk tmtrt yt lftaw vu auimi tk 6u baa h cuutltulum uur ft a vaif wl at tk r uirmiu r mh j- lllt tkaa for layi aa- tata fha allrauaat earui tifillylmy lhay kava acjulrd any sjj ariutauy batas a mavlnf mana wn anatt j whan ana ouan icaut carflftat wn awaraj saal humauiy tka mathar a caplad hie ftllaan yaar ij tan t award tha lay juj a day ahar r4lwlna his owaan auut bada which is si van tla nanthi wafara the cartlacata on this acatlan tha faur laat scauts war a taaathar for tha i a at tima at such tam copland and cary hir btrt hava bacama ravar auta flill ayaea ha wav4 with his family ta ottawa and john pannacb is huiy sludylnf far orada m aaams hilt lin e li thlis m the 4 11 silvir ai tti home i f woqj5 u i 1 h it j i vn is i 4i 1 h t d f r i r i rv k ml s luti 1 tie i lit y rh i u null r jiv mrs clare wilson institute leader i- yt r t ftf ii a nativa af mantrasl hal anisbed hi ah school when w wu just fifteen and i half to ywing for university and lbaing somewhat al loose ends eompanted hia father on builneas tnp to r ng land thi i wl during the nrt part nf 1 world wir 1 pin f aftar hit sojourn on thr tramp ttranirr hal v nt li the t s where he asnd rale i a lone aene of artirlet ah ut hi eipenenrr in the so ilh 1aciflr he ako did iood deal il painting and then uirld war ii broke out he rrturnrd to i la i n mematelv lo report for dui and became a rngade ma r itrndanrf of hrrre of thf i it den pri lr i an i ll i c opened w ilh tfn mothnv pr inttse i lir i f it r ctrlriil i ihr r i on in hranlfoiil h id i t re held over milt ih imeting vv h arrtiii tha avcltamant af war can ght th imacmation of the atlarhed to the eneral st young and incidental much sittder age canadian he enlist r u i- wl mrjori int h nrnh amy took w rlllfm ngrt in nveres torn hat and immediately afterwards was brought hack t ant to i nritnh officer tlin irtg school when he gradu atari aa a ltrvt lieutenant the war wit over 0 aturnini ta mantraal hal enrolled at lrill i nun tlty and thrte obtained bi ba degree he followed th it wis riant attar the vvr thai major seuman h v and her dauih jordan bought the charming nld farm at ball inafad formerlv owned b the i i annatier hal n w itsotes full time to rm paint n and alto manage to d i ome free lance writing lln xhibition or paintings at bur inglnn reprrirnti a go d crft rclinn of hm work and is well h rth seeing ihrv will be on lew until april 281 h and are rntlv nevt mng i joinllv ilh the roup lomnutlee uh id scout leader several mat irrs came up d inng the hus inrss u h ch wt ic frit iivm d w ilh iwlh social hour w enj ied mi mike r t minuter ting mr ural urches and u t for the rh si hool uhrn the nr ct nlre w a dedicated liful riovs anl caudle i of walnut were nude ti rchie ur and were i i the sun tav school fru v illiam i n was the members of the lr a t la 1 h i r tlir r annual meetn g h fi m n i 1 ijlh r irtnrhiem trs were present with nnt vis a r ih i l h ii rail a i usual with t hi i h km nirii ii ei t the pivmenl of 1 h s i if f r the com i vear in i i is r ihr all erne of the presidenl mi uiim ihi igh illnest mis e ii nt lo k the chair 1 is it w4 deci led lo rcnes mem i i sda t r i p with the h idren t k ih an aid a ihjrct f r the training ih ti uji dented up m and i ian wrre discussed for the llrflli n mat or rirthdas partv i n anl 10th t t ha put on llv by ijtnehi use w i and the la i r of o ir tiranch mn a h norli n gave a report on he recent iitrirt meeting officers for the coming year ill be president mrs c wil on in ica president mn eorge burt 2nd ire preai dent mn r i- miller secre ixuld he treaurer mrs eorge groups henderson district director mm u n norton brinrts dir ectoi mrs red tamphell mis r it torbell pianist vlr donald ijndsiv auditors mrt burl mrs h marchington onvenera agriculture mn 1 undav canadian industries uw ihxukotv e- tilntau ihahila tody ha kll ls4vj ooo icgg ifkicyivk amil ii it 1 30 w tin 31 as tins 99 39 ayimji cakicy tomato juice 8 diimomii uhcy fruit cocktail a8 iutno maple leaf hams 139 ica jteyal guest coffee jj 59 total o 2800 wku kail hams ckadi a pltlduisio fkuh turkeys sfji broilers i ik ll 57 43 taui1iti rinbust sliced side bacon maki iiaf hsu oik sausage meat ii it- 1 lb 65c 35c margarine tuli clur ou i iii lt 5s strawberries 3fraian j uz 100 ihf fmdli ih onus tap salad dressinj iwor juicy bo el 1 mo wllh 1 bll orangj v 1 00 green giant peas tblore winers tomatoes im rosa pickles m u tp w fancy jaffa oranges ppotatoes 1r0cc0u tnizir carrots oi 2 laffta ill staian 69 u 1 gruj 10 lb 33c4- 29c 25c w latarwa fh right to limit quantities this week s iucky shopper mrs a gilfer tarb slrt trr wh hi il s in u in at all thrrr iimi ptr nil nf siimlat a hri ip mn lluurll millrr lliif nthlp ii i indaurr llllnnral rf nlilrn mrn marrhlmtnn ur v n tent i- rnta mr willnnmm llonir tanomin mrl d tfck ln lh llrallh mr k wvlun lo ih pubhc dr 11 x tzlz t u i pi n irv hours ippieciaien ann uni aim mucn in f r ul dagrees from cambridge i ni vanity he stived on at cam bridce ubrre he give irclurei fur chf neiil seentflti during thas years at i lecturer hal slarled lo rt valnp his bovhood inlereit in art by taking up punting while living in montreal he had brrn encourakd bv such wall known canadian irtnu as ifca lair rred itrigden and trtnk chilmer now al im bridge he found the long um mar vacation ideal for pur lulng uhat stirted out is an ahaorhing hnbhv ha look cmirxai it tha rcole de beaux art in parti and ilo studied it rruges under the late sir frank tlrangujn vyhanawar tha abportunltv presented ithrlf he toured urone and puttied what hi taw lie became more and more cngrnued by the art it finally twcima mo important to him ha gave tip lecturing altogether to devote his full time tn paint lug free lance writing and travelling he uprnl the next mvn yean in europe develop intf his talents and than ih lure of far way places begin to beck ort mil emharltrrlnn a smi luxury erulu in hawaii wblw thre he wai jrtrnlllhg jtafn the waterfront nna evenbijj isvhen he fell into a conversation pvlth the captain of a tramp atmitier v yv want la tat tha trld tha captain ulted i wilh ua h nffered young man like jou he li new werkirg hard to com pic it s slv painlint for tn ihcr ev hihition tn the fall tim show utll be unique in the fact thul l will be cumplolcb cumpukcd of paintings of llalton ounlj landmarks en much inter eled in local hmorv major siutnun ferh that niin of the picturesque old places such ts proudfool s hiillow moffat iei u and lenaichv an slnwlv dis appearing hia piintinfs will lu ip preserve them in memories and pirhaps more imporlant in the mem ones of succeeding gincrations visually and hmtorlcallv ihi ex lubilion promises to he e tiemel interesting i m leelflna forward to it i indiv appleyard and riuit 1und mrs to the meaning nf the worship mir iscdumvnr his vary i ich sunda morning sew mr k lndtay m abut ihmn slides an also h iprd mirf rdl l all mri w u i nftrl re purchased h box nioncv join the 7th week of the iga weekly shopping spree a for you can win a wholl weeks groceries full details at the store winnings to date total 31549 proof you save at i c a hereate the lucky shoppers to date ihi the noting iropli uf the ball it afad ihiirgc met in the thur ih sundav evening and were down a itlm put out in the lit ii lilrphuie lotnpanv enli li il itewav tn the mind ou jridi night of usuueek tiwv tried thi ir exams in con our i don with the si inhn am even tniunce couise which thn have in i n taking for ihr pam eight vviek lr brewster of eor ritown was present for this mis a mil lure and 1 deoige henderson isiined the iusless in serving refreshments mi and mrs lare wilson mire and mr allan duncan wcic visitors this weekend it ihf home of mr duncan paienls mr and mn hoyd luncn of llopelnwn mrs r vanden1urgh mrs d spiegil mrs k g milieu mrs w martin mrs f n young mrs c e abarm mrs s miersma mrs w hewitt mrs m a hachman mrs w given mrs marchington mrs i bydevaati mrs s arthurs mrs o horvath mrs a t iavrent mrs a gilmer limrhousi farm nrws holstein breeders view leading herds b j a r mi anawarail bv i favour ilnpital rohrtwink huiiro aiaa of scnplurr mulcllr nf last urrk mra rait nrntnn uai at tha piano for hvmiu and mra itmi 1 ha iinuhouvr mrniiiuu tlhlay arcompanird mra k mrl at ihr noma of 1 illian karn for two oral aolii irouii on sjturdav with trn mra sanford aatandad cotir oirmhrr prarnl mi ltro n talaa and rav duncanann rlna iiamontrlrd hnw lo maka tra ad wllh tha ranadkllon tha imrulla ladlai aarvad lunch iftanvuda i tha sprlnj thank oitarlng mi anil mi kirtpalnrl m i tha aort suond annual martins of llmrhnuaa praahy darlrna and danny mcdonald mad mr and mr janir mc mi alms of tha provincial hap tirlan wms waa hald it tha an racuparatlns at hnma fol 1 rniiaii millno ou sunda ti r of ontario luipana ordrr hnma of mra a w ranlon nnjlowinjr tnniitactomlaa in ttcnr ijuilllhtrra of tha rmplrr took 1 huraday aanlnb with ravl llat waak i miichlnar hfl atarlrd placa on april 11 12 11 at llohart duncanaon aa fiuaat lny thi nrw aix room achoi officers attend annual meeting british guiana topic for speech tha ihr oborcetown herald thunday april lfth 154 j ayro aa av 41v kx afc 4 4 4kv 4av r tvwa j2 cs r i he sheraton in hamilton mra john cnl of the countess of lrath more chapter lenrgelowft it llalton lluuteln llreedcit tnok t nrlpcf the meeting on wetlnea- thcir annual bus tour on tiici day aphl tllh she was ic the ideal wayl th uphr wei hat aliirained hal nn ai svlrvt mite ma aml1al were ohjywfute men in a crew day april 10th this year i trip mpanied by tfi howard holmes lit vice regent and ichonli around three v- lit vice regent and centred around three loading sjim rfllrlcp 2 mm llolkteln herds the flmt stop ngem the etectiim nf pro wan it dinrhill acres- lhtumcial councillors imik place herd was recently established from 2 wopn to 4 p ni when orillia repiehenulives of the various chnpleii dipnsiled their votes uunrubm and him croft himu at reavcrlon was the tetond top the owner c eorge tc ljushlin is tha immediate past president of the hoklcin ijlridaiiiiajuoclition of canada yi4i entirely of kan- irieae polynes final villi in the tour inclu ded the hrl of roy brook kami jt brooklln i hia herd u nm dnlarloi lop xhow herdi a u d breeder had in opportunity to lee gome nf thf-faflimittahow- riuauurtp connaught hotel apeiker introduced by mrs kibby he showed itldrs of brit t armstrong re uh tiiiiini where he wis a f ii pc principal and missionary for home leven yeiri ilia pic lures and remnlci proved quite interesting jnd enlightening crowded condllloni in the mikei teaching dlffl cult there ii little oceupa lion for gradtiatei in thnaa wishing to enter proieuloni ie likely to leave for brltalnor the usa and not return veg latinn is rankiajjiejow trtfp- ital country but the fond val ue ii tow making for poorly finished livestock in the irnence nf the presi de nt mn mitehell preal dent mri houghley wis ln the thalr in opening ahe aaked for our prayen for our preil- during the afternoon the vari mil reports from the different conveners were reud and an rroved on enfltiiring at ihe illilhtritlordesk tt whh learn pnthbt700 wnmin had regli- lerod and pruuibly the total at tending durlitu the three day uu00vv4jmejt altbj- licjil and n gether an diteieitlng point in that all mem hern are volun teers and1hern arfltto paid tuticcia in the 1 6u e iiv i hjlef mesnuge mri klrkpat rick read scilplute from st marlrnrotlowtlypi by mn jamei noble roll call r vvjirk tj ool in bakery 1 i miaa dill walinar norlhwnoil ha lllair knllapd ll vlalllnl mill llalan mllli in tornnlo and 1ml h via all dlawarc in had mr and mra mllli har ahoa kiayers 10 auring llat waak i weekend special lappear in guelph mr intl mn landnn scott i tha april inaallna nf tha al mr and mri sindy mcdonlld jumnr kirmara wu held and gill mr and lltt ruiaajl april blh it the hnma of mcdonald ind mr clifford mc u cimpbair donild ill enjoyed in evenlngl pavlnil memberalup fcaa waas itmrt kanjeyi hinch pa mil call ror thai tumor insll easter cakbsand cookies saturday cloid n friday j krldiy tute and lha jrlrla viewed two ihlirta on cniicratlltltinna lo mr indt mr jimaa brown 4frh unp on ihe nrlvnl of alltlla dauclilit ut anritfllown li dlalrlct mem nrlal llnapltal lul waak i lhejri e ofwh which allowed how conurilulallona to mr knd mn banno spllieer nn the ar ivil nf a third hull ilalnr fnr hfpltan wt t law ho ti siturda v foui la lihijiraulltartiv mrat ourably lu gualuh gcnenl ahirt in live minutaj nam intlualry inptc for the jinltnr f arttieti waa induatry ind roll can wai in name an litirustry in chfnjtu acnttay towmhlp plini for tha flfteenllt nnl- veuiry of lha group were th i i attha joint mefelinif- lha alloa playcra at a proient- i th play in uelth nn april eth and mamlxri wr reminded lo atlonil s hot cross buns 60c dor scotch bakery phoney y4il alrasptirb frelle d if rlvlara club thuraday mfiy 17th -siibuiflredby-tb-cnadlan-

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