Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 5, 1962, p. 2

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9 frit 1y rfaoia jamboree three hjux1nafad scouts received the trophy lor the mot po nt during the georgetown district scout jemboree held near rock wood pictured above left to right ere lvn wood of betlmeud who rece ved the trophy for r it tioop fanc s hulme george town camp ch ef and ron break of the f rit ho by troop who presented the trophy hornby were the w nner last yer stou s io n it c georgerow i d strict ettend d including two acton troops athenian system merits study by canadians citystate concept outlined by planner the greeks had a word for it t ty hale a d h b mayo proteisor of pol t cat science at western u ver ty advocated a return to tl e aihen an system at me w nd up rornjili tailion of the reg onal planning worksliop last week here i georgetown h i topic was plann 9 relat onsh pi betwec local mun c pal tie and the prov nee dr mayo concept of a c ty state env i o rd e u 1 t ng of a city end a w do art of surround g coui try to or political un t d rectly elected rural membcrv pon bly fro wards and towmh pi would make 1 p a por o of tl c 1 ew citycountry or reg onal counc i u ider tf kick teparated towns or c tics would be a th ng of tr e past urn barnar labour pool and la market 3 that lhe need r altering county i ntlan e un evident hit nip port for these changes woim he hard to in 4 that the prownce should gi mora direct leadership m lhe field of plannin rormcr major t t llde a menlvr f lhe ccorgelottti i linmi ivtur 1 chaired the meet 1 a mi 1 mrx maclaren of tftf red i aley ciirrvatnn uthor l was orgamier of tie rjoroin aix1naad hksh music results for scull piano pupils on juts ishb tha pupiu from iln nrirgsfinr- j yrin itu- dioa of mrs dorothy hicturd- von scull werw beard in ra ids at that church id tluinv fid pupil ukiru tort were weady wood bradlor jane and ann tho lynna nd anne maxwell cesaia ttoj tarry mrhu lin- da giluore kathryn sinclair cirolyn mefciury amd anne swtill txrfermad in fcblo knd again ftr ui bo rowr who tpbd lht ui with the qun u a duet with bis teacher and later a lain played an other dut gave uiuicai and sensitive jr for mine 0 the ctitertoaua ne x ud a lucb minuet ko- urt lurpers u ulnar conor la wai plaasioif to luua te a ww the tola e rowt mr- yw and donad hoyce who were guests frow the hill burgh studie of mm kcull and julie smith from acton ilua bahia hr a gutr trow alton and mr scull playd the vary lovrly veil uan waltr tha final numbri jtcitinjly playtd by mr clrn marshall ware solonnal and dltry kingera at the clost of tha rental un vull pre tantad awirda for th years work to kathryn sinclair and douglu vowlfr ralluwinf this mr 1 wood tbankrd mrs scull for hr afforu on hehatf of tha pupils and mn cull was prsntfd with strral bcauti tul sifts gr 1 r irit ciiaj honours marguarita livid jana macklrm judy onriu ellen mere jane thompson mary godson sr y mcgill lathy myeri srr 1j joyra raham susan vimervillf joyce bar bcur crade i fint llua jullr smith judy relhenck sec llasa gail barbour dr ina harnden brenda brown vcndy wood bonna warki rslt hi rirst class all mrllufh doujlas fowler ro bert mcfee sec clau christina brun elle david godson bonnie j neil annrmrree ruaan vane radv iv first lass annr stuble lknald jtoyct grade vi first class peler godson sfc claai caren coulter an ne maxwrll grade mi cr class gail champion grarlr vid see class mar ion huilrv mim bnnnle brer pupil of richardson scull and dinner show safety patrol fkas1kvaii roztn tht w cli butomobilr mct that the nodprn imtir miith toutrd 1 kal ait nin is 1 ihnil i the pam our jatal mithnicn tudl ami fj is not the anuer conseiurnuy rural ol ne i leas nccti orrtiau nr t i nnr inon the my had 1m the muiihlr h barrier between toun mtl eountr- iw hae ai hit a ulc ui d r farmii i ii knet join action or jmnt toeni enuiuutuailv but an n i ment a a timn cir riln tliij inarlure in mni o ioiu joint eoicrnnient coum ell he mcnt jreete1 uith iliiuu l th logical utcome of joint or m j tpeaker refflonal planning with a amlle in lhe direction compla uiuaa of hon 1- m cau minuter of bluniapal allaire who iit nrar him ha ataled to aay as many political leaders do that plaii last wtb tuenty threa niemlxra of the school safe tv jatnd acrompanirj hy llamvin sthool principal jlarr hnapprr tejrhera llruce mackivon and tilenn 4smer4n and lonuabla lunar la a local respoiuiblity is in affect to say there will lie 110 planning at all tin atu tjide he continued is an ab dication of political leadership and an evason of the prov in ea a constiluuoiul duty canlral clly while otnloufcly faourlna a yttem of local covcrnment which mould chanee eiistini boundaries lie ltcd other methods of rrcumal planninn which would lcae them intact flnit he mceestcd a central city could be dcucnated to plan for a necinc area around it auch as in metro toronto ilourovar ha felt the city would be looked on as a dictator by ii other local authorities next he niliitlonad a s tarn of voluntary cooperation auejt aa we have now 11ow ever before we set effective joint planning this way piss will fly waa his wry comment ii fell a aystem of county dunning mlcht be made to work providing the plannlnj area la all tn one county since moat rejjionj arc not allvithin a county the quellon of co operation between counties would till arise this solut ion waa worthy of lnvettlga uoa accordinir to dr mayo strang laaturthlp a punndne area deiisned b tha provlnoe was his last rec ommendiuon the official plan when adopted would be given precedence over any revelant twjaw of any municipality lie noted this would demand atronc leadership the blmteit problcjii here would be enforce wont r dr mayo felt plahnlnj unity la inextricably bound up with -political- unity of lolae kind and thua his idea of a city- aaate while a few of the cletux 1 asilla preaent ahuddcrod he itfflltth that lb he drcricd ih uliort tfrni of oflico of niuitic jal councillors and the uhmittinr of monr bj laus to the flrtlorale mr hopi ihr rnure practice of pletoncilra on money h ism would die out it ik a flair nit drnial of incil lradnhip thi tniuns of complex issues lo tle haravwxl and perplexed olcr whose crdict may har no simlllarity to m nsihle tin anclal planntnc with plinnini in all olhct flci is lookwik tin to fifty year ahead he frit financial planmnt for at 1c isl flv rar ahead should b- inaiidauiry for all munainil counun how tan count it allocatlo capiuil rxpcmtiltiirt uilh any acruc or conwstcncj h they hakbr on from one ctims tn another ear alter car he dtmandrd tivp apraker suid he was con vincrd that local eorrjvmrnt reform will not aurt at lhe ffrasa rdota level but will have to come from the provincial level he claimed the his toric baldwin act had not only reoreanixed and democratized local covrmment hut had also separated urban and rural com munlliej what provincial pol itician will now earn a place in history by aponsorinc an act named after him that will once mora reorcanite local govern ment enlarge the unit of local democracy and reunite the urban vnd rural toe demand ed hot on plannlno after a vwy few worda from the honourlle f caaa min later 61 municlipat affairs uho merely uid ho was there to llateti and lisarii -mr- don mid die toh of the onurlo koder- ajlion of agriculture cuve a brief mi mm try of cotitlmlona reached at the fivejweeunbi of the planning workshop l he usld it wu cwi orally acreed that a coun oil lor could not ml elected on a platmlntf platform e that jhe ssaseaameiit from induslry mtould be dlalrrbuled over a imnilw of mimkljul luej from wmchidrawa 1u trt sc ii ur treated to dinner at the pick fair nest attrant and a cinerama how at the r jlmtnn jhratrr t lie th 1 iren mv south iac ific rivi nture since thr 1atrol s incept ion s x tean lo at ilarriion school no child ha been in an aculcnl while lhe patrol has been on dut this ear vj v the tarl of a patrol at park school another first uns 3 ear wai the mclimon of cirls in the eroup constable scelt utvo ha ben largely responsible for the safclt profframme am onff school children proudly tvoata that in tha aix yeara inre its inception the acct dent rate has lropped from a hih of twelve to a hiffh of two in any one year making the record mora noteworthy u the fact thera urre only two public ccnoola ix ears ago and now there aie hx iunns tiie pat rar onlv one bov has been involved in an accident riurinfl tha nchool term and that was writ away from school in tha fall all the schools except harrison will receiw a safe ty plaque an intaraatlna byproduct of the safety patrol la tha quality of leadership devel oped accordlns to ftndinfli jt a recent traffic confer ence in addition it wu uscovefd many ex patrol member co into police workr a word of warning to mot or is u was slven by const able scott wtih the child ren out of school and bent on ijivma a eood ttrna ha nays 1 a up to the motorula to reitiember their carefree vacation dayi and witch out for tha children a student teacher tn her first vear of training had two suc cessful first class honour tuonu mirhtla mumby gr i and susan mumhy ct ii sun also received 100 on her gr i theory paper wri ten in december mi mr glen marshall pupil of dorothy richardson scull and first car student teacher had a successful second lumjstiwarttowm honour student tirade i car cl somerville mrand mr bartonh sedll of del eden it r i george town were guests at the re ception at the windsor arms toronto firn for mist tweedv f saminer from hnii land for the trinity college of music london lngland promotion list pinetjrove school grade it to grade 0 eileen brander ronald brander doreen llarrop gary lau ppel gnadet in grade b doulaa ilowatt murray mccalf norman iloullodile grade 6 to grade t aittie gui land green ken neth wan trade s to grad donald creffi hestw uooahl 10 la no i qabi ia first of the season ontario potatoes 2 li 6 crisp lettuce 2 calipohnia valimcia oranges tuabltt cradi t1md1r kiltnilt dai ilia 14 sweet corn no i gradi caroin frish 55c 69c 39c 19c vt luulvk tllk right to limit ql vmiitijs extra a roiai of 340 in ftonus tapes mctlvi uoo in 10nus tapis inst mashed potatoes pink r crttn 13c oh s bars 10 ol pa econamy sim palmolive soap licorice allsorts crest toothpaste iiciivi u 60 in sonus tapis redpath granulated sugar receive si 00 in sonus tapes orange juice v 2 sliced cooked ham celery hearts mlnuti maid o 4 oi freian li tim tablarlta 4 oi vacuum tailed pit n 1 crania haarls swifts premium smoked picnic shoulders ib39 sliced sid bacon iv lk rindlass li tablerite wieners vkv minced beef 2ssi oteen giant majum small 14 o jar fancy peas 2 35c 29c puddings 4 49c iga magic liquid caa 611 detergent 2 cm ovc ioa saiad dressing royal instant all flavours fancy peas 43c j lb paly baa kraft canadian pimento old english swiss lafl cheese slices c zvc last weeks lucky shopper mrs e sgholz rr no 1 limehouse clones i tidoriri again visitors with wilsons mr noms marr of hi n is 1sitinir vith mr d wis kpii wikon and atlon link itir itn nrrs nrivnitjoii in tnr onto tha wfclt thi oiorcetown herald thursday july jth mr and mn wis norton from sudbury and hit family ar visiilnff with hu broihrr mr and mrs milti norton and imily mra asprn of toronto is vl siting this weak with mr and mri a llimri wa txtrnd a wtlcoma to thi ntw family who movtd into tha mans this pail waak mr puncan flemlnf comti into tha community aa student mln tstrr at tha united church and will be attending emmanuel college in tha fall thay have three lilt la boys and ws with tham well in their new home 7year0ld flies for scottish visit unutttmn1l w ny auiult v ytar taa local boy waron cbaxd of 14 eusibaui strt will fly t prtwck scotia ml ftburaday nifibt to- ntftho at 8 30 w4irfl whl laava milton tirpoh and arrive in ivutwiek aix hour uur to b grated by his tfitrulrvawiu mr and mn r webster he will auy with them id perth scouitwj utvuf ecbool raopeew in th fu werrenai nly ditjkilnt ment is tint ha a font by plana it aaanu ha wanted to take tha traitv hiajfefch4rw chard wondara u hall r turn with a swttiah accatit ftobegi megaa grade 4 lo ade 5 bhitv wm wiluun gtfaat juru ktklrjaeova grid s to grad suae uooew mamga rich- rd gtycka pattctt va v 3 to grade s kara dlraotk glaei gjlui cat die graan bath lildlaw david lwnouraux luvld styckfrjofcrtswah grada 1 to grada t paul ilaklkw andraw mcksy dala stycka mw kauilaatt tawaon mr ii p iavunn mitrd in arlim mrr the hith la wcr en 1 with mr and mrs 1 o o mr and mrs hilsar kendrr of nunthorpe mtddlrshoush orbihirf incland and mr and mrs sunlrv v ne of i in ihorp middlehough vmlrdi mno in the illafle this past wrrk with mr and mrs ken wilson mr 11 p ijiwson rcctkfd they lraelld by ateamer iword of the dralh of her ustrr landing tn montreal and from inlaw mrs hrnrtt mcdnurll thw toured canada by train fin sippjwan hospital sasla msi ting jasper banff ltke tcheuan on m 30th with funrral in melfonl 6a skat lh laoiilse vancouver and victoria lhon travellaxl on to seattle where they attended the vorld fair then on to san ewn my sinceae thanks to thi clictors op hajton i uould like to exprrui my apprecutiou to all ho supported me ui th recei t election through exciting and cttricum uceks man hundreds of von gave ol nur loalt energy id luiderstanding to those who worked tirrlcnslv u com mitte rooms canassjng and nunier oih olher activitici and to the man thousands uho support ed nw at the polls my sincere thanks our temporary etbacii prrscnu a gicat challenge for h future yours faithful akdy blst mr and mrs albert nell of rvancisco their planned tour i sudbury are usittng uith ending in chicago from there they travelled to detroit and motored from there to stwarl town and from here visited toronto and niagara alls leaving here monday morning for new york where they sail for home on thursday on board the queen klitabeth mr and mra kendrcw are cousins of mrs wilson and she ulted them durinj her trip to england last fall mr and air vyank pam mett and family wcrr inlurs wibh mrs j c murra air and mra itoy smith gail and susan and mr and mrs howard itrlggs gar alite ahd phyllis apent the holiday week end at wasags desch ourrawmg wiik4nd social friday and iayuhday diliciout 4 saavahar ch0c0utemarshmall0w deught layer cake com a chanoi of mci honey creme cake our hiaufch far th waaki sympathy a tiavar waattd utcapt whan you giv it to youruir scotch bakeryi phonfe f rry3481 spaclal blacomnl for orgartliad group

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