Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 6

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k6 r j- irw y f girding their loins for battle xolut studioa county moelksivkconiervallvai heard speriei and a panel discussion iveaded by nations tedcral m p sandy beit in builinfjlon recently read- ina from lelt lo nohl jotin b hamillon qc mp york weil ted moirn president builmrjlon conervalivu wlliam l hourigen secretary burling ton conservatives sandy bait mpj paler tully prandent hallon pc associe lion and b mcdonald m mam lion sooll lormar iical loorbell player ottawa report bimonthly obsirvayions by andy best m for haltoh tha bio mwi tfill pti wwk at ottawa was tha budoat brought tltum en ik evaning f yuoaday april uth by tko hon don id fmarltfe mlnltlar of plissnce a uiuil tha tjallsr im u flh huu of ctmwml wore tsaxkod and th ttartdlno rooat only slona war up increased income tax deductions war anno unad for dapandant chlldron racalvlng family allowances and this incraas ol tw par child thould rsmovo abut 10000 additional ftmllut fvo paying income la tha mlnlstar of finance pointed out that tarn 5 par cant ef canadian today ara paying towor incama las than would have beo tha cat under i ha rata that prevailed in 1957 tha mlnlitar naiad varloua economic trends ineludlng an incraala m par cant in tha cross national product between 1w4 and 1w1 an intra a ta of 30 par bfxil in parsons inconv during tha same par iod and in increase of 30 par cont in personal ovlng ixporti hav nraaaad by 10 employment las lncntltsigmrtmnt for construction in t cent since 10m and im wllh haics as hitfh as m prrhhr replacement or the nurlinf l cent of new production and ton cinal ltrulic nd improve porta by only 3 3 per cent mak cncourj entj t0 lht hur chain ment for inctcssrd scientific nel and wharf rcsrarch in industry hooting it frequently the on tha lac a i scone you may key to an expand njj 1111 be interested to know th t in ment ami increased eenn 11 c j the pa it 4 5 years two major actiwt in 1137 some 100 mil railway prade ar pa rati oris have been made in hallon one at the guelph line ami queen kit tabeth hiifiway in ilulrlinston the other nrar milton and lfwy utar of kn x iresiiyterian hurrh in mil ton marked i lie urire in the chapel on 1ibion sunday aftrrnoon afwil 8th aftrr rjlinj wrwm j444 of itjptr 7 u st uatlhru uim1 mr mcuun cnw erv4 42 at the w re in which j the paradox i stated ur xluouil said that it would haw l i n ta fur liriu vtilh hit untnipoti nt povtrr to riinu down from the t rui he lid not l j because ills ith on tin russ wai the di iijii fui the saltan n of rikind with mrs s ijkkie pjmc the or 1ij r bir j at i iani a lovity and appropriate mlo 1 juve linn imcauie he inl ari mi mrs william lyons dies in toronto liit major change in cam cui trade structure this has kxveint that durlnc the pjut fi al year there was a surplus of 180 million dollars thus providing tho first favourable baunc of trada of any conse- i cjuanea that canada hat achjcv vod in tha past ten years and in contrast to a record deficit in this field of some 728 million riotlin m 10a mr flmlno its tad that while cbt govern mi nt has a deficit in tha put aval year the net debt capital wis tlll lower than in the years 1032 to 1063 inchu ive and as a percentage of the gross national product was trf of the lowest fieure s of the last decade deficit financing ran be justified on many grounds mr hrminc slated one of them bing the fact that increased returns to the prov inces alone came to the amount of the doht itself tho minister announced several measures to lllmulate economic activity and a mn ir ilint al lfl m li jn v 11 cp t 1 r tiusliaiiit rttinit in ao mrs iik1 m lupilal m 1 v 111- 1 ir 1 11111 ilium linn litu tunc t ar liilii b3 n r hralxth on march tim sth lu 1 lr 11 a njtirnt lion dollars hail bwn loan d i by the government under the national llouainn a fr an ada as a whole senlnj a trt memlous noed to lucres a eon herald competition at 2c per issue a now nawspapar mada its appaaranco in tha parlt dtitrtct lihls waak wllh dalallna april i tha coma eiproaa provad lo b an tmmtjjfet auccom and sold out ttt first prass run nacatsllating aatra coplaa balng prlntad the count is apparently ko- ini to dial in nriihlhjurly newi and jokes a sure lire rum imiitun and it ik undersell ina thr herald ronidirably at two cents a copy first haadllnas samp la rvaws from tha first issue the carney s hav a nt w hydro and trlephone pi c in their front jard mrs carson fits her garden plouj hed another edition is promised for the jnke cnier contains th e cr otic uriuons w hat h n a wooden to l fi athered tail and ran fl and what did the strawtxrry sa to the other strjwtierrv with pr in ise f aniwers in the next ed ilmn option hunter property for esquesing school a ratsolujlon to make an of for of purchas on 2 ooi of land at tk rm of c austin at tfvo cornor of sjdoroad nd sixth llrvo for proposed new six soom scrtoot was dofoahsd during a recent meeting of the esquesing school board the board egrced however to secure on option an crege of land at the form of cliff huntoy ond the chair man r j cunningham was requested to discuss the situ ation with the farm owner for ti principals 0 tha acbaol ana prwrpal ibtlud sl lie kaown cui wuuaas ocbool 1l gtbboas stewortuma c ulu bpryoid urm a nu noirval jd uij g 160 ttsa board turned dwd 8 itikitl6d for tha board la for snl topioa of the ulnulv of mb toeeuau to tha praa a actosf and ooteu1 but aav td to have truelba iir shir- twufbu lay arnulroasli forward tha lr cl papera teicnila aisd a brij raport of businau transacted l tha leclnfjl a doaatiosi admoihuna xo t0 aj kpttod fusr pyniat bj tha lultoe vnilc 1eulvai asii ttta tcrvtary was huuurtid to forward to local uawpaphrs tha udpii of rojeiwuilaf utmwr in on tha nw liinahousa school tha mfetinf took place at tha slawarttowti scbool apll maiua during tha board eitinr held in tha stiylda school ap ril 3rd lutakbars instructl the sacfwtary to com pi la contracts tvoj qstoftsutowm hstalk t inirsdey april tftta ifi2 page 6 bbcrotavy bob iserry r a 4m ub were dlatrsbulftd and all grain club m racaiv- ed their frisiau oata a irtaj imfill tit tbalrmaa r s cunnlnejheet end rrvstea wiiium umn wa lottructed l lnameia und vlwe all poaaibu bl beref t kud k4 nwk mcemlena and wu hack ropact t vb hnt twi41rt hoard ttudbers auo tvlawd ui tnapartara re port s- dlscuuad uschera applicav uocs iruururtod tha scrury to tuva bob uciloiujd buka neceuary repairs to plp at tha limehousa scbool rosedale floral ffowers for all occasions vkdoum aliaimmmtmts cenegea learllhy cut flower and furwal onigrtt n aiuri n 7tfsi vh win flowert farm nrwt organize seven clubs for young 4h farmers 401 in addition some 20 flaih strueljon in this firld tin tu ma iiihu with bells manj with gates have bn ericted at axious lescl crojisins tbnnish out the county this has been brought about partly through more than doubled federal con tributions in this field and should co a long way towards enhancing the safety of our local hijjhwajs increased construction has o course taken place in the num erous post offices in our tons more than 100 000 has been rpent in the past five years ui llalton for pier extension arul redredfilnff in bronte harbour and some six million dollars has been contributed by the icdcral ernment in arious creased its lending fi oris to some two billion dollars in tin county of llalton this his meant that wimc 77 million dollars has been loam d undi r lha national housmti act for 5500 house- during the past five ears chances in the hou siryj rerulations has 1 m idi possible lourr down pasmi n i lower interest rates an i 1 xti ti sn tended term of npavmrrt hm under the lcadrhp of locil i in m service clubs at irast nne im i tt ding project for el i rh 1 t is f has been aidel h mh 1 mi and othrrs are undtr cm ith all on in llalton 1 11 rj toun nursing home for scsiral m nths p tor to that farmad 3rd lino horn on lht mh line ves hint uiuhis a iot 0 sh wjs a dm dlr of it ix rt 1- ll and malihb i u an 1 inr in the rhmr of i in hjtiriin hurh nhm jirl sin moid with tier f had paid an extra itit and crri jr his paper young editors tuih e it rs dand carne and laid warren wrre beani mc when the brought their totil reenue fnim the first s if to the hi raid office to don atr t the hed r is a total 11 of m 41 hookkeeptni was c rr rt daniel crmdmotht r mrs h 1 arney explained by j a approximately 100 411 club mtunhers met in tha agrirultu ral hall milton fair grounds on saturday april 7th to en rol in ill lubi for iwij ven 4 11 chds wire oryan it d and they were aa follows time hairs calf clubs one lit 1 f alf club one rain lub one orn club and one trac tu- luti the rain club project for tho ear will le centrri ar ount seetinj the new itussell oats interest was hleh in uus project l nitters receid penersl ouuinrs of 4 ii club work from the traders of the arious clutm taletton of officers for lha t uh were carried on and thr nrw of fin rs appear as follows halton 4h senior holstein calf club i trend nt marion hunter sice president ii 1 ii sinclair aecrrlars margaret hunter all or burlington it h 1 halton 4h junior holstein calf club president norman wells rturlinmon u r 1 vice presi dent muira harris mtlto i it it c sreretao dwijhl ma hornby it it 2 halton 4h jeb1ey guernsey ayrshire calf club jn sdrnt laonir mia horn by it it 1 vice president ilill alexamlrr nona i k it 1 srr relary joan iliaty milton it it 4 haltoh 4h beep calf club resident charlrs martin 57 martin st milton vic prcsi dent msnln sherwood hurl innton it it 1 secretary mil dred martin 57 martin m milton j halton 4h grain club president del mar rord mil ton it it 1 lice president liar old thompson mi ton it it 2 v cretar erna t honpson mil ton r it 2 halton 4h corn club prtsllent arthur luuson milton it it 3 sice president margaret kinp mut n r it 4 kecretarj john hephurn tamp- tvcllilr r it 3 halton 4h tractor club presid nt 1 imar t rd mil ton it it 1 ice president john lllipburn t amplwlkilln k r 3 for dependable sales and service plymouth dodge am ysler valiant hat tjrgo trurlt inltnaluial tmcki come to maveal motor sales 11mitid main st north tr 73611 pan his to n a cir latt r i s 1 s nil 3i tl ijne 1 until th in inarm d w ilium fanih d on the e n ir hilli nham r retirement cancer society seeks funds ru 11- emmanuel baptists present sacred music by muriel thompson a sac and visit ibis saasan by tha choir of emmanuel basils church in mlllon mada tha chanal sarvlco on sunday afternoon april 1st an inspiring and outstanding one tha fifteen ladies and gentleman of lha choir and their choirmaster mr r brock came to tha manor wllh their pastor mr clayton colas directed by mr brock tho members of the choir blended thalr voices in lovely fashion in tha singing of throe anthems though your sins bo aa scarlet it is well with my soul and hli love is uloe a mower the choir also led lo the srilr- ited sin nine in unison of several familiar hjmns thraa brothars is active in in ti n mm n in itlnte and in 1 mrs s c 1 1 of t h i tt 1 li m l ml 1 t hurt h and lirmnmii t 1 nrj own was 1 niimbtr of st johns i nm d j hniih slu lows thfte brothi r- cm r h 11 i m irnll la si e n 1 tn- it mn d strut anil ti ren led by mrs r r ihonns u in of sd wick business directory 1 pietes of diffo- bcnralid the k of mis mirj1 o and miss l ickt nur w hrn they vtere hovtesxi for the anad nn t inrcr s ciet daflmlil tea in slurdin afti moon guests w h c a r r professional engineer a ontario land surveyor 116 mountalnslew nd s georgetown ont triancie 7211 res phone tu 73300 i first sevan ifr colei bued his interest intf term on on the first seven crsel of chapter 2 of revel atlon showing how christians in our present doy and affo can draw inspiration from the lives of the early christians described in theso verses mr brock played handels largo 11 a posuuda after the service on monday evening april 2 a number of residents travel led by bus to lha catholic ccn tro auditorium atbrontato 100 tho beautiful coloured moving pictures of tho beauty pots of new zealand and ejj its native people the maori explained in person by bathie stewart who is herself a new kin give prlits the prizes were supplied by i tho kinsmen and a groat num ber were won in tho eighteen gamos winners of two prizes ii each were mrs ejjond mri a sssv ft 1 k v asnw mu llltawind mr rcsldertts evening for those who were able to go i yravaleguas thli was the last tt ttfltser- let of travelogues epoiuorod blonthly by the klwanls club of oakvllle at which tho residents have beeiljuests and they are ifultothe klwunlansfof nueh bleaiure vjugliteen gsues of bingo were women residents on wednesday evening april 4th when llje kinsmen club of milton con ducted the third bingo in thrlr seras df monthly blngos at the manor this bingo had bun postponed from march 28th six kinsmen came to conduct the bingo among them their president mr john wtngrovc and their excellent caller mr dave brush mr brushs fine clear voice and suitable timing and the assistance given to tho handicapped by the other five kinsmen made this bingo like the other two very pleasant affair soiedbysjotitsiatty too g williams those who won otuv prlieeaoh were mrs w mstnlas mrs b wilson mrs af cuuler mrs e flaxmtin mrs a tinline mrs m walters mrs ii forbos mrs a cum mlng mrs m shaw miss m mountain andtwossrt hr-dow- die and w richardson v-r- a very pleasant 11 ing of enterul ament was pro vided lor the residents on fri day evening april bth by sov- men ajideriteen friendly young fiula who j mr s prrdi idr mn uul mrs belong to the senior and junior proups of ike acton tlrutid church canadian irli in trim infi the girls wrre accomp anied by thur leiders mrs 1 1ngel mrs k allen and miss f bma bagplpa solo to open the program a dan hie trio of girlf unaccompin led sang the ongthe iilue- bellt of scotland the girls were n ouby j dubj t blunn d ironside a rryrrand nw undirs n and fiio ncph ilh miss margery mackenzie k heard other musical hum t p conwiiing man rucms en bars were given at inti rwls p c iluon itf v throughout the program llu were a bagpipe solo h h imk albi rt 1 id in r sanh i t u hi 1 utnit dokom i i funeral service ui v i in miming conducted tin iuihiral cricl april 3rd t t the harold c mrclun run o v lck rli iinnin or the work committte and mn reg broom held wife of the presiilent of the iorttimn i nit and miss mariry m icki nzie poured tea during the afternoon mrs r paul mrs i strut nt mri m brewster and mrs j p 1 ral hotm iimj intinnfnt w xs pin ilvaki r poured tea mrs m ttrmiwimnl imitcr oriclaude k ntner ua in charge 1 town pallbi in rs wt re an of the tea room an 1 kitchen wallace thompson 3rd dlvltlan court clark a cammltilenar til 7 mil rout r hamilton ro oplomotnsv lsrs rxaiiitncd i ri siriptions rilled go mun st n for appointment tr 73971 and llnj i 011s incer was in hul dressed in a scottish cusiuim n a piano solo a chopin pnludi noviccs in dfaitipton i ampatgn blitz which d on mondiiy april lb 1 try eiicouraiinj le 111s solo by celite undo b j vnn for e3ster toumcy brink sevirul readings wi rt tllio gm 11 3hesf wen a di pomlnationol jrlrn from mrs wlggs of the labbigi patch h d angell the owl and tin vdssy cat by s irwin and s winters and a poem itbii crusoe by r elliott the hit number on the program was graceful ballet dance from the sleeping beauty performed by g lauder who was dreued in very pretty pink and blue ballet coktume for hor dancl i played fonts at tha close of this enjoyablo program the young girls with mrs engol at the piano led the residents in a sing soni to which they asked mr n vig ccrs to contribute by playing the bones nieso kind and thoughtful young girls added to tho plea sure of the evening by helping mrs allen with the serving of cold drplts and cookies to all present this is the second oc casion on which theso young ilrls have entertained tho real- dents la very pleasant fashion an eloquent sermon on the topic trho paradox or the cross by bev j k l mogown rain- dioimtnuil nnmic s tht turn tint has been tin pomr house in iiiinor hockey t hu srasoni an sharpening thtir rcilcxcs for the nixl and bigjeit goal- win in the much publicized upton novice llockiy tour nament eastir wctk good competition georgetown will lie in croup r and have to face auch food clubs as untuay richmond hill riveihide trenton barrio newmarket and lcamintflon ihe locals have won two cups have ait good s chance as any team of adding bramptons trophy to their growing col lection win three caw as the mostciitxtoiirn anient win was at preaion where they waded to tho title with the fol lowing booms 1 0 over kite ti dier 40 ovor brampton and 100 over now hamburg nam13 for conquest adutluirari was the naino of several assyrian kings accord- inrtbnettaardopediranrei leans each adadnirarl without exception expanded the assyr ian empire heat your home the modern- wy with natural gas and smarts chinook automatic gas furnace cll tllt- burttlnq dptml bunoiufotgot wllh lha oulo otic chinook m giv yow abundant haol ttv lh m04l con lorlobl wlnlar yowvrj v t knoum lha cmnoob fitf oocas high anv lmywionilaw fual coiti fully anctolsu with rolonv bronze efcd blue oaomii flnlih 0 oood looking wul you com b proudot t you chihook maui how i vlumbino s heatind tr 7m71 georgetown animal clinic j i zavllt ovm v zavlli ovm ithi ilh strrrt lllnlc oicn 7pm opm mon weo fri aftamaona by appalntm for rxpert eve care coniull o t wmker occullsl prcscrtptinni itllrd 13 main si s iliamplon l i h74 llc gl 1kuj ilium dam u p m daily kruu dam to 0 p m tcirmnca by appointment dale bennett latimer baines barriiltra tallcltara dolglas v latimer tfrescb f nainzs triinlla 73381 23 mill sl gaorjalown ilillil ettwostic si m ttlawt hlillut t 1 phrma planl vi 441 51 4 fonylha si s oakvllla printing op distinction letterheads envelopes statements weddinq invitations georgetown herald th 1um1 frank fetch lilfcaslb auctlosttll prompt scrwca po llui 413 til 72hg4 geopcclown llconcad auctioneer norman c uddla vmcmabbsl tr 74t3 promnl coutlaoul sarvlca leones hair styling prtoniudcolflura far kppalrilnmitr 144511 221 dalraw blv ar wbar lever- hoskin chartararj accauntarlta 103 queen w brampton glemlale 15005 44 victoria sl toronto puoue em 4013 hewson ord and helson barrlmar tallaltara oborce c iiewsun john d ord qc htkdkiuck a helson carretal nuilding 110 moimtalnuew rd s til t3218 tr 7 2210 uncluttered lives bushmen at the kalahari dei- ert in south africa live in small trlbea tha boole of knowledge points out that these huntors have no domestic anl- mall grow no cropi and praoj tlco no arts or handtaalu their w ate bhwa and poisoned arrows they uw no permanent homej and cloth- 1c eotulstf of a atrip of bide m e manderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill si georgetown tr piam tsjtklettba barrltlar alultar nalarv or williams bldf 6 main s tr 71531 monuments pollock cammeu besions on request impart our work th t greenwood cemetery fhomiwj fa witer btraat fwta o it 1 j

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