Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald kudaakfllmemitmluu 22 main street s georgetown onlto w c hmehn fvblhw pag4 thubsoay junt 21 it v61 editorial comment seems jtappy solution pmmrj of e new lubdmiion control bylaw by hi town coujicji would uem to povd 1 tolulto lo probum which mt brfi txjnr of contention for tviyrftt yedellt j munupel jolilitt the town tiii ln irt ft w pottdrvv of having a leqe liajt of reudentiel budding land froen by a 1954 agreement which precluded any fuilrter releete until an lmotl inipointeje 60 nvdutlr ialonwner eial ratio cleuve it fulfilled there have bren ttronrj npmrmi that trie agreement mujl be honoured without deviaton and equally itrong cla ml that it should ha strapped soma have argued that ihe delre tubdiv on thould ha at lowad land releete under e anting town bylaw with a penalty negotiated heauia of of iti unfulfilled ohl get on tta mar aid baing om which laa ied to tht vaw a cornplataly new by law it now law uwvi which provides thai industrial budding mutt lake placa befora any parkettes before too late building permit ere released to w tub dwidr and it hat xeived a hastier council majority okay than any other m itr legitljtion vvht alto appear ng to fnid favour with the publc if o a tan judge from lite abvanca of delegat 01 to count j when it wav d tculd or lallerv to j ha prett it i a carta nt thai the new by law w ii nor allow the ntduitial ret r in gat by further out of 1 ne wl ch it o of the p concern of a d and it will cc trim who argue that mduvtry bu id ngt already part ally conil rght or wong ii menu a happ m ul o i r o e of georgetown t n of proten t at d ve aie fvopeful ir at it w ii end n ixh of tf co lioverty wheh hat eited for to lo q and winch hat impl cared a urge tl are of our iownipopa dwauly and indeity municipal argument l re ease oppo e i nly prove wltl rr mduitr y i ieen r g ed aie mayor sargent hat often pre lied the idea that georgetown should rata n tmall plott of land at parkeflet and we tr heartily in agreement the town already hat one maor park rea in the older tect on of town one of the loveheit pr ope rt at which any town coutd have and we th nk it n equally important that the eastern area thoud alio have large area reserved for tuch aclivitiat at organized bavebe i and soccer family pic tiici and publc eventt like the rodeo garden partiet and tportt dayi but parkefttt are equally if not mora important and they have one meor ad vantage n operating coif that it practically nil to our mind thate can be divided jnfo two typet ona would be a tmall area of gran and perhapt a flower bad or two with a few benchet where a pedestrian could rest under a tree or a per ton out for a i troll could relax and enoy a bit of natures beauty the o tier it a p tgro mj a ca l ierve blcxk or two of ch ihren it it the letter wh ch nteiei t l n it in our queen street d itr ct ti ere ii e vacant field and n ght aftr r n gr i n e ne gtibourfiood ch idren renvt ie fieie for e ball game in the iunm er fooll 1 n the fall end tie ghr d nrj n tte w nfer i in i e fancy place and t i eedt r o t pkeep ecepl for weed cuf ng a coup m of ei a iff a ton and we a owned by the town the only coit wou d be a i ir one trie tan revenue loif v he e a i ou e to be bu it we th nk council thould make a tur vey of all tucti pon ble proper ei w tii e view to ecquir ng them belora it too late bg parkt have the r place n a to v i to have the organied recreat on tpei with twingi tlidet and tuch but ne gh bourhood playgroundl are nott necemar y of all juil aik the v hi in th i d u rt they ii tell yoixjhey woludn i warit to i ve anywhere elie sugar and spice by bill smiltsy blocking the aisle nlikatj by the cempany all rac reafienel factlltiat are inital lt by the empleytet recraat an ttxiaty magailnai tv a plane card tablaa card and rlbbape baa r da are alt apprat lalaj becaute each emptayee hat centributad threugh hit er her memberthlp the aupply thu thrn i donald milnn i iion milrrtalird thr ti dfnre of vwhat a fraction tif eer taprr dollar h purrhatrd for not onl loda rftinrnc r r t- hut for t ha tomormwi thai lie national invfstmint tthrn i aw dr o m vil ahead of railroading pride ii n emational im c n wre prendent on lelr tation mot ct ui it we ara ion rrfcnlh eitolhnj ihr lucky pantnta quite fre htfarliun h- ii getting ut of rtv lclh itlcome quantly utually ll aio rhmen career i could ap latad with family home r jab i h enlhuiam i but now and than tur national di l thlat utwm kmm w wrm- bh w eue place it pf ceupu el ww tkal t i till twit biiew wka ww tka elwtlea ive bt 4 bufcy witii impetaht thie kirti off two ihrda and two fckuihi at the fuu day aod nmt home wiad n f btcaiix xh lixdal pua ed ant in all uriifi sb takri ivter ber rnotn khe alto ined a grade teven piano mm i with arrnmpjnyuig panlr she alio went pirktng itrjwberrit for a firmer r made 11 04 sha alto n her hriuntai watch while amimming and wat rut off her hike and allwance tut uo meek wh rh wit puie hell tof all cunrerned irin wai waving lib- h m wh ir f pp ur nm 1 hj f7 nandini werb at hit plane ivary ewerr- in he fiat up at teven te prec tita and added enether ceuple ef haura lter in the day alt hia laturdaya ware takan up by e trip te the city far hit let an a e retult he milted e let at parties and tkl eneatt and ether edeletcent fun but h watn t feeltnp any pain whan the ratullt ef kia rate 10 plane tiirn arrived thlt weak and he learned hed re ceived the fairly fenlattic mark f 90 which threw hit eld lady nte e ttate ef near hydene and hli eld man inte a danoaroui cate ef parental pride ability and kruwudg not jurf making life ulierabla tot ueaa the teacher deidr tiat met of tbrfw kidi ar doing tbair ust la- uia tc l tilr pri- i lvete feara ted furorw otar v- uonieaiie urxeti tbir uvea alauirt and their eoadhlicated human uajurei it a a tiuaitux vd mi mj thine i eaeea lev i th only f nj war fj jatiwuhlp ih ike uvea v uh however well eirploa tnal nolhr time to gt baek t he rhant at the smlleyi houiht a new home thu ifiaatb tweht dollar down and 11 dollar t a dat for life fufore tht tnk wn dry on he eontraet the old woman wai waving law- opinion ai awayi i remarked 4u ably ebeul each temple that leeka pretty feed tw thll tenilble reatenable ce epare- live attitude fer tetwe reatah infurlataa her yeu etent even caret the haw i a yeud live in e pl0penl have yeu na tatle ne dan re make yur heme decentt prida twtll he expanahon at nit thnte mine did utt thai recently haniral tirin 10 that riuit when i toured the now cn rr rundillnnrd room hut building in montreal part ef ll1 ralrh tome nf the virion tha vition ef donald cordon hat made i hi a propfm in rail had of niling that wattelul hole in the ground it hat tragic news for town muth roomed betide the quten ehiabefh hotel and central station like a beautiful hybrid of induitry end imagination in ill conttruction many thoutandi of the canadian tampayera del lart ere in vetted and becaute tome ef my hard earned cath waa involved t wanted te tee what we ere all setting for our enonay wai certainly j both rf iowohni thtt naita of our camera i don t operation poatihle photos availabli m next rail un in the in tpiiing pholographv and re prixlurtion drpartment framed eclmert phntotrrapln of all me nd pertarular cener having lni nothing in the enlargement proce jinprlu ihnllrvl me 1 wanted lo luck a numhrr under mv arm and go forth lo eiery aire hank and induttry n ton end htng them for gorgbiovn norrplly a quiet ever q community hat been rocked with major tragedy these pait few weeki particularly tad wat tha jiewt let week of the death of mr and mrt peg higbam in an aulo accident in quebec daily papert caary timiler lionet el- moil every day but when it hitt a tmall lown grief become t pertonahed and sympathy it widetpread for the young family to tuddenly mutng a father end mother tha town loo it laddaned becauta iht highamt were the type of cihent which a community neadi they were active workert in tha kmtrnan and km- m tervica clubs and mr higham wat one of n scncs a wilting worker in the group v h rh tponior hockey rxi baieball for the young ladl juit a few weekt ago we talked with mr higham on the phone and he wi outlining hit plant for next trion s hockey ha lied ult been elected prei dent of the all star support group end he wat full of plant to raiie ntoney for the ex ten nva program winch the tupport group operate fate hat dealt e cruel blow to the family end lown we expreti our deepest tympathy to their children end parent end our regret that tuch a fine couple will no longer br here to thare their falentt in the tervite work which they both loved i lifted with preipects ef ample teturn fer the par capita celt t or one th ng it i die mit hsf inc imialh of an huild inr llm iniiih rn hat ilrmanrl ed for prnlirirnl nodinlion iha i hur n during ni ii housing willun in nniroiu ire the lirnn v huh inil mcrl th ilitniixh nf an ivpmding li n port id hi tt in find in puss ihlilx for quicker hem r aid nioir ri iminira hoiking pi in rilun i ant unci kn n com petition i hough i lute hern srhoolril on tint 1 1 j ii spot tat ion profile m fof the pist four iir ludird it rniimii nlimivt hrrjue the i n lm i pulilicb ounnl and hi ii fore ein nidan s roitirn the lhnik ahout i hit hivi of ailmtv tlut ijm nijttrvl me movt irrr lot to much the revrnue possihilit e from ihf run hul il irlaud indut fluoride in your drinking water u may be next year or it may be went weak but aomelim in tka near future grtfelwn will be faced with tha fluoridation qua it ion yhla calunn la not to way opinion but lo inform reader of the facta about fluoridation batad on information from th health leaguo of canada flu0riiutiom mogresses tola mimher of people aprvfd in 0ntai1i0 by flunndation in ontario lo j 443107 slrretsvilk which last de- ion of denial decay aclualiy dentists to stepup fltuorlbation efforts the health lei tine of canada started lu programme on april 20th it will terve a popula tion of 4850 advice to this i fleet has itcen received by 1 tho health league ot canada from the ontario water it pi ourcca comrniision ithla town in peel county ii i altuatert just west of melropol- 4 ian tbronto where bleblicite on iho subject will be held on pecembcr3rd of thia year streeuville thui boeomei the khh ontario community to uaijkald theu jfroups employ ibvtry water auppllei wllh thljluari jrjrinlljtuuoirtljilpccordj nee with tha advice of health uthoritlex thliiifiiu faa reports that the american den tal auoclatlon council on den tal health hai called ou indi vidual dentbtta and dental aorsj lellei to combat the amall ktriiikely motivaled grauni which have blocked acceptance at fluoridation or community water auppllei- in- a alrontfly worded atatemeifit the couttfjl device of propandahc44irj itleullilqrtlort untruthantt-ptr- feonal attack lo weajfjm the tonfldenoeof the dublin in ibii health fiitms mraure huoridalion it a tafe rcon omiral and eftective mramre to preent denial cariet ilou err irfmmi rominuniliet tinve vet lo iruililule the protrduie in the inlted stales and 40 million children are linn le nied ita henehli the state- men continue- fohwj ha ditlontlly the individual dentist anrl the dental snciry hive made their tcientlflc knowledge and retourcri available to the community thev have nujjlit he acceptance of fluncidjtion by providing leadrrxhip in lrepinc with their nrofcthionj competence dentists should take lead the tactic of those who op p ffuortdalion however are of ucb nature an to warrant end command professional lead- erthip beyond the utual point the antisocial program of the antl fluoridationlsu mutt he countered and iheindtvidual dentist and the dental society jjmit exercise aesffssive loadcr- ihip in all phases of activity vfhicl lead to tin- acceptance of fluoridation the individual dentist and the dental ancicly now have not only thioblicnt ion to support but alio lo init iate when necessary programs forthtuicceptjnce-olthijtutt- idatlon or the community wate ftupply ttua laaderibip should wvf trns in tha moil communication contciout- era of man the cn hat proved iti leader-hip- in thia field telecommunicetiont have put dollar- into the pock t- of our butlneta cencerna and time bonutet inte ur llvet throuqb tpaed nd efficlencv in relaying metieoet and infor mation not only canada wide but internationally when i walked into the vlt- itore ebtarvatien room ef the data precettino offices several if the juke bee machines were detailing information en tape two menwatched the battery ef colored lights that tignaled heaven knows what information to them i watched in ewe this operation that used to require hundreds of human brains te control fhe where abouts ef freight and patten- ger cart now this line ef computers can tell an operator in an instant where car hsxwys it located or us equivalent lie aod the detail thev have rkurht on him in manv of thee puturea micht escape the tin min eve thlt department of feis a cirat public tervice lit informal ion ft let and film are available to anyone in need of hi rr ire 1 he dav i wat theie a man vt at ohlainins photot to reproduce on plavmg cahu for the anticipated sum rner tourist trade my day waa a complete tut- catt when i wat invited te tunch in the employees cafeteria cat ring te ismt 3000 hungry werkara every weekday neen hour with the exception ef i enjoyed teup cmaken pie pete teat e veget able end cream pie plut cof fee 4 dont eat that wall at heme fer the same price emptoyeea hava a lounge tee that is worth mentioning fur 13 storey skyscraper rtrampton s proposed tk- craprr on george st s l in afoul of technical dif ficulties and waa cleared hv council last rridav only afler the builders solicitor mjnrd s written undertak ing 1 he planned apart ment hotel will have thlr- tcin tlorir- increases 35 htwaa specia o 1 he herald ontario farmer- en jojed a 3 3 per cent increase in iheir farm cash income from farming operations in ldflt the preliminary flrurr- f nr the full i ear irinw i hal i he increase waa i at i c- 1 v due to be it e r i e turn from ltralock and to harro in canada at a whala farm cath income reached en alt time high in 191 of 2v s million thit i a 3 s per cent increete ever the prevlout high ttabhthed in 1952 and 4 4 per cent ahead of 1940 income all arnvtnxat with tha ejtcapu ion ef prince cdward laland and new bruntwick thewed gaint in thate twe catat farm income wat lower becaute of tmaller returna from potatoat ihe ltwl total lifuie for on lino is shoo 174 run ihis com parrs with wll 120 voo in iftoo and wiamjooo in 1050 of the total onlar o frm en receivrd s2v 100 000 from crops 4103mh fron iie- ttnek and lit products t 7j5 000 from forest and maple pro ducts and a smaller amount as a rieflciencv payment on eggs blggett money earner tattle and calvet urie the bkttrat jingle money earner for ontario farmeis producinj 200 02000 compred to s107 064000 a tear before haiiv productt contributed jlful 363 000 and hoys stniftftooo among crops tobacco vvaa the big mnnev earner contributing n70mw to farm income 1 hu compares with 01 700 000 in 1060 and sh6 417 000 in ids egetable glowing brought lu m6 oasooo it it empbatlted that the figures make ne allowance fer the farmers coat ef production etlimates of net returnt te farmers after deductions fer eperetlng ex pen tea and depre ciation charges are expected te be made available theitly by the dominion bureau af statit- 4ict tistlngten i bade farewell to mv mi droit at action arid it u as an emotional ordeal on the ust nav of achoo ome benevolent r d fairv uars a magic uand the giim lipped teartier md dent becomes a tender heart ed old inmt who watn t tn had after all the i en iliden ihe j lotils rvrn the clast rut up are oft 1rnh trans formrd in a roup of ihe nirru jnuiirmrri juu could and when they ting for ha t a jolly good fellow and pretent you with a baautiful hirt and tie and thete who are loaving achoal coma up and thake hand with you and tema little girl waitt until ihe ethara have gone and tearfully blurti out at you thankt tor a won derful year tir and aome dreadful boy who hat har atied yeu ell year seyt sure hope i have you nnt year tir it t pretty hard to maintain the gad tike imperturbability ef the teacher be i in jut imaunln i a i cnti nh wmildn come out wilh it buck in rcb luar but 1 think there s a special hond he wrrn oung people and their trachrrs not all of the kids frrl it and some leahrrs don t hut its thrrc and though difterent it s jut t real as the hond hrlwren parents and their children 1 with the atudenlt i think its a tlow raaliiatien that the teecher la e human being all evidence te the contrary and with the teacher i think it t e tlow realiiellen that the ttu- dente efe human beinqt del pite what hit eyes and ears tell ity thu tine i am thoroughly rowed i haven t ihe nerve to a what i think thai ihe place i hkt fine the wav it it ind aimwaj ue rant afford it so i point lu one of the little sjurrs and auggeat hove alwnit that nice green there i turnt out to be turqudite and it also turns out to be the onb one of the lot that rliihfl hidrousls wiih everything in the room never mind i think were taved the a gene off en e gardening tangent it deetnt matter that ifa the middle ef june it deetnt matter that ioth is yeara ef our marriage the t never planted anything ecept an annual crop ef pelnt od remark shet going te hava a garden it it killi ma it been i rather fran tic couple of weeki fvro tha one ipot that might have cre- aled a moment of domestic calm nil restored houiehold unily ralhrri dais was ruined vthrn i tore the fancy paper off what looked like a new flatting red and discmered it wsi a hin new gardrn hoe georgetown herald publuhed by heme newtpapers limited georgetown ontario hirr when lint tmilinl rcihjlion begins to woi k rmmmintcil ion quickrns the kids deride that this man or unnun is arluallv concerned uilh improving their walter c tiabd tubltiher garfield mcghvray i production superintendent office staff terr harley alteen rridley newt tditor accountant tom ruth dvertlting manager utile clark dave llaitinpa rnh baskenille myles gilsott bob maearthur member nf tha canadian weekly newt pi pars association and the ontarls annciatlon by walt durvty curling stone the rock of ailsa craig scnttuh ikip at the mir mouth at ihe firth ic clyde voat once extensively quarried and wun the chief source of supply for curling stones according to i ho itnok of know ledge scar cely wr mllei in circumfer ence the isle rites prrcipitn- ttsly to a heicht of j0d7 feci be amplified whatever possible by the enlistment of ad irom oilier profpjislons and individ- uali and agencies interested in tha pubua health pe echoes from tha pages of tna hed june 1937 and 1953 10 years ago dr chai let sayers georqeiovs n hat been named tecretery of a newly formed group of dtslncj valanrv irian membership in the mid ontario veterinary alloc ation compnset n area bordered by the conimuniliet of vvelkerton wiarton owen sound onllia new marked r georgetown end mnple 9 a native of norval tlation john e c watkim hai boon appointed canadian minnler tonorway and lce and mr watkint it a former professoof englith af queens university who joined the external affair depart nent in 19d6 v f pishing d ruing hit vacation el art scotts cottage at 3rfrrrilha park on sunday gob collier hooked a beautiful 15 pound lake trout one of the largest reported in tomev ime in that district 25 years ago e ths tire hydranli in town have bean given a coal of paint and tha welcome tigtu have been hung on main it fov the firemens convention lo be hejd here july 0 o august 2nd citizens are asked to decorate their homes ind places of business e barbers in the district are raising the price of haircuts from 25c to 30c a a new machine called a combine which harvests and threshes al ihe same time was tried oul on the farm of 3uy bussell hornby last week and proved quite a success at the gregory thealrre this week the man in the mirrorilardnaedwjrd e h the bi ho star- lnflwllac beerynd robetlmonlgornerryi and readytl tvhiina end able tlarclng liuby kooler and hon alexander ll i-

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