Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1962, p. 1

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is for fine printing a cwatvry w t a pub- fit i t ohoaad by thai hmm ee oeai georgetown herald telephone tr 72201 fcaaa w 73101 toalaca a mat ad la fjsa m way k hay m aasw iniaahyi oase mail raat offlca dopt ottawa ciotonown out thutsoay may vel 19x tlxtlbt aocf 4j0 b yaa aaacjla capy max ta casah yv to mm hairline budget no contingency fund tight 62 estimates transfers to bayview post what council bio georgetown man again pc standard bearer gsotoetown youes gathered in iirengtli friday nigh lo haar their federal member accla med ai a cab iet prospect by mlnisler of public works hon david walker the occasion was the elect on of mr beit at halton i pc cand date m the june 18th elect on during the tocial gather ng later mr walker posed win some of the georgetown delegate left lo right mr walker les clark torrt vn stcklar ernie hyde mri beit huiband sandy nd douglas lat mcr best unopposed as pcs name him candidate slated for cabinet says david walker hilton tor i ei met on friday evening to pick their stand rd bearer for the forlhcom ng federal elect on and packed hall jaw the convention pick sandy best preseit fed i era i member mr beit wa unopposed and was proposed by dr carl martin of millon and seconded by mrs k ley man of oakville i surprise announcement of the evening was the one by the guest speaker who sa d that he saw sandy best without doubt becoming a member of the cabinet in due time the meeting scheduled fer 130 n the town kill milton m lateeuhfmg due e-ee- crash that had up hundreds ef cart fer hours on the 401 and atrteng whom was the car con telning mr bast and the guest speaker el the evening peter tu y prcwdinl of the halton coruervatnci chaired the meeting with treasurer george kenv luirhnclon and secretary bud nlchotls milton jiving report patt presidents of the county association were introduced as were a number of ditinguuhcd quests including the world fa moui medical tuentim 1r charles host sum i mrs hest par enu of the federal member stanley l hall wt since 11m3 spoke bnefy end urged all prese to g behind the choice of the convention and elect him to ottawa the chairman then called on the audience to nominate their choice for conservative candi date in llalton there wm only one nomination that of l a hest it was moved by dr carl martin former major of mil ton and presently reeve who spoke glowingly of saml oc compiiuhmentfl inside and out tide of the house ills motion was seconded by a young worn en from oakville mrs k ly nun who is active in oakville affair where her hufcbaml ii a baptist mi n liter continued on page 5 lower mill rate but township taxes up it may be hard to convince eiqueung rendenti on receipt of their lax bill that the general mill rale wasdropped to 9 12 residential and ii 82 industrial monday night by es quesing council the 1961 general ralbas 10 80 residential and 13 80 industrial however due to township wide ra assessment to comply with the dept of municipal affairs manual most assessments have been raised as a result the average owner will pay more taxes despite the lower mill rate the general rate is the only part of the tax completely under council i control in thase times of deficit fin ancing emmtlno lewnshla a4n tiuud the ytar with a surplus a the and ef 1961 there was a surplus el 4100 per ik ant time all csqoet- atir htunli will pay the tame public school mill rata litis year 1430 residential and huh industrial soma taxpay era will pay slightly leu la- wards public schools but the nialerlty will pay considerably mora fer example inhabitant at school section ne 4 new da- lunct will have a hike from 5 ao mills to 110 mills hlab jump a jolt is in flora for use resldobls of iho ge6rgetoh hlghsohoeldlalrlel their ugh achool maintenance rate baa jumped from 4 78 mills to 0 1 mills almost double both acton and mlljon high achool district mtes have dropped silently from 7 89 mills to 6 3 mills for acton and from 7 12 mills to 0 8 mills for milton the county rate of 4 75 ii applicable to all residents and airalbitliuhe 3 77 mills for high school debenture drbt last year the rate was 430 for high school debenture debt rire area to confuse things further the fire area rates are all differ ent the acton area rate la 1 7 mills the georgetown area rato is 1 57 mills and the mil ton fire arcs rate is 1 03 mills summarising the mill gate standi like this residential industrial eueral 912 ubs county 4 75 4 75 highschool debentures 3 77 377 public school bate 18 20 1b30 ira areas acton 1 7 mill h uptown 1 57 mills mill 11 1 02 mill not as high ror example a rrsulrntial proper y te th crorcctown high bchool arcs would have a null rsle of thr tunc ij b4 plus 01 high ictiix i iiuiiilcn atlrr making 42 til mllli ralr however thr firh ar a rait has jet to b atlilrit the rirs arrai suit high school arras do not npessarilv have the umr hoiindariri o it is quite p hhlr to he in thr enrc lovsn high sch ol area and the mllton rlre ana thr blgkfit single expend turc this car 1211000 fur roads of which aim i t 70 co0wili he returned in ontario trams clerw h c 1 lnd a micciilctli unimed up the tilualim si lug the taxes arinl rtally so high in 1031 until ixef was selling for 4c a pound taxes were half whit they arc now vow tin f sells fur 24c a pound which is six times the price and the taxls base d luhled doubtful if rodeo queen j there may be ne centeif to telacr a oueen fer the lion retue this year at a recant meeting ef the junior chamber ef cemmerce which tponiered the cenlet lait yaar mambert au4rted a motion sgafnat tryiag it i again thla year if hare u one it will be by ajvhtar erganliatlo er the luim thomtelvei lait year the centett was linnad by an accident during th rodeo day parade in which one of the centettantt trie la hay weed ef 2 cray cata wat injured l fireworks for victoria day as cust m irv f ir mime nn ifimii anil icion u ill c imbuir to prcmmit a flre- w trio display in the park on victoria ij itincil voted 250 mon i di f r the evening and the 1 ii on endorsed participat ion at ila monthly mctting lst week the tvent draws ihnusanda of pcctaturi each year mjs flobiuck lukii the ienlef mrmhrr ej ceor setuwn llixh rbeul trafbin avialt ilua jlorwsvce luke bo heads the lxnxiuce lepartmrnt la leavtax 5kh bit uubt bare for 33 year uiavs luke aubmitted brr its ikiutioa to the heard tut man ih but will rontieo on the olis itaff until the end of thr term in sefmrmhrr vbe dl lueome kd at the modtnu department at tuyview but prior to lakinjc brr new pot ition plans to tvpeed uune time in rrnuny born and educated in toron to uiu luke attended malvern 1 coitegiate and the l mvemty of toronlo whirr ibe attained her ra and iatrr decree in jermanic philelocy after ln years expftienrr le ileunt kotm1 alm jiuail th tuff of geeargetowa hlxtt srboej in iftm whetr she taught lyrnth ger man and spabith and as e icht school initrurtor has helped many new canadians convert to thr lnetuh unjruaw she wis civen a nrpartment beacubip in the rail at 1m1 im lojke u presently takini a course at euelph for beadi ol drpartments and will eon tin tir to rrsitie tn her rerwick halt apartment until august complins about drdinag ditch a pt bole bivedlnu rtound for uoaquitoes and danger to rbildrvn was jack critchlow t ltettrripuon of a drainage ditch ibrkiiad his kay lawn creicent papny when he ailed council for avruon uenday ut critchlow aaid ht baa been after council fur two yean to clean up the ditch and will go to the health authorities waleis something is done council captained that the ditch is on private property and tbrre u doubt about what the town fathers can do christmas trees i bwtited seme christmas it in the dllch end welder if rilieatt ersnt ulg the v4wm tajvd fer seme ef their bmi refuse said cr harrleven mr critchlow said neighbour hood children including hti own play in the area and th owners should build a fence to keep them out cr brown agreed that the ditch is an ejesore but has found no action he can taka lo remedy it pressure chimera it is eur ribwulbllty te pressure owners le claar up such nuisances said reeve elite tt lor asrgcnt promised coun cil would approach the property owner end would also ek the count health unit to inveeti gale any health hatard residential rate is upped 6 mills georqtowni 1967 tax rate was set el 73 177 mills fa residential arid 78 904 for industrial and commercial establish- menti on monday live resident l rate up ilightly over 6 mills will rrwen en inoeale of 120 to v30 th s year for the average houser holder per capita qovernrneni grants and special fjreiih for public end separate schools are not available for industry which wilt have almost an 8 mill h ke in tax el characterii- ng it a a hairline budget finance cfulmuti bob mttne lly told counc i that no contingency fund hat hood included and recomnvendod tiat each committee earmark perl of its allotment for con ngenc e which are bound to eriiej during the year fashion show by golf ladies anniversary mr and mrv robert uclnery or ballinarad rr 1 ceerge- town will be happy to welcome thrir friends and rrlitnes at their home on the occasion of their golden wedding animrr var sunday slay 13th from 30 to s oq and 7 00 lo 0o0 no gift pleas 510 mrs g wallaee or si reel s- ville deacribed the ensembles and wayne preston aupplitd music on the electric organ at the spring and summer faib i ion show put on by the ladies section of teorgrtown golf and country tub monday evening in the clubhouse the dining reem was decor ated with standi of flower at the entrance and over the fire place by mm e wilton cooks i tile and the fashions were from the shop of mrs llaiel fasta brampton the models wore hats from the bonnie wee hat shoppe also of brampton close te twe hundred ladles attended the showing and were sened lunch and coffee after by the members of the ladies section in all seventy two en sembles for spring and summer sports and caiual wear were displayed straightening the kink toterjfanea fhoto thi infamous nofval cprrfer which soma motorists take on two whefitend aohw hot at ll will be goria by the end of hetnontrr- straiohlanrno the corpat at the base of the weat noryal mil u pert of tfwdepk ot j4tghwayi m5cierhlaaflort proftct on nol 7 hwy between here and brampton hnd work is vjojno on right now on new bridge to span the credit branch ust weitbf tfe corner whan the work ll finished the moaval hill will b ms of an incline and the wrnermor 3384 3fl3e -s-ii- to a million and i km dculitrg this year wlui 1 147000 catch ing from local texpayws pewtk ets uoughly half of this u fur school and coualy rated thr road budget is 1v0o0 and disposal plant 103 060 the two urleu items next to ftdav cation hcave john 1jliott ttprfiiafil agreeamrnt that the town an vlj more revenue but without incrraing riprrues be added lie jid he woud not oppu the budgrl motion but felt it should have further study with a wry arv ll fcujoet pwe lower comrnitlm tai- uuf every eirmnie mutt be care- ceatlnue le increase kducatlon ami letrnture pay menls on the new fiewagn dispo sal plant account for a large part of the increase he uid kapenjre wil continue tu inrrease he warned and in crease in revenue should be studied by council without this 1 can see a 10 mill in crease next yetr uayor sargent in complimm ting the finance committer on its work pointed out that hitfi school maintrnance cmta alone mean a 7 mill jump this yrar fully watched if we are getng h hes within it he said auditor walter fope said the town ehould establish a sub stantial reserve fund of iso 000 to 2x00 000 aa soon as condi tione warrant to save heavy interest payments for working funds icu and a contingent funct wmre is the tlofllflm ct mcheilly was getng te save wif quipped deputy reeve uiialer cr mcnellly answered hut he has stated that if the town could get tv governmeat rant prior to b ghway lmrrcweaenta the saviag could amount le tint uere going to try to get first payment date was set the government to pay thw 80 as june oik with monthly pay iper cent as work pc rmbt f4ucfvui en lb 6th ofiand we will oiuy hve te bce each month row the anwunt use town iav read rudget tually needar added rod georgetown will spend close rhairnuh ilarrteon pearson to visit halton next week next wednesday will see the only appearance of lester pear- ion in llalton county during this election campaign the leader ollhe liberal party will meet a motorcade at cjarkson early in the afternoon of wednesday may v and will be driven to oakville where he will be given a routing welcome at the oak queen plaxa from there he will go on to burling ton where a coffee party is planned at the brant inn be tween 3 and 6 pm mr pearson has just returned tb the election campaign after attending the reception given by president kennedy in wash ington for nobel prizewinners the liberal leader will be in the county in support of dr harry llarley liberal candidate in halton the reception at tturlington is open to the public and all able to attend will be welcomed t si hoh lumen puutsom ambulance garage contract awarded mulder pupils piano recital an enjoyable evening wii epent hy relatives and friends of the pupils of winnlfred mulder at a pland recital siven hy them in st pauls baptist church en tuesday april 14th mrs shirley andrews sane two delightful solos and sir earl clements was chairman at the conclusion ttov bruce woods replied fqr the parents pjplu taking part were anne v d valk noreen noble di- anna george mary stoekley gall gllmore debra strlle laralne goddcn marlene kit- ehener mark wood lynda turfier anne golden andrew dewhurst gordon sntallwood kathleen tjart judy cttrtte wancaajtuldastilnda tjart pupua not partlelnatlng were richard prater lytlda- shea mary and jane copland slmone bodin pacholok contract for a new anbd- ance garage on junes street was awarded monday by tha council to wm b lutolltou construction ltd the flmia bid was loweet of four submitted in reapenaa to enquiries made from a number of looal eoabraetori total building price will be 8 630 00 imtunwehsemta later some eliminations were made following the first price submissions and according to- reeve elliott th building vlll hd only partially outfitted with later improvements planned or ret cock said ha would five only qualified approvals as he believes the day la near- ing when the town will have a paid ota department and a paid ambulance driver and the two service sasould be hi us same area i finance chairman mcneufcr- lald ha does not favour capital tatbaridjiumtjhla jafo but- after a tuur or tbu miveonl bull2 ding tetvitvht i ioailxe the urg ent need for ibctteattocobmo- station aff ffiu f ilf ff ivausniw x s- jt nffl a ts ijljrl

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