Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 10, 1962, p. 6

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uvoie knitting is moving to acton acton inewwlal cematualert feme buudlna baa onwao it u ape j located ui tbij building are hut j law yektllas 4 mil already a- unnur ot dlverii- tea ad cwimtm will local he industries uiehlsan bulb la acta this umm wiftlgb furniture united wae4lahoe atx imw wy keeua organ compaby tim et ik ptvaant iim la lw ited theruiold dlvlalon of h aarkllr 1600 ui k porur canada ltd united km in hi ceitade packers cur kiiuur company w cani viri wmt witi fjtedjhm iajjgld mireiabll w will be mpw- company sfurage spaca u also thi oionorrowm herald tkurodoy may loth 10j head for the sights the lakes the fun head for tawaiy w tu wevk ft uln utiliud by a j croen ih m rhom wkuli will kire brick cfimpmy lhuiud 1m rulrw and corona stoa cowpafiji lint j ljvoi tvxtuea 1 a vtrll iud ublithd euuipany in optrt round ire bjng wu txultw loo for many years and svill talnrd and alteration aye eou- 6j id lint jheif custom woo tumally in prorrexj to acom ipunlrif orralun with kntt tnodati ttrianti both witv r- tin if oi ikcoi socks the com- irdj to innnuttcluribg spar psiiy will employ inittuy injnd a ho th movement of traffic tha rilghbourhooj of 15 to 23 and parking people l inter cuailcuratlos at un it li interauntf itut after preitnil time art pfcani for th flv years ac i on will jyiin hava iflulllijii of a main eoiploy a wool spinning induvlry local s enlranrc at lie front of eil lfluuune iihlli1inr ul tfe i sonte dirhrulty hia iwrn rn hre rrapr stairwells aud also countered in arroiiindatini a frritcht elevator to service tha wm pieces of martildiry which bjsrmnt and third boor of the will me a mire approiimatrly 140 main building tbli will make et in lrniftti but oner their available- two new areas to fut- prohlem hae been kolwel ure pnwprctiva industrial flani will pnnn i r ojw ra ihr liuildma is undtr tba attoni to commence appruxim niik hfardmora 4 atrly in auu i o ijmltrd prtonnl poter juuei photo a good rescue man is hard to find fhp rescue training coune may hvn run itt courie th most recant call of new trainee failed to draw a sufficient numbar of recruit to continue it bare and ai a raiuli gaorqatown and diltrict man are training a brampton armoury with the brampton group whoie rankt have alio bean depleted the brightening employment i tuation is trtought to bave bad something to do with the new scarcity of trainee here paul mandanno of georgetown rck deslauner of failton uoyd sodore of norval george b ckers of milton and fat dunne of acton ican a grid map with staff sgt pit cbamberlam ol georgetown at the new d itr ct location mr and mn girnrt hunter nd family trdtly 1atricia and suunnr oi atlkokan ont ipnt eaitrr week vuitinj with thnr parent i relatives and fnendi m the district ihry while vlntlnf in the city of lew from tort 1rinris to mil gdclph recently a friend of ton and alto returned by plane oun had the mlifortuna tu mn hunter u the former la rare lojt her hat a very pretty loater dauthtrr of mr and flowered creation which the mn ituucll ioitcr had bought in her homt town canadian gard service staggered plantings ensures best garden stiwaiytown guelph lady is wearing hot hat by gordon lindsay smith the experienced krdi rn r would never think of juwirni all hli flower and cietble tecdt it once irn if it inriycd tht haiudi of weather tie rt ult would a a mare of flower and a iu pasabundance of frrh ve if tablet chen a famine h erythlnn would come on at once and end at the same tune the amart fiirdcner apreadi out the planting making at leaat two and aometimea thn e or four from 10 daa to two wccki apart in this way hr is ensur lnff juccess because if the lint planting seta froren or washed out or tramped on he will at 111 have one in reserve more important he will hac some thing coming on all the time fresh corn and peas not jukt fur a few daya but for minj wekt and bouquala of beautiful flou en too with planting well vpread out the carden hhouu be blooming and producing ab undantly from laic in june until anow and with a few special tips and short cuts which ou will be hearing about in future articles we can add several weeks to the normal season as well i ready made soil in some back corner of the garden behind some vims or shrubbery it is a good idea to have a little heap of naily made soil we u ill be constant ly needing it fur filling hang ing pots or window boxes or for enriching soma special bit of flower garden this soil professional gardeners refer to it as pottinc sol is usually a mlxturcof one part good garden soil one part coarse and ami one part humus peat or leaf mould tor small puts one can sift through a coarse screen in any caso it should be well mixed and moist in the bot torn ol the pot we are about to nil and especially if it ls a large one ue first place a laer of very course gravel or cind ers or broken pottery for drain oge handle with care chemical or commercial for tillxcra are wonderful aids in tho modern garden but they must be uxad with care moit of the ingredients la tboso mix tures will burn tender foliage or roots it thev come in direct contact tliey should be applied according to directions and thoroughly mixed with the loll where very small amounts are required it is a good phin to dissolve in water and apply that way or in the caso of grasa wo can tbdnkle them on when it fa raining or loothem in after wa apply thfe secret op tenderness quick growth is tho real aec- ret of otitlcr crisp and flavor ful vegetables the faster they can be uiliud and with out a check the better this particularly appllej to carrots beani bean and beeti and all those like celery lettuce ctit batfe aspavaguj and other of which the leaves or stalks are eaten hccaute of our long ik ur of tumrnir siunhine cc tsble naturll row quickly in a nail ai t ainaii t o in the north and the qiili i y u much hikhrr than in more out her y area of the world hut with frrtilner witrring in dry weilher and the uie of in vi and improid varutiri we tan ilo much h tti r tlill two other pnmlt l keep in jnind for quick ittady growth are cultivjiioii and thinning kt cp- inj the oil in tht jctjble harden mil tlllid and free from wieds is most important ai u aliu tht earl thinning of moit segetahlcs so that there mil be ample room for full and quick eli e pomenl i timely hints tin re in t a du it i ouraelf projict on rarth that has so much free and helpful advice available as gardening ou can learn a lot from nei cata leguea tho garden columns of hjuspjjcri and injmnti rad to tv and the hilpful ced man who lilersllv kcs price- icii information along with a quirters uorth of in tit if the laun teems untuually soft and the sod can tw lifted readll suspect jajvantse bet le gruhi tfiey start fieding on grasi roots uith the arrival of warm weather and can do jrcat damjii an application of dieldrln chlordano or ddt plus chlordanc u ill give good control heavy watering will also help farm news holstein breeders plan judging school n j a v the halton holstein breed era club have planned the first county judging school for hal ton llnbitein brenlen at a nctnt executive meeting the prcuiml of the club j c marshall announced that ar rangemenbt had been completed for this type of program the judging program it to focus attention on holstein tpe all breeders in the cqnn ty are eligible to take part the school will ha held at ashvllle farms ltd operated bv pellctterlo broa thta will be a one day program starting at 10 is am until 3 is ptn on tuokday may 15th includ ed will be type demonstration jadging practice and discus- bion of classes alsisling with the program will be oiriclau from the hoi- htcln yteaian aiaoelatlon of cannua the extension branch ontario department of affrleul- turer and the halton holstein breed chi slmillar programs hnve been held by the holstein prieilan aasoclntlon of canada but this will bo a now venture for a local club mrs mil nrwns end bihy whipped it from her jaughler traielled hy rt plane awaup the street i an three werki vmiting her par inl- mr and mn j t rf ham ttn suited r la lives and friends in the dis trict and nlurneil lt plane mr and mrs o l irti r trav e heel to oelrnch on sundaj to attend the lrrhv tenan lhur of georgetown as she crossed the street the tvind hrsd snd away up it urnt uith our friend in dote purult but beture she reach ed it a car stopped just ahead of her a man reached out grabbed the hat and sped away jv leaving the woman aghast v ho rom vlilon would ever think of anone do ing a thing like that she ex claimed whoever received this rrca tion might well be described c service and aftirwardi had as wearing a hot pink hat dinner with he v anel mrs 1 iloval david carter spent part mrs j c murray opened her of the raster holidava tuning homa to members of johns uh the ral family guild when they met on tuts- dsy evening may 1st plans wore made definite for conprattibtioni to mr and the annual ijlac tea to he mr i timleck sandra held thii ear on tuesday may nradle on the birth of a 2dlh further details may be blb daughter mr and mrs t found in the coming events timlprk me in mts mcllrldea members worked on different cottage at the end of draper articles for the bazaar during the evening mrs hoy bradley mrs sy will on and mrs j stewart as- m eft a i dl auted the hostess with lunch magazines uet break the next meeting on may 15th it to be at the home of mn r mcdonald the roll call to be a gift to value of 25c for toucb and take table at tha fall bazaar happy dirthday to alice mae in insert samples chanaaa in postal raauta- tlana daloid ta glva wlcur laaway la maaailn advarhaara war annauncad taday by hta han william hamlllon poll nottval office sosiilp tmvola faaler over arnpuvliioi that ro illah- ly sour arniktrank jounft dauclilcr oanaral in a mova da of mr and mr frrd armatmnf addlllanal alap ho cclibratea her lacond birth implamant tha spirit at tha day on may 11th and to lary oxaary royal commlulon on unixi who will ha 14 may 12ih i publication up to tha prraent the poit office haa conaldarod that pla ce of merchandlm uppod on or bound into periodical were aampla in addition bound in pajfea of material containing a statement that the page was printed on the material adver tiaed wen elao considered to be aamplea aa audi these it emi were charged el a higher poatage rate under the new regulations announced today advertising in- serta cempoaed of paper clear plastic fell fabrlcsj or ether meterial having the oeneral cha racteristics of paper will nerttt- elly be eecepted et the usual pealal rale for periodicals wi thout additional cheroea in making the announce ment mr ibmutwi pointed out that study of advertising mat er in periodicals had ehown that or the moit part of the purpose of such advertising in- erte in periodical was merely to illustrate uie type at prod uct idvertlted rather uian to demonstrate its usablllly for inatsnce mr hamilton explain ed swatch of fjoui affixed to en urwstiiement can only be regarded at an illustration ot the klvertiied material and ia in so way usable in con trast a raur blade or a pill would be usaue and would be subject to additional postage thipoatnusrar oeneral laid that inseets and lip ens which met the new conditions would rjeoc la trhatuat rale for perledlcala whether er net the inserts contain any tletemenr printed on the special malarial advertised antiques will go to halton museum the norval womens institute held their regular meeting on thursday evening may 3rd at tha home of mrs harold sme lie with 15 membera present and mrs ii collins in the chair tha meeting opened with the institute ode and the mary stewart collect the roll call was answered by a safety itule and payment of fees after wfdeb the minutes were read and it waa an nounced that the district an nual is to be held on may 22nd in boston church and each ins titute group is to answer the roll eall with an antique which could be uaed at a donation to the halton museum mrs e burk health don vener was in charge ot the program her motto waa no one gets indigestion from awal- lowing her pride followed by a short piper on the care of the feet which stressed the point tint care of the foot should start in childhood lunch was served by the hostess assisted by mrs ii gal lon and mrs g chester the next meeting will be a potluck supper held an the lawn at the horn of mrs wls- hart at t pm on june 7th- the roll call is to be answered by the donation or a plant to be motioned off following the meeting silver medal to ella bull tha canadian jersey cattle i lub announce that the jersey bull buck 1- 11 diane a director rirellcnt has been awaril ed a silver medal cirtlcate em the high produrtlnn of f mr du ghlers who have qualified for silver meeuis tins bull was bred by ken nrth u lla hornby and u owned by donald j lb kg si thomas ontario in wb t herd these daughters made their silvrr medal records feur daualar the daughters are as follows dona ida directors diane with a senior three ear old record of 11 020 lb or milk and 017 ibi of fat with an average i test of 5 00 donalda direct ors 01a with a junior tliree i year old record of 8 002 lbs of milk and 403 lbs of fat 3m donalda directors princem very ixtl with a minor thrte sear old n cord of 0 274 lti of milk and s4 lbs of fat 5 07 donalda director- it i file with a junior twe inr ol record of 8 2ua lbs of milk and 4ft0 ibi of fit 5 15 all rec ordi were made in 305 da imported bull bock flla diani t director ts a kirn of the imported bull vl lianna dcign dreamer f sit hint a superior sin uith 22 teted daughter that aver age on a mature equivalent buis of 8170 lbs of milk and 4t7 lbs of fat 3 13 with 25 classified daughters that aver age bfl 501i dreamer was im ported from tho island of jcr directors dam is bock flla sporting diane a supreme rxeellent cow winner of three silver medals two god medal certificates aa well as tvvo ton ogold certificates and a 4 000 lb and a 100 000 certificate diana la one of five excellent ij high producing daughters of sporting standard star on of the great cows of tha bread 56th anniversary luncheon marks mr and mrs allan norton entrrtainrd at luncheon last wednesday at thrlr umrbousa home to msrk their uth wed dtnu anniversary liirir family and a few neigh bours attended and honoured them with flowers and persona i ifla on tha occasion know ontario bellar iff all yours i bahrtodsoirbliataf traatawhavwty mm avyaa l calacayc ontario travel literature kutte ueurietnm lit ltaaat llejl laham mans mut tnotxii ra young people attend orillia conference the speedwaih lamsjr mat an cualptt straat kaa a new addition which will handle wsthlne net aulate up to new dan berraear wke aar tat tha business haa inst a i- ud a bill glover 35 lb vatlt- pr which haa a capacity frfcra jtme as rf aa ike con ventional machines we can da a u kabaj rug ee a large heavy uanlr t which norma machine cant handle taya mr 8ar raear in tpaaklna of tha new addition which la ftow in ration jyejff sije foj warmer weather ii hcp1 tind your furs and valuable cloth garsaante today our riprioiratid storage vaults ari for your protection all you can pack a y a in the bailor 0 plua 8auur ivy cuanlna business directory axti watch repairing wa feature precision repairs ta all makes reitonnej your watch o peak efficiency boughton jewellers 3 maim st n yk 74313 w h c a ft ft irofaulonel lnlnear a oalarle laiwl furveyer 110 uounulnvlaw rd 8 georgetown ont trlangle 7j311 res phone tr 7sloo wall ac i thommom 3rd division court clerk i cemihlesleaer tk73u1 robl r hamilton no optometrist eyas examined prescriptions filled bo main st n for appointment tr 73971 dale bennett latimer baines barristers solicitors douglas v latimer terence t raines trlanfts 73m1 23 uiu sl geonetowa bob edwards plumbing 8766951 138rexway dr olorogtowm animal clinic x a zavlti dvm v zavlht dvm lm guelph street clinic open 7 prn opm mom wid- frl affernoone by appolrttnil v aai mutte plant vi 4411 41 portyfhe f 1 1 oalwlll printing ov olftincyioh letterheads envelopes statemjows weddino drvrrations georgetown herald tr 7jmi leonis hair styling i personalized coiffure tor avoolorment 1744111 hi belrex blv at weber for ixptry ryu car consult o t walker occulilt prescriptions fuled 11 uain sl a brampton gl l4474 res gl 102u hours 0 am 8 pm dally friday p a m to 0 p m evenlne by appointment prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po lloi 413 tr 72804 georcelown licenced auctioneer norman c uddle v aacnabb st tr 74413 tavt courtaous service lever hoskin chartered aeeouhlanta 103 queen w brampton gundala 15ot3 44 victoria st toronto phone eu 49131 chinrsr bnjsy paintino fainting hu alwayj bmtia favourite hobby in china lays the book ot knowledge in struction books are popular they contain printed woodcut illustration giving pointers as to the bestway to paint various cenu and objects hewson ord and helson bsrrlstera a solicitors george c hewson john d ord qc frederick a helson carretal building 116 mountalnvlew rd s ttl 72318 til 7 2210 h e manderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72444 t van siclder ba barrister oollcller notary dr williams bldgj 3s uain s to 71531 monuments pollock campbkll designs on request inanect our work in greeiwtttjd iemtery phonb 4317sm 63 water street north oatit

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