Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1962, p. 11

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births dtai ectatc i beboow house for rti accommooattom wawtrd ke til alt km street tr mos pwvawsalk rn3 drr h hur lol kav- ne hurtvorl itunlrcod for j jjft v 3 hoom partoaenl onble beply aium full par the uf rrivl of their in rf nha wirlgjw w 1 join m h a tr 7s4r2 lituur lo ju so 68 herald m georgetown and diatriet down pjent can be u n ju 4 i il i 1stmrs aparuawnt w bujhoow home wattled j 1 k for li miill far ruipi willi lo mj eouveinencta ith cconcrrown hikalb yktaewoy awal lra1 ml page 11 led ih 84cli sput lfcvkl 1101 sb attach 1 ssljn il z ui nunhly sir n w scboou rfcquiftd end of aua georgetown swimmers r7r u resident since 1921 rpct in tritown after ieiiuhyiiiirasi tonights game cool night crowd sparse for meet for third plate kdward marker u died georgetown if district meruor al hospital on july 23rd third plica u at auk wbea nqni in london riicland ibe hv glen wiuuwi fcirlt ball in looin d inasrr lidruoni jvcbooll lurjulrd end of au ibllp nee kelly are proud kiuy tlwd liauidarably by ooou pint was j jackuin teaui liivadil ornish looljhl jjjftoiy hi call tk 7lu4 i bhhjlmi aijuu in uit reference aupplle on re lo announce ihtblfljl of 1 caylwt mw twthlii llrokd ktir way slu l liviil at morkmirl and the fame will be the l o fuit huini v ih full kitchen olioi write k 1 bennelt 7j4 naughler 7 lb 7 oi ih- vic- t caovifuutf wid ii tk 4irl tritown toiiplili 4ulm chtslnre until coiuini to can lor plijorti jet uudr wy for sale or rent in c or li77l57u bclore iortirnoulb ac klnjiton onl lorn llolpitll lindon ontir hlst tkuruuy l lb l ja ffl of iriru croud dj in 1010 she hid nude uuunuiur tint wctk i i h undj july sstltjbrh totil wiun ib lo ii thurrwd lluir way lo firtu h cortftuun uncc tile mm will brr pljyilll jztvl yl- ihlk holsr or rent at 1 ii lji d j mjrda l 43 p ii or ikar brlor i owmf lier hui- elth r hornby or purwo la cm i i rite rl to irhool wivgheu gordon inrj tfc1 ua tiurc th ihd l ora cllld l m2 i v fou j h f j 1 hpn11 powrob loon services uary jane wojjbld hr 3 j uu u1 denenitins on bow they far i grortrlown are bappy to in uounlamwcw h unw towra t roomed hrnii uali al evvebtenci 2 car jura- jmj kuill it it 31 jbo ln 14 2 mill li ioriii awhu hwok inrmijiu lit tl bbukd recreatim 1001 i klorou iiul uretio txtijiji lot ocfen lintliml i it t co it rsbumv iiuif tuilsr fr ale ulmlern i mi lu i lam lot i i e mile url d j i bleduir u i i tule lll l 4 i hoi 1 4i ml i i n i r bjjlr cmiil aboue hoiue unit 11 1 r jflen william hi i j t rimf aitl i i i i irepair and clri prlle t mi j iflea william- uncoitr iltlil 1 i r upper an 1 1 wr it tfoorn aiiaitiiu i is ui r iroorna ami kiului b reter ti a i u t ftieee tuthii ui t i m jwatrr heating t i 10 000 until i 1 kier mnulh hi ik1 orchard i s835 down lleiliimini hi u 1iailiil mill moo mnnthh i i nut a in onp n mtllllt m i iix v k 12 fobert momes ceorcetowh offue ejj of i j m t jf d 11 111 g lb iscouk tax boolikeeiiinj aer- mro by eiperienred accountant th bbjlc if wk1ding rd repairi aprint fccfvtr aorseloiau ueld ml and kid repair sw guelph m th- 7 2631 if ykaa wa did akaw ufi to watch the contatt taw fr ilyla j i iitisl l mi mlst irent d iil prte ent ik i3 ur lit 7 i j it l tl i rie rjedrooin i it uace apart cuirn slieel llr itookkujmsg m 1 nounre tiie birtb of their ion ilrian gordon 7 ibi 8 oj- in eiifctovmi l dillrut jde l tl kl j damonilralion 41l in orial hpital on july hhti fd lha lnuriaairn enlarlaininblii wble the omralt hk12 a luotber for reverly ciuvhl lhair braalh and tooehl thllar from the unaaaaonal ann chill f mra kow thy fiuid in ch enl i i clrla 1911 vree mile liirn un hi iml iltidia 1lazue leorarj n boya relay race l nip ir cavidv fljvina ljall iul unija teaue tenriiet in mai teii jelumi oin imlr ilriilv itiuraila july 2eilli 1 rerrit hvaitiplfm gaorgalowh ralay til tjpiril una hhj 1 hie home of her daij bv 1011 free mme- lu d ttn 1 i llr j 1 j vn l if irei envelopei income lax all ihtej n eoreetown rru he j 1 erxetfe lit wediieda at hall canvassers meet good response dcayfh leavaa oim lt she lian nir uin j tin yr lanavrrv aotieitlni funda niujtnkeriiriliatiil r ii land community 4111 ijiiihter mm sir iljrr llalllmlad lekirt all itiaitdrhldien and l leapoiua ihn vwk ifur it ml frejt rnlril ire-iv- ii mil i fiililn ol s- i m all i all t lunch tu n in 11 i ii room ollir neela hn iji clark ii lli lij aljin south tk 7307h if i hi tiuu bx l pboiiery 1 i 11 s i i in kr n r totteat prlfea vith all ork aaaotkip guaranteed s year r i ternt an oe ana jed 11 and 741u6 or th 7 3uu4 it lit 1 jjw ii urilulstutu luimlure in til till iii iim ii erlof north ha ur lla irad liiriel n ma 1 vail letud wile of hie ninian llran r mr late villiaiu t aidy and gfrla 1311 ti e s tlrai mnlhr of lla ina tmri te iaikin jtiaiojl w le tth2 georgetown trarue lnili it ii of sith lla i abelle rrit itraiiipt n ill it ij i saul sr soya 13 11 if rr st r t mair it ii m h levari aull or atife i mr j llittl 1 i i luiloili itnirral arr ton olancle joe hani i ue wat ronfluctel irinti the lliinilii malln funeral home north girll 1411 1 it e s e v r lla on tlinrli julv 3411 ti d i i n lii hratiii llr it itnorliml ii ii run nl wa j hn n ei clot j i in tirrare iun i i inelrr hrrnl rail lrirtlwi north lla reyt 14 i lir m j riiie lr irl vi j n ii leorarlovtn m kr ii i f u ii mimoriams auirili s zl k iompckiv in nni rsln 1 1 em c 1j s gmtllfn nhivifk 111 i z tf a dea dilite it i h died i jf n help joi lrid jo 1b4n i 1 lt i lr ulmh jackon til 7 t iji1 sl k but i we lieature a ill wnh i ue am lt ll flu 1 tl1 ila georalewn relay team ilrn 111 j jim i1u i j ill i p i ian luiur i lar 1iia hairn overtd and repaired rjuality i i i n 1 1 bedroom vorkmattlhip t ii utikgt i t i creation mawartlown th 7 0312 ll lilluli lcohatlnt to eipren in1v idualt am lie ulterior and im r kti1- n j eitenor raluman in lie ii a ikht trada c a grant ii it j i e aipphed gorrhown tit 737111 ll 1 clilldr ma nl decorate d as nurse in world war one 1 rf 1 in v i t twr i f t ir i n ii r lr 1 iiu1 t ti r i i ii 1 1 j l i vat j j 4 h jfr fum t jfr 1 a i 1 fc t in f it l i i f r uf the lla i 11 t mi inn ii l l rallllal vii lra 1 in i hal id lnk llake ll t arl 11 11 i nil n ivrej ton a i i llai i i i tic mitt ma in ln n o 1 i tan a baiomater indicator ik en plared at he hlaln cor ner in itie illage to rvcorw pi iin of the campaign anda le id lit have tiern geucr- oumith coutributionx i hid lum ta atill oeodad t tut hie campaign ovar the top and tliue who hav n i nl lieeu called upoa tr a kft t gut the canvaaiatr a rordial welcome ill hn i ik up holnlaj ltivsuilat your own lliiori tir neva fluttlrvi flrctric tan tin ilia t i il in machine e leers floor hii ii 1ii era for rent i rl iii id i u painting l deiorating ill 7 3uu ilh i t of lllr itiaiuit n i i i in thrr tr 7 jjj tr 71i4 accommodation availablc aniighovf whding electric 101i available ard acetlene welding all iter n vi parate truck borlirt made to order c 111 healert for mi ullkti cha n awa ncottatwater outl ardi befalling leav a the ea fdborn hdraulic hoitli lltaro ni iivjtlllndn in 1 or of a drar nvlrr walker liar i on ii jul jath hmk got 1411 iii i h h r 1 n la 1 a rn i in i llianipt run gem rli ii ll i ui ill g 4 hi it id trill an i llr i t i i i i 1 i 111 i r 1 r 1 r i i 1 1 n m 111 i th h lair iinmi iqulpmtm and irro irrlgati in h ard mmnn girl his i lull lea v n 1 117 t 1 h ii 1 ho will do avttrrm th 7 0434 tf for rent inhlroom mmtlmi jllll m lit 7 1 hi ihkditoom l l jlill si ipstains kirnt for i jlajrlct lit i nl it flkallll 3 itllilmn t minrnom clo e i male cilijinr l transportation wantto i i 1 i fer rememhered h lr ll ir rnire and llaztl i ray conn plumbing initvin authobizid oaj oialrr k hal walar a tleam haaling j t aih lf44f 34 uill si tr 7 tb ii i v 11 it 1 vri e parkin tv in p n i i mcmon i ran pior bayi 13 is link i r girla 14 11 lla id i w vnthi i in llrim no to ar i after 3 jo n i i t mrs tiif 1 rl lis lull your m ini y i al blair lathing plastering visit us at our new location opposite domn oh seed house buy vour nel uved car from a irantl v d new car daalar quality good will uicd cav aie told on a one year ouerenleed wan i ly batit this week s sicuals b2 iinnt 1 4 1 r 179s i m i i 4 r js 61 mow is tlnhll i i i 4 1 r a it 11s 4 door 1 17a i v m 1 n 4 60 vt viim i 1 3s station w n ml h iii 4 d or 60 rwov 4 ilnr iiv5 30 val ml i 1 4 si w i 50 111 it k j l r i9s l 111 1 i truck 79s two location to chooia hon geornelown acton franklin prouse motors wfcar cuttamart und their fnondi tr 74986 pilch unrw and stucco ffhttn huttonvllla 8658683 r mem u i i la i ariir l i 1 i bayi 1411 11 ik nwrrti irnter f inrt and t ue jin ilia r i irir ihcie n not a da dear mnlhr i ire or rrl 11 that vr do not think of vnu li llrampl n lr leiiirinbered ii diane girla relay race a 1 r red pntnswooii in i r r mem oi of h rahcth ai 1 william i rrvwf od 1 ikr fal n icir the rar r ir 1 i i f r i 1 n i ai i 1 i s i r i a 1 i 1 1 j tlv ii r di i in ii m midget baseball in halton playoffs i in m m k i a i iii ii p li c sin 1 mln in i 1 i i i j a pi i i uial n ihiir si t h i r h 1 irl answers to somi questions we get mr garner what arpat would you rotommamj far our hom answer 1 yo i ftof i lo ub w th ihu t n r t im jh hnvo rrgardlesi riti rt 1 frf nfcif civy dean a rt ro n fm and if r rr i vo d jtjet i i i i ir comb nc alt 8 95 ui lkl i i a11a1icns imain st 6e0r6et0wn i suiifljn lh r b p i n mnuris hrl in m tm hul our t inr ihfm will tnrnh mic1irt hall rluh i lir lf itn lr m rull 1i ii iicj itif i in in r r air trrav n i i t a j j t w t f r l i uiri1 rvr davimtn on thr m nul r j3ck s uriving ociiooi of tp 1 hrn urre hr i crr a i i hiv fm fully licnud lntrucbr tnhhrr ri mil rlml a a rcmrninrr- 1 ti i ice no nil hatm 2 nm r dial i o stools daiizhlrr rdna ord n and mn hit thr m rr lnl ft j t tr 744s0 ll in thr nnn i in in k r u in 1lf run nn j t j 1 lloinl error thr nmr ir card op thanks rv rt r i th hill lut plivrd lirili p ni ht it h t 1 rtr hill o r heiilf it hnk hihi jp pi ct talion r iht ai kmdiu in ip of rnp th anl t nitifiil llnral of l fi inv ncivrd from out m nn t hlur frirnd anil tolui m iikninn m mi nlh mi in iih- v 1 to trtmiil t huv ur nl hnmr on 1 i nr da 00 in i in lla lhlll j- i nci duiina the ml expert tv repairs by topnotch technicians service wo hflvo up to thr m n j the inteit luipnu f placcmeni parts to sr wigo tv appliances tr 73374 33 main north moving anywhere in canada and us a fully licensed and insurtd f and s movers stuaaim st n tr 74106 wiring commercial 4 domestic john 1 1 rarjitfarod mailer blactrlclan eultrica1 onthacrolt i tr 73414 tl r beeney plumbing heating tinsmithing n n 1 rioitiniwn 11 ir 79362 hardy signs anl custom decorating riral claw wukniaiivllip tr 74s40 tf barn painting haiti mand bldg j manl nine sales and service tnvn had inn nil 1 i v l ltd i tr 73322 1 elgin st tf ihila anil one vva k mil loiiinul call dunnvillrj h7m1 or writ 7t r w wd w b hamilton m ztj 14 yeara in thu are construction ltd hu eirh and lln hi workmanship guaranteed i ganaral contractor inhn mmikmin mil miki i inn u ihilh iii oik loncmkte wtn slllglea ell h lenr and fahplntlly wohk relnmi now enlen 11 illnn i nun tr 74410 urald ci u p i 0 ikmlla- m aao aiaiaid ti t lry s11p ihinib in oakvllle nn 1 rldv b l jl ci 1 autruil sth parents and fans kouertson clectric come on nut h hie nrk nn industrial commercial jnunda and zclluhiiitl join hnva anil ctlctr them on id ml tmv in- mil drilh nf our d r lllni liulliei 1 ihir ittlker mr and mil harr laiuan iirel riiinior mi in i mi- j trnci dark siiisup er ituxton f n eta nil services dave williams raglitrd ban dad matter electrician j i in lltlm 1 r 1 id air tn cishth l itin ninth uilk n ihi imr md ir imp th lirt ilu dim ln il mf in to m nc i u ilk a p isscll hull mii i m pi rl i i iir hunt th il h it iri tow n n ill r native hut in j t in t am lrt thp man llornln i imp on n thr ninth inninc i t r the heii srfttir mi imi w iks 11 m rr chute iind i k rum l i poi loun nnlnr 11 in mound fur lornh jii up onh one lul in i llr hn i tin in ninjs thu hnldm lh 1 i 1 hmv ii its in ch i k lloinhv hid hn all tpri at wiriiik gas and oil burners mu w septic tank pumping ltd cleaning phono william varc0i rockwoorj ulllar 43sl if h o r painting an deccmattinlg len coxe ii your man tr 74101 tf t residential phono tlllinclfj 7 2024 geoagettown tl cards op thanks n alia- narfrvhr we wish in llltink plumbinaheatina4htmemm fti martown a district mem orlal llmipilnl lor their sel lers nud kindnesses leuilerrtl mimeographing cluircli ii socicly work internal punted mailer proifriml llulletlni btc aelon mlmotraph sarvlco 43 church st k attou 853 0031 j 810 call tr 73431 bill garbutt ib elgin st u wilson welding is walar slratl trurk hodlei hum 4 hopnlra to euttslruc tlnh equipment llirdficlne ivallora inlllt bui phono 774o51 rot phon i77m51 i to our imithcr mis lsther narker mr nd mis lljrrj logan llloilnton tin thornton family vvlsltc- to extend deep sppreclalinn fnr lilllihiessea llnrnl trihutta anil inesxea of sympathy etenilnl to lliom at tho time i their motlirrn death with apeclal ujanka to ur iltibcnek anil tho iiunci at gctiriullilwn sllosptlal t r sae tbn week nh tho fri st ann il 7 3 4 at superior food market georrjelowrn biscuit feature ayimer eoston brown dares premium lb at k bcamc assortment 0 beans ayime fancy tomato nabisco juice 2 29- shreddies lo 1 00 una 49 1 or pbga cac the new fun bath colgate s soaky green giant niblets 14 corn reg 41t save lie rose orange 24 o marmalade caloriewise h 89 dressing 14 oi ccanomy sua 49 35 29 blue ribbon tea bags lie off giant tide 10c ell pwn ol 40 69 each j maple leaf wieners lb pk 49 sunbeam hot dog rolls pkg of a 20c big 8 wieners ki 39c finn rod ripo ontario no field fresh produce features full of fuvourl tomatoes 4 ni- baahat i 109 ontario no larg snowhitt hoarji cauliflower each 19 california sunkist oranges 2 e 69 now in plnllful supply nallv grown cueunb4r lllliki cabbarje pachi squiili shlro plumi radlih groan onlilni corn bmli potaloai etc chck uporlor foe lop iualltv loweit poulblt triei special save 6e beaver i bag charcoal 39

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