Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 12, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald isbniucl by iw nmwmuim 22 main street s georgetown omno w c uihm feautaw page 4 thursday july i2h 1942 editorial comment nostalgic reminder jacuil cou event whil jxifnerily a happy octettor had a ntociicum of ld fnmh it brought back deyi long ego d wlin formor pupili of blue mountain school gediarwd for a reuiiii tint ckiitg tittle itkooliaoue beiwceii tovn evd eullinafed they wat inaikuw tta h r jn ere m eiquenrj tlie riay of lw liftl red icrfiolhi rapidly vdmg jn tint iction ct olliuo and blua moun pair will rvb icwvger reiounri to the cfai of whtnqttert at play of bear the voe of toacttert o tra tal bre of mm slvoeill wtvo afc cm the yerwnan taik of leading all igrtl gradet trnr education f uridanwrmali perttapt fiogiei let footed the criang rt rteore inan oir ay ollem lty the advantage of edura on in convoldaied tctmolt la out weight tttoie of the ouf leather ic ivool today t living ttandardi call for trloolt which how onougii pupili i i each grade o frfta a teacher it called on only lor a couple of grade to teach and trantportation hat become the accepted thing for young the poppy lady no one who hat lived i i town up until now will tee the annual poppy day eorrve round without flunking of mr t fhome gr ve when heath r in th dynamic lady rocently it removed on of fhote rare patiettiont a pubic ipirited cituen who oiled long and fa thfu ly for her town and vhove reward wat measured ben m a lob well doi poppy day was particularly one of rr prooctt she hd tmeii lecreury lieaiurer time the fund wa mi aied locally m 1928 for yean ihe had arrangrd n a tractive display in the herald window handled tale of wreairn and laiet d panted a d to thote who fell wiihm ih fund icope education benefits each year at tint time the mamory of 1 georgetown man it perpetuated wheei th hymart silver memorial award are pretented to top ranking iludenit in l he jlapu wlu formerly hiked a miw c more along a country toad but bendaiv tlui today t oilo 4 not lurn out leiq quant i hat of teatkeri wl lave ttw bngy arid initiative to vant lo tale lie rvrcu1anitv of gbt gadat m a boildnvg olieu pooly kaatj and wtrfl a ininimunql cornforll for a talaiy which ahawi few luriei for fl year the vchool hat ban turning out it piocfucl and detpite in acurwledgd advantaqei of coniolidation we venture lo tay that namlct loht thow at htfjfi e proportion of luccett for blue mouilan at for a laigar tclvool but it hat outlived tie age uii at auiot toot over from the horte aikd bujgy tk larve aruj caih etdcarry from the old way of mercheitdimg ve wo der tltougb if tomorowi ch idien will envy rhat ir country touiuh at thit city reared boy did whan he patted a coury lchooyed w h in iwigi and llide and pictured a twimmmg i vole winch lured children after tcrtool tftt chfiimat concert end tfie tctiool picmc active m both legion and ladiet au iliary the had been nek convener for the legion hrench a life member of both group and a ion commander o he iu iliary she uted her nurung training lo advantage in teaching st john ambu lance clattet on teveral occanont mri greve wat ivoi bletted with large quaniitiet of tfe world t gooli sfe left tome thing much more preooul tfan money a firm place n trie teartt of a hoit of frierdt and tne knowledge trial george town wat the better or having had her at a rendent her family will have com fort n knowng that her lfe wat a full on ded cated to tervice to other rd through thit a happy o e sugar and spice by bill smiley the year for compacts bv dohothv 0ap9kbr a yoummyirs riactiom tt wimii tke weird effect era alw by men 4 teund which the cevernmant ef the unlttd state hat tikcatifully praect 4 te imulat a jrip te th mn pni imaflnary rtltl id inta teaca er general meter ceeraltan wit tha tlau ef wathlngten fa create the werlal ef temrraw whre mteuaerwa every day arc elevated in a bubbuaur int what we may eaact ef th min ettury nana ef thete thnllmo ipt tacla at the laattu war id i fair amated me abulia much a yeunfl kicky caiual accept ance ef the ferecatt tar hit adutt ealttenc can admira it far tome tli came i jln1r ihr ituip tlifn i m quite turm if a gayway itul uorkm nni1r berkar had triad f rent him nrvh i1rrlipi ri pn an aluminum pretturlied tpaca drrv atrr tlir rutt uit with a promlie that hafnr il lrr4tinrnt of mr could twing on liar whil i i mr a ml i up snli so rambled around th fine art ji llilr- it r itirj thr oa w my ird euinufct that he rd and trie te i talunje bg in lk monutijr onwnte pewuy doea u moo lnp 1 rokboi- ivy kim he uut be a patywit who mii ba4a lot vttoow w wtoll ky te rt fcrutal w ttwitifltw wh uu jtiai lad jpliy- ruined n fot- ll be kai to je u pe4albll u umiuer h u m tfwouli lb rt lailuofar m uwiico aod wound up e eitk cviu aitwl luh urea in 0 l taivoirtftaw ptokoa 4f lo for returmng to thool ilea tke ttbu d oxu the latl uruitjve but touh tenf tlrtcb tkfouaj ft v- i k irtft fblrii u f malila 1 i 1 be ha haa a lwrwl new ukw k i eld alee we vji tn rakhnne army uuihaar we muck tdy about frb arwt a iu aimply nl pflul vovtk fw onfarmty hutttr taviduirha n ram twurity twat ft rwrooh mncj tita journe alwi at ma evldorwe rmo courw h hai ntie ottvr thinf e a atrvut hearty i i no acrae fhat today i oun tfr wnj la lack a tnl of 1 whan he raackae vncauver adventurr hut no tli word he will tall hit bicycle- and tat win dwj i lwife lhry off for the yukon he hocta 1 j i think thry ara te work there for a year tave way from it b mar a tlaka thco return kawna and pfotectite parrnt tha arc rob- to back l uktl le coatpule f thrir tiuuatue by hiv- hi education li tiwritf made loo aoy foa them ha wanl to tri rilrr tiiotiarw rr vourm people v rata hi be m liaf thr umr drure but they w l prlf with thit yeun nrtr do eiitfhr elu it ri fhew and within were w s crpl tlrrarn atcut all ihr monry voart younger e that i could a untrr t kiippraed in makr rldtnf with him i key o lint rllom da amnetjiing eeclal intarott in him boceutt tocui ian than half in th t ji unlei all thf him inqllth and e- lant ef my camera ttanding at inir j llortaa tura cauraaed km in hit wrttin a diitance of tome thirty feet br lru hcrtwrall what it planned for th avanl wlll m netiirai irwlinatirtn tn b h ihler of ul retlinp place ef thit mat titiwmll llr giiing to rep ort introduction it rtvada thi lerpiace wat net revealed in j jmjni u uip i n jim mckinnoti any ef the article which ap unr of tn rarlr 12 aludrnli peared in nawtpaper during he ceutd have cheten ne f v rr tll tlrnt ur tlay in seattle but i would keer rnelhed ef ecquirin tha h nrter al pulid tuitrh hpe that it will have a prom fbp and materiel te wjl1 mi rurn n inent place in canada where helpful te a budding writer h timrr urre no canadlant and vmlort alike there will be so tlerlaa a hun huna errori rl dnr anv te le dred peemt e theutend incl i of n untfrntlrnunlv nal- denlt in the atrip of canada irr n i imikink al hink acroi whith hit wheelt will vnv f lelerrl tinn umilt a roll thit i rm building h would it quite cetuelly have taken an tic tli vtll t aii i ft i i h h n of spu 1 i ralll mela nl hr htm a i taid brfioii and hard twor thr rlr llr will hrel rxrk h apprenatrd t hill smir ii r there you are fair warn- r m theutandt ef reachtra tlui n the watt f a dutty unthev and with a bicycle appear hintain at your doer ill of ii- f thr ui h rnran il fn i public tchoolt the awardt which alio enconnpatt high ichool were eitablithed teveral ytart ago by sid silver who operatet the large cloth ing ttore which hit late fattier founded mr silver an emigrant from europe wa hardly unucceiif ul by our llanderdt h developed georgetown t largett relal one of a sci ic butmett from a liny main st location and a door todoor peddling of merchandne bui he had a reipecl for tpniethng which hed been denied to him e umvertily 7 he taw to it fliel litt bti education a received hit it wat a fitting getture 1hen for ton sid to allocate thit generout yearly turn a the failurr o for tcholattic awardt and it it nice to lirake know at ihe tame time that two of tut grandchildren tuccettfully completed their univertity yeart in toronto thit term oil an t stiuji al id worhl i ur thil rn lrll hnill mi j i l atwv ih hi in in rtuhi nlhrr f aoutnuud niiiliiiluii mrlauijtn ircil pnp lut im if i h rl rld trji that wrnl of mar riiji i like- a iiult tnnih al mtrrw mm m or i jaiiliiic it n iriorlr nifimiir id w il i hcadlmhl nun and hr rn man hid and putn knnsvht like a llmrie- lllr im tm hip 1 kikuhir- itjnnr r at- t i mild inln rlrrn rjr litil don t u t thr olil i n is much inure- maliirr that thr llmnr id thii am if m r hun nrdit il linumn uilrr liiuk ft i iiik mr im lin n raipd and ui of hpit fur in i luni al thr on nihil liialh food thr ruio of what i hi f hihva wlihesl lrnn n arprntrr ihr firld of tranm lalm rath lat tul off into oulrr tparr on not rrailrr with kith ta inotntiii and rivtltt sptinnl t hptrmtrfcxitntt frr rnnrtmrthti e- lurnrd on lh road m front of h iuh t hr ihimii ani not on v plausihlr tun pi niennant ha mation iuik pier trtvrl arr nol cien t ific man will imt onh he tt aid the rauvr of ihr i i li in iiuimu to h in or rvrn rrit alxnr llir raith in ta the ental tt your newt- pipor office and pullt out tht utter yau hav a chance te tell me off by preny on the ether hand tf you don t feel toe hot- til te me dont be afraid te will canada that hm cu ataenoer on trntcontin t he tram or et hnar never vo tome ha will tmell plnet and veu in e beak ipening wheat end fact kr1n a later irartnr i failad lo make tl e rntranrr in t i in i 24 from nrlprt itnpres- i oinoi r ontrm the tun en hit back in the r morning ns hear ceyolet yap- 1 pmg at night he w hot hrnt warmth ill of the jo in an rmpli hrlu ailrr rrm at thr i i hour- ciirratin aftrr lone an i linr- rrf after rthauminn i t in llr uill inirl al imet on ihr i lu i prairir and the moon wltin hik are lo a tun lakr lie will rn hernrr mm rich him wnh an ehidinc failh ltr llarlrv ii human kiuinr- ncwt kditor georgetown herald publitkajwriaame klawipaperc limited eoreiown ontario rllms mil i walter c blehn tubhsher garfield mcghvray trod uct ion super in tendrnt office staff aileen rradlty accountant ihr nkvll l r fluoride in your drinking water it may be next year or it may be ant week but mm e time in the near future georgetown will be facet with the fluoridation que 1 1 ion thit column il not to way opinion but lo inform reader of the facta abauf fluoridation bated on information from the health league of canada district news at a glance t ie to rijjit thniiiil people attended ihr or ang ijy parade and ir lehrationa in orange lr on july 7th the hihluhl of ihe da wa thr pitlr through tow n w hich iiu lu ried lodsr hum soulh simr tre dulfn in wrrtmglon and in 1 num tie m m imittn recomnirndliou thil pav of member of sarawak takks tub lkvd in hlouination dr khal run yim suprrin irndinu dental officrr in the peparlmenl of medical srricet for sarawak hat repoiird the ft ml inttallation of water flu or irltlnn equipment for the town nf kimanjiaarik m sarawak northern tlnrneo acrotriing tn informal ion released hy the health lea fine nf canada the following newi item in the capitals daily pre haled january 11 lh12 provide fctatemrnt ef the director of public worka on thia eventful on sunday novrmher lolh 1061 sarawak took the first atej in improving the denial health of the population when fluoridri were introduced into the klmingging water supply atjulnnrnt from the director nf public whrkn mr j k wardula aid during thetiext few months kuorldalioqwulbe incorporat d in slbu hinantanfl sankei muwah hirudi and other waler upplle4 htul will continue until all unproved water luppllna ace aimllirly treated dr vim who li a diplmnate in dental public health of fho linlvrralty of toronto ipejit i year in toronto to ktudy at the school of hygiene uid vacuity of irntiili mr yim a giad uale in medicine iprrieltir in ihe field of paedialticji in kuch- ing the c sarawak she and theiryoutntn kettlt accompanied ir yim to can add tor the peiind of hi rourte n tornnln their enlhutiam frit inch an effective public health meaaurt at water flu or idation ha resulted in ihe hen eftl now bring piovided for their people spkakkfls availanie rtt kmjomdation inlrreat in rluoridatinh mounting iteadily and there it a eoruiderahe demand for speaker on the subject to talk to service clubi home and school atioclationx ind many other group according to the health league of canada a t reault the health lea gtit of canada hii eitabliahed a speakers bureau in the tor onto area- tnauiit inbnultia auitable speakrra who will ex plain ihe bene flu and aafety of fluoridation to receptive and iviicm that wish tn hear more fcbout it it la understood that aimlbr speak era btireuua wilt be kt up soon throughout the country ci tin ita commltteeji for huarldahon are viubluhed oakvlllk a ieurl from ihe park board fur a plebiacile on sun nav apoilt on srplemher 171 h ihr vamr lime at thf vote on ihr mile of the new city ball wax turned down hv council lnt lueidav nighi the bylaw prrmiltina the sunday sporl pnsed hy the former town of oakvitlr doei not rover ihe atea which ihe former town khip of trafalgar brampton bramploni hiulrilng boom haa mushroomed inlo an eiplasinn construction in ihe town haa doubled over ihe corresponding period last yrar the building ini pector reported lait week the aeml yearly report allowed that 333 permit have been i nailed to ihe end or june compared with only 117 at thia time lait year slifulunnp the uuffenn countv home forhe ab f shelburne it neirlng completion but the of- ficl opening day may be de layed the date had been net for july 15th but the ceie- wonlai ire being held up un til the work u completed the nueatorey building l at thu iidrth end nf shelburne couple of blocki from ukln street a ihe town rounnl be i aisd 2 per d fuun sis u i approved b the lmnie cominlltre luisdv tlir peronnel coinmillie u aked to recominjid a se paiatf rair lr jor luen mul 1 1 n a tin t tn i infl other lovnt and ntiet nf but linctnn e lo tie lermine what ihr pay their chief magilriie mavor mullln t now paid 4000 per annum mil ton milton community swim rnlng f0ol rampairn gut itt higgeat hontt to date from ihe local rebekah indgr a cheoue for 7 toward the rommu nily project waa received thtt week chairman j m irdwilh rf ported total contribution to dale are s31000 ahmil 48 percent of the objective in hi uurld f lomorro he will te riduiii in rloud ke tm alrijih atrimd uimfnil on iail m icrii rlckt maturity wat moit ap tmoilrrket coat he uhiie h- parent when he entered canada n rr line in autcuiut u al haute thit exhibit waa tome ronlrollrd fmiii pjddrd il thing he could gat hit intellect thil- hi i ir im almii it uel melert into i wat inter hun mured hi t n k nir etted in hit flrtt remark can e arr uhrn hr jt a mn ada la thowinrj the world what to hit a thruma we are doing in the 20th can century 11 promitet to be tury te prepare for century 11 a combination ef oarthbound net a let ef fancy plattic mod gravity when it will no doubt alt like moit evhibilt thit u be a treat to have bath feet read on ihe ground a centtant whirl the map ef canada that do into apace and a loom ride en mlnatet our country particl relit at tmoeth at jelly thp patlen in thit werldt fair it ping ever a bot plate to beautiful it hat had wide youngttert will have no dif publicity wall deterved pralte acuity in ad jutting te thete from the ttream ef humanity promitet at ricky remarked that trudgea from one bultd all conditions are co and i ing to the ether along the in really mean go we ol my tom ruth adei tiling xlanager if haw vary lucky he will have the mett rewaoding o penance of all ha will get to umir l lark dae hattintfi know himtelf thit it the matt rnh it y cilioti difficult of 11 thingt lor mod nob macarthur ern man who it te teldem alone with time to think and member of the canadian feel nl wonder i weekly nrwtpapen atocialion and the ontario i think he ii make it the aitocialinn echoes from the paoot of the herald july 1933 10 yials ago letienel boulevard bat generation may have a future been audible ob at traffic cop titling in created ef copper and bratt pearl booth lit acquamarine water area it looks fr in i coiotod lith that point right now at the up the industrial development man population i of canada make an effective earth it going to mural te large i could enlyjengellc directing merry menagerie holiday iociaii mm marilyn gursl and miij pally vance lelumed homa alter holidaying al sunset lohge pink cloud port blgin lioiu jack gunning itnd art morrison attend whara i ttand ed hie lions international convention held in mexico city ugk th i thi iil oval risidknccs rtickiiiuhim talute haa itnib ln known ihr hums jit llii rrlllih royal family lrii aa ihe nook ol knowlrdiic miinla oulha hlatovy date back no fuffher llian 1iu7 krnm iboj until queen vic- toflaa acceialon to the throne tha london rcildrnce n uul aoveraltfna waa st jameaa pa lace oilillnally built aa a boa- pltal ii waa ieconati ucted liyi henry viii and greatly enlar- led by charlea i etui vk tvtum lrjmlimia tertotuuly i ftod v uliuauldkluir iripltya quits comfnrtuhkl ccrntly they motored lha whole distance and were d accompanied by their wives mr comfort roszel ano nd i ms1 margaret rosjel are on a holiday trip to srilish col umbia california and mexico mr sam pennce left tuesday to oin fus wife holiriayinq with relaltvas on tha ma of man dr fred hull a professor at cornell dm versily is a visitor in town with his mother mrs h l hutt ll col gordon brown secretary of the north halton high school dislnct board was a delegate lo the convention of rural and urban school trustees last week at bigwm inn mr and mrs cecil davidson are vacationing thil week al fenelon fallt 0 as a temporary solution for overcrowding in threi public schools administered by iht eiqueatno sclinn area no 1 a room in tha new howard wrigglesworth public school in georgetown will bi used by the township tn september 9 many georgetown peopla took advantage ol ths op portunity to vievjlria nw countyhome for the aged when tt was officially opened a week ago sunday memberi of the womena institute acliw as fjuidea in the tour ol the building when teveral thousand halton residenta were shown through the fine new building- a dlttinguuhed aportiitir his wife and young daugh ters ere gueitt t georgetown at present mr and- mrs chuck rayner ere at the home of mr rayneri coualrt vern crawford albert si at the gregory vheatre hong kong herring ronald reagan and ronda flemlngrwoneychlle harrlng judy canova the highwayman itarrmg philip friend the dutch- cesi ol ideho aterrlng van johnson and esther wmiems end boots malone

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