Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1962, p. 7

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n jw -sfc- indian village is 700 year old milton would annex 585 esquesing acres county town scelu oalrville land too iraiuou elaboration l lb smoking habit carbonised eonj kernels end in abundance o deer and ben remnants indicat ed theiuulateaca pattern 61 iobmiuiort of en bvmhck toport conteininfl piopotal inhabit i 4 of 3400 art of land by if town of juuiion ssitzmtu 0ot by derek utile placing coruultent w edges lllnl erepr and send h 7 10 6 er in esqueslng th- bit stone ehrsders bum tools wr nc oakvll renrp nud by awls and work although lowmkip council flat reed th report wheh hy roiid a copy dam milton council last fddey council los way well ewer u plnnno consultants hd tier wor peter june pbolo mr and mrs robert nugugan carou anne eltlson lcrin e mr bobert reginald mcguiqan in st gewrjes angll can church on saturday july i 1th she is the daughter of mr and aari harry i ii m of 25 kay awn cri c a d tt rjroon i t u ion ol mr reg nald mcgu gan of uran ploi rvd mr w fallow eld of haimilion imtwrtant discovery of iroquois history a study of v ttu of 700yearold indian waq wfttcn flourished on what ft now tt firm of h r ryerw north buhirvgion was com- pleted last wk by teem of camdrt eithaaologitta trie location u on irwj hit side of wenrworrt hilton litw north ol mo 10 tde- hundrad f iton and ottw artifacts plu the raiid- usl tetes of long houtas end population of 300 to 300 inhibdunu actuftolpohu tpcuatd ih indian mow td wy alter uimg up thv flrevrvocd ir ma immediate- vi cinity laroi party the digging undertaken by a party which included j v wright of tha national uuwum of ontario field director w c kohl- university of toronto r macron mallonil uu- ln lhmb of lommtrca wch urg irw xil m rum mali asauunt of vl n lh hjvt not rraivfd fi ouumad in lh ronh howvr lnivaniy yank vallaa of tha lchn nn h l tha unallv w milton councjl wfhwologtral dfpimmant lie p tn j he rnmoi inttwud bow la ikjfw utr unlvartliy and c u rofllllrd opinion that tha ghou4 ralaa no 6biation johniton of tha hlalory daparv premium on amrhran money rurtlir maunta 4u u bld ment alruaitr vmvtrtiiy of a hl inrui summtf th crfw contrd of j u v itltor from th touth for ilwblh mbtull 0 youn w 1- jlunturv spenc h un l fct j 400 arra o equiir lown- butintu men 1 o wucn wmila vtu wait1 jwmlltm itfcula district news at a gunce tvhi frf 4d1 btukuwoyow two partlaa of aratrtcan vf- qu4 townjup nubt la u mora hv eomplalnad to bur tlf4d pyotmunf tha lou of iking in fh r lino uit januafy rcut rwmi i tfe knut rooimd4 for during a joint hwjn of aiinuu6b lueiadad all that ulltwi 4jk kqufvk hhtnuhlp portitmi of fctjuiiliia yl6g couociii kvjamlntf couhdllora lun4 m uiltou eounhuoa fautllnfd lu4i vifrw utluip rteiatidrfi report oou rallcf wai in ckmur vhm h yu uar ned wilton touruwt rtqualt for land would tva rdufd to su7 arrea in frjuainr arid 03 4 arrea from oakvllla mmrtbrra of tha ahnkatlnn commltl wi mi i ton ay jc promotion lists for george kennedy school kinoercartfln onb mra f faian mrt c willuin taathar aulttant grade two to craoi thru mlat l lausamf taachar j i karrn archibald e andres ujii i luker ijc nard iurr tt william raur sandra ttourquf cordon lioyd lynn dutlrr iou claa carter lubfl dalilrl lhrutinr dormott gary dirk ronald pubien ineke pkx hoorn hobcrt frreman lit n ita garland jerry uiak kath enne malotuik kinmth llnr go runnr klnr i atrtra 0 p kirkwood tom mcneil jat t moore miklo morvay jamri nicholson julia taraons claud ine sadlar ixsinla smith su anna stett paul undrrril hrancea vivian ucnu walker alan uard a rrvinr miu j idy hut mm v unnainar mul dlano snl andt mlu 3 tovell mlu xi thomai mlu u boucy and mlu c andrews two acri sit itiry rare fnly icrapm tha rrlri from alected p nntt in a tuacra araa to uncovtr 1ft graves one long houi and parts of othara and a palliada involving hundrcda of logs tli a aite was flnt ducuverrd about aaven yaara ago whan the land wai plowed for what was lirvd tu have been tha flrt time previously from the time it waa cleared by early unite tfltleri it bad been uard grad8 ssven to iight graoi j n arkroa paula andrrui s i n itulnur alan liurt n an ilruok steven carter k v n aatator muira thitho ni jam t ctix jaiijurhna dearurj illoor kuth iwijl i i itotx rt kic harxl dubirn paul rjmviti nrajvll suiun llrou n rclnttjlil ul illet knan ilanillr chinlm hrrne hitholin ilctiaro druuli michael uanna michael cohurn jttn ljrt tl ma lumuin jueph ha patnna tiuu n ar 1 r ul matter dehnijn kop- lun lall ki h pttrr mrndcron craig t in michael lint jamn hal dubirn rratlr hu r i i j tin i hrlitopirt jon i x el anc durno t i n hi in i th i jim deborah lazier r tmlrr surjuni it wu flrit eicavated in the fall of fmji by itudtnu of the univerally of toronto and mc mailer linvrnity under tha dir tctiun of at j it nrmben of the w ai ihrop 1ok dcpartmcnl of q of he urftrd to ulve them the full rata o exchange oran0ivill8 an orangavilla boy gary tl ggdon waa rushed to tha lloapltal for sick children in toronto by an opp of flier laat ueek with a anaka blta suipected to have been inflicted by tha deadly mu- lsaauga rattla inike ha was playing with fhenrti near hla burnt whan bitten jui faca atarted to swell arri he was ruihed to duf frnn area hospital and then to toronto where tha anti venom waa admuuered he was released two daya later ajup and 0kvlle uod aurroun dlbx milton a north waata and aaat bound ariaa wu rrommo- dadutai town u mil too a an ntxauoe raoort raprd by municipal planning consul unu tha report wi kaot a wall guardad ftaorat until uat wk tha amiaiauon propoaal would trip la tha alia of mil ton if tt wr tocaotad by milton council but eoundllora dacidad to rdue ah raqutet for mora land from that gjvan in tha ra- port houtb of lurjwy 401 from aha v a luaiing town- ilim on tha vaat to ua point wa uwby 401 eroaua tha ruaalng oakvllla bw llna on tha gait fthia part of ka qulag eon ulna 1 430 acraa an la pooulaud by 366 raald enu it lncludai tha milton brurk plant and uilton llaljhti tba plannar lrk uttu ilk ilulhway 401 la a logical boun dary and kaquaaing could not hopa to develop or tervlra latwj below tha highway in milton retissd rexjurit oty will not iel tha mllon urirk plant and mjlton heights tha rvud area propoaal by milton council lncludcj all of tha araa aouth of highway 401 north of tha baia una ai undlnj from near tha tha pra- aaot westerly boundary of mil to ilia point whara highway 401 eroaaaa tha baaa una thla tncludaa tha naw county build ing and tha golf driving rang two grajaa and farm proper um tha area propod from oavvllla li tm mad lately aast of tha town of milton from hhe baaa una on tha north to the school for ih daaf on the sou ah atratchlng onahalf con oaaaion to tha aajt s heat your home i naaurajl w mmd tmmtf 04evmac wait t hi will yiv y fwla wuw vwva avar r h thompson hardware humiins a htatino tt yswi the espanola new home for glen williams bride ttmtjvilll whl f d i bl ihltl tsi hiral0 toronli tmenihlp eouncll m b j thurvjy au jl im1 ii k lenl dc on ltn wllllimi united church page 7 locel commrrclil or lb miniij of bhod el mr c pmnkerton teachtr i inermty ol t iroulo an i miu r tu icnli with dr j n t inrrun u that drpartiurnt t g aa fit id direct r diacov nc uncoertd thtn 1 d lo th snipridant wmpiaining ottlia the groom la th d l this ear ufk of rript f n of mr mri lon s the in man uho lird in the 1i4 vil if are bller1 to hae 0 establishments remaining open f r business on a legal holiday c uncil took atlion alter re cetving a letter from a town of respect for dominion ik malnu ned all plaea sinim other than ga sta hern c mp nenn of the picker tlonj and nruff llorr laa fnnun hwnt shir on lraulkner diane rournter ouy iiddink darkne duiak gillian lljmmiinl i lmla ii in lion iortainr hair n lt tt r ianea kirn llrcslron 1 i hildcbrandt teirj hoi i a patricia ho otiuk mnsnr hurst jetkte iron k h li i itim collcrn kimtx rli i r 11 i knabr susan hoi ll in lanegraff tauline ijng kcrr xjapoinlc darlrnr it nb marlene laimhv ti rr i era id i uvij n llranch of the earl ontario f i d hv lau uvlnlslon jacqueline canton janet tlron norm in huron petun neutral and krie philip marah lnfr hamilton shan n hawkins ti r uffrev pntling r cr phillip price m i he i dmi 1 k lirl lti i jai tt richmond marie sadler dawd smith j iri id ne trrahj grade thru to grade four i mlsa m earth teacher i leather hamrt ry ha david hrthrnnkt charles hume tjcvrrlrv john son david jnhrntin mine ijii jt ijiurence i ukins morgan mit chrll ccorilliia nurse 1 li da ogluie donald parvtv sandra piotrowski kathleen pratt steven kanrr dianne sel chrrl sellmer davl shoe bridge stephanie smith irdians of a later date ri tirnrt fcathirtd at the site in d caert thr engaued in a prim itie form of agriculture hut ithenie depended upon hunt ink and fishing for their au ti i ance grade eight to grde mini h margaret kosemary ljeder michael lurnrs iuvwley lurrttt xjvlngitone stephen lovcll jamea boland valeria butlar michael matclult siuin hrucr castator ivheccj cootvmr mccartney stuart mcdonald fr conitance copelarwl joan thomaa mckay mary mcljiutfh hournler david hlc david lin lynnc mclcmnbr athrruie lrtms icslie johnson sandra moran atl nichokon karen minbrr i- lain e kirk slirart camrr n hound m chael allan and mrs m sillt teachers diane beckett ikverk pih defence iiti trie apparently aelrcted the km ii on what is now the rvcrte firm with a view to dr fence archaeologists aaid the topo graphy the remnants of the pal iadf and the distance frum r j v liable- water led thrm this conclusion cooksvilli turi nto township council has endorsed in princlpla the locating of a uquor slore in cooksvillc a local builder has been holding disruptions with the liquor control dnard and they ara interested in having a i tor a built in cooluvlllf oakvilli eanor diion and donald allan order of nurtai for canada in dickson on july 14th at 4 p m whitby tha bride is the daughter of an honoured guest at the mr and mrs bert duon of jen wedd ng ua mr thx maj dix on of walter i- alia grand mother of the bride and onl f tha men lie living grandparent of the bridal iuv uod fteel performed couple urala attenue 1 from the double ring ceremony oorgrlovrn glen williams organ muir waa provided by nonal toronto oihawt whu md harold inglls of clen bj thameiville indon ulnd wilhami and mrs jack vance sor sudbury saroia and chalh of ottawa sang the wadding jam 1 raver during tha signing of the register a processional hymn praise my soul the king of heaven was aung by tha congregation battanbarg le nicholson ail ogllvie kim kirkuot christine korbey poyntx mark pratt trr rich inda manecl denise marsh mond nanc llolnnv arol hnc melcombe linda monk ruaaell gerda stir dinise mm jan moran monica nich snider ter sa spingola v ill olaon laura oaborne lynda lam south ijsa alkir sharon iv run wendy price michael watton itobirt wtstrope grade okie to grade two mlsa m mulray taachar darlcne aljar i inda and rtwa randy anlht n m ir jane rallcntlne andv cumnian nicholas brown albert charlene coburn pcti r copi crane drnnia dick scott doug land riam durmry jo- lias spring illcl time haar- smarthl laura smith timothy swim stewart syrett richard lnkrleiler 1ynna wildman grade four to grade five miss f stull taachar anno dirmott 1 orralne r n man chnstophi r rournier shirley trahaiu awiny hawk ingi andrew lltcrschnp shat nietr robert jlaumsgo harry 1 1 rdrr donna mackay gwen mackenzie gay us mclaughlin l dav id mcneill stephen nor- on ilolloua ilurll llousrsn jne rv power i ynore graham korbey iurlcy lcvtrs joanna ilovell gary matchett sally mcarihur wllliaril mc haln clieryl mclaughlin vtr non mcljiukhlin cordon mi naluy mark mitchell ten mounateven herhrrt osborne paul rocera cindy lotl itus ell grade one to grade two mlu b avary taachar ann brahlrcet dennis cat linda dloalowqbxul dileckman david hayes lome hegatrom loulirkarolldla les lia klmbcrley cheryl milward dorothy rumgii itona sellmer rati taylor grade two yo grade three mlu b avary taachar suunne ajjjar linda bulson myeull boiirotijruiloylinb martin braklg corinne daley stewart dali id dctorah durno lor a fournier unda klrk bruce martin nino mar- tin a davit mcdopald goorce mlllas ronald mnrgonatorn catherlrta parioni david iow ell guy poyntr david rogera efbirt jludy tiiuouiy tolton wal lyn tors roderick wukimon ne yatea grade five to grade six mlaa p stull taachar jack camman david glan vllle diana holotiiik lynn johnston janioo mcdonald karen mlntern alutair moor kenneth ogilvie donald heyce grade five to gaadi six xuab n coby camman valeria co- burn cindy cooper lorli due- clunan sandra dubien martin fowler patil frendh lealy gillctt dwayne hay donna hayward jeftvey helherington yvonne llolloway stephen how ard susan howard diane kirk wood laobol lleder patrice mackay marilyn mackenrle robert melcomlvo geortfa nurte dfanne panuing sitian lyfce jaoqucllnn rayner george seunier brian will lam grade six to grade 4 seven mra j patfaraari teacher paul barlow linda barratt itoyd wing uilluni dick jamrs tinai n civ en in marrlaga by her father tha bride ctirua a floor length gown of silk orgama over taffeta with a chapel train a course in instruction in tha neckline sleeves and waist conservation work to hart this were bordered with battenberg fall is bring planned by tha uce re embroidered with pearli to oakville m ywca in prepar w1 her mothers wedding lation for thla project to bepl llt illusion h1d by a mr wright aald the vlllake known aa the resource ranger crown of pearl blounmi her for the best deal on tv and stereo shop millieke tv sales and jibvici 14 wailayan st rca victor cillrmm phllt eer mieillt me4erala lewopta for dependable sales and service plymouth dodge chrysler valiant hat tjrgo tiuh inlenutioisjl tnuki come to maveal motor sales umitid main st north tr 73611 steven wa proksblykovrrnfd by jn program rournier carol n yt cheryl larler clittord ievv t atricia mahrr lluabeth mc nell trasar milward jonnc mintern john monkman sil ph n parsons hnth p ters patricia peters prisctlla vt u n nora price georglna proudfoot heather williams what council did building checks finance problem a tuooesrlon by crown attorney paler mcwiiiiamt tha hal ton lawna should have a quail fled building inspect er make regular inapectlena ef bulldlnot to aaa that thay conform with by law reaula tlona would create a financ ial problem in georgetown in mayer sargents opinion a utter tent to councils by mr mcwiitlarm referred te findings of a coroners jury in a local ore in which niels jeckebtan lost hla life philip elective chief and by the grand local bahajs youth seminar georgetown bahaia were boats at a picnic held sun day afternoon july 23 at the waterfalls playground of tha 80 people present mmo had eome aa far ai welland scarborough and forest the picnic was the concluding feature of a bihal youth seminar held over the week end at tho homo tff mr and mrtr don miller of s3 shell y miss kill quant or niag ara kail i new york who has been bah a i atmoat 60 year apoke at the picnic o iter meeting abdul baha the aonof the founder of the baha faith when he visited north america 50 years afiot mothers of the long lodce in archaeological terms the ite is a late component of the pickering branch of the early onlirio iroquois stage and would date to approximately 1250 ad another site near pickering is an earlur repres entation of the iame indian cultural group spokesmen for the party said a fairly complete archaeol ngical picture of this group is expected upon final anal sis of material gathered group conquest the archaeologists bellva that soon after the burlington vil 140 was occupied rtpresrnta till had to piv 50c to get in but had tn settle for a dunking in the 20 foot deep man mada lako instead acton tlvia of the hranch appear to the 1 000 people there have conquered another group otsjelotcd early ontario iro quota atage people referred to aa the glen mer rrnnch these people were located in south western ontario the blending of then branches resulted in a homogenous archaeological fo inplex which covered most of southern ontario and portions of new york state out of thla common base they said devel oped tha huron and petuni in one direction and the neu tral and erie nations in an other it is the late position of the burlington site which makes it critical to further understand ing of the processes involved in the blending of thai two major groups spokesmen for the party said 15 buried tha excavation has revealed one rectangular long bouse structure od feet by 25 feet pokionrttf amaller houm 15 burials numerous storage- and refuge pits hearth floors and an abundanceof artifacts and gen eral wastage finely decorated and modelled pottery represents the most common and among the fragmented pottery clay pipes were generally scarce and crude relative to later cjtturlo group of boys are jewellery consisted of an heir loom pearl aunbursf pin and a single strand of cultured peaxli she carried a spray of white rosea with trailing ivy tha bride waa attended by her sirtar mra steven fldrldga of glen williams as matron of honour bridesmaids were mlu catherine dickson chatham sister of the groom and mlu chrystal jackson scarboro a cousin of tha bride they were gowned alike in dresden blue embroidered allk organta over taffeta street- length fashioned with short sleeves rounded neckline and bouffant akirta matching flow ered headdresses and accessor ies of white provided the finish ing touches tta matron of honour carried a spray of yel low sweetheart rosea ahasta daulcs and trailing ivy and the bridesmaids carried sprays of shasta daisies and trailing ivy malcolm dickson of thames i villa waa groomsman for hla brother and ushers were morlayj snary of sarnia and malcolm coutts of toronto now being grained as leaders brampton r lev en montha after harry hrrkjardenof of brampton touted a note in a bottle from tha steamer sot ten- dam he received an answer from spain written on june 17 the letter told him a croup of aix boys and girls had found tha bottle at carsvia aaturlu milton the kelao dam swimming pool was cloaad by halton county health unit a dr h 1- newman because it was too muddv to swim in the new 10 000 pool has no filtration a full recreation program for the entire town will be undertaken by an exper ienced recreation director and arena manager to be hired aa soon as possible decision tn form a seven man recreation committee was made unanimously by council last tueaday the date book jul 39 1169 91 year airei noveirit booth ytrklnetott born july mih 1143 99 year ana auto plonaar hanry ford barn aug ml national sanowuh monrhi aug 1 134 yar anolph hitler troelalmatl hlmtelf etalchifuer of cap many au j 1491 470 year ago chrltrobhar cslumbui ter tall an voyao whlah ret ulred in dlwovary of amer- ka aug 4 190 in yaara aa us eaut ouerd tab ilit4 motor vehicles office 41 main street south closed for vacation august 4th to august 18th inclusive dapt ef tranipart offlcaa at brampton acton milton while gardenia following tba erramony recaption took placa in the yellow ilrlar inn in brampton mra dlxonjtreetet gueati wear ing a atreel length sheath dran of cherry milk chiffon with matching shoei white acceie- orlfli and a corsage of white gardenias xlri dickson re caived for her son dreised in a straat length aheath and jackal of navy allk and white access ories her corsage was of pink twaetheart rosea tha bride and groom travel led to eastern canada for their honeymoon jrha brldea travel ling costume waa a spring green silk shantung aheath dress and matching jacket with bona ac- oauorlaa and a corsage of bronte ybldlum orchids mr and mra dickson will be living ft camp no 1 k v co espanola where mr dickson is employed mm dicklonmorm- trly worked wlih tba victoria insurance travel walter t evans co tritmgle 72512 31 miu stekt serving your community for over 40 yaara t i w h kentner son 5 queen it tk 73s51 okosakowm summer price on blue a coal stove nut sizes 27 per ton

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