Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1962, p. 1

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for fine printing georgetown herald telephone tr 72201 tt tmoi t pirn a ff w herai a akmuwwkwimmomhrlm tx ywuy a w 141 yn sual cy mew yea carte hog cholera n peel norte here max ml uii u u ji4 um ttu wot4- le u m oit i f aeuhw ati mjua esquesing calls tenders for new municipal building ttw0 legs please not thai talented tm haines li running out of sporia to es eel in but the flrn william athlete has juvt been arkn lodged all st ttirkrt plar or a mr mber of thr first eleven a thry i aci lh pond tim who rrjfuurlt tauiairia the applebv college cricket team a ehoen to represent the province at ihr recent 1 m tnmn tournanirnt at cathar in whirr onurin unn f ir fames and drew uu h win british columbia vw m miil and othrr teams entered from il an ho ha ami quebec the tourney i hed every tecimd ci- nh an a 1 canada train if in 2 to t inland in the al er nit r war 1 in of emirw freli jut ai comfortable in a hwley or bae- ball uniform it with a 5 irun in hj hami two jegt please that v one of the many urmi peculiar to thr tpnrt and if 1 hut diwn t thru vou try ilk mit on or himzat or ry 1irf rr wickrl nr hit it nr m il t whole new lang georgetown man is official organizer it fead utt ttealy uu wll ww uurl cutu wsuub w vo 4ihtj hw fcl r g md tb x jut- tw tu wr u ckaui u suwliu ty le hold td ti wu airily tlur nw la tsn t tie tnal tiitirtita was wwa wlili htmm i matott then tka normal nu kad dad he eisied eeyuulture u uu s reltmwwj lu end ttmlutmj that te ant miu kad ha ckajera tka anjy tmltvod cv trj 1 to slulwr tha ji eatad nuuli satd mr maw uij tkat arrana w uaulary dltul l ika aua war na4 um at ik ill aa mtaala o r ara paitl full nuvfaat fu by tka vaefvmal ytta jiiaaa kat tray laan fuu4 u au onlarla cunlla anj twalva quhac cftulia tka fuulhtr l- fklala hrtaw liiaj ani- mala iw aruj wrm ryma t traca tava ma ckajara kaa caal mta variwt tl660 jal u tju anlmata alauhlr- a4 in ttta currant aukraak aclist hurled through window a cut m kit knaa caa and acuta mfcarratunartt wara tha itvatt aariaua inurii lu harad kv a fflarcychtt wkan ka dava tkraue a larfa wirwiaw tnta tka living mm f mr arvd mr ftabarf hamiltaa it mam r narth turufay jakai bdwanj tlajuw al krainsta waa rullng a wr- ta wwatarcycu watt an cwalaj st aruj ahamptmo ntaka a laft turn ant main whan kl kand ilippad lf tka karul ctulck cauiing lha ktwa t tr ut af cantral it craa- uj tka ailwalk m tka watt tlda af main tkat acrata a lawn aruj kit a twkli wall laurvckinf tka ridar inla a lraiactry hat andad n tka hamlltna living ram flaar tka tnatarcycla awnad ky bruca caw land af narva i racalvad akaut tloo damaga district governor addresses rotarians uy rauaa m 1 routed uuu imporuut gutkta 1o latt uunay a meal ug at lha noun llaltun otf l tmntrj clutt ii wai lha orratittn of tb ittrirt coirnvort anniul iu t and a warm rareptiun u gi vi il to duvrnior rlmartt morir of tihiia and to 1 imrfimr uave kennedy anil iilirt kejir tatje lrn rir inuruatjuiial srnin aiwl u d that lilt w4i in kerpmg nlh the oljertive of uorll tfllx unp international ito ar u a at run forrr torl bttlfr un tr rtan hni iw tu n rut inns ami iherrtfitr kj ntl run tnlmtlr lu thr iininihii i of u all uor il 4ir amt niu prrilt pratidanr bab couaaan irodurt j t r xkrr jnil uud ltivhi m kr f r the r nil in apprrt jt ii of in intirtttm half hour baseball ipuyoffs with milton ctaraiuwa abd mill in- tfrmaduli bcaaiwil cluka will ka ka4id ua in a 4 awt al 7 layaf dacld wka will r- raaant tka caunty lsau u tka ontaria batatl atauiatuui playdawna it waa annaurwad tuatday tka tariat will prakakly tlart kara thit laturday aharttaan will tnv ta millar tunday and back kara tvaat wadnaaday tka ramalnlng gantaa will w ukad- ulad lalar struck by car has critical injuries road department stayi in village a porttoo of eiqui ng r municipal bwi in wilt b eon dueled at a new location later th i yr wtwn fuoiwciwd htw build ng a completed on lha 7ns lift tendon were called tb t wk 10 corn t ruction o a nw ntu c pal oldce il w ii la lu it on pad of tlu charlet graig farm waf of tf golt touie corner on a 5 acre property purthid recently by tt lowmhip a ontcway brick arwj concrvki itiucturs w ii ba rsctd iluw cppojnmai aj 33 85 tka kulldug will kava a bulkiu tku tka to mi aral au cauncil ckaimkar and ctwy a mr yuiij uar uaa tt curfa k c llnduy a a u hwre laaa and aaaaaaar artkwr bantaa t wka utav wa darix canlractar kava uaih au- truttf wt tka i utt utk ta wkmit uda en tka kulldln arckltacf ta d c halliard 0k villa th abo ejarj c sawla gorn fl storia vat the apjkrr for lha etenmit and he xave a procalie ami tttiiui liini tjlk m tie ta c aim of intrrnat cmi1 ito tar mr ilivjrl thr nrrt lor f h ii dl nlual mi mtxt to pcjrt t r tin mot o of vrrv ce alove m f tticiijt on thr ft ur vour a 1rt of truth f- nv gooiliti j and mutual benefit inrrnof bl tall the linplr n tniatlnn of hisfi etbiral stand aju ik te most iniporljnt fjc tor it the dew njmirnl of ii i hun m i f of ika inlarnatianal t t of tljr hr joiiill o n ttut th i uit toinithit un qui in knt c ubt wit i more tli in hlf a mill no mrinlwr in 11 tk rvubo rrl ovrr 13 count r r inlrrnilioiiat i thr fuh t nl to cample unh ho r thr district down or men li m il thr amaiirit mmii of soikmxmto uhuh hi tin n nn tribnrd h rotanana fur z s4 arlalta st ratldant car calland la in katital u critical candltian aa tka twit af a kit and run eccldant at rka earner af guetpk and main it early friday evening mr tcellend and kit wifa kad jut gttan elf a kua at tka rnu wo ik tide al main and ware w craning u tka nertk tide af fljrm cualpk epaaila kannadyt klub e j 7 rettaurant whan a wettbaund car struck him end continued witkaut steering tkraa wilnaatea pttl tka u cart elate number and a da te rlpt ian an te police and with in twe kaurt et an aatentive taarch by caergatewn pelica and opp art ft ft 1 acton youth islanders helped friends relocate l feature itorv lal irrk thr influi uf nrw tri from nruf iuii hand cred i niimn o a coup r of r i ai drrt who haw i a milrd uthrr mrmbera it ii uland community to rrl catr hire folluwing la ofls at thr dominion slrrl and mr and mr jamaa celt uhr lir at 77 uaiaun rrsrrnt had mord hi rr from port i red t in lt and a frw mm lh latrr nnivid a irlur from a frirnd william hi ft akinu about wat apprahandad and ckarged ijliur c m nat akandened w pretent toailship hall in mruarttoen will not hr ahand oned it will rontinur to itr utrd aa a rummumtv ball audat a zritr and a rtr hradiuart r r fur i iw n ji i p ru ad ej ti i p im- nt ihr prernt clrrk of bra uill br takt n ovrr bv the road tuner in trndrnl william tounaend r qurmiik tuunhip bat met in tbr sirwarttown location tlnre 1025 vrhm thr towrahip arqiurrd uhat uu ihrn a three ttnrr ttrurturr thr buildini dlrt back to yiss and oriiinaltv contained too ttorri on the ground floor a meeting hall upstairs and a banqurt nwim on the third floor cebn mitckall kad a ttare and implamant aoancy in tka te kava ma buejnau jt u 1tka kululn 1 ranavatad u l4l i lrior lo iftji towruhip coua rll meeting were htld acroaa the mad in a unall building owned by the clerk jack tvacy who aencd in that offla for almott a quarter century tka building tiood on the ground of what li now mr harry i j ton a borne it wbj movc aomr jeart ago and u now part of the lleater timber proparty in town in ims the townihip ball underwent ei tensive ranovtl iont the top two store ya wr lopped off the downiuir eoca- pletel modernized and a g- age and storage apace added at the rear an appointed board adminiitera the building which betldea ita municipal function u eitenaltel uted for banquabj and da nee for lowmhip reai dentt care let driving and fail ing ta remain et ike tfn af an accident arrai in ceurt monday and released an 1 000 ball wai keitk jab ii lai 33 cencet ateh 4 nettegeweya he will appear in ceurt fer trial en augutt 37th mr scat land wat gi van f irtt r aid at the tcene by cat mike mr chrtttepher af tha caeroetewn police end worked en by two doctors in georgetown ti dn irut memenal hetpltal until s hit injuria were htted multiple fracturet af both i hipt and legt internal injuria and brain damage i iinprrvrl u th ibc nph be re rriwd mr kti t armed in ge rtr ti n and ttayed uith the cor fur several wrrk while mciiiiiii a pomiion at tca i h hi frirnd t aid hit wife ai t umik ouid hm latrr and othi r mi mlxr of thr fam ih folloutd thr in ituluding hern pjri nl mr and willnm st lr hrr bro- thi r id aid his fun tee now mainr t and in me in tlramp- tmil and mr ai d mr hlair hi nnnh mr- hrnrird it mr k nt mvii rl double ring ceremony garbufimorrh vows nix frirnd 11 tr tr mr sun iijii and around ajjain ret j i- uptrli oft elated at thr mjjitrjf tjllian kath leen morrit dauchtrr of mrs kathleen and thr latr stdncy morn of ur eorjeton to itov r lluood darbutt ton of mr urrd and thr late mrs arhutt it ii 4 corfietown ttie ri nihlr nnff ceremony took place in st stephen s ang itcflii rhuirh ii irntn at 7 30 p m lyida june ftlh mrs pi ur u a orani iiini in marriage b her brother in law thomai thom ten thr hridr wore a white cumpsty heads ndp membership drive the new democratic parts of llalton ount held a grnrrjl ariemhcrahip meetinu in uie la hour hal at milton lat thur- day mcht carl koulrau can dldate for the lat frdirul e action uat elecrrd a a llalton eount delegate to thr pro v in caa council wm j cumptty ef george twn waa elected ai the official twanliar far the new demo- era ik party in helton county mr cumptty tpeke briefly en the organisational plan out lining a ganeral plan of a large membership drive end the for mahan of a large political org enliatlen ta be formed kara in ha i tan county mr cumptty painted out that the new dem ecrall perly was net i utt ano thar political party but a way i life far tha canadian pa op bttufll la one ef the outstanding fee hires ef the new plena wat tka formation o a social welfare service fa assist the people of ha lion county in all walks af life whatevar thair needt may be arl hiuih au fcpoke on the tremendous growth in the new democratic iaru since its for malion roo4allv here in hal ton vi here it more than doubled its wile in thr latt elect un and pointed out thit on it first run 1 thr xotetnnpnl the 1 000 000 mark in tanada that june irth proved thr vt ijvmotra tic parts i on the ui it a su pruwd that tu kit there nevt democrat will necil more cuu ra more work and more mo- nev ihui i t r hrfort funil und nu iiiim rhip drive will lurk up the m rfforu whin part two tuniiv new dimoirits wl tr read to n un it ik f nun uneinplov ipent and to provide a lompri heiimve tuath care plan adequate old i ac sminiy a 1m her rebuilt lunal mlun and mans other t idi i i wurken and the r lamilut mrmhrrk from oikwlle lturhnitun mil ton rorcelowii and acton er wu attendee the meet inn i overall planning for county needs a committee tn report on diture and make for creaier the need for owrall planning efficiency of serweea utll v appointed bv the eec utlvte of the llalton comniunit offlelala attend welfare council it was decidd aniuni thoe present at the at a meeting of the council in lunttunh utre their woruitps milton la utrk it uat tui major william anderson oak- geilcd at the mrtttn thut a ville and ilavor s u chi ids social planning council ih it milton itifvo a phlilipn war- up for the purpose of cuonlln jclen v bird matftstrate james atlnu ute otrall piunmnj- ofjniack dr harry llarlej mp any mw uolfore service in the deputy chief u brown of tha county ami extending present i oakvlllc police dept and other fiuictions wiaunjtulhed ciuxens7romtjie a iwlef prekcivted bv the rn i various halton county eommun htllj sen ice hiinuu kujiiitwl iliet the iuttine up uf u card reiiih- in a unrxl of uulcome tb the try of famllifjn kuivmi l local llaimllim autotnolilte club ma welfare aiiencleb und u dircc yor amiorkon spoke highly of tor of we furvervlcun it wuh ulie chilis work and intereit in pointed out by bernard cirudyllitu cnmmuiiitv it serves he executive director of the qak jevprobred deflulit at tto an ville ymywca that nvorall nounoement that oakvltie iditl plaiinliik uiotilil put un etui ofjllaltun county were now a part duplication ol effort and unpen of tv clwve lerrttory njlon over taffeta street uhtta bolero drati and a ahouldar length vett she carried a white prajer book ttlth white itraaeav er decorated with flowers do rem thomson sister of the bride was her attendant wearing a ttreet length blue nylon over taffeta dress donald garbtitt brother e the groom un be it man and another brother dill garbutl uat usher an informal reception was helv at the bride a home where her mother received for her uearing a blue ben g line two- piece drew following a honeymoon trip throuch southv entern ontario and michigan mr and ure gar butt are irving it rr i geor- getoun lived in yorkshire before coming here a resident of town and glen williams since 1022 mrs char- lea thornton 83 died on july 34th ia georgetown it district memorial hospital she was a native of lincolnshire england the former elisabeth weaver she lived in bartuley york ahire follow ing her marriage mr and mrs thornton settled in glen williams when they find came to canada and aha had made her home in this dis trict since thrn her huiband died fourteen years ago she leave a family of six daughters all residents of town and district mrs jack craw ford maggie mrs fred ap pleyard nellie mrs herbert preston maria mrs james roe madge mr ernest miller muriel and mrs angus mc donald maud is grandchild ren and 22 great grandchildren she wis the last of a family of three and was predeceased by a brother joseph weaver and iitor mn jana bennett she was a member of lha anglican church and rev ron aid stubley or st albani chur- eh glen williams conducted the funeral service last thurs day in the church six grand- iott were pallbearers jaek and charles crawford russell mill ar herbert robert and keith preston burial wu in green wood cemetery georgetown v august 11 the day theyre all waiting for fx0m nqw until auguit 1 1 th will b the longst loin dv in 45 for o minor ball playeu thstj the dy1heyll realize the dream of playing in big league ball park maple leal stadium the home of the toronto maple teif arrangement have been made with the torooiocuib to eljow ell membert of the georgetown minor baseball atsoclatlon to paftldpate in little league gamei there as guel end later to lt in the tand end watch their hojtt take on me richmond virglniaru between minor ball garnet and the regularly ichodulod international league tlllt all pyer and their parent will gather for a picnic lunch in centrefield above one of the 350 boyi who wju jpvade the itedluhvdlspleyi the style he hopes wll catch the eye of a big leaguer u weather report huilulow juj 22 sunday 23 monday h tuesday 25 wednesday 28 thursday ot friday 8abturday preclpltauon lugh lor the week low for the week alicia f c scott 75 60 78 7 65 75 71 us m 48 54 52 us 55 108 79

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