Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 8

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ismit ma v tmutuo ta hell aprh nth imt rxaz broomballs mr fix it thbftf was tltulldugoy foot uittce was imni legality wit awry end tfere waa sjonethirvn rolten in denmark i trie lourna ment of champion broomballtrt in tlw arena rvldey hight and hare i ttv source bill ricmord slipping bribes to gam official ffkk licit i of th arn board end arena superintendent don gosling prior to the tucltjaah it was all part of th minor hoc it ay boosier n ghl ha id at th local to palac fp raise fundi for tha kid hockey i- hunter link wins sid silver shield th wrunj sub tor itu club carun rhamplftimbtii shield donated by sid talvr i played oat thursday nhru 31u oar risou la th aula vre ftdpvby ivan bay aad ouvea- hnaur lor te moodey and tburedey bjtjbt draw tad norl nelaoa wl stu rklllhwtor the tuwar eaderrid alfbl dr i to bret pu huoure link esaajcuud hays rink tod 1ulew rink llnabuud the nalaaa rink th aeeond roe lb elteaepleashlo was a rail belli uiwa tha fhllllfia and hunter rinks that fvdc or draw for the but too pa and his vie tijud it otar and hunter prferyvd lo arw trfajtb ha did vila xrtact a rock uaiinatidi uk phlillp rink by two th bjambara 6 tka oliver hunter jink vtw vvon the ahaaaplooatdp abiald er lusd walur niaxuo aood john kaoji via lya uclarab tajp olir hunlar tha runnera up and winners of lb bobenlay trophy rink were lead ii clarka second y d4drrk vice dirk llawaa atijj fetu hiullpa a tha playdowns that lead up aoad end hunlar picked up to tha finals started on monday two on tha third ami and onr- evening with citht team in the on the fourth end itilllips tied monday thursday draw taking it up on tha fifth huntrr pwk part o ituntar wa victorious ad up two on tha tilth and i iter tha i crlrhton rink f was laying a possible five wwn thotfipaon wai victorious oyer fhilllpa draw to tha button and i tha u allium rink k olien countad ona lluntar waa onajwon from s uarkrnue and 1 up coming homa with uia lakl hay won over lite w hault rock on tha taw and it lookad rink in lha nina o clock draw and uli pa ifui luntar took oaa on tba klrcj lfe ctri 0 j r jbj j1 goslings goose is cooked vaaw lii aa thoujf4 ihiiulp had hunter in troubl for a aoubt ukut and h mlued by only a halra iu re 11 it phillip had hit vje ut on a jfuard llfljren could ttlll a pi act o tha ahot rock and that waa all ha ned md ilia nait rork eurlad in beautifully to tik tht ihut rock out and rolled ovrr rikbt la front ot iliilllpi unto nil ihiuipa triad to lup it out but mliiad hunter a first roek want rifht tlinmgh the houtr ii aald ha dldn t want it lay ing aruund ha prrfarrvd to kp tha front opn bvautr ha had urt rork coming home ihv winnrri went right ck an the ira aisiti jlrrr are the rrtilli o llunlrr imk the thnmpaon nnlc and the i hay rink n rged at winnrri ovt r tha j uuen rink that left the hunlar and hay rink ft r the aml flnati on thurmljy tvrnlng on fundi tha tuewljy 1 hutsday draw tuuk over and here ara the reuilti two liru- lhr lad oft the parade llitl and i n vhenk with don tmerii ii k to conlinur un in kir pla iiimni h i lulltpi wa mrciik i ful over tha 1 cleave rink silt robinson uai the winner phillip caroa up with hii lait orr the w loy rink rack 11a got a placa ot me j nation wit tha winnar avr ken larvni rock and went out him jlfowal in the late drr the sali tha mclaren rock had a llnil uinncrt warn 1hlllipi over backer but wai moved out jutlon srhenk and nort nelton anougb that it waa only iec over nrli ftobinon thli left oad pfcillipa waa laying ihotjvelton and phillip to bittle it on tha other alda hunter hadiut on thursday for the draw but rock will ha go for the winner to advance to the finalt oliver hunter rink ricemcharg winners patar jonaa photo oni of the two official who accepted bn be from bill richmond at tha broom ball ipactacular friday night hera don goiling got trie rubber hoi and broom handle i tfvmtmavit from players of the team of m nor hockey coachei and managers donem by hl fcnd cohort richard licata after ill it discovered the game wai part of the boo tar nioht program in the arena lo ta se fund for local minor hockey for lorn fun at summer boh pirl like nut in bnlnh col umbia at nelson and iawson oeek nait lesson thare will be a new batch of curlers coming along who haven t thrown a slont yet hut the older mem hem will take pride in showing them how to get the basics of the nine mastered so until itxl ipasan good golfing itie last planned activity for the men curler n the annual dinner presentation of pruo iiii i elcctjon of officer which will be held on wednesday april 2fllh kaa you there and the ladiei held their an nual last night north halton golf and country lub tba rink akipped by oliver i ve been cheeked up on m runtar with lyn mclircn a report of the visit lo thr duel vui john kannady aa tacondlpli club trip rscentl instead aad wiltar uorfortan aa leadoi onl winning one and tying ara the club champs for the c ne the local club won three ims acaton thay won the anil lied two out of aight plaqua on tburaday avaning gains ao tha l ami wera mora aitar a dingdong bittle with the aven than the report stutrjl rink skipped by stu phillips by tba acore of i ta 8 b the hun- tar rink will hava tlialr jismvs inacribad on tha labatt irophy mblematic of club champions tha phillips rink will hava pos- aatsion of the schanley trophy u the runners up to the champt lona tha phtllipa rink is made up of dick hawea vict kd dat trick iacond and harry llarka ai laad congratulitlona to tha ehaaaea and tha runners up thay wara the but of the 28 rlnk that atarted out on feb ruary 3dtb to tea who would taka aha trophy for the season tba wlnniniriklp of the two other draws was lloyd crich ton who wful the early draw lent uorrv lo all those who helpi d sup ply the lid hilt and cort s fur this column the put ktasnn may i express my thanks pub licly all the llltle rourtrsics were surely appreciated and it is my fervent hope that tha column has made a utile con trlbutlon to the enjoyment of lha rand ok scottish game with the atane and ballon ra- peclally to mr nell roblnion mrs rrnle curry and mn s maekenile who give informi linn on the ladies activities a sincere thank vou nob judging from tha number nf fall and alto tho mid wintir oul ha club on sunday draw whlcb dnlthed ih middle f l opportun oi fabruary thd you notice in the bon- tplal on 8aturdiy a team head ed by jamai union want rlijlit riown to the last game beforo they were defeated this rink wai a number of tingle entrlai into the bontplal and without prior arrangement want out and won thai scat two gahtai thay ware called the leftovers do curling la finished for i tba aaaaon batter hang thaurioor pursuit ilka golf broom up where the goodtady cant reach it ai it mokea a very handy broom to aweep into the coroat of that dark closet just a friendly tip if the- illtlo lady eayteurr wahtrdoit tar hide it anyway come next fall and pop may have to buy a new one ailba beat oba la aura to be bar broom u to dli out the old bob skatea and autus to aee if they could ttlll stand on tha steal hljdcj bet there ware quite a number of aoro muaclei and bruises reported on mondiy curling lure doemt develop tha aame muxclei 11 ikillng does dood job it waa only for ono day stack hroomsl you got around to thli time of year and curling is wall on ita way toward yielding to out- bo whan you tucked your bfouma this tlmo it wasnt just a little recess for aoma loelal iilng with your curling pals it wai for the eummer aeuon wbht be tfripplng a broom or atone handle in your hands again until neatfall unlaw of course you hava a hankering teen bowlers april mlh standing liana hoahler feve jrahim i iiiii anderson lob harris ukn hlah oauuei tom quinn dave grehtmjw gens rioahlerwf high tlnola tom quinn fv ciena hoahler bob paaon hl slnelaa with lorn quinn bob tason averaaea dave iraham bui andanon lane roahlar bob harris ladiei frlih bauhae judy naah bonnie branjford pat mackinnon high llntlas pat mackinnon judy naah bonnie brehdford hlh alnilal wjfh handicap pat mackinnon 37 judy nash 337 averaoek gloria jonaa 13d vjuoeluindle 13 bonnie bralidford 131 judy naah 118 meat improved bowler fat mackinnon saturday was the final bm spiel of tba aaaaon and the beat waa iftft to tha last a full quota of alirtean rinks took part in the two drawa whkt started at 8 am fheavenl what an early hour for saturday and 10 am the winner of the fine trophy donated by jo rica and ben mellarg waa the team akin- pad by oliver hunter from the early morning draw alembers of tha team vtnnrre were w vagoreen lead malcolm ryemin teeond rick caruso vice and oliver hunter holding the broom they beat out the top rink from the late draw hyi a narrow margin in tha plut column each having won three gamel the winner of the late draw was the rink skipped by earl olten with uoyd crlehton vice lyn mclaren aecond and j graham aa lead other wmnere in the early draw were the rink akipped by bill llchenb who wa a two game winner and slu ilillltpa rink who won one game in tha late draw the two game winner waa the team of joe chapman with the bill itoliln son rink picking up the one gamt priie oscar sinner was the winner of the lucky draw after the prilea bad bicn given out the orchestra of doris hulls set up in the lounge and with a loud speaker exten sion to the ice atrrface proceed ed to play for the moecaaln nance but of au the dancers and thay ware numerous nary a pair of moccasins were obser vad curling boote or rubbers werede rigour on the slippery surface and of court that i genial man about towot dick la rata acted aa lea manager and introduced a few new etepa among the dancers with tils cane and whistle to wind up the beaton as far as curling waa concerned the staff served a dainty buffet luncheon which wat most ap- 1 predated j now there only remilna the two tnnual meeting for the e ection of officere and the presentation of trophies the ladiei held theirs laid night april 18th and tha mm will hold their meeting on april 23 neat wednetday i 378 337 30 208 188 170 handicap 280 284 180 ins 181 140 carretal bowling april 12th fandlnti uve wires 8ft apaches 75 cllfftlde 80 blow baga 82 local yokels 88 gutter rats 47 ukn weekly hlah triple cliff hlbbart bm role norton 877 kin wlrmtn s8s weekly hlh tln walter pope 233 rom norton 220 ron clarke 228 avereajee walter pacholok 181 cliff lilbbort 178 kan warmait 172 ladies weekly high triple midge olover 4b3 mars pop luj 431 najl peoholok 430 weekly hlh atlhala tudsje olover 1b0 jaan p 170 miri pop lli avdravea midge aiover grace irwlh bharod aknatrong isd 180 r 144 jim ford heath legion hockey jim ford will head trp trg ion kid hockey again next sea aon jim wai reelected to he poat saturday morning hockel lea gue held their annual meeting in lha logion oudltortum to be appointed others elocted were vice pre- sulint jim yatea aecretary herb robinson and executive mombera prank connely and herb arnold kour more exec utive member will be appoin tod later ivan crahtrce is the league a area representative and cat king la referee in chief for thb hst deal on tv and stereo shop milliere tv ialk and sirvicb 14 weileyan st rca viator clalriarw aaolerola phllu latwaopla zl nash amd mcdowell humbino and htatino- water loftahera ajwileliyttemr repairs altrelkha tr 72842 carrshoot dogs if deer molested tauastjotv imcauunts avsmtrv is hmwm b rhned iittb ha starts r r win leal te ateetfi ity a wtw srlilaua wtlal eeaas kaa wai hameai oaaiae waraleei re at iuw w ismm e assuniisa mi war en eaja a tinmmf aa we eeaja m qai th fcaf a cetue pmtlulf eitd uk a the ftee u naseaevewaye mrm emii ueee liwa fwe ad w klfm teitklrt a ur7m ef aasf miwrutti atf halteajivllla w iejhte wkds 4wlvt wb tiw df rm4m4 tha ru in franf el hmoic imst ineler ih twfj ualaj aw4 kur w 4f nd wksmi he qimm wartia mrtiv4 k aetw tiwii twav k4 tbfja tmtstlm u tsm ufjc uw b- clwne aal tt4i ifiarternuti mf laat paaky tml wk rut ir euasf th ttuvm lum ma waluwilu um aiu um v e tow satkame th- ittthr m vh r44l ka ufiaff wu flwkmru aa afam ikal m t i ln la wrt si shall tllow it ta rvn at taroa durlntj tke cteiaid saasom dr mr raid fjkeavlniw aut the aar saya ja favkajj rtmwiifvf iwr during tha cl4j tkn shall ha aah4d fa hai at tara with l4v sf tha r aruf may be klmetj sight by an f flcar without incurrlna any liability ee equity if tha dog can be traaaj te its awrv r the wrer la liable te a flaia oansa ilrda te mr rajd else p4lmt eut the act ftwblda dmi frem molttlrt f fallewlnf the tracba ef any wild bird or diiturblfl ita hat batwaan april and july it yeur de falls la re turn umm in all arababllity it wen t said tha oiwa war jtn me and mu srltlcars are prepared te sheet any dea moletflno the anlhult young bowters make presentation the first annuaj party of- the caorgntowd biancli trf the cejnadiaii junior bowar lng council vu bald liv the baaqoet room of the deirex bawtatxrvnt saturday april 11 appreobnateiv 40 bowure ku tandd the party wbicib got uader wsy at tm and voand tp around midnight the leagues eoecb and tnanajti ilarry maylock and ut haylck were eluper- ertaa hd buaajl trntt and ftharott gortb looked after the fturulnmonil pal ijue kfassmoa aad sob harrlvhaaai v led the rebvaderment end sf it winners v canusls wf ann hi4 mtulcal boys unrmn smith end gary ar- atbatrdtiat yttminitinn daasfie pbttuoe annitaje aad bob- harrla padnge daaoa barb 4 tort b4d tdsb quinji twist consaet sharoti qortb aad dave nlven spot denea uiffallgfct of the bight was the prtmejouuoa by use young bowleri to harry keylock tor bis guidance and work with then bob harrla made the ivwwaeolaruod at hu laagdav tnaui they bowl at the lucky bttik aiwy every satnniey hmtiiing lions clud newspaper bingo final series graen cards thij wlfjc numfjm b 1 n g o 3 l s3 47 66 is 33 45 50 ii 30 33 33 31 37 60 10 20 41 35 1 16 31 51 13 7 last week s numbers 1 37 19 56 70 11 32 31 46 69 6 38 35 40 63 14 38 34 4 6a s 35 57 61 4 63 64 74 arnold rathbun ttlangw 7 471 representative sun life of canada georgetown 12 go war court how to play numbers appear in the herald each week and a full card n b ngo when you have a bingo mail your card immediately lo po box 3 georgetown it must reach this box by saturday rwon following mmcytiof trf numbers la be eligible for k prise if more than one- w nner in a senei a draw ii made for the 50 first prue and coniolations arc awarded the other wmnen each series continual until there it a winner and extra numbers ere pub bshed each week in tha herald binoo cai0s 2i 3 fr soe available at many starea and from herald carrlen yeu can help a herald carrier win e bicycle by purchasing yaur cards from him its in georgetown international bantam hockey tournament easter week april 21st to april 28th 35 participating municipalities including visitors mom detroit woodstock cophkurt petirborouoh oshawa camp ftorden and many other communities fri night 730 pm tournament activities start kxhiiition oami georgetown vs coppercliff oeoroatown citixins band in attendance admltalon adults 35c children prie tournament start daily at 8 30 a m last game each day scheduled ror i so v m grand championship game saturday april 28th i 7 00 p m at the arena be a booster thar are upensas involved in a tournament af thla aia and gabs reeelpea iia th rtlalrt aource of rvenu your purthaia of k reciter ticket will admit you t any and all babies durlntj tha weak plut taturlnd tb baitlard hoclty astit thai lourriamanl sarlta will b me avallabl from rhmbara 4rtd a the hetald office prfgeratuly srihllbrtml4 see you at the arena vn jl i uas itwtt httjhtf xj

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