Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 26, 1962, p. 6

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rj v opa rut gsrips ieter jones thulo the greenich of sommer government vehicle order to brampton rambler plant american motor canada ltd baa bfred awarded m coo uct by t upkant of d albion reunion fenea lroductiob lot contract n i v u ti mouot o ijo u ror harley family or the supply of motor vb- tub ocokorrawh mrralb ttiurway july ulk 1m1 page 6 john sommer 45 clierlcj si holdl on of the vwxki of art now liancj no in hi l nlo gallery trie german txjrn artitt has transformed the fornior perc cortin house tnlo g bit of grftonich village rash of chinguacousy fires but no link established a apeelacular chincuacouiy vrstsatlon by the ontario tire iclrs it u iii iiiciaad defence contracts for 10 000 or mar awarded by the depart mht during th rt half of juw tbta value o tha con truu la t3lwhi ih ri m similar eon trait have bd award by the dprtweat to gtaaral mot i ort at oahaw and uw kord molar company at oakvillt auarlcan motor oflleiale bude do comtutrnt pa thr con tracts bu it u undrimood that the yehtrlm ar standard tro- duttion typa and will h4 iud for wlliury rob tactical pur kxmvi k k urowuridf prildm and fcenwaj rflanagtr riuorted thai kxmtmr rt- tail ales have continued to break at records juno sale potted a 77 per rent ifaln over the umt period last ew ufratoj taua reached 2 170 unlta compared with 1227 in 1wi thu gain has brought total sales fnr the 1m2 mmlrl ytur to 14 716 an increase of 70 per rent commrntint on lha rrcrnt fowramenl tn on imported ran mr brownndfe stated i that thr company looks forward to an eirelleiit rar in ldttj ai tha new plant in llramplon will b aviniblinj all mudrla of llamblrri this movr nid hrownndfcr will not only supply mfrr work for canadian in automo tive plant but will b rrflrrt increased employ ment in the growing number of anadian mippliera of aulumo live part tko 1hj ramblers will be produced in canada at mn mum plant capacity to meet jnr ipt and mayor william ander demlnd an krtowe preblams ttlr1 school promotions sl ssssi ss 5 chinguacousy pm commitlte at more than any ceunclller know tha milton bu d bed b juy h dep r- chjn uur thrrltnd lo nr rrou h iih otulr th mr l ilild to a ntifihbortnx farm drr who amiilcd in thr inc ptomotmn risulti for s s chiruftiacouay art aa follouj tii acenir albion uilla coturvfttiof ajra nortii of bolton was the nl of the annual harley puvue sunday irrbng tiita rar by mr and mr don hancock glen william twenty five family mrni br frwn oturuitown ur glen wi lrniplon attto tj the akslr a jutnic uppt ve ffi lowi ijv roirii of t jiih and race for all ajfes includlnk a uvoc urainblr a man yuiuijii rontitc run iling rrts a lunnon ttrrak ini emitrst a potao race mpdiury tit and a panut avamti mi if itk 4dvan tai of tttr lake for iwun liiuig laftr atlrndinif wire mrpn harlfs mr and mr h iliru and 1hiii1 mr in 1 mr td liar r and liuuz llrwk iurlr urtnda and itrock jr mr and mr ilrurr marl hive inda and ih ih r mr and mr ikon lumxk i jr 41 1 j411 r mr i 1 mr lny hullo i v f trjnk uok 1 mr a id mr ixjuif hmt i nadti to attrnl wrrr mr urkk llarli ant air and mm in 1jtn it h mark llrrnda and ln mr aid mm jarh simnmi 11m 11 i d i tu nd lluti h hide accept offer of sales tax study grorj town ran t tvr hv acreplinn a prunumtk n from accountant jrnrf mitrhrll who hai off rrd in chrck 1 ral council p irrli r an i ad hr wtitro uhs tax rrhatrt niiht br n currd mr mitch ii a offer for which hr w ill rrcrur is of an uunir rrmilt ng un irtcju 1 l count il mnndj but mr mitrlull u ill n t t if at ion tiid that ao far no was the fourth firr to hit thr ron ha bun found b township in two urrki twrrn thr firrs th bias completely gutted thr mcllaftir fire ttarlrd at the two building ftn the farm 2 10 pm whrn mr mcllalfir 1 aton to rtiin thr name utrn jk ilfr and trj nhip united lhi and council 1 wixhrt to thr municipal bin mint in d nlti n oaki illr lo a 1 u rlr hrn fil euttkirta ef the during monda 1 mt rltng hr grade one te grade twe told council thr rrrrnt dm krnnrlh rnold wane rarlrn oakvillr f korftjtvan susan ilamil ton tu buruh hunt tjlricla ijniilrv breii uvinifkton el charlaa mchaflia fourth looked out thr window to ce r w u rai mcounr lift w above hiohway 7 an llame hoolinij up behind the j tne rn tniillin nerommrndr1 rinnt bar other lire the neat day which shed mr mcllaffir wai aay hu in rtm akillr w pmi n t ebatroyod a ilorage shed on at the time v h rhancr i y k form of harry sooth en the chmooatouiy fire chief pe mllrm warning in join tnr mu crd fwm f cr4d fhr first line b in toronto town tor monk said that apparently nicp jenrt bramiin john miprr ehlp raised tke ereoe itfe iho children wr not near rtd flag hobeh henshow lavut kr tola i fo live where the lire atartod and there if wr called u trafalgar ilonald ijifilr irborbh ln the recent rah of firr m was no hydro in the shod he milton micht hair cnnie in infaton mark mccau pav d niairara tail chinguacouiy prompted an in ald the cause wit unknown jbut there a not a chance now mcclurr mark mc aulo dj itrarn limmnl he told ciyincil hr sjid talk 1 prn kit thr pr t hr hat in dicatrd hr w ii d nalr tbi itwaitttoww men conduct church service at st johns i tbi aorvicobi si johns icburrh sunday mmflng wil luell attended wbd tha ued of the congrejaliob undr the tradrhlp of ur howard 1 brings took charge vi r tbousa warnes read th uaooo had mr hoy firidlay poached tha sermon uiu jatlu boxcuy was or a ma seat sunday morning tha sr virf will w in charge of ur joktpb lajlera lay header fruui chrut church uiltoa sincere ijinpaliiy of tbd eom i muuity u eitsndm to tha fam liy of the ule rmeat tboadpaon who taud away at ouphr erjl hupital on wadhaday july ibth as owner of the maple laf tjiry for a number of years uhr only dairy delivery in thr lira lit thompson was oftfn on the delivery truck himself ard always had time for a friindjy chat with hu cuitom rrs thr rrv and mrs alri cal ut and family of irterhorough 1 ui re recent wiltnre with mr md mrs manley denimore i ur err plrard to see wayne i denimore on tits feet again fcfier bring laid up for nine urk with a bn ken leg the n aulla of a biocle accident i happy birthday to paul law son son of mr and mrs bob i jwidn who will be two years old on rridsy jul 27th mrmbers of the st johns guild ratrrrd for the wedding brrakfait of mr and mrs ken mcmullrn the former jean inglli of georgetown in k ii uning coinni unity hall fol inwinij i heir liurtutf on sat- urday in maple ar haptiit lhun h mr jmrv struart was con rmr f tin c mniitter in rlii and j ably amttcd bs com in ntre membi n mr r red armttmnit mr i arl dehnreit mr hoy bradley and other i ml i mi nibei house sdl paintings sculptures water colours drawings 4s chawleb st geqrgetoww ont ttlxkhokc iyy ma mi lirran e xltl ini anil il in hn i n t rr jill 7vi p r mi ati thr 11 unin ir m ttir inlo to uf fnmr r sn 6167 i hornbv ladies explain work sof st john ambulance id met lurr 1 ill miourr t in ttir i pirr t aniil communit pirk thr ford fi inn iboul in tjwmu milti n oiliornr in mrirut iftal sfin h il ihr car mlly reunion wil held 6nsunumalrimllon ji likr uaiin sturn smrtaiamer mrlin flri 4 n t nroulr lo nugarj oy t the ptrk tlo a rfd flb in from of milton ta j ion nine ijh ru llir train mi iinl tn itr r 111 u npcomm i clrk 1 8 v rhjnrf nap 1 liw pirturr at tlirir councillor u chliholm hart lt nd mn sonn halltajil tho amalgamation p a1u n parkrr rlrt and urry arr pandins w about 10 yari art4t ur tluaa mrmbrri of thr si thr nrinii workj ntir crjvalura ha aald oawvhia ahould jjmj ncnlon j n ilrtination tlun hava aympathallc mtht ing tar milton a natd to oipand porwhan if wai boundad en three la- john ambulance corpi of ac lal urach ton were gucali of the llornhy women i institute at their ju iat saturd ly meetlnc mm ii o connor cupine made hi way into the sldee by oakvllla and by waa the hoiten and prrienlrd en of ihr doc owned by ed quoting on the fourth the ladles who introduced uard kohrrtson sunda morn themselves mrs hart who ins hr nw taken to dr heat ejrm dmrc laid she wst pinch hitlinjfo- lop thr veterinarian in milton uwlw rm y itar husband read about the to hair rrmmed about one i ftf d icriia history of tha orbamiatlon hundrrd quilu from around oullu uc which was started in jerusal ins face m but known hy another name she introduced mrs mn kdith costello and fa ltoushir division nurrry offi i mlly ijnda and larry of ari car who caie an outline on torn are vitltinft with her su home nurainu and how in make ler mrs garnet ilowdrn and bag from a nlwpapr in famil tbey are staunc until turn mrs rouenley introduced lha end of the month dendrite crondin paul han lllon john king sharun mc clean iieullnde otte llenrj rolfe hans van nloedau oratta four to grade five douglas arnott harry ftandur ak calhy tlramlsh uanr t harlton julir hooper donna jane henihaw lliane krat iilu to llonllir 1- 1 fm hour ard and mr the 32 lo bin ki hum to the hi uln rr thin i in mik od hri li n wrnl up si irain tourr anil had a jnoil irvv of the ur rounding countr lire hargraie who u an in tractor on first aid she show d and described the first aid birthday greetings to rleven lear old johnny saunders on thay carried gave some moil july 20th and lo wm flobin interesting information and de lion on the same day congra woiutrated two typea of band lulations to mr and mrs prank gel also artificial respiration i waller celebrating jheir fift mrs c rord thanked the is seventh wedding anniversary on dies for their most informative july 20th talks mrs mccarron was inchirge 0 il lh0 oakville councillor call a health hint waa an awrrod by the ten membeis and three visitors present ii ai decided to carrv on with tha adoption of the chinese irl through the save the chll dren fund lunch was served by mrs ii bradley mrsjfvcon nor mrs wm liradlcy end mrs john bradley a 12000 dihinture lsiuel rr uhlrh will pas fir the eorge cru lv crv kennedy public ichnol addition anry cameron ilonnio clark has ixen purchased from the davrj john hamilton town h ihr flrll toulnlock cordon lund ksciy mcqiurf iniestmcnt firm in toronto i mabel mcourr tommy stojan save a little olf marian vare llirouili iffnrls of finance orade sla te grade seven chairman hob mcnull the gary charlton flonnv cnchton town will sale mime mnmylrobert davey donald foreman by this instead of havliik the i edward cronden mary iou bonds purchaseti b a tovrrnklng ilrenda mccaulei car mra edna pirlilhinisr of tor onto was a rtcenl visitor with ur and mrs harold learmonl mra edward robertson nan ti and jackie and mra lloy j2i1u lynne and wayne are pending a 10day holiday at red bay on georgian bay mr and mrs orvllle greu ton and family are apandlng r weeks camping in the huntevllla district mrs uulvenna of beltajtt jvortheni ireland n visiting e three weeks with hr niece mra john wallow and family 8ho 11 ralurnliij home an july mr anil mrs stuart winch ire enjoying motor trip lo luver brjiuh columbia plan on being away for weeks ijohnjon broa trucking emp- oeea and their families held heir- annual picnic at hornby would annex milton an oakulle councillors oak villemilton amalgamation plan got little sympathy from his fellow councillors on monday rusht as oakville council tur ned down the move in a d- otc instead the council act up a five man committee mrit milton a annexation group and go into all border pro ti le mi councillor frank gallaghers motion recommending the mar gar waa seconded by councillor maclaan andoraotuvhoy were the only two to vol for it wheft it was pre sen tod to coun cil monday titled to it oakville council feels milton is entitled to moro land end they ar quite willing to go along with milton if an equit able solution can bo worked nut ward one councillor jo- jupli willmolt laid tuesduy i am aure milton can gel all theextra land tlioy want milton counell has been dls ennlng an annexation report submitted by planning eomut tint derek little copies of tha report and the area of land under dlicuialon have not been revealed to the nubile or to oakville or esq ua i rig yet oakville committee comliti of al malaon ctiblihian allan day wubtit ford alex jphll mrnt agency as ha hern com mon in the pam fjv car the 6 dtbcmure hae varying roatuntns from 1013 to i0b2 and will hr mm ri in vjrly slerritt chrlillno swtckhjmrr john swackhamer rosaline va rey transpcrrod lukldie cam eron judy cameron stephen brampton lady dies in windsor miiicnl rmc uu ley jojce o borne karl von bloodau 1 kh amount 1 hi tnun will grade seven to grade eight net a flat 100 on the aalr douglas aahmore ricftard uank scott orichton rmilv foreman norma mcclure jon murray barry hot grade eight to grade nine riohert aimore murray rwt hw judith charlton albort gron july 11th from the mckillnpn lou lundy gwen mccau juneral home rrampton for martha giffen 20 west street who died at windior metro- pnlltart hospital july r fot lowing a lengthy illness she wa rt mr giffen was horn in snelgrove and spent most of her life in brampton she was a member of the rebekah lod ge and the presbyterian church wa and w ms i she la survived by her sons t j giffen of milwaukee wis ahd j giffen windsor and t daughter lolltaa mr w luttock ingenoll mn giffen leave i she grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren she was predeceased by her hits band archie and a son bill who was killed overseas minister fnr the service wis rev j w mcbrlde interment wflil brampton ceipetnty nash and mcdowell hum1ino and hiayino water lefunar water syeiami irapalra alteratlana tr 72842 watch crystal rkflacbd i wmllb you waiti mcrlamara jawollara u main st s ior thi lutdeal on tv and stereo shor milliere tv iaus and service id wesuyan st rca victor clalrioiw phltca rosara maattl motorola lowaopta rosedale floral flowers for all occasions weddino arrangements cortarjae specialty cut flowers and runcral dongns 32 albert tr 71953 wb wire flowers you dont need a million jan with laro amounti of mon to inveit cart afford tli important advantages oi lured linanoat ejaoanca con nuous mmigement rd wide jfivofnf cat on of inveilnventi all of tkw odvamsqei are ava labia o you f you will take the lime lo talk to a man from tnveitov lie will skotw ho easy it fof you o ton pirt- owner of more than 100 lead g locur t ei how you can earn hifsdion e d v derdi lo you share n long term cap fa 1 ga am ttveia banefitt era ava lab e through a nodei inveit marvt in lnveiol mutual or invrilors growth fund tuperv tod by canada s laigcit mvetlment managomani con pan b invovtori tvradlllhttd dick riddall 4 othautaur tl tk 744w steam excursion is enjoyed by hornbyitcs lr i 1 il si w irt of trono a uukml imlor uitb jud ir w ifi llumphrr mr ar d mrs hod dafte and j i h til i t rtmri utrh iit rl a fi u dt t hi pait week wild mr an i mr a rant at the ex the three d i shows at the cnh aiikit 29 h 30th and 11 uill pumil an owner to jni i hi p for tiis iui uithin a urrk rejsal motor vehicles office 41 main street south closed for vacation august 4th to august 18th inclusive dopl of transport offices et sremplon aden milton business directory w h c a ft r professional engineer t ontario land surveyor 116 mountainvtew rd s georgetown onl triangle 7u11 res ihone tr 73300 wallaci thompson srd division court clerk a commissioner tr 73 robl r hamilton ro optometrist ejes hxsmined rrescrlplions filled 80 main st n for ansalntinenf tr 74v71 dale bennett latimer baines barristers solicitors dolgl as v latimer tlluncf k badjts triangle 73m1 1 still sl georgetown heat your home the modern way with notuftil gat and s worts chinook aufarhelle gs furnace cliai illent- bwnino dapantf bl natural gai wllk ike oulo dalle hiok will give- yow obuntiont haat ftv hi mbii to- lortabl widlar youve ever tsaowrx the cmaook fur- eoca i ud deaiiihowi kroioaa brtmia ad bujt anomal good leokmg unil you tfttbprovlof- r h thompson hardware plumbing t heating tr y297l cgoroetown animal clinic v zavlh ovm b fsatman mrcvi loa gvelpb street clinic open 7 pm 0 pm mon wro fri sat afarnaen t for kxfrrt iyi carr consult o t waiker occulist prescriptions filled 1 main sl s brampton cl l7 ties gl 23 hours 0am 8pm dally friday dam to 0 p m evenings by appointment phone plant vi 4s1s1 41 feraythe ft l oakville monuments pollock a campbrll designs on- request impact our isrork in greenwood cemetery fhonr m1j5m 83 water street north o a ur at thr x the canadian anutourtloy ing championships will beheld thin year at the canadian na tional exhibition the champ lonahlpa atart september lit and end the 3rd dr j j fowir dentist is main si n for appointment call tr 7471j 71 george c hewsoti barrister end solicitor 111 mounlainview rd s urrrtat iliiuding iciirgetown suite s tr 7 3111 rank prtch licensed auctioneer prompt service to box 41s tr 784 georgetown lever hoskin chartorad accountants 103 quean w brampton glendale lo8ss 44 victoria sl toronto phone em 4j131 john d ord qc barrister and solicitor 110 mounlainview bd s carretal buildlngl georgetown suite 1 tr 749ss frederick a helson barrister and solicitor 110 mountainvtew ltd s cuitotal building georgetown suite 3 tr 7410 printing olitinction m envelopes statements wedding invitations georgetown herald tr 7jo01 h e mandersou qc barrister end solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 tvansicklerba bartlator solleltiv nitery dr wlluama bldfj ss main b th 74m1 t i- siti n

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