Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1962, p. 7

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peter jones photo down periscope cataiw don co j li no right and firtt male lou penltemn are not zero ng in on an erjmy lub although haue us aijjasrs they art doing ut that fad n thuy re ihut ting off the flow of brin through tha pipes under trie erer a ice surface and offic all putting en end to tie 196162 skating end hockey season chatting with mi1r how we women suffer m yu ask me it i highly overrated this business of buying a new tut to cheer you up la w fall eur tirrd sale girl w can t quitr diode wt might be back recipes recipes by john ftalllwors lett ute the onion this me onions bejt bo i d in two or three wfllen add ng in ik tho last tune and eff we e exploring far fall ips supposed to be into all the hat th p we to a timehonoured remedy for till we art gogg1eed and the bhiea one thing a ture quite lttrrally can t txar in if you haven t got them whri look at another hat vhit you start out on your mil- u more we cant grt that firtt q to done pedltlon you re almost cirtin one we liked out of our mind to have a ease when jou coma none of back to make an onic omelette fr 10m o or three bultcr 1 ii il ced on thfy are planning areas too mall farmers say express ruralite views at workshop dttietiifecioit with planning board planning act knd rsitfidkont on land use was th reaction frviderced by th farmer t 1 ihe rogtonal planning workshop thurvda night mincing no words the fift speaker mr paul flfher of rtve ontario conservation council claimed that planning board end planning consultants had taken the authority away from e let ted officials and in tome paws hevev be come dictators he ugghtdd vtw planning eea should be definaxi by tha province ijnce municipalities are too small h held up trw conservation areas s examples h should be given to having the act changed to include ln or twvlve rural municipalities thus riomg awy with planning on ona boundary and none across the road voicjng a grievance lei repealed by two othr spee leer he aid you can t tell a tm obokobtowm hlrald tthtreauy may led 13 page 7 farmer hi land frozen for twenty years unuss the statf or hie mixmcifylity it pifur ed to cornpenieie him he concluded by advising muni opal councils to keep plan nmg board and ptofeutonal planrvers strictly in advisory capacities and let tha etec ted officials make the decis ions unfair there sandy best last yrkt canadian er tpiatrtint pubrung i tf u the next ketflanal workshop tarnec loie will be may 24th when the spent more coontyii role in 11 aiming will saved more tfcait vr before uzni kkkt it that way j ci yk rola ar9ud weight high 4300 pound for baity- work new ed40 cotta low whh dlmj economjf th33 to40h sykwaimowm stewarttown boy on local hockey team we in stewarttown are proud i4 ary hriggi ton of mr and mrs t if itrigcs a member of the ltantam all star hockey da farmera nay unfair share municipal ete- wm whieh ellmituled the tor- jtkln tmrkmm in la am i ansli unto marlirs in the semi finals libraries town bands etc wn more than they bad bargained lor he warned that amalgamation ovrr all local government inevitably iradi to a dtmtnuh d voice for the fa rim r he also dtcrird the eurruit armrnl add two yolk of lr-clic- whereby a lrnur on eqg end a i ttlo chopped oi p lr of n ne in one inun ihe othera have tern p4fl make two small om nphl m pmg nearl ao becoming and mine e witnoul salt put the thlrtl lhr uxt to think of it that alrijirl on ons and a few fillet of lfil roj ln a really was quit obllwing r es upon thtm and roll munir iralitj ware jut a lillle out of aorta ennthwayj havo some i t nn r piece of bread cut hke lonir j mle by mr lm4l wllhut ruimni o ui hill hjppcnini wt find omeleltci flcton n to the r u m cculltr llrv lb forietown inlrrntllontl 1 lh hll clujnly rill lrnmnt on iaturdiy jlur- 1 arlll h mlntld w j tor wrvu m to w nd to uu h ml ihtl n bnu ih inr wk1 m l u t bcl i ik in uhml i of but ih ndlm tondl l 1 u ur lrll flr i ovrtlm prlod pfi pii riii ir l rmrltlmal ftcllllll prlil btuvfua htlci 2975 bestforhaltoli publiahtd by hilton county progressive coruervativa aji n hat s alt haw var thinking about buing a hat is a diversion ou might aiy it does get your mind off yourself vou jual donl mtiv tortli wilh the vague idea of buing a hat it has to be a particular hat one oureves trudging back to that tf c bnad and place ol a certain colour and tpe tint hat ahop this time n t thereon pour a i n milled and stile that all takes th deigning to een so much a- butter ovtr ki itrtw il cm ought and imagination and glance in those mirrors ue tel with bread crumbs and raip ha when our imagination the saleagirl were back to bu ed parmesan cheese o ve start to take oer that your the bat wed been looking at them a good colour m the spirits start to lift that new first thing this morning jowen or with a salamander hat is reall going to do some- serve what sauce you please thing for jou tlrad but triumphant for the w itoblnon editor of the rnw rr and ei table firmer he limed thrre fact rs i th m favour ttilrty five teams ent rred tha tournament and were dividrd into four divuioni orrtoun hantjmi were the uinmrs of c division ellmln ting newmarket tlllsonburg and preston following the saturday night gime both teams were drhen lround eorgrtown by the tire n en and later enjoyed a soclll hour in the hose room where farmer f wrr treated to food and bordering l j we eoncratulate gary and hl trammates for a game well placd i mr andrew raruler mr n4 mr llinrv i nderdorn and notice to creditors in th8 istati or lifdn mcclbbon widow daceasad aji penom basing rlalma agaliut the utate of lna mc gibbon lata of the town of georgetown in the county of haltoi u idow who died on or about the 27lh day of ihru ary hw2 are hertby notified to tend particular of lima to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of june 1d62 after which date the ltate will e distributed with rrgard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then hava no tice and the undrrsngned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice datkd at eorgrtown this 24ui day of april a d j0fl2 iiajivky chappie and khjuly jfisos jeeu tors of tho iiitate of hdna mrgibbon by ther solic itor dale ilennett iju mer and haines 23 mili mo su ceorceiqsrn ontr jj tu xxtto w fooy jlpfma with iw byjrtlw be 1pto coavaibt aucls to haufle ail umas tj imxm fru it dllvm iwswibje ejbt umrml w hajtdu lvy tdlag with ailaimttd wbd tuppa 8a6oih 4eyunjftr dil jumt t forward ida kljjh 6ju low rani abiding kqulppd to s- point hitch hapu saanta pjua awtnginf drabber ue fcmg the flnl lo eae uul diiva the atw lojio ymixmuchmumueu iiii t illvict reid equipment supply co stewainown n jor causes of dirnsu j- daughters ath and patricia of re wrrkend lt and mrs donald r jilurr keep ijn j mr i nrtrrdown was gueat sol tired but bear it home secure in t hi 9 if only we had the aenie knowledge that if the hat louk to leave the buing a newcd all right on us in the store hat busineu right there but we should look positnelv r no if just thinking about it makes ou fid that good arm to pickle onions bihty of prfemonal punmri lollingwoo1 tn hi come wvrrlords ailr il ulh mr i f municipal councils planning officials and board in their true adsisor role 3 olit at knnx chur the manner in which municipal ch ln 1own fticiali and council h p morning cur 1 planning ai sunday e after weve had that ucck s bo i ng sail ami wattr rcat of coune georgetown nurse ally buing one should make you feel that much better bo away we go e and into the first hat ahop h hat colour asks the ealmgih we tell her the col 1 our of our dream hat well they simply arent showing that colour this season but a x 11 il perhapt it the back of one of at lorotlto meeting their cavernous drawers full she can find you a hat or evrn with geeroetewn and district mom luck tuo or three to try on onal hospital was repn senlrd a hill j l n mm zina llopuood superin wl h lnrfr h l t i ii in front of tabic ulp- nu f pd w th triple mirror lll a onlno laod job too that were 11 a jj tine do i moan bcusel toronlo tho mirror ere 111 front op mor w nursp w vim t 1 h n recntlnn 11 brnch of nur motbrinint mulsh whllcfluorh put a suff cient quantity nto salt and wafer for n ne hmglnou7aoftiylv inirrjrsi observ ng to change the at home watt r evtry day next put i at them into ars and pour freshj4 a means of raising ui revenue vilng his own case as an illustration he said 1 can t sell m farm at a arm unit m rrifict allh ujh i nm jrs old i must c ntiniie them cover them close up streetsville host for orange paraders thr toun of slrerllllr ill pla hol ihl jul to th ovivto frm for thr mom nt i era the farm rill firt urn in 57 the ut uylno hl n b rrj he u tiring bulnl d ol and water and pour it on boil mg when it is cold dra n ihe on ons in a ha r sieve and put them into widemouthed bottles ftlle them up with d stilled v negar put into ev ery bottle a slice or two of meet re provided rjinrjcr a blade of mace andiuhim of the municipal a teaspoonful of sweet o i wh ch wilt keep the on ons white cork them well in a dry place stewarttown rector leader m eacenls possible that first glance into them is resrlation thoaa lights surely they were designed omrc for a selcn title experiment say ln watch tng the atom being split than for flattering a woman into buy big a hat right away we de- tide we should ncer hase eome out on a shopping exped luon anywu hy the looks of xia ln those mirrors what we need is a good weeks rest in bed instead of a new hat but were tapptd by this time anyway and the trylngon phase begins do you alwasa wear your halt this way the salesgirl says sweet ly ai ahe sits a balloon tpc cloche atop our pulled hack from t heears hairdo humbly we answer yev and knitting bar brows she goes off in search of something to suit such peculiarity by this time said hairdo ii anything but smooth and neither ia the expression on our face we are showing signs of wear ln both departments why ia it thot nobody can really nut a hat on someone ebe properly jut a tip too far to the back front or side snakes you look trtterlyxidicit jo us e finally tha unexpected happens we try on a bat that looks just like the one were lookingfor but we do look awfulttmder thosellghta and our hairs a hie and weve jjcome to dlfillke the aaleggjrl jd tensely anyway the price jii kinda high and its still early nd perhaps wed better look jarotmd more after ill this jia the first store weve been hrj just think of all those won derful hats in all the other wondorful stores just waiting jfo be explored j- from ilmoit every communlly entcrtaitl choir in ontario attended thu meet ing lo assist with tho planning aplusunt cstning of fellow of their profewional associa a was rnjoyi i by nummrs tlons course for 1wj2 03 of sl john anglican thoir and to bring themselves uplnl thev wcre p date on those matters which are of importance to them in their daily work a number ef tpaclal speakers participated in the ocnftr ence the honourable matthew r oymond minutir of llmlth for ontario ducimsed luc ent developments in fuluca tlon harvey adams director of information services of the department of national health and welfare and national pres ident of the canadian public relations society inc will din cussed pr puue and isabel m ijlrd assistant professor of pjyehology queen a university presented the general stall nurse yesterday today and tomorrow dr sheila b east man formerly of the depart ment of political economy university of toronto discus sed socloeconomie welfare dog controller also servesjtreetsville cecil robertson of clan wil liam was appointed canine- con trol officer far sfraetvllle at last weeks council meeting mr re barton la already antployad by gaortratowri oun williams and chlnrjuacousy twp in this cap- aelty until new the control of dooi in the town has bean under the lurtsdlctlen of the police da ssartrnant council agreed that he dotf tmpulatlen has been rat- tlhb ut of hand in the past end after l discussion en the mehr decided to hire mr tlobertoh 1 v choir leader mr tom warnes and mr warms and the itev j l and mrs mjxwiii at the nctor on tin di enlng of thin past wcm k after a good mipptr mr john t armstrong of g orketown pla t d si eral ucnrdings of aacrtd music for the young pi npli which wt re ory much tnjoed by all pre ent a most interesting film hoi idiy in tht mantimes wan jhown by david smith preil dtnt of tho choir the men of the choir also madi several tape recordings fur future use mrs t ii ttriggi and daugh ter alice and phyllis visited witb her mother in pcversham this past wepkt nd mr john harris who has been confined to hospital and home for soveral months re turned to toronto general iios ullal this past week tho cast on his leg has been removed but another cost is necessary he l nvpurtftd homo this com ing week where he will be con fined to bod for juiother two months congratulations to mr and mrs hog williams who recent ly received word of tho birth or thoir granddaughter gwynneth jill born april 21st to mr and mrs harry- williams of mil- brook ontario mr and mrs wm humph reys along with daughters- mrs morris cook and mrs harvey clare and grandchildren motor ed to agl ii court recently tn visit ribs xnnle browq estate can t dispota hi continued 1 rant dispom of m farm for sny othrr pur pose than farming became it is tonrd residential and n development n illqwcd until such time as the etstntial ser t the coun cil he told the audience that at his death the farm is asrscd for death duties not at farm jlue but at realty value ik ncaerrly cnltzrd the sfio per lot charge for subdividing in hm iniinicipalit he claimed that the tax uan achedulid to lo into a munkipal fund pro viding municipal service inci dental to development but n now being misused instead it is used to keep down the general tax rate he opined he felt that the huveni do not rialire that they arc being taxed j to pay for lie services when they bu the lot and are ajaln laxed for the actual struct land freese at with the other speakers his major grievance was the land freeze wlurcby land it zoned for specific purposes which may not take place for years there can be no guar rel with a permanent freeze if the freezing authorities arc pre pared to buy the land in ques tion he stresscd lo the problem of assessment and taxation ho suggested a sol ution of a common land assess ment for all farms with a con version tax collected by the municipality when the land is disposed of for any other pur pose than farming this he felt would give tha farmer a tax structure he could live with and then in the ease of sale of land would contribute to the municipal pot in a very brief address don mlddloton director of proper ties for the ontario federat ion of agriculture posed the question will farmers support planning inadequate vthe iosult of the group dis cusion which was broken into four actlonj dlaclosed1 that the present planning act was felt to be inadequate for the rural people 2 that tho farm or does pay an unfair share of municipal coats 3 although notturikrumouj a conversion tax was endorsed but fixed farm tax left in doubt 4 a much qualified maybe was tho answer to tho question of farm- oranke parwie in streeuvwlle wan held in 10o1 ijtnt year georgetown hosted the event a committee of tle chamber of ommerce and olht inter ested groups will meet ln the near future with the organis ing 4vwly j th oranee i edge to work out details of promo tion ami axr an moments for the pandc the chtmlirr decided at its mnrtmg ust week to go ahead with plans to promote streets ville h povtrm and a business directory inserted in the area telephone book this will have business numbers of intorieet and all emergency numbers for the own wool any government deficiency paymant will apply only en preperly graded weats secure the utmol by patronlz ing the organization that made this possible ship collict to our rtgistared warabeusa no 1 wtstan ontario ohtatn sacks and twine without tharge from w l sanderson bo 93 balllnafad william a wllson shearer rri gaeroatawn a n stark georoatewn or by writing to canadian cooperativh wool growers limited 40 st clair ave kast toronlo 7 ontario notice to creditors in thh kbitatf or harriet ann ixslie widow doceased all im3lsons having claims against the estate of harriet ann ijeshi late of the town of georgetown in the county of haltnn widow uho died on or shout the olh uy of april 1002 are hereby notified to send particulars of tho same to the undersigned on or before the lit day of june 1002 after which date tho estate will be distributed wlh isrcartl only to tho claims of which the under signed shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shsl not then have notice elizabeth leslie executrix of uso ema4e of harriet ann leslie by tier solicitors llewson ord l liaison 517 geortfttown onl canadas best known for poletyp building c paint fireretardent preserved poles r p ne need te put up with tke aj inconveniences of pales preserved ike umaitilenaj wy any rq just tall yaur co or buiulhf sufsajy dealer you went the u brand oimoi rvsue tranlad the opt traalmant makaa waad lau up i s llmae lanoar economlcel tool clip tkle d far fvtuee i heat your home the modem way with natural gas and smarts chinook automatic gas furnace cla tll- bwrmg dpw- bl rtolufdl g wllh lh aula- moiic chlnooh will qlva yow twnfjal ht tor m moil cow tortobu wlrttar vow ovar krtomnv th chinook fuf- mica i high afll clancy maonikxr tual cotli fully ncloiarj wllh two- ton bronia oatl btu itqxtl lulih a omkj iooiiao wll yew turn bo proud ol r h thompson hardware plumbino 1 heatino tb 72971 sn voui chihook duttlnowl ttittit topsoil mushroom compost small ordiw sold at yard barclays haulage excavating tr 79991 if your farm water is alkaline stays potent longer to fight crd stress and other diseases vour ur ot polnl lonoiruttlng dliaaio llghlar in terramycln poultry formula with antlgarmj7 trramyclna unique potencyprotected molecule gives firolonoed broadipoctrum ftctlon atayt n aolutlon evon in alkaline water terramycln poultry formula will help pre vent or treat crd in broiler laying flock and turkeya combat strea due is woathor change vaccination dabeak- ing moulting help maintain high egg production it is also very effective for prevention and treatment ol blueeomb infectious synovitis in chicken and tur keys and hexamltlasla in turkeya start chick and poult on th road a healthy uniform growth stimulate appe tites promote early maturity with tetra mycln poultry formula with antigerm 77 complete direction on packag clhr patent tebhauvcin anlnul hearth productsi anlmlehtiul4 uauldfhnulm tuuailwn ild scow ttbhlt jeetietasdiiiuiwi cat a ttt pspr from your dsalr and ss if your farm water is slka lint ii ii is you nwd trrarflycln th sntlblollc that alsyspotsntlonosr inalksllnswstr ii orctiutllin frna itv owd waica tre ulujfry uuilm ihmieaei fm spalcia orpmm hit hntartmsut ftuubm ohly j m j mil wtot fcy otfwy trnnm ankml tl ft irumiitroaittiuaabnju4 halton cooperative suppliet 4 ouelph street fikerselawn ty4j7i

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