wi presstife general manager what council did edwards leaving seek new constable georgetown iob forte baa n opnln for probationary conauble following reelknatiod from the force of cat david kdwardi cit edwirdi who joined the force laat fell bai changed hl plana to move to georgetown el agreed when he accepted the job and leit thursday ten dered hia reaillnauon effective june 15th awarding to counclli police chairmen don mrrajler the town hnnei to enunle local men preferably without eiper- lencc whu will tike hit rookie irejnnut under nuidanee of chief lloy lleley unv end a eteetrie etecfc for wuik they vetoed tt tunc iloeid 3m caul s sulungach paul s sulienbecfi vice pretident end general rnanage b the pieiistilo oivilion canadian yarielle eitendod itie oftioel operimt of the preitlile plant here wedneidey niorning mr simenrjach began hit career in 1935 et e chemlit he later odvancedo chief criemitf director of revearch and became executive vice prtident in 1953 the appomtmenl if vice prendent and general manager vat made official in january 1962 the entire georgetown plant proicct wai under mr suiienbeche tuperviaion box i wo achi1vimint i title alter lotlnl it areordlnj 10 the book of knowledje an rioyd pattrnon became the h wi rom dr bret nfhler tn modern nutory i ymr wl u win back the beavywelihtj j ashcttove leaving community friends say farewell on saturday enninj a hap py aurui hint- wai tprnt ihr church taaiinriit whinthei community kalherid lu hunor mr ami mn udif often aha have eoll tlinr fann on the tlth line and have moved to thr collate on the karll- mere finn at the edae of town ward ilrownndie wai chairman for a thort program mn jamci carnry and mra krank wllvun played piano i duett mdinm by mrt john ilirllboddy fullowrd by un w cleave thowinii beautiful col ored plrlurtt of their trip to horida alonu with tome local tcenei mr and mrt clffen were then called to the plat form and prrirnlrd with a itwivel rocking coalr 1 trlllte mr anil mr arthur fciddell itr end lira ward brows ridja and family attended the howden reunion at peru park on saturday itr hartley annexion of montreal vudted around tit neixhbourhod ever the eek end e and hoveee are into june the r hioeet ttetnba ithe year whan we have if travrberrtaa and eeautliut- r dtint bridel- let toe appreciate all the beaullee eroood ut ob rvtrily venlnx june lit ure krauk wllaa end marilyn unlerulned about forty ru- tiveeto a infiealuneoo ehower for ulaa leone biftull after the bride opened her mny beautiful klfti the hoaletiei urvad a dainty lunch marietta will employ fifty by jend of year tha prawtit division of canadian malhe ceo09 forms rmwmtl nuior indutlry will employ from 0 to 50 popu bfor ttw v out according to th gsrvrl mtnbqtr wfcfren wepur mj vjpur taid ww htt podixiioti will bwglrt titartly fir m fcoy w opd oflwlly ti wd- hidby ad if har ny fepprochiro ik company fof nvploymt rvf hvy un focvt th ii at n inlar- vlw tiiio kld t h punt roceintly mfaomvnt ulkd 1druij rjcjvd lmrs from ovr fifty pplitnj many m hun iha initial tuff o- qutd undr mr wpfr in lu campny modrn gaoco- town officst ar a goro6- lown man stan confitd qualify control irupcto tom wrioht oakvlll nd icrtary mary ltm lovall of ein glfem william piano recital for gatl spente pupilt peuntt and fiiands ipaul vry tujoyhbla voinj ut stuxdy tt th plana reiul off gall snte puplltt it wai hld la the audltorum ottm twbool with ur h v ucktw ai cbairuua for thm vtag injplu ulting part ruifj m ska from lti prciooltj lkh at itobbla luaion anfl urtajiiiordara to uw son ae- rwnpirff m kfk aebl tb pscri opwd with um kluclnje t o ca contlniiln wt puoe loa wr dttaiu etayra lacksown sudra lorrimmiw caniljallad- do jo-ann- ucecaovb staaa whemlmr judy proo jolu hwim lloda cpctatiul s- tan ltston tweiy ataddktu jmij abfis eaximrwui uj aic kaovii mudy ably luonu bjhdiord jlrea atonadc jao- kltbreuy aod u cwtraiuui ckitt wrt playd v saav dra lonriuaii and llaia caav pertuld tftody tnd carftljat vddn lceuefl kbnuck and tuanw bntadjonl grtuaia a th pcraab vocalist jo7c aidliau and tromboslat martla wbwr bmtrm h ittrt aamd and a dallcntful wenia twd teum id a ciom iti oka prouaa plarina ttw qimu c6mohtff otava ujudimo xamd toad oeam nil j tor lott iroki wofek tom haines thf tmofttmtowm mmalb mm 7mv 1mj v pages l harris floral auamimants oat vuy occawon tt tv e wew ntate m m tit 7411 tcter jonet jcorficlown in quality control t 0 tom wrioht of oakville taksi a reading on ono of the precision instruments in tha qualify control dapartmont chemical silo leter jonra goorgotowi ihll chiaucal alia which towara cwithe northwsit corner of thi presstlte pla will li tor 120 tori of prjwdrewrnilonwllr tli- tjroclncbrt vii rarl kv- tealenll end corrtpaunda is present more ways than you know tfc ctftipany that for yaara aarvad oarotown paopla in way of which thay war n a war now bacomaa viilbly idantiflad by tha madarn plant epaning hf juna mail pratttlt aaalant ara partly or totally hlddan in tha praducta ar ana- uraa for which thay rm uaad haw thay centribut ta individual cajtiforta and convanlanc it not raadlly a p pa rant v sine r44jlta la now your naiohbor caargatown paapla may hava mara than casual inlaraat in tha typaa and acopa of product wa m an uf act ur tha numbar of producta it wall ovar 400 and practically all araln tha aaalant catagory thla in itaalf indicataj tha highly tpaclallxad natur of yaur nawaat induttry tha manufacturer of tha wodda moat autanaiva vn of aaalant automobllaa on your ttraat and highway mova cjulafar bacauia af praattlta taalant that cuihlon tha matal panal aaal windthlaldi and waatharpoof ethar araa rafrlaarttor fraaxar and air canditlonar oparata mora dapandabh bacauta of prautlta aaalant ktaits from at aircraft with thalr tarriflc haat would ruin ahflald run way in no httit if paving olnt did not hava tha protection of praaattta taalant pratitlta tpaclat aaalantt ut tha skint of giant curtalnwall building mava to com pen tat for praiaure and ttrat cautad by wind axpantlon and contraction yat beap panel taalad again rain celtl and moltrura highway bridgat dam aawar and home caulking ara aoma of tha many other areai in which prautlta product tarve mankind tha people of george town thu ara now cloter than ovar to tha prima source of a manufacturer whote product terve them in to many different way preiitlte the tourca of tha world moat oxtantlvallna of taalant presstite division canadian marietta 30 armstrong avenue georgetown ontario t a v