Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 19, 1962, p. 3

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holy cross staff increases by one tfa tuh at holy ciw sebool will number eleven next yt an increase of 6a ovec tb kunwaent kuff four ucb r r leaving and tivm are joinlat that uf lor lb fall kcturiu to uir homei in ktaktcbwai kr jau u vie titj tf crueat and witt u camptxll mitt u pajte u waving to teat wrpcb in tbtf oakvllu public scfaoala- additions to ik tuff lnsp ubtur will inrludr mm judy wiiiuhiujh mr k stone alu luntf vry uiw c gar tad mr j taylor priiit lvhr who will lut turning next year ire miu archibald um k gillu mr a kofrii urt j lauxoji air priweau and principal t rtunaunef wty iff imft hur jont gtorkelowa talk about elbow room over 210 acres per scout in highlands tuf lnj georgetown scouts have good reatont or ilieu baaming tmilet they ta oh lo lte haliburlon seoul reterve north of haliburton wnar ttwry ii have 4 625 acre of rugged pictumque woodland creek ttrearnt rocky wooded hllt end vallayt and 12 lakav lo roam in all tti t week the scout lell by but lett week end and will return lo civ ligation saturday scout reterve it owned and operated by the greater toronto region boy scoult complying with hie little ling that lay move lo the back of the but ara b carr g clark a tyler a ward k botlom- ly t maclclom b guliam r slreol g street g conn a patarton m clark s arlhurt m millt k bull t connely s toil r livingitone and s petto- promotion lists or holy cross school cradi ii to cradb iii allinafad mn j lauaf timtwr blllneual clatil kinokrcarten to grade i mka i archibald taahar donald iwthune larcl bond curneilia bo mary breekenndjie marjo burin jotephln bus christian lev campi ian dubclas t hrnl ophcr dux joseph lrot anne claude hrian hevton st ven hulme ar muni ann kraiu stephen lafraniboisc johnl blinc orald ijcp nanc mar donald michael mjdj col leen malison patrick mr art li krlth mrlluih llnurruru mr imofth deborah milli r da id nemeth uiehael fwtwra uclt- art plenatrll laul rilc hub- erta scanfcrla donna sccord lorl shcck percy stoddard peter van lloekelrn andrea walih david baxter mane rokson neault deborah brick darry rraddock ravmonil urrun caiton chiasson philipe dc cerq iaura dickton arlcm drentcra knc fob rt ixslcy freeman richard hartwck louue kitrli tiur koch chrutljie iajndr pamela little david mandanno frank mandanno sluart mcvov san dra mund grant schell itan dall smlth joanne soe ian sme danitl 7uber michail 2ubr cradb i to grade ii ml k g1iiu taachtr anne barnes hubert bell debra bonner ard bu dv borah nutler wirren chard lynn charrtin brian c hetke man carol cnlri llonald don elt wcndj t michael fu- bert samlra prcenian di rihbom annette grittanl mich ael harm kathleen heanry john hcndnclu william kitely warner kraui patricia la ton brn martin hubert mc ilutb wrndy mcintosh david mead louts milton then sa milton grfgory nelislscn rich ard pelcri frank pomtrtr lou lie hawlinhon john sargent bernard schatti kenneth snv ran elizabeth simonyi georne specie nancy striie iaura wuea grade i to grade ii mui b crautot teachar debbie garuso elizabeth car- ney paul duz frank fuller mary parniak patrick kutlcdtfu michael sciniki patricia symc paul yatci anna wilcox cradb ii to grade iii mitt b crauiet yaaehar shelley bond john brcckcn- ridfle mary ann buck michael cole pattl anno cole cathy doucett peter eccrton mich ael fltzmaurlcc martin glaude dime hill david hulme hea ther hulme michael mandar ine jbu mcodlcrono erica peek rosalie spltzer den lie ctoket wayno suchan anth ony vanalphon nold walker sinda walih john zuber cradh yo grade iii till denlu rawhnvon wrndy shirk deborah vhtr lather inr wilcox john wilcox kth ryn stiloni grade iii to grade iv mit l campball taachar i kathrvn hamterlin pat l- framboise wnne utile ririerl macdtmald duarle m rilit rim athrrint milton james an llurkrlrn grade iii to grade iv mrs nrrla tachr manrarrt hoe jame urk- enndae tail hutlrr mich4 1 carney colleen lummini pat rick union paul darcey anff ela dm suan klilker diit a htffrtun joieph ruberl francei gardiner catheran graham michael green ruth lloran irruor i andr km neth ijv john utllr anne mane mc arth david munil anna nthnen steptien par nlack athy peteri marj pnn hu john c tlalinfcon ann hili robert sarifcant debra shcck marie simonji leilie rile robert sanjent debra stnle hank vtn vuht mon ica wicht grade v to grade vi mr j sauvla taachar ixirtiina renault it nr boo lander mitihell carnere v ru i come c huiiun llien e t hia tun cathy douci tt ktvin 1m rnon iiuii mijur anne mane ijroccjue dunald jacquri andne pmuin grade iii to grade iv mr j lauion ttachar bilingual clan lorrame bouunrr bran bodin richard lluni laruc chawm inrfr hla n 11 r i adette u t 1 riut patrtc a li3cll ruttrrt riimniii mr in uashbourne thrn sj jac quel rina litr aiade ljr tcqur t loi ijiroctiut manrlla larocque grade viii to grade ix mrt prlmvau tiachar bilingual claat presentations made to vanhobrn family miu l campbell taichar michael rjarnti mortlilnui bowhllu mloluol lloyd jonopli brick dick bun eaul corrloru chiirlolta corepran totry dick- ton nor donahoo stella dub- elaar suian frot john ham ilton anthony harold karon leenirtl veronica ncmoth sun- all lea jody law gavyplknal trujic flo murk uraarl karon iortc alice drfntrrt urrnanl r liertim jmmri free mjn colleen cirdmer chrii inr cilauilr vlncrtit cratiam irrni hawrs uremia ilutmc susan chapman lrftfory hill flalne horan llarhara kltrl janice lalorct karen ler anne mclnald michael mountain catherine mundy peter meuw hoi john pitfnatcll michael ilutlediie aitred schouten har o scltuki anna smonl mi chad smith peter smit1 dune suchan van hoekelrn doufl wilei ijonaril ijndry john itlley peter walker marlljn wrlcht grade vi to grade vii mrt m page teacher donald rodin charles tlnyle brian carey judith freeman itabel gllllsan garry glauife dennu hill kathleen kitely roger little robert marchand andrew mcdonald chriatina pelleurlma irma schouten druce sciruki ronald yatet anna piatecka wanda piasacka grabs vii to grade viii mrt m page teacher lloyd bond marian boa tho mas corcoran graham ferg uson george graham grace graham huiih graham rosa lind hewson betty ann hulme catherine layton jjenlt moun tain michael pamlak eddie pellegrini lynda rutledge jody sargent susan schatti john valk jamct walker fred rick yatea oradm vl yooradi ii mrs j lausen teacher bilingual clan jeanpaul danehl rose maria chlauon marie doucett claude union richard lavell brent loblanc danny legault diana page henry tlmmlni elaine washbourne michael clenden inkv jcuellna labry s laria chiavtnn grade vii to grade viii mri pnmau tachr bilingual ctait t laire thiaivm durint hia on heennc hisn yvonne jacques dillr 14 u on mrt pfmu ttachar bilingual claio brian camere pierre car rlerr iernand chlauon mon ique de lerq jean jaciitu t diane tjbric jean paue jov eph jlownnol paul rouiiin ol grade v to grade vi mrt primaau taachtr blhngual clati pauline barnlte ghllam lloulaiiiitr rcnauld boulinir bntfettr declcnj michael ron tainc francine liuiun sui anne rraumc pierre imn ui gaelana paquin robt rt ross ijfnol grade iv to grade v mrt primaau taachar bilingual clan danny bertram hejeun bon lander dlna chlavson mary lou doucette aline lilirle robert lauion g require ilea umc joanne washbourne grade viii to grade x t fltrmaurlca taaehar john buck jamea campbell stharon carcj suzanne car riere shirley clouticr martin decjerq jamet ecerton keith green robert hand wilfred uul phillip lavell suun mac- donald france i macdonald rut harm marciiand john ren ume joe robert jamei sills benny van hookelcn tony i van klink frank valk barbara wilea christine wrlsht cradi vii yo grade viii t flttmaurlce yaaebar brian chamberlain william chard anne doucett bill dwy- or judy lw anthony mcau- ey yvonne mountain marie plsnalell judy strite eucaboth suchan annitvalk hani van klink ceraldine peek roberta hart a i trial evtnln took place in blue mountain school on thurt- da uhrn mr and mn alex van huoro returned to apend i an rvrniiiif with frirndt and neilmwjur in the silver ri k i arid ballinarad coinmumtiet mr and mri an hotii have mld tbrir nore and move d a fiw urek am to their farm hnne jut north of kvertnn mr hardin prior acted at chaiiinin f r tne rv ninfi and kifib includinx cuffea tablr with flimer centre pier and end tablet with lampi were pre nterd the addret beinj read i by mr dick applevard ntine snow prciented dim and mary each a aetlqj for four of cof i fee apooni mr v an hoorn i thanked everyone and invited their manv fnendi and cuttom r to viit them he alto in i trod ik ed the new ownrr of the utore mr tedvene a few came of nuhre were enjoed and lunch tenrd we all ri lend best wihe to the van hixrn family and hope tlir will not forrt to cum bark i lor a vnt often no persecution police chief says i not true aaid a letter from police chief ro haev n ad i to council last uvrk hy police chairman don barraijer in 1 npl to charge by mike marko v at the local police have twyi pcrsriutinj bun and hi lan mr marko had aktd lhat comic 1 stud charm which had twrn iml against him and mr barragcr i report recalled anv court cami auice ids 3 his report liitcsl a 14 speed inji fine in luofl a carclevj dm inj dismued in 1037 a fo parkintf fine in idsfl a s10 hpixhaini fine in 1060 and a charge dumused for removinc a road barrier and in wi2 a dtsinitwva in a coluvion charge an 8 fine for not having a lie tncc plute llcht and a 10 fpceiliiiil line the chief t letter taul char 1tc had all oeen laid in th line of duty and there it no evidenc of prcutlon by hit force ottawa girl is bride gordon thomas bird a full length rwn of white orkhnia ovrr taffi la wi choven tv betty maljje sliaokhnev or hrr mamajte to gordon ihomss bird on juk ulh in sl andrew t pirsbv lerian h urrh td vk a she n hr ilu ihtrr of mr am mr eorf shauihneis of 282 lerndale ave ottaua and mr bird i the ton of mr and mrt milton 1- bird of llll j gorcetown ihe bridal guwn fcatund a scalloped coiped neckline ac cenled with re embroidered lace and pearl and ions liiv point lee vi the buuttant tkirl ut riramatued with imall bowi a i ha bark a pearl and crystal crown hrld hi r elbow tenrth kilk ill o on mil anil ar tit ned a bouquet of rid ro e and uhlte carnation ihe bride uj- annbd h her mtrr miss mai inn shaucb nciv a maul of honour and by mi- jian birkl and miw jan h rd the crooin couvin n hndemaid their dretes were pink ortianta civir taffeta with a pink oriianra ruse hold inn a aniall n ion nrt forming the headpiecr b t man wa mr norman bird and utben wire two bro thers of the bride gerald and gradon shaiichnev id v a vt cunie otticmtrd ol the cirimon wilh mi car men h millljiui at he organ and mi jud kitini a sol oit a reception at the town and country mot i fullouid the uel dine th bride lift for a new kngland honcjumon wear inn a drt-v- of blue organza over floral taffeta with a tuirtheart neckline and a bell shaped skirt htr ensemble was completed b white accistoriei and a cor sage of sweetheart rosea mr and mr bird will live in otuvva win re mr bud i employed at an clecironic uch nician and hi wife a ton chcr the sroom i a graduate of rvirson lnititute or tech nology and the bride is a crad uate of ottawa teachers col lege walth cryslala beplacbd while you waiti mcnamara jawallara m main st s no 1 specialists in storage and local moving lono distance mo vi no and packino vfp 0a clements the mover head okflce 170 dehlanda aua yaranfa rertsrwlda larvlc vw infarmatlen call u callact torortt hbvtiu branch opficb and warh310usk toy kennedy rd outhtbbamiton ol tsis harris floral akhawsluathrti yoat itvealv kcaiicu bva ctrl puwra 16 mu w n ysl 7-ul- kentner s pharmacy 12 maim st m l ocoaroctown a mytak rvagrahu l tk oruof body powofb cxxoone mist cmamy skin ptrfumf toattte water taicum powder records a rcui ruat for eutibecm the ooiden uhes hi h 1 w disposable diaper dove buy fwa pcltoa a au it ami tclw dv bupar fanlua ct foi mictlmiom om iemergency service arfer harur hwm th 7mu free delivery service tat vus3 mercury maybe were old fashioned but we are still selling quality the only things that we give free are courtesy honesty appreciation the economy of this country does not enoblo anyone to give material things away and stay in business for long you usually pay for what you get in one way or another so dont be misled just follow these simple steps when you buy a car 1 if you have a tradein conndor what you ar getting and th difference it will cost 2 if you do not have a tradein consider what you are getting end the total coit to you 3 check with reedredfern you will actually 0 mora for your money and it will cost you no mora deal with confidence reedredfern ltd haitoncountys most koqbessive mmcawy dialib hwy 25 s milton collect tr 82393 t r s l

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