Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1962, p. 11

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with election countdown zero h altojn candidates offer campaign views eleven andy miirej dt uahhv uaklvv lib cam youlhau ui hvim wiuoh ucj harry hajy says canadanow disenchanted with toy performance th consrvetivhev not bmn able to holdbflic or mori thin five yefe at any on lima unce ir elect on of 1892 o mvly tqld a rntattng of hit can gn wor iters in oakville 1tt fr day night it takes tiron term of office for tig canad an paopl to beoorrwd lenchani td wilt their brlormence nd it would a tear tha ii h tha uma ilor this lime he declared tha contervivei have not com up wn a com i tent wader able o hold of flee since the layi of 5 r john a macdortd and the tlma pattern wlili wai fot lowd by the cmcrvat v i when ttvy wereiit in now k in ha 30 i h been ai parent over the pavt five years o harlecontended both have been qovtrn fnnf of guess ar conirad ct j ion at ii evidenj y tlie num i bar of bad guet that were- mad in the fleing budgtt forecasts both afo antiopat ed government tcome and jroc national roduct the raiult hat been iailhon more debt that qinadtnt will have to carryj unempjymant at a tlm in 191 rethed at h gh at 1 1 3 o the total labour fore artj nov and as a crowning rt lachevement the devaluate of na canad an dollar r stated t lllurata ut hat this utter woid mnn in term of increased cost of living for canadian ha showed hi lis tener amdvcrtiscment by an aulomobt dealer which ap pard lrthe local press last week v are sony the aa vartiactnt read but due l irving wilson says old parties agree socialism taking over cause image thr devaluation of the canal uii dollar we have been fuic- rd ii rtjnte our price but it t ravrly went on in lple of this wr are t 1 rising you the u it deal of a lifetime taid the candidate tk cnrvallvs now have completed a cycle in a aeirch fur a formula that will five thnn a public appeal ir har liy continued at first they were calld the msersative party this was a good name in the early days but they rould not 8 t anywher with tln name in this eentiry he- caue petple liked to p ve al uii so liny added tl wurd pr tf l an eallal thnn fciht 1 rolive conserve tivis tim d d n 1 rk be the one wurd st lied the thm thr in ii baker enened and at last j n oil ire atrr this it ux never calli d he conser vative overmen they al tiii referred to themselves at he dirfenbjker coernment now hmrwr yu cn notice thai thr are pmg d wn thr diefri baker nrt and are afi ain calling it he conservative government ierhapi thu u part of their plan to complete the 100 yen of confederation or are the urn diw nr hanted uilh mr lkfmbakcr he tlat ed or halty claimed thu it one of tc more m rti us elec tions tht has faced thu coun try w re being faced with chansiif conditi ru at h nie and at it would ilmail uppcj that in jrn rn time up r lie in an all new wor there it a tremendous job hrad uhirh requires a dirnnunt uiih f irrsiht and cirajr he concluded yat sir that a rh way it it so ta tl pca whan aik ed why the df n i and ed m tted trend to tooel tm hal ion social credit cand date lr virvj wdjron attertod thu week canadian people are oell ng too laiy to think for tltamial vet a nd too t a z y to 01 out and vola contciouily or contoentioutly he con tended and loo lazy to do anything but wait for tome ona to charm them and do the thinking for thm at our pc t under quet honing tald if th people want to go socialistic thit u what they will vote for or noi vote aga nit in that caie we m qht at well be th party that will g ve it to them cven th grit ecjreed and added after all it it the voto that count you know ap parently they do not contlder th socredt any threat and can divulga these i ttle inh maciet tafely ttated mr wilson we d sarjree i i he wrnt on canad ani may be get t ng a little confused and d s couraged but it has been noted before canadians can only be pushed to far unt i they do m and say th t it it it t time to rjo o work the candidate continued time and attain on the field of battle when canadiana go to bat they ifo over the top with both teeth and bayonets bared thy auy jar time appear to be trusting and trifle paclfutic but their con senative attitude allow for the benefit of the doubt until it comes to a showdown this waa provn al iberta whan they became tired of being led around by the proverbial noe tbay had aurb a houaa cleaning that it has remained clean for s3 yeart when about oca third of tha provincial debt wu paid off they struck oil let us notice that they developed this to the benefit of the province fighting oulilde pressure all the way to eueeeaa the uim htlftf applied fa bc when the hon w a c bennett had to eapropriale uc 1- lectric in order to dump a load of federal taxation itraw from th camels back accord lng to a statement given to monetary tmas nov 1061 we requested the redera govern merit at leatt four tune a to re- mwta taaaljun from tha utility of return it o thf irovince where it belonged when they returned only a token of it and then refined him the ngbt to see the records he took the canadian attitude and did something about it l predict that canadians have tud about enough of be injt told how to vola or not vote at all tbey are not n i tirrly anleep a find them when i talk to the man on the street the old line parties have kin finely told themselvea to a tistrin of debt and more debt nnanclrvg mr uilsonmaln turned canadians it is high time wt did something about ii tri us throw private but- iir interesla out of jwilitics n ihal we can pay our way at e lo with no outside die lllrn of polio wants council stick to 1100 pm curfew deputy ceev wm f hunter n aga nit counc i meet ingt last ng mora than lhra hours latf thurtday he urged council to take e ttraw vote which would nd all meet rigs al 1100 pm lett monday we tat unt i 1 30 a m or later end i th nk we should cloie our meetmgt at eleven whether the night t busmen it fu ihed or not ta d the deputy tyfhbatklsa i ympathls but such a rule rauld be taken advantage ec tald cr head harrlsan thara ceuld fca latbylno deputy reeve hunter am uered that the buslneu which had kept council late discus alon of a new subdivision by law wasn t introduced until after 11 pjn llila could be coven d in a procedural by law aald uayur sargent but until we have one it is only an unwritten law and mint have full com cil cooperation to make the system work i t i lave hi fadarat pari men had an issue ef this tart lee ke ekad re tarring le the cleaure debate thi ciorcitowh hirald thorsday jima 7th 1al tack 11 top soil or a ii dan lee construction 774370 rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wid6imo aulahovuhtt crtii a ipaduity cut flowrt and funeral dailont si albut yt v wir flowara labgist nicktl user tha largtit alnflla lua of nirkrl i in lilnl trru in imi about 170 000 000 pound or 34 per cant of tha frre world t total r nsumption of nickal want in o thejio r a lila allol sold by hare 30 raylawn crescfnt for results list with hare charles dykstra rep th 73245 359 oualph street oe0wfi carl rouleau svs cartfldate sets sights onjeophs capitalism sandy best says record is criterion says pc candidate omrryilafd to bandy about word c en pnta and tocialum is no- ikjhny ld torn fytticnl n vlthin thensolvei 1tmlndirna of tha tiction aljvllliatlin that iorthip- pt an irruga but pd long hallo md p canldaal nim nun than wha b o tontanoy hn waev that man hcinc a laxr of thr j 5 piectlon thar aftrono ladncyfin th imohr a nrym rccord amontftoliitani and pihlicall hon of ihl ocallt r corn govom vtz wkh about rtlrrpns ajatrm how can popoials lor roe enterprise whin six k ontrol 100 of nckrl he f 9nt a thrrad i copper iron ora anil alumtn fh r urn production of thu country bt demer or i iii- whom tho conarvative govern i thr production of automobile menl of n r ve polrcliim lopvim asb mo i f v p p vf foroofon why ho dc pclrlm l peny t ha harod it with jkd omj my j z7utrn c n o wary faw of ho myth about paoplai apitalum in the nneteen century fra nlerpnta fat based j the small bulneis man must compete with the massive res ource of the chain stores in terms of national advert ihlng bulk buyinj loss liadrn etc how cm it be free enterprise have proof of this is the 30 per cent increase in personal in comet and tho 30 per cent increase in payroll incomes cases management can have nois hat happened before hope in sharing in ownership this it tho sort of shared and at mut can look forward to prosperity that has put a lot a dog eat dog race without of fords and ramblert in tho pcuny o- the free exercuo of car port of th many rather on th preriise tm if every profit as post bltf the com munlry at a whle would banafit hir rojwpu wont on thil in turrfwat found td on tha beliv that the quality tnc pncj of go was dataralnacjby th law of lupply thd amend m an open markwtkiie who hold this belief nncf profited by it gava no cdtlderation to tha hundred j thousands of woman anl children who worked in ihj mines and rrillll under ppreitive con ditlorw witoenth cantury capitalism ft lometimei cost at much ijtermi of human- mftary aiiommuniim the vll in bfl thai historical illuationt tilty it tsiflced to a system or to fhanarattt of a small ttaid dltlana have im taiswadl klajlhan only bacaruse tha workdhaj learned to or- ganlte ihtfayentinenta hava bacftsna dinaenti on hli vote ba malnbad but wa have reached auelal point in our divaloimtf bcaue id this tgc tf tji media eommuni eatlon brtmienu are efocl- d by tl amount of money ttey ctmuln lor a eimpalgn and alnofhit tnvolvej colon al stama y ar in fact do pond antrtinr een trl butlon of human human conscience at for peeplat capitalism from the point of view of ahare holding let us look at the tarts in 1d30 only 2 per cent of the canadian population owned more than 5 000 worth of shares ninetyone per cent had no stock holdings whatso ever they had alt they could do o meet their mortgages can you honestly ny that thii is economic democacy bur whan you add to thii the fact that there it between atx that human dig sov conl 0ur work in unemployed that there are several million canadiana who tubilkt on an income o 4000 r less that there are many who go without medical eareitffluie of economic clr- cumstancoi and that thereire many aludenls with the ability what lartfe obratlons he stated muit vehirn in tyl at all lwtth acouotoic iyi- than a faw new cadltan in th driveways of tha few it has allowed canadiana to spend more money for the things they want and save more monay than ever be fore and while it is quite naturally short of perfection it is a lot mora than the lib erals haveever beeoabl to produce anytime they have been in office alt hte liberate have to say about thia is we could do bet ter they had ample ehaffce to prove their claim before 1057 before wagea went up 30 per cent before people had a little money to spend for more than necessities and a little more to put aside in their bank ac counts the itsue of thii election lor taetconservauv party is a re cord of action it a record of promises kept and ot dec aiotu faced rather thin evaded in the pattern f4odeflnlte com- and desire to achieve who can so no further because they djl hlltorlc d t0 not have the money theiph hearu yberal big preteuco that we- iwo in k so ciety that provides equality of opportunity is shallow indeed in my ncxlcolumn jwlll ahbw how the now democratic party propones to deal with laos pioblomi sholi what are tby using for leaderthlp now four tired survivor of the debacle of their -party- ln1958rpparenuy ro ahattered by thu event they have been unable to produce a lirjgle orlifinal idek ainca so thry say we could do better iesler pearson has been co in around the country talklnff of free trade oblivious appar intlv in the disaster this could be to canadian industry paul martin jack pickernnill linnet chcvricr say nothing to correct him david croll comes down hare from his aoft berth in the sen ate apparent to defend coyne in his undemocratic defiance of hi elided emplosers no paid official can prevail over parliament if democracy is to fcunlvr fven to mr croll this much must seem basic and what hat pearson been telling the voters only that hr ran do belter yet as far as i know ho has not proposed rtpral of a uncle piece of con c native lesutlation nor has ho attacked any one of the 18 point of the john dicfenbaker prorram for the future and he has not been able to coma up with a sound six point pro gram of his owjt let alone 16 ills candidate in halton is going around challenging con- acrvatlve cabinet ministers whom he mows ar not avail able to debate a lot of non sense you may have noticed already ha la careful not to challenge me yet what need la there for for debate as longja this party is a till unable to offer intelli gent alternatives to the con senative record and to john diefenbalter proposals for the next four years d meanwhile whan thf liberals siyxve could do better cana- dians have a right to ask why they didnt do better when they hid tha chance j watch crystals krclacid whilh you waiti a main it sx how many pay their bills by cheque nowadays most people dobecause almost everybody has bank excounrrvvtttrjjr checcue is safer than carrying cash and a timesaving and convenient way to pay bills k very banking day canadians write three million cheques an increase in the- parit lo years of more than a million a day in the number flowing through tho banking system this uptodate cheque handling service makes possible the convenience you command every timeryou use your cheque book

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