Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 9

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pater joaei jijoto catching a tin of them fftlcia holds her prize catch en high a school of compact trout btter known m mrdinei and if youra wondering what a tin of lardlnei hat to do with trout scaon you havent tried to elbow your way into the throng of angler maised along tho forkt of the credit opening day motor sport triangle car cluft casc officials will bo out toon to certify tho flth line for the hill climb the mee ting this week was held at th anglers and hunters ca bin dash plaques have ftmn made and era ready for distribution tha club ii tearching for an accurate tim ing system for rallies the club has a parly planned for leisure lodge on saturday april 28lh bill mcenery will be attending the grda racing drivers school at mos- port may 56 north h alton kart klub some members have been running alroady at burlington k track on may otn open ing day the day will start with official time trials there will be a pointing and clean up work party this weekend the club meet ings will now bo held wee kly the next one at bill mc- enorys 0 mill st yearly dues are payable before the first of may archio chase will be a strong contender for tho championship it year radicals rod a custom club tho clutch and fly wheel have arrived and the rjdicals re all ready to put tha chry tier mill in they havo strip ped fha old body off the coupo and are almost sot to asemblo it a new mem i bar barry harvey was voted into the growing membership tuesday night yeliowjackets motorcycle club just soma general informs- ttlon this week tho ymc was formed in georgetown by a small group of pnthus- lasts in ipso it affiliated j first with tha american mol- torcycre association and la ter in 1959 with tho canad ian motorcycle an the cma ii the national govern ing body of competition ev tents for all aitociatod clubs and individual members tha cma in turnllattljated with jind undcf the jurisdiction of the federation of interna lon- j el molorcyclisto fim which j tho world wide organization governing the promotion and control of the competitive jlborl the harewood racing circ uit has boon renovated and will be used again this year for tha smaller club races tha first drag race at cay uga will be sa1urdiy ap ril 21 jl tha first opn rem at mos- port ara may 19th what austin sprite will be racing this year with white sidowall tires shades of oio yaller richmond again heads baseball executive bui richmond hi bean returned president of tha geooetown baaabell auocuficn which govarii all local ball from inlormadletea down to th amallest minor roam th baaaball rooqull mat monday or tha annual election and raturnad all of uit yeera axacutlva kill smith wit named vice pretidervt and norm matklaffl leealary treasurer leaaua dorr willi bui jriekeir and tvaeay hamfar i tne intermedin dub tt tka meeting bill emlti norm hae- um uuj hoy muenttni yejr- reseated minor ball ami mil eltwmd retrete4 rk aild- ttlt thar tmaalullry af 4 jmlw batekall taea u tarn vkle yaar trae efweicheet arkeai hta eaa ftflireel a eeii ke left apart fa estaekar try jim tusslee km keeel tha meter slrwns heeler ear jenle- ftaaac k bafeima nothing u datuilu but there km been apaculahoa ibatoaor- tatwn will bar a baotea entry id the ualtaa cotkniy ball utub it would coma out a tha unor ball ortantrsbon the lowo will be worahnf m tba haw intarmadlala alamood liia iborlly but thincai are lis intermediate m1 hold ib ttsurlal ftrttllc unlll tba md a tha month dave morgan heads georgetown bowlers bv id turm im will hesd up th nwni tetff ei goriown ooli tod country club this iruun the tvtn sautum i4trliry uit ytr div aurli tvd woitajj h r 1 ceorgttowo in tm wnlor ottxc when tha mm ut in um cjub boum sundty for their general snmting wid tion jui tlw thim pr4iwnt hiving uwn picsdsd in lhr poit by norm varclurvfnt and ted warrall otkar ui3 wf corfie inch club raptiln km koiter trusurh wayne pra- xon sociil cnvfn tow mul- 1m bill town mud tommitt chttrman grains commitl m burton chaurtun aulas don jarvi auliunt wank lujvhi chairman juwwlty tr- ry ilarley aaiuunt card ho- unton othr oucr willt filled it tha firat mens night torhormw in thf rrratrst llboraavtnf dvte of today hospital bowlers april fch ysim standlafa slow pokrj irahani ailhooly 73 the innorenuj art diison 70 ftjfety vllves lyle armtlroni ml oillitone fxnort flelfft co pill higher jtn ward 50 the eranlunu johnnie walsh m pan atlndlen i tony michuiw 46 drawmhtets gtrry lameront 44 whiii rtiulf slow poltea 7 tha geran ium 0 safrty valvn s cillitonei 2 the innocent 3 ptll puthi en 3 drawiheu 5 panhanderi 2 uen wmkly hl trlpln fyle arnwironj 773 art dluan ft43 gerry lameront 833 wmbly hl slnoua iyle armatrong so0 art dmson 2m gcortfe aiptlen 246 saasant hlah trial ryla armitrong 773 in ward 7m grrry lameront 7m tsna hlh tlnfla lyla axmstrong ml clirf atklnion 320 gerry lmamnt 313 avar o gamna pti tournament schedule april 21 28 bantams will battle here for international trophy saturday april 21 spark hugs corrlei chevrololi of tor- onto have spontorod vb chy l to rac- at mai- jorttrn ydar am 030 0 45 1100 ipm 100 iis 3h0 443 noo t15 0 30 woodbrldcc hcspclrr vs copparcufl vi acton winona ik delhi marlborouchi vi iltirlinitnn scaphorouch ilonj vj kltchcnrr wnmlhritljie vi acton llcspclcr vi winona copncrclitf vj ixlhl marlboroughs vi ilurllnmnn scarboroush uona vs kitchener 100 7 15 1130 woodhrldia or acloft or llcspclcr or wlnoni v ijrirllmrna or klmlra or coppcrclik or dlhi watford or cannlngton or kxctcr or walkrrlon viiamp llnrdn or port dover hlchmond mill va gall itrmnpton va wooilitock illvcriiido vi mount hoyil thursday april 26 monday april 23 am n3o 015 1 00 pm 100 215 330 445 noo 71s 1130 d shcllmrnc m elmlra a uakvllla vs lluclph li watlord va cannington i exeter ys walkerton d camp borden vs tort dover d shelburnc va klmira a oalivllle vi fiuelph d wattord vi cannlnston d exatrr va walkerton d camp dordcn va port dover am 045 1100 pm 100 215 c oeorcrtown or newmarket vii tjllsonburjl a detroit vi viult sta maria k itlchmond hill or rlt vi brampton or woodatoek 445 000 715 830 tuesday april 24 rrrstnn vi itlrkhamunlonvllla oakvillc or guolph vi oshawa or paterborounh c gioruetown or newmarket vs tillsonburff a detroit vs sault slo maria ii richmond hill or lilt ts lirampton or wooditock c preston va miricnamunloiwllla a oakvilla or outlph va oahiwa or ratartiorouih am 830 045 1100 pm 100 115 330 445 800 715 890 d woodbrldoe or acton vj hcipale or winona d bhalburna or elmlra vi copparcim 01 dalhl d watlord or cannlnjton vi eeler or wilkerton a oihiwa v poterboroujh c- gaorcetown vi netvmarkct d woodbrldlo or acton vs iloiptler or winona o shelbume ofhmlm ya copparcllh or delhi d watford or cannington vi exoter or walkorton a oihiwa vi poterborouch c aorotown w nowmarlmt friday april 27 am 1000 a dotrolt or sault sta maria vi oahawa or guolph of oakvillo or poterborough 1115 a marlborough or duxllnitm va gcarborouih uona or kltehanar pm 100 a detroit or sault st mirlo vi onhawa or gualph or oakvillo or petcrboroufih 215 a martborouehi or nutllnbtonvi ecarborounh uoiu or kitcsener 800 b30 000 gbaras final stmies final series final wednesday april 25 am 8 jo d woodbrldbe or acton or hainalar or vyinndius sliclburne or klmlra or n copporclllf at delhi 045 d watlord or cannington or ekataror walltartofl v gump bordan or port dovat richmond hill vi fait saturday april 28 jloo b pji loi n b vi woodiloik lstbvajlorvirmolliit hoyal 1 vi woe am 000 1030 pm 100 k30 400 600 700 a series wnal exhibvraqn somi pliul b ylfcj sohtl fl a v u ijn ward 67 200 lyla armitronu 61 ta 172 garry lameront 67 172 ijvdirl wlly high trlplai kay tliomson 7 jran itolhler 852 phyl ward 017 waakly hlch slnalaa ilettylxxi clark 4 ltoa ixwii 22 myra wild 239 scaiana hlejh trlalai rhyl wlrd 74j helena lliin 740 llettyixhi mark 722 hetty sandifrr 722 caaton hlh sinfla thyl ward 2m heltylou clark 21111 ffuaan niimett 208 1m avaravaa oamea ru jean itoahlar 4 102 phyl ward 57 171 kay thornton 48 188 provincial bowlers april lath mary oaraya hofaart auanv ioe loo travor wlqlama qtnti waauy hlaii trtalaa alarrln huntar 871 don wtlaoa e8 oaarfa bartkar 828 waakly hlah tlaala roiart allan tti jadl hoopar 182 aostawaatoa s4s wail tlau caoxa baiw ml l hla tlnada ivavor vtiuiaizll 878 4taai aaeatia laarn barbar j3l tratoi- wllllanu toy tlia joe ladies i waall hla trl1 uarj uw ml jus chapirf 588 waaklf hi lualaa lirj lawi ill an cappal 218 taaaani hlah yrlla viry cavey 748 hvaiwi hlah laaul wary ciray joe avaraaaa jean chaopel 181 mary carey 131 north haltort ladiej april l taaaa stancunga muddler blockbuatara satallltai udpredlctablel waaltly hlfh tripui lb harold robart mr alaleebxf rraeiail aiiaa eleanor spluir waakly hlah trlurt tolth hailiaa mm harold robart mr alaleoloi rraamaa mitt eleanor spltiar waakly hlak 1u ur harold fobert lira artfcor beaumont uri stanley klolay wkly hlt ilntlaa mr ldrold kobert mn arthur beaumont 8844 844 8230 7s80 807 843 828 744 bm 842 j18 1h 1m th olokoattown hi thuriay april 9tn 1j pack 0 haydpr hlohf hlak trlplaa mrt bay dubabara mr harold robart ate wurray hanley hlak triple win mm harold robart t44 1 mri bay dubrhbum jajj ifrl ataleolnj fraetnail hlak 84nu mr murray linly jjjt mr hay dutthbum i8 uul eltanor epllur hlak ilal 4n m8ihi elaaaor altur jus ura lillmy- hawf ur btanlay rlnuy 143 uri bay diildtbara m 110 108 100 wh 08 85 78 88i 873 671 harry llaylock saaaaita hlfk knlpa cadet inspection planned in may tka annual intpactlan af tka caarfatawn hlak tckaal cadat carpa will ka nada tka lair wadnaiday in may ihll yaar mamkarahlp in tha cadata la voluntary thla yaar wklah thauld cut aharply into tka number paradlno in tka park and at tka mament it la atlll indaonlta wkatkar tha ilrl aadeta will taka part in tka annual ceramony an afflcar from central command oabvllle will ra- vlaw tka corpi whlek kai kaan praatlaltln at ika klgk ukaol and intha armoury midget baseballers first to practice georgetown mldoatt ball faam tot fha lump avar all olkar loaal aajuada and kald tkalr flrit praetlca in tka park sunday undar tka lup- arvlilrm of manaoar and coach bui richmond and tracay barrahr a alatan kail playara is- narad tha unaaaaonat tarn- paratura and turned up ta work toma of tka klnka aut with a warmup iaalanwklch trot undar way at itsoc tkay trained far about an kaur lakblnp fly balls and flnlih- up with a pepper eama theyll ka at it i again nakt undly kartlhi bad weather varian bowling april 12th stand u paul barber jtan graham mar uead ilea hurat jack knlpa mil mcdonald denny wright charlie jcnner men waakly hlak triplet plul barber hon green weekly hlak llmflee plul barber hob webster 24 240 triple jsck paul barber earl wllcoi lessons hlak single harry llaylock joe strife jim fallow average paul barber charlie jennar earl wllcoi ladies weeks hlgk triple karen norton 877 ethel trouten 871 waaki hlgk single ethel trouten 221 mena smith too emily shanbon 200 marf uead 100 seaeena hlgk triple bea hunt 835 mare oflaherty 828 soaiene hlgk single mart mead 288 veda armatrons 282 averaga dea hunt 187 mart oflaherty 1 180 mat mead 188 third and final weak of playchl 181 782 760 utj 348 830 108 103 180 we can save you tax dollars wide jwi people right now tut miltn lubtttrntiil uwingi on lhr income tx they do ii b pulling money into i regiitered retirement plin ind deducting the contribution from tixible income they can look forward lo ceretre retirement eided by income tax deductible dollar investors hii iixrh a taxiaving flin stiouldnt we be telling you about if t itivtttttortt disit t te dick riddall 4 ottrandar 81 it 73 17 exhtlumorl- rbaitbltiom ciiand-ciiamrionann- a ot- cva b r d bob edwards1 plumbing f iriqt vwawtam jatimmql 8766951 138 rexway or married couples bowling league anrh 10th taint standing wltardi sw slow starten aa illow hard sb shmooi 33 floofferi aa mlauta 11 team standing wlurja 7 dlow hirdi 0 slow starten 7 vllillti 0 qooheri 8 shmooi 2 uen waakly high trlplai eirl ilydcr 823 geome nuraa 882 nob nurke 838 ron dumper 838 waakly hlgk sirloin george nurae karl itydcr prod darby ron dumper saaiani hlgk triple georffe nuna fred darby dob burka seaaone hlgk slnglaa prd darby earl ryder 7 rrid lea averagee goori nurse krl rydar 188 oord craham 175 laoibs waakly hlgk trlplai dorothy 11111 uu8 jun darby 1150 mirllyn bhr 840 bev lee 406 weakly high single dorothy hill 31b june darby 208 mirllyn butter 200 bev la 397 sealeni high triplet anna burka lsui 820 bav tee 810 dorothy hill s flob saatona high singled 1 drtn 01 lvla-nortoii- 37s iy laa ss averagee jurdarbr opsnt- ibs ellleonballty u 161 maruyu butter ihuh 161 top soil m mushrcom compost small obdes sold at yakd barclays haulage excavating tr 79991 now osmose pfflsllrhmirfdimm 248 230 133 123 884 683 883 301 180 107 it rlphii its iiiiiitable it s malt uie esiatior wel erauuil the home eottet or ami verandah ttoort bmfaftit window frunei wood ta contact villi concrete or iroulu lut s to tutim lotcr lii fire- frelerdenf toe icvery pu will smohl- tikservejt tlvee used in cuijuu alue 1m1 osmose pressure treated wood products iritj v ri i mm e itfrsp 0tt s beach moth and cottages dtosouy oi lh worlcft mcwr fiunouj beach modtaia fully quipped unltt atxtt- tlonod tv phbaeri bodl lounge golfing fishing v credit otucli honorocl ii 4 rr- lfcts wi v rfrtsfinsv

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