Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1962, p. 9

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gtfry t- v harv copland garners herald rifle trophy thai o aagiwe nnir t yropfcy w uapuhd ie ifl ktt mlsfldp a mithp duriny a prcn cr up al ih north luit n kart club track sunday tent unt watw u wltf h cog lrtrr jsmrs ticorrluwr strong arms and legs give them win i this is the tfam of mmt avmpton and ouikjfv he jv pool director ltd lev tun h i toil lyn persons back iow si rt that d ci tim ob thursday n ghl p i ttg up 43 po nil to w i 1 1 tunc rs front row ian dowel i jack k ems head claud cliff joinio jo anno kumheacf imda league panda clark ivr colre jcevirs santierford gary mccrca jan pope i and j n tne f fit aqual c n fioi a league ni jl p rov be johnvon ai ne johr bra r minor baseball news by ttd bragq buffal tot nt 1 tin r li ii p spot i he national i a i i hi imonl 4 1 hiilmo faith wane hems i i i t regulars iii in ltirill a 1 bruce tastatnr altr iinl t bltchlnc hutis ittch n 1 1 tilup itn waitt in ui il uutandint catch of t j in ltme a hi li lt fr n a ht h lluhtaril iivll jm li j has hi nil alrr o n n un 1 etching for kulim nd itoch paitd a 7 j win imr l umbui uilh brian htaunmnt tlu v inning piahtr kin list in linjfs h ucc mocklvh in i h n uiuworth both with d iw f i rtvheiter olunibiii tvi in daarl jim motnh time timi jup to bat ht two l mlilet anil tingle and ki roml hasem dartin drah ist hit a douhlt toronto climbed to ncond place with a narrow 3 4 vir m mir ifocksonwllc diis ll nm s s itched a rood janu t r jack oolite and alsoncordt 1 lui iplei in fcucc vmin llnr rith jacksonwlh ahtad hs nm um toronto ruh li idc jnin kennedy tinshd i i m nd chn- own otr fur iht l in v ru i land wajsnc cilks n sun id h winning nut alur a im tklw lu pond h- t minnesota tw itin in the am erican ixaui idul nut iir hrac white s n 7 i mm beftotak pitch r rrank and i ou platd j ilr larin an 1 hlrd baseman carl tomlins krlbuted a iripv uith basis ded grrr mnnd pilrhid i food ramr for the white sox nd brian iullock on sicnnd eompmed a doulile pla the other ramis clevdanl liani ran up a 131 uin oir the jnkrat am kansai it u haltitnr 4 i it illim r mttlirr milili mojr in luu iluulji m hikomw trips to ihn plait his n ittd s t jiih in v ith a e ii i 7 3 win nwr li troit a national iraur upset sj li it un if the pi 1 il llninli i ruin hand th lukiir uad i i miuatikt e braw a 7 2 lis ihr unn came in b a siant one nm to trbl n i i all kttls 34 tin ll a i lima- rj ne iri luri d a sur i it if run- fr in hu h it l j l i ith nt il the irlors hj a n i 17 1 gwrtt licgu standing imh n m1iis l future games aug 1 hull i lrim it kiii 1 r ii linllj i hi lr i is kjij ho li li w lultnii irr r w i i i-i- iiuiii i i ii i llrh ii in i i 1 hi tcr iiliinilmi jau mill amuih k mii il mniimila llillirn rr li cuinl lq inn t hirai o lu innl h i inkci minvjulrc st uu i i ilmliir si iiiils ill tiurli l iticilllutl i w 1 i 1 all illl li ii aug 7 ii illan ii 1 irunt kjiiij in mini tm j i li wljiil li ii iti n il i innjll mllu ml i i i itttuir li st 1 nun ai aug juki null i- iturhf- i t nluintiui ii itichmiii i ny jnkin ifc lullini nr ctiicjkd il hi hint i a diiilk i li s i cuim 1 t i il i 1 lat wk t rttullt i i chnlcr 7 ihiintmi t rutli 4 hiilini mil 1 jjckniniilli 4 ttiitilo ltnni snta 7 i hicji n ankiii 0 iiiiijihi 13 11 inul lliilun 7 ililtimiirr 1 kjiiiiii in 4 mltuatikrr 2 plttihurith 7 ciikinnall 4 iimui i a dnilerrs 11 m uiiiii ardt 17 k i i w ft peter jonoi georgetown more cool than cosy rgctown swimmers huddle in s blanket in an attempt tttcape the chill broaze that whipped acrols the communty opl last thursday whtcsgeorgatown oronoavllle and iramplon iwimmpu competod in the first meet of six plan big softball tourney at hornby tumi from toronto ham tlton oakvilla burlinglon ntwmirlitl gualph kitch nar and ara cantrat will ba competing in a larga wit- ball tournamant at hornby auouif tha tournamant will b irontord by hornby ball club tha tntry of ho u ra funded upon arrival of tha taam in hornby winner wilt thara prlia money total ling over 100 and several teem have entered alraady only the flrtt 13 entrle can be accaptad entriet may be tent to john willmott mil- ten the tournament u open te anyone some teamt will be of san- lor a and b calibre 10 a fbt of top flight ball can be ex pected in the tpecioui horn by park the park it equip ped with two excellent dia mond and picnic faclltiei will make the day enjoyable for the whole family halton cooperative sup- pllaa it making a ceth dona tlon to be used for awarda to player en the championship taam in addition to the reg ular prlie money j nix request for huttonville park tjie credit vallij consenn lion authority hut tunu d thumbs dpwn on a renewed re- quest by a huttonville dele ca tion to liavo the authorits uc quire improve ami develop the park apt dam u lluttonvitle an ertiinerrinr report which listed the following findnirb in fluenced the cvca in their de ciiion to take no action 1 the dinfhaa no flood con trol value 2 the principal henefnttora in this icheme are the cottajo owner on the north side of the reservoir site and iho park owners on the kouth tide 3 there are very limited pou- aiuilillfji of the development of public jand for rocreatl- onal purposes aino tho wa tcriiuthls hqctlon fct the ri ver la below henlth stniu anls for swimrahr 4 tha reiarvolf la ailted up to approximately the top oftlio the georgetown herald thursday august 2nd 193 rftnrn e sp llw 1 hi is an turn jm o iiie j i tit mi r the uo5 ut i i iilta i n 5 i ik unl i f n rs t tio ita ii in 135 ui rtun 1 1 1 ai sj un ttu nu mm i im iiu ri jm 1 tu appi xnn it t k vu ikk ji hit pi st nt i tlt i m tt n purs to iiu ijiii dm n l n i u li u in i nf sill in tin xind at iiiiticdlt d at e in s i t in 4 there vmitri hi a prrl o lie niaintenanre ci i fi- n ill r in ival n ap l null i s i for sill n in is al to 4 ill pit of ii fcl t l lllw thf rn t of the dam at vic per rnliir sard n 60 xx pint haul j covls sizzling 67 sets new course record ud khh hw klht luri a 4bu mod kuv 9mrt u wr doi umiak hvld yrby wi imutj by tk hr aid to tmialtwre rl twp bhfim vsksu h cub- tn facvat wv 4rd fit a pm p4itlmt end fire tar- awl frm a t4aadla0 mtlllort all cm a djiteac f wnt yaji all sjv4vat4rv ha u tut pwj until wur b- tiuu f vacatlana and th kkirtfra ir f lutiuta lcllfra tke all rifle comp- tltitw will tt uiuurway gain in laptvhiwr with tkt4f tfk4vtu4d for the meiith of saplambar octo ber and jevambar an in- daaa nn i planned tar the mw clubhauta te that tha ceaistillan may be con tinued tkreughout ke win- tar if nugh unler tnentberi tkew interest there will preb- ably be a unler unellboe dlviln farmed in the fall hornby whitewashes glen in onehitter ka i h ujifil tint tuu tcamrs hrntas mirfl jiiu 2itti in the ruraj atiflhall trhrdulr ial i ri mo and dim w illiamt met 1 in ialt nno uilh 1alerniu tak nr a cutis inrinu ii 3 drcloon the tmitfri llurntj club white uahtd the li n 0 0 lutsday iiiliu jul j4 at llornttv 1aik 4 jartjur laiurlle fashtuiird a i fine one lulu r u in iiiio itutk the i ist for urn williams j llornti lurm i in anolht r hutuul in t xhihitiu i pa s it urdas nikht juls 21 tti jinj lie m llun intiusliial all start 7 0 at the jlurnhv ardt n i is taqurlie it ami lion and wllhnotl attarrd pttchinr dutit s or the winners uith ilrrutson m all the was or milton iru milton batters in inj i oi h m single hit off fir r mi thitil ofttrink of the thr horuh hurlem while ltnnih ma lu 11 lo four inu b lit rl drfvar to hoaplta and diirupt- ed the regular raccacbeduje heueawd irm hpitl ik iaima day w men tkea a re- ulaf a drlvac skft lee control of hi itart et a turn during a lrrc lact tk lfert hit hm barruf f rubie- hrt and up ttirwlntf hw drive wile anelker kart ha t4hfed a lcrtun to hi which r tjulred itf ttlkbea and an in urtd ut llf wii taken to hoipital bv twni aj a result of the accldant lranjar heau were dltearded and tmiflnal and final run only eddie van ajphen won the aenil for junior boys jun valentira copped it in tha hobby clan and a lait tnluul entry who went umdtntiftetl no 37 captured modified a it was almoit a repent in the 5njl with eddie van alpho aiin taking the junior clmu tom van alpsen the hobby claii and nunrleu no 3t the final in the flnsl trtfli a hniahed 2nd and phij wilwja 3rd sale continues big savings shop now r laoiis smart messy summer shoes 2 aaahd colaurt and size 4h calll girls 2 pee sets sliai 4 w 6 half slips lum large ladies cardigans bulky knit medium large mens mens iug soie oxfords brown shot 6 to 12 298 mens 1yoar cuaranla aa wrist watches 499 mens sp0rtshirts long suavfjt mm canadian mail l70 sf ill fw ul manl iruft urge mnslrlchy 1q only jockey c nylon socks unoershorts jl table tennis sets 4 player spdi 199 regular retail at 141 jacksons bargain centre 38 main st n hone tr 66881 august clearance new cars d trucks thp courie record at nnrth llalton cilf l liih has in en shit lend fur the stcond tunc in a week on sdiurdis juls jlst huuit itiulon of inifilkii put tntth er fountls of 12 and 17 fur a tit which btal esir scon ivci postid up until then but thr ikw mark alood fur just stsin diss saturday ttud vin mcln tmt crtsc turiltd in a hiuiink 3512 h7 to hi come tho new rccold holder 1 lie hut round was witnessed h eltlb pro hum krllj hob walker and frank wallace who made up the four- soint the score included 6 binlif s 2 on the first nine and 4 on the fantastic second nine iticiukh he stnrtid slow three pultinj both the first and sec ond srerns hud worked within reach of the record by hlrdylnj the ird and nth holes to pur out after 0 and on the sec- nnd round he scored one under pur on each or the 2nd 4th nth and 7h horseshoes league stamlinc july 24th j a group team y l w w collier 40 13 21 lr browtit 40 ib 22 j stamps 40 20 20 puckcrlinfn til 27 13 b group teum p l w a lnyri 40 hi 32 u stamps 4014 2d t llartown 40 21 10 i kfimlloyl 40 25 11 s glibyii 40 srf 14 v hepburns 40 28 h more than 40 s 40 1962 comet demonstrator 2door low mileage whitewall tnc gas washers ai ranty 2094 large stock of late m0t3el nd see this car am- many more v a com plete selection oi styles and colours to choose from fheie cars must go to make room tor the 1963 models financing available low down payment

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