Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1962, p. 6

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imer jones tboto patrolettes take an eight beat rest ncw pack in the btvieo dy parade belonged to the pstrolertes an oakvime girli corpj ipontored by the ham lion automobile club dey elect mrs presswood lady teacher president lemqiimmlut aaaociatlon 0 the federation trf ootirio women teeclwrt icud a cwfl lew w uutir pm8t hare they take advantage of an 6 beet to inhale chatiing with m ii b sweepstakes plan aimed at nz budget balance e th pelltlcet were shikine handi with all the ladles at the coffee party and did a tat of a double take to the only sjeallerasn pre tent and a hit of triple take upon learning he toss vliiunc cjnada from new zealand needless to uy they didn t linger ocrl lonfl after the introduction tweaot well after all he wish t even co ins to be votlntr in the rj action a but vetlno or not mr william don id ion a cuckt tj hit daughter mn jamei tin ton end family dlplaed a keen interest in our political kfene and it proved to be merely en extenion of hie in iereat in politics in general and naturally enough new zealand in particular l vr bllana hsd been able to spire tha time they tntcht hue been quite in- lerealed to hear mr donald eon tell about the experiment the new zealand government launched upon a few months go at one fell swoop th to the lt one of approximate ly fite pounds i ai i result the flow of money furtuerlj leaintf the country for the australian aweepalakea haa been stopped to a lirjje cure an eddivl inducemefit to new zealanders vote assistance to norval guide program verve at chap 4 of 1hil wtiauuever tfnngl are true ijvrly and eixxl let in th nk of ihrfc tnlnge mr hfmintf ha fin marching maidens provided on of the h ghl qms of lle procetnon wh ch kicked off codeo aikrd that we put time ailde to eee the beauty in thlnffi a loun i ui at beauty u the re illation of eternity in our bearta ileauty truth anil good mm are threa gates fcirouab wliirb jod reveala in part our eternal home gad haa pre tared a place for ua this it i nr of ilia precloua promuei we each have a trust to fut tha regular monthly meet temher when the meeting will fill let ui to forward with ine of the norval ljcal a- be at the home of mrs l key faith and courage to carry out tociation for juldra and hrow noldj llii wll met u held on tueiday even i following the merlinr lunch a aelertlon by tha trio ituth ing june 12th at the home of ul trr by the hutiu irvani uabella dobion and tr j bailey when i aur vey the wondrous croia waa ilaptumal arnirts urre tirld vfry mucn appreciated they at norval and ln on ir h urrp cvompanied by lira d trrian hurchri on sunday i rrrnch june 17lh ilnhin bjpllii 1 mr j b hlcki who waa a urrc itichard doukln a n of ar uemaeter confer mr and mrs douklai surret c ln i dlanna fltiabelh daughter of mr and mrs llohert andrtui i 1 crt jamrt i in of mr an i mr itolnrt lrjlie douitlat i nn of mr and mra v d memorial hail aetob tbe tauxw irdoi xcua cortmiowt moffat norvai stewarttown arid kaqualaa lire eva weaewood of cun wuliuu aucda mn btikai- funiril georgetown u pri dent 1u kin euanor mo- kaowu of sawhum fublie bcbool 4jt vle mtidaaat a ood vlo jirealilut atri amu rudy gweahwil urofaaaaeoaj ovveltuuhajtt 0avame mr juaa korttui ceorgetown ai- ueatloojl davetiptxiant tttvm a ur dorothy moffat m relary lira gliada atntoo u z- haiiutt ecbaol artbu tyeaatarer mlaa pat joiua ttoav urt uttla school aetcut uri ueehor tad mia june iucced aire joettna tuirtci a retiring irwnibir of acton v z tuunett school aurf whs fulad tha dual offlca of tacra tarytraaiurer kaund iu waeld a faaelnatlng account gf bar trip around tha world wai t mven by ura k i jlueknar llowat were in chart f the sh introduced by ura l devotional prnd mning ijuhertbem and in apofaeuuon wiu prajer xriptur pay- w vn r t toward the purchase of mualc of ttie young oak tree wal cltj for tha new north hal told by lira llowat ton for a mr ian hem ng p ke on r bul lt the theme ood hal let her h ljbl l l nlly in our llearti lladmg ltl truiteei urt kob- ert armstrong kaquenrw kd- strtjj bible study for church women mw aim euadwr tareaident ef tha uuw dumb waiara dr st john wekoowd suaatj from st attdrwa uabled chulch aahxrove balllnafad ail churchill to tha fellowehlp tntfng bald in sl john a un ited cfcuivh hill wedoeiday avaalng ura m wluon president of ifeltot ivtabyterial u t w waa preaant and tfter being in troduced etred kunra lotaraat be takaa in luua study at meeting and alao in the whole tnlulon of tba church ala george graaby then favoured with a aolo and waa arrouipeni ad by mr ken marhaon ura g king and ur w otummt accti savings omtxmm flru avm mrs norman uthrie with the president mrs s i- unburn in the chair the meeting opened hy re peatuig the ml le inrr the wn mtteoffi aeoriiatown and tom wauon chairman of acton public school board many y1sts componenli for general mo- ton ear built at oshewa are ealed ln aa widely ae parted placei aj kapuikaajng 300 milej couth of jamil itay asd miami florida cold weather tesu for batteriei heatenete ere held each winter it kaput- kajins while paint flnlshea and fabrlcj undergo natural ul ira violet ray teu te resist fading near miami to buy thejr out awcejutakesl lh ru c tickeu ilea ln the fact that the t c m n government grand flnt prtie reported ihr uldr iriiti 2000 poundi more than the th uldri h eeem io hue mide a pretty good ttib at raoliing a couple f problem t that plague ua too illegal sweepstakes tic icetj end high income tax a we t around to the sub ject because i mentioned reading little article ln the paper about new zealand being well on the way to having the fnoet affluent government in the world today so mr don aldion filled me in on t few of the details leading up to this enviable situation a plrat however may i make clear that aa a gambler i aju a washout im juit not temperamentally suited to tak ing much of a chance on any thing that involves an expendi ture of over 1 00 but many people ere it seems to he a basic human instinct to a great er or lesser degree and the sooner our government recog nixes that fact and takes steps to logalize and regulate gamb ling ln its many forme the sooner will we he rid of the gangster empires it fosters and feeds tfc ftovarnmeflt of new zealand was forced into tha gambling business because too many of its people were buying tickets on the tatteraol sweepstakes in australia much too much of the new zealand income was finding its way into the coffers of australia via the sweepstakes with none of lt returning to new zealand things had actually reached the point where a serious ec onomic situation was facing the country the re are e few menths ago thq new zealand gov eminent set up its own fcveep- takes ciued the golden kl wi liter the wlngeai bird nst lye only to new zeauiyj al ready the government has reep- ed a profit in excee of two mu lion puirost n tha golden kl wi is a simple lucky draw mode at least twice every week the government rgulats and sup ervises the tale of ticket by booksellers and tobacconist mainly- bach ticket costs ave billings or in the nelghbor- hood it seventy five cent it entitles tho buyer to chlnce on 200 cash prhrti beaded by the first one with a value of 12000 pounds ranging down is bifgest prue being offered australia the msneeuver has been euccetsful beyond the gov ernment s wildest dreams aj ready it has given large grants to charitable organizations in the country from its store of surplus lucky drww proceeds thmi el course the thou ght occur would such a wesl thy government have need of much if any income tax dy next year the people of sew zealand will know the ansuer to thai question tra an answer hat a great many people outside the country will await with inter sta i wander utt hew the can adian people would have responded to such a proposal had one of the political parties adopted a similar plank ln their platform dine a district vfrk end rjmp on june 22 24 and ihr r trip will be on junr kh to stur book gardens uind n a ttic guides have no ramping equip j mrnt the memhrrs pn lent of fered to donate varioui item needed for thrtr first aid kit captain also rentrted that th re m l mil be a ouidr enrolment in rollowing the the united church on june vice mr and 20th and several guidt will uthrie held a be trying for their hoitrss at willow park d nighter of mr did oj borne daughter of mr port on th day sessions mrs it wilson announced that a teadrnhip training ojv had leen planned for north llalton lro ips on oct 10th to ba held maureen ann in acton and mrs ger p rj tlia looked quite lisa rleanor jttractie with their spring and mrs nor finr cfn pieces and alien joed a ciip of tea and the luptiim ser social time together mrs norman mrs ian fleming who lea picnic dinner i es next week to vtsit her for normans home in the british isles was it uas derided to pa the ex penim of mrs n uthne and lhrrjl ooley uhe are to at lend a tilde amp at milton on the weekend to try lh ir -eatavy- c crjlfl icsti wuftl thl ss t p the n rrqurr buys adoitiomal land mcntl hfv w1 qilt the purchaae or trie joyce take the guides camping groperty adjoining the bronte it wa also decided to don each park by the parks board ate woo to the dindes toward- was authorlxed ut monday camping eqmpmrnt necisar night the land would add i for their weekend camp about 300 feet or lake front to mra g hrowiiu gje the fin the park an estimate of the at clal statement there will be property s value was 20 000 i no further meetings until sep badges at this fenun pirrnta and brother from presented with a lovely leather brown owl mrs p smith woodstock and mra uthne n batf end e gift of money a reported for the brown i that parent and meters mr and motion of njmpathy vets rxten a new twrenle has started ka mrs wckley louth rta d ded to the mccumbcr famils jen nobinfcon iln brownie i- eln in thnr bereavement trip is to be on june 30th to wasaga bench mrs hesnol 1 oftereitto lest tlittc tlrownio on thnr rook in rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wtooino auanocmints ceruoaa m caclarry cut flowara and funaral dailgnl 3j albert til 7ms1 w wlr flowara alton o peel t p ii s t m mala aaeew nwli mammon u ijjas mflr i j a cauou jss we have a modern efficient way of moving your goods our tra ned men put your pfled poiiesslonl in clean weatherproof vans nd transport them d reel to your dettmat on at low cost f and s movers 17 man st n tr 74106 insurance travel walter t evans s co triangle 72512 c 38 mill sueet serving your community for over 40 years business directory w h caii lraaialanal inflnaar f oetlarta lnal urvayae 119 uountalnvlaw rd s gaorsatown oal trlanela 7j3u raa phone tr 7ssm head for the sightsthe lakesthe fun over 50 county residents immunized with sabine vaccine oral polio vaccina clinics in gaorgalown and eiquasino were patronized by 7629 adultt and children it was dit cloied this week by dr archie bull of halton county health unit in a letter to the herald dr bull said that the clinics throuohou the county were very successful and thai ha was tremendously pleated with tha number immunized the extremely good response is without doubt the result of the excellent cooperation received from all lndi viduals and groups taking part in tha program he said fine work was done by members of the slafr of the halton county health unit and by all the volunteer workers who did a tremendous amount of work during tho project flfrysfvan per cent teak ii dr bull laid the cooperation of those in the educational field was much appreciated and agreat deal of assistance was provided by those groups which supplied information about the program such as private physicians the press radio television cfturchejroups etc a total of 61336 dotes of vaccine were given this meant that 57 of the peple in halton county have received one dote of the vaccine seventyfour per cent of the pre school cjiildcfln attended cllnlci 97 5 of tha school age people attended end 32 of the adultt most of tha adultt attending were parents of proschool and ichool age children a moat gratifying fact according to dr bull since thit group has the higher exposure rate to polio it wai alto important that the tatk wat completed befona the tummer monthi and the greater danger of expojura te the- dlieaie moure on may folio cllnlca here are tha figures on sabln oral polio vaccine given during may pre school school age adults total aclpn and nasiagaweye burlington georgetown and etqueilng milton 614 2899 120b 511 oakvllle 181 total 9413 per cenl of pop 74 1 4b6 1 1 095 3697 1227 10606 97 554 1692 7328 2724 1304 f0764 238 12 32 3792 21322 7629 3042 25551 61336 57 wallacat thompson 3ra dlvlalajs ceurt clark a cammlulanar tb7mu robl r hamilton bo optometrist rjci r xaminril rrctcripllons rilled 00 main st n far appalntenant tr 73971 dale bennett latimer baines barrlalart wlkltete douglas v latiuer terence p bains trlaaila 74u1 23 hill sl ceortetowa eeorohyown animal clinic v zavltt ovm ida cjuelph street cllnlo open 7 pn 0 pju mom wid pl atwfieana by ajhsalntnn hem plant vi 44151 41 pertytn it i oalrvllle uonii hair styling personalized coiffure far ammlrrtment wewll hi uelrex hlv at weber fmrtilirv kit a fertility hta or ancient oreaca tha atlanta or women nlldautnmer featlval 1 daaeri- bad by encyclopedia araarlei tu thla celebrated the union of adenla and aphrodite on ana day and torrow over tha death of adonli on tha next day the women performed burial ttltea or tha mythical adcmli then planted c cjulck- trowlng harba ilk fennel and lettuce in ahardi iliad with earth which thay threw into aprlnga for ixpbrt eyb carb consult o t walker occulist prescriptions tilled 11 main st s brampton gl 1 4474 ret gl 10243 hours 0 am 6pm daily friday 0 am to 0 p m evenlnju by appointment prank pbtch 1jcensed auctioneer prompt service p o box 413 tr 72864 gaorsatown lever hoslrin chartered aueuntanta 103 queen w bramptoa glendala 1s8s3 44 victoria st torctato phone eu 40131 printing op distinction uffterheabs envelopes statements i wedding invltationa i georgetown herald th 7j101 r printing of wedding invl tatlona pur apaelalty phone sttaaol hewjon ord and helsori barrlatara a tallcltar george c llewson john d ord gc frederick a iiels0n cajuletal buildrno 110 mountalnvlaw rd s tr 72318 tr 7s310 m e rhnderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 t van sickler bjl barrister allelteivlmarv dr wulbutu blrkj 3- ualn s ttt 7aml monuments pollock a campmll pbsiqns on bjcquest inapect our work in craenwoacaantry tafc phoni 4117j0o el water street north g a lt i i iiasji

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