for fine printing a co a wry i service act v ik tetem fc 0oi9imiw georgetowmherald a 5 da ha heartflwkai daajat qa o aj oeateria ttwcmlay aped 24t 14i sixthn pages telephone tr 7220l mwa jx 72301 a plaw j anal at jo at manic- q i mf a bay aamy aead attldah 400 p ym sengk ccyy mew tea 0mbi becoming more frequent firebug at work two suspects watche says council minutes ignore important facts worst fire plague ever bonfield thrill seekers will pay haley if the present mend us average cont oust hi goofcab- m id ttkt l ih the nwnay i bantam hockey lournamenl wll have attracted lom i no inr bed rumr rum hu ny 2 300 ip1al0fl by tv time the lionf door lim complain rvg lhat minute of prevoui count i meeting- uadd drop off toinet ft saturday n rjht made no reference lo petition of ratepayers which asked niiolt ho adii g pubtc interest is lopping last year when the tourney lnfl or a vole before e subdivision raio by law amended nuvor in mr sjitrnt absenrr ir attempt rel ed on cunoiity at well at fan interest to ind a met on forwarded by georgetown ratepayers avioc raid tulet mm lo jalr of main uppy if e old magnetic pull on loceli es right now they ition a i king that the municipal board be any nenoheliont whicti would abogaio a 1v54 agreement between tlte town end delrex developments mrv h n imarlyn appeared before council monday mayer targant acbitewtaxjfi d emission el the petition in x the muuui lest week end now jruk d lemoii i nelue the rtnmv otln t waa iiuj ma wk- u ratepayer clairjij direct parly icm impruvrini nts 4u e7i 03 si ice ftoule at ove rale ol bath thinks thru a d rn peter johm pholy easter worshippers pack local churches chu1ch coeks flocked to their respective churches sunday lo observe the true me age of easter end their emit efier the vervces resembled iih avenue at ihe he ghi ef ihe easter parade here the congregation leaves st johns untied church atler ihe tecond morninav service and new bonnrtc and spring finery dominate the attire uit mertyn 1ft ttrane that council deet net take note el utepr hoi rt u wh important aje llc u kecve hliotl uho waa acting l ltha or the evening mi h lasreni with mr martyn thai 1 he inoinr bunird out wmjii lh mlnulrs shotild note thcc it tl had lo w rrpured fltti rt coinpumihb lo uuiuil formal mi1wm ou luiiia ton clrrk c bi nham ex plltinid thai minutei contain u rmal motion and that coun but 1 w tlill a 4 kuy cll ihould hac a show o funds wm totd by property chair ulirn nuch thin art i mentioned m tha ininutn council aurred on cr llairii oi usscition that notm uf p dru m n mart n rrmarki thai ymi l v rt c rung uould acromphh iiiii and a ahuu of hand tncu are flocking to the john than 300 a day 1 since last tkurwaa lut w first round winners iyj sit i wasnt maklrf any infar mm mm i ell buin let v vsrr meel rthmon hl l cartaln raaunt and i want iham harald lmklnilaa u lrtuf hum a en a lawn laltarhead i will own navrlca laax have laka a dv and imlur tin linaw i m euallnf than atcur lanl tlrld in thalr uail far luoday and until ralrt ataly whan t d nine are injured elmira accident mator and tirot drred ihn 900 deposit water bylaw require in new water arrears now mean no water a new water b in was pa- fd t council momta ami 3 wttire service rao b lw uill follow it next work the new bybu will not al fret thi djnif ic con mm r uill up minimum rjlrs slituu for some comnrcial and in duttrial uicri and nduci rktrs to lirtc iticliiktrit rih ton rr one cl4ii will m r itr the two ihflii n u wxttr hill shew breakdown at present water bllu are tendered evary twe months wlh i corwotrta charge made up et water rate and a sos lurcharee far tower uo a rtejtholrier for instmce oett e minimum bill of m so new be will still ait the same bill but it wl i show breakdown into ssoftind 150 interest rate uppstl deli que nt taxpayers 8 charge for over 1000 local taxpayers whose arrears amount lo more than 1 000 will be paying do yearly interest from now on on monday finance chairman bob mcneilly introduced ihls in what he termed a series of moves to reduce tax ac cumulations i believe in many instances that businessmen and individuals are using tax money for other purposes because they can borrow from the towrat a lower interest rate he laid low people will think twice about letting large errears continue v i itj take ihls step at a lutcr date would have it i firilt must m ndvlte if the municipal act would nd the endorhoment of the do llow 20 intcrcbt he wouldiprtment inuoduce it cr mcneilly mit cr fred u who on- t minimum ratal w ii continue to be bated en the lin ef water pipe for up to 2 lsch pipe there 1 no change with mini mum rata varying from 4 so to 15 75 howaver the mini mum hat increattd tor larger tit pi pet a 4 inch ttrvic which used to coit 149 00 it now s9000 an i inch ttrvice it upoed from s3 7 co to s30 00 vnalir hm rs r hitinue to fit it- inm ft 00 gjllons at lilt niinimiim rdlr thi nit 24 kxj ro t 45c prr ihuiisind nim uouoo nrr 8r net llu h n m this pmn i u r ilt s h w i i dripixd t lor tin ni t 4 gallon 2tlc for ii tixt 250000 and all uinn- oir a million will hi chn i t dui v jtci u i r out nl- t ic iniin itipahty will c nt lut to piv ilnublc rjlrs if u vi i up tu ihe ttirictoun sv it m ainnd at tc hint h s i oin cr jim emmercon explained thiil during an interview with in omelakar the department of municipal affairs it hid been learned that recent legislation ill own hip 8 levy poked the 8 mte wau out npiten in criticizing a chaniiu lntlnterwt charged by the bank to 5i from the former 514 o i would like to know why this wasnt broufiht to council anyone who la twe yeari in attention and why we havettt vrreere can a i to hivehlrirvrlooll to nther borrowlnn pehy reglatered by the town and i ten be taken ewer unlet all taxei and ceiti er paid up in the ensuing year tatd cr jim hmmerton m like to tee thla policy adopted g cr mcneilly said he tntentls idureei hftihald rubber staupad cr llarrhion termetr slumped the emftmltii of uwn solicitor appolutment of town boards and council com ml tecs and the borrowing of in ant who re without net t iiu uwr bills a 000 ilrfu i will now in rruirtd in ad ncr same privltaga tnduttnal ottabllthmantt will pay tewor rate only en the par ctntaoe of waler dltcharged tnti tho thwart and unleia tha e it a change of opinion when the by law t patiad next mnday commercial utart will alto be granted thlt privilege the wiur b bw hcrjun a im her pht with those who l i i nt t- lulls srricc will t disc iiiliiiui d if jtrcminti nr- iii i pud uithin ml tins of thr dm dito and a 2 00 fct tin 1 1 i il fur mitorini a tulolt lrr ii i uli f rruutioim roiiriiu i in tall ition jrr iki roo t mid in ihr li lu li st iliiiion ch irki continue 1 he si 10 to sib ilijh imiui i s f pipe 4iwl a pr vat lire i nr chircc varin fiom m50 lo v150 will il so coutinur funds fr in our bank just bi ri i this has lit pit the cus inn for crs i ttit r mcnrllh uittidutod not n to tat the i nun sol i loi t il t st ps to collect nil lu me s laxts in aiirnr at the xiu or mm delinquents will and thenv silvet in e very embarrasting pot unlet thate back tanas are immediately paid he teld deputy reeve hunter said the main problem htre is but irenes which have a brief few montht existence and leave without paying eny tax that will lie dimuuatd too b my committee within the istxt few weeks promised cr mcnclllj acting mnyor klhott suit he would like to sec the low n irirurcr do hit best to colkrl such accounts before they are put in lenal handi r harrison said the acst nient commissioner should also check becnutto some husineits- ci mluil have been dine on tin ucrt before the earend and would not owe the hook figure mrs harvey puckering i terra cotta president yhe terre cetta wnmrni in latitule met at the nome of mrs lluney iuckennff on april 12 i the mette prepared b mrs a mchtinr wai one man ore aiuiatlorts might takr lo heart make thr intlilute enrich our hearts not wear us out a eel lac lien was taken for the canadian mental health aksoc nlmn and asniii thu ear il um decided to join the lniwd sattiuis association the following officers wire ehctcd for the coming wason prrkidrnt mi llanej puck ennc ll vice iret mrs i nishup 2nd vin re mrs ii dolin secretjr mrs lar enct anderson district direct or mrs ii dolson dlreclors mr h clark r u team an i mr a mchane at tha conclusion of th uuitins a pot luck aiippir nj sercd federal contracts s uul lit st kptmuink rum ottuua fcaul on itiurvliv hit th- odpral sincriinitril will contributr- 130 000 toward the col of contrucllon of a new isrunsc ill posal plant al burl inulon to br built a an mtlm att i cost ol si mo 000 mr naltt alo uiat a dcpt or def ncr production contract for uic liulltlln of fl lliree ton sttc truck hu hctn awardc 1 to the run motoi lo ol canada at oakvllle in ta amount of 130340 on mavua taurnatant manaura in tha fual r wkaavar li bramtan thhlna- tka larck t hv in thalr aaanina claih tuaa grata la apirhdd tka m la adav th taaala dad a bwar- llkaly la fataa un iful llnduy craw 3 and kan will ckaraa kald iha um tluk la a jall chief haley touched on oik in ihalr uand aneumlar n m of it in a iii a eornloan famii a in rura tha rw bin total j jcrd everyona iroaat od in an atridrnl whuh in aarlai s faalt la htrw n j t ln who cfaaa j juretl 0 xroni nivar umira tmtkl kaaathaad wad ha trucll lit lunii monday cralnara with ihraa gaala purlu who nm wlultm 1 wllim allanby iji dalra 0 and oau can- joo of th lmrk wl 1 t blvdht wll jn1 and ss i ff dealt mlth u th ullt utretrl z in d da jn1 3 and mary j- d of the lw and ltreied that th and w lira d iha cam- m a l po for th lack o eo- allanh liter had a brtw j j l na on tha part of tha fw lo vt an undalaatad lulay whan h 18000 liurk fur sooo antl e rluna int ihalr tacondl r i reaw hmlulil of a n w rnur nirmhen of the new ilm ih wll a lw t bmllwld aaid ur dan nitii whin we bouhl the marki i itrtlmen hockr team ftmt w ruhnwid hill feallur that j 16000 l liurk sjil lr harmon cn in ihe olhi r cr enroule lo th tm worul of fire fuhtlnj qula i wrek mr llt hail p umira in the oiia jr c mc al 4 jo if they mnl t lh road vry nlrt for ciini ilejil on main hnal slrerl imprtiveinrnu and iii markim the tlr cr of the sew hrioh rlehmand hill neceaaary ul aumnloa rtyll k adayln aaln friday trlld and mnuuc car ami tram aponior n m am affarnan and ie k urn nit lteer hunter ald the ng ha twinnt auffrrexl a brok ure ahould lie tabled rath r eji neck and plater bon telrr iksm sum privhl n hr a brain injury btul are la cti ixltv ileal condition in kitchener tertoo itokpitl tha allck bay irian allan mm inleratted in aaalna iha tuffrad a fradurd palvli and i victoria da which li eelebra fiurca laa laid tha deputy iha fourth paner in iha car ted thu rar on mat 211 i hear a lei ef talk about travel player mike smith waa ralaaa dominion day falli on a un and if 11 waa purchatad fraen ad with minor iniurlaa ita gravel nixt holiday the neit pohlic holiday ngagkmbnts mr and kin hafry illllaon lis raylawntreacenjira hap py to announce thcutateinoiu tif ihalr dtuthter crlrole anne tn itolxirt ucillnalil mcguian on or mr and mijs heflliald mcgugn drlnpton opinions differ on waste burning doubt that paportnllt watte can be adequately handled at tho towns unitary landfill tile unlets burning ef watte paper it a 1 1 wed waa exprett ed by cr den barraoer men- day cr barraoer teld six r eight truckleadt e wftek or baled paper it carted te the tire and burylnaj thlt quant ity with land nil createi a pre blent cr harrison wat of an ep pstlte opinion tha bellntf wire can bi easily eutand paper flatter ed out and severed he tali burlno hat created nul- tance te property wnen and if the contractor uvea up to b contract end covart j watlelhere wont be eh treuble crmcnellly teld a builder hi created dump o hla- diwn w who he it intmlrwak thayve lehgrodecj hump strlppedof rails and tlef reiefjllng old i bot the work auperlntendenf ilel right of way which miiai through lown here crane worklnoaarthe aheuld theck end etk him to wrecking crew loads uprooted tlei into a gondola the wonc ii apart of the wonlo deaf irjup he paid terminals protect in which the georgetown unction will play alrtv p letcr jones photo srortsirjpmatom- lintneiafsiir cuwsripnno uf cnit track bat ween mh tort and georgetown reached the georgetown yard earlier this week completely erasing the hamilton llneaa it wai fernlllarly for wrtuai viuuuer awattaita o about v6 an baur while tbear j are at a flrv the tast flrea have 1 ee teruue that the herte j tual aid erj te call a l ih ehufa trew ell ever ttw t county te teawftat can be dowoj r about creetlnf leltutum wuld be e ourerrent up centemavlatlnt llhttne mr l llie major blaxe last wee uu on the farm property ev j neelev betuecn the ftth anol thh linea south of town where bumlnf era u reached and je slroyed a chicken bouae itsej owner wat overcome by use heat tutcc during the fire and had lo be revived by oxygen in another incident four lie tie georgetown ctrla on a hlafev to the olen stortped in a field to start a f ire and cook aotnej wieners they had taken alottpv i an hour later the wetnere werej till cold buv 25 acrci north ot the glen were blackened nd amouidarlntfl and jut to pafowavf it can happen to anybody a fir- men had to rait hit mates te kill flame on the roof of hl house uhich got a start whecr sparks from rubblth he was burnins ucre earned by the wind l stolen car is found block away a car alelan from m febeil 1 iha mcglbban hold lull ale- out mldnlohl lait wadnaada tumad up a block away undenv apad cil bvan rolllna want laax im lar ih car altar joe mar tlnulk oparaler of java tanv aald th cab had dluppaaradj fim ha parkino apot by tk f hii whara ha had w it with iha anein runnlntt tfapl aaarch took twnty mlnutai aeaat t uaarad tha car an wealeyaeij cars collide on main street cat e l nolllin placed at 329 in a twotlr col- j llalan at tha corner of matafl and weileyan slraata tuaadayjt aecardlnd la tha pollc rp ort a lal perd car dr1trdkli mri joa martlnulk 11 st waa lravulnaj awlh main uhlnd a 1u5 forddrlv by brnal hallumaln aoutb when ik accident occui red th rail car apparwithj lowdtottiak onto watlayan slrt vhanll mond vlu allldl j th raar nd tha leluronl telldef jrllj and llghu of ttw cab wen d maed to tha utttnl or abotf fsoff tha accident happeoad r about sao pm m jk jt in t it- kfr a ttvytt