ucomd im a mrus v the time is now for decentralization spui u rn urtd by at miftimm yhr r tevtrel ociun bod dretiry in onuo til working toward slnol goal upswinging local arvas in manufacturing tourism industry end onrel lmpov- maalj for rh overall bhrmnf of tiw province tr1 f tk regional development eilocltloni which itralch across th provin cial ntwolc of communities end moil of tkm have tonal breakdown which inl- greles ik problems of th tmellail diund to th parent body yh magnitude of trvir effort with decentralization u slmoit imposljbte lo d- vermin but th results ar easily indantihebl with progressive thinking and action 1 bfor ma it th 1 941 annual report of iha georgian bay development association gnrel rnaaoeger w n kf submitted hn findings and thay showed the addition of 1 1 ftw induityus within ona yes i thare ll utlla indication uutsd utereallng theory about th btltkicfi bellivg u p jutaruiuanl wlurpid develvoniaot of unjf uaf and comuonu tfort j wet ceaiplaailita tn living sene- bntckd cloaaly into ourl democracy keottval hornby youth victim shasta daisies are background in crash at oaltville r r i w suviua for carneydavidson wedding tviut eundarde of abasia daisies and tnunij decorated greet united cbutob bramp ton on saturday jury 14th for tiia marriage of acaxvn uay da vldson daujabur of mr and mrs norman davidson bramp- on and robert charles car ney tot of mr tod mrs elmer a tmt vi youth want out of control sun day night july stfth natr oak- vtlk and hit a hydro pole kill lag one of lb seven passengers in the ear dad la john turner h of h k i hornby driver of the vhicle vu glen millar 18 of britannia rd btrervllle piu tay tha ear failed to honour bride-elect- with several showers alia joan haxroo daugbler of io tax tin alan harrop be bad a vary buay wmie wttn teveral thowcra bald in bar honour on saturday avanlnf july 2n a pantry aboimrr wa hu for joan by fita norvtl junior in alitute gurli ks tna houia of i j t i a eurw want out oljcavnay of caorgtiwp on jsunday july tthh a mil uul ji i pjj ny b k hnosle parformed oallapaoua ihowr via turnar waa tbrown elaar but the remon tha aolout clyn by joaat aunt vira claw roril wbmu j y erutbd evani un th waddini fa i milton guaata r moa y hlm i k11ilpanle w mrw rauvjt of tha harrop family ta u condmon in iielhertnitoi and frlenda iha oaavfllatrajaurtr memurlal silk pallia wednesday nnr auut u anaraiiia lat mn uiarlat twin mornb tulleliin roar lm in birruj to k ii ktturtau a aiacaiunaou how xia z tat t ar for th brldtu leau dmm j hm p allla llh i a pjciur nwltlin iiiit with alforon ace th full fkjt un tpplujuro with utencol tr en ding in alivit irtia llrr hrvl drtu vti white ulk jtillr rote wlurh hrld a thouldrr herald reaolen in nine provinces rut ooorrowm hiralo ttmnday auawar trh 1f2 pape balng mlatini ol th t w unhlrt and v rtiulrvuorlh lairullm un arrlile armitronj of t b thar ara many iaaona wlu a soln lie aaia ran live intlrvoo1 held a nilurellaniou upcroitq dramplon f s 7 outud ottir joutrnnuuiu a townjilp work 1 a metro hower jor the m1ure rrlu a llrj ada rood ltd lortuni an in w uillpolllan cit and hla loo lo ea and fnarid on frlds aien m0t6l wlth husbano rtant pout plant at ahlun vonpaonl l i tot and hop 1w auut 3rd lib joan r funeral aervlr wa held ti sn earned a while t i on of in llibwy ulcem man loel blfl monday jul 3mh at uv m ubl villi an arrangement of uuvat had no hallllon in go w cooinla of ilaaaa prniouli on july i8tli rel hillop runerl mom for mi uhue luiftlien rou carna itr arm rnnuuciuruii r o h f1 nd kallileen llecklorti uliu died on nl itfjhnon- i lng rtgbt into lllro hli tnalr vdaaa and aa a raauu loay aojd mow the realon uhy ihi jlpfictivr rlahmihs jear it lr 1lrvk quoted amiiiunitiu tnenda heltl a m irellaneuua tuddnl in toronto jul 2fltn pic malrgnof lunour wi oapiny mtnagamant th ran hy ih jar la lr llrvk quoted ammunii- mr 1 jim arrhdrkln jlrarnp taanutahen they arzuj that important 1 related to in aource tor regional deielop jhowe r a e hun ir au vn of th cnaat potato in l for met men h jddrad ne j f c uer mr jd cnj w grwn right in th ropol ln area mg ar auor hurc u nm i shr eo snl dine it uarrt dutnrt h not iu celneo for her at un i upratel mot i out i rhardton lrmo thehn u tnar llh in proceun t real approach lo dclrl leu 1 ffecua in lb pi u sh mlon and llr anil plant iai money on land and uaion will prohab 1 com from nlng pwa hen e u uo preaentedl sum n re her huh- holland li bring the unfvnleim product pha cho c i 11 atraued proper dlop i i all wore irel legth dr right to th front door- but by conpuuon atactic ment or urbawjm brojo n l r apricol homepu lf1 tha threa reult u that tod notwilhtndmg urbanlun down inlo reaidenllal droreaaed oroducl th northvelern lionler ln1 commercial open ipire doublavl the ili of punt the neighbourhood jj it hu become rvirirnt u at ton and pariis tepatcei ejucition r in inort ii in duaiier of fulur hoihu and avfrieullurf amiuon u proud oilu ndu unction bfnuw of the ht nmll h ttrmd lefinitl try nd uu prnt rompany tnl loninc lctonei nd planning ai ueennf the tem toronto it pleaim oer the m iaierttrt with r of frowtb and ilvfft xpirulon oplmei thai li only ont initanc t o prt of tht htr sr other a hoilery mill prohltm malton bordera metro thli li a fina approaoli lo a uod into durham part of the aa a ruuy aroing torn provincial cruword puule kaatman corporauon iltctfd unintl nu all ftc patterntd along democratic un hardti ami man mariarrt srr to h ar lht eirg 1mlmer t r the ifrirr uu xuilan 1 a criticll injured ke i lud rveel of nrra uhrji atruck b a car in rur ialltx jr r wirr jnn htlen ulrhinjf ovfrln their tirimldrrri urrr made o a largr mfl flrr arnl cil uir iiiur r or ai tlir ilrrun t ol iteto lait vrrkt mr and mr a lure arcsdrkln lurold mc or matched scotland liel for eeral rar cure t at ion irre ii m oral uh re mr and mrawat in llranipton mirti t iq i i t ilrr tim rck now n mdf j bell girls assist lurrttderurmltd nt l irel m aul cinuul bt cona tned sendlho messdae into pfvard f ooda at bradford unt hoi u atll under the o thing let than coaurucme ttull jcnamg mcjidye blue uounutn iouary wnt to lry u trthelei rural ontario recent djjaf tu lo i coruiuentlt hotel knterrita still faee th um diumma of sji p m u matter it wapfwcn 1 thy away from th airport area iruuffictejit tnduitr commerre ff dv ot vhat can b done apxt rum manufacturing plu taxation on p k as ii uk i ali tkt tin in i computcd their trimmhlea tiie cairird i uf ltlhfi topped with tietltxjrt ose and carna whjt is black and white snd read all over a newt rapr of court so ou th old riddle and ui jlr jd la oo exception to th rule copim of tu herald are mlld directly each week to over 140 canadian com eflunitlea located in nine provincea the iiaiuiig jut includes nine american sta te and evei croaiei the ocean to ryarh lubacriben in rri gland and new zealand the herald ii certainly read all oveii the george- toftn are over 160 houie- hold in ceorjfetowj have ihe herald delivered to their door every thuradey by car rier bo when iale from retail outlrtk drug itorei etc t are added in ttil oum tmir uidrtaira jo over 3i00 which mearu that the herald 11 reaching ix of all pot- ible mhacriben in the teor setown area ttie rural route aubtvcribera and other mail mg llit cutlomeri hnng the pre run to jwk of cuiirvf theie flgurei don t include the number of hrrald- that travel in direct 1 to uch faraway placet aa the drill ih uln and auitratia ia rrlativia and frienda water ratbs blue jjounuin iouery colllnafwood a ehlldrena do tin manufacture settled cookatown lleurwl toreat pro- ductj wiiew chota northern om dt reioning which provincial hlghwaya huntrvllu for their charcoal ould put more land onder me- bringing in little renue divialofl monarch muter aur jtro airpervialon no one haa yet delhert tad automatic vending maoh or k 0 mra head of the ultimate which la bc inei in orangeuue heel pipe toyphy ieprunenl of wet- more apparent rerv day move t in fc ftambllei are now in midland iwn lnueraits laondon ont now and do tomething andi icajia up recently with a new the future will reiohe itself oivikiify industfty that r nih man ull tpenl the week ttth vintiiig irla it hk an uriiinl hburn li m ll a ace fcaji r for a at hrant 01 rrmilrnt lo kri a in who is 111 l pokmble to a faml who vu re on holidjs on irene ularan spent a f w li ln moka the n la a holxtami in hrantpton xls lcr friend shirlej lion charlei carnr norval live im st man aixt the virrt ir h ueul uinald c t h uutiini tjue broti tht km n j i tttiifroc al jfii malconn mead m r05edale floral flowers for all occasions wtooirto ajuunotmlnu ceeug sraoeulry cut flowers and funeraj dirtignt li ajbrl tat ywsa wa vvtr flowon ut hai ahiitghii au 4tiriiin the milk pioductlon of a row i reduced more rapidly by ush ri io htllc walerthan by ati arn thing elie r of concbue surfly tr 73sk i lllieliilhjl pc v ass-c- yk 715211 nor alt reception tttea of course art reanlu fionary chane and support the trfuments for dneraiflcation ftf industry throughout rural ootano however een with this im act and 1m aure eery other development area has fine ci implex there are etlll tome told statntlca that aiiume fn ihtenlng proportions t the pruaulc population tables list grey count as haing 000 persona now and an ex btctancy of onl 63 000 in 107tt jlruc county a hjpotbelically upposd to stay static at 42 000 sugar and spice by bill smile r r tlir rrttptlon at the june lion diner the bri ir i m ihrr 1 infurmatioil tht had mji rrcnril her iuru ueannb a their name and the name of flowered ilk sheath in shadri the lake where tse were holi of hue mauve ami fuschia with da inn but ihe wonderful co malrhink v oles rev and mis iloyd freel operation from the helpful hell tie eroom s mother receded and family michael and laro- telephone operator soon had wrinns a drew of sea foam hn have rclnrned fru n spend the part loeted and tic una kreen orrania with matching tng the month of jl at tvlr ke delivered hat of trench straw and a cor r on horn ljke near sometimes whin hurts rills lrih on vtunuv julx 2hth and mri rarl llatt hat of trench straw and wr nceixe ate of ueclhrart rmrs vi jtruintilr htir a hone x moon to ii laboul the cot ol tin convrn roaxt the bride wure lence but in an rnirrjmn the plrco brijjr suit ere courteous patient and rfticle nt the newljwetls will kiieits atlhe weddinvof their applied bx the polite it 11 11 georgetown nephew daughter marv lu oprratorn help n- willi daukhter of senaljr and trlepnont la mrs llarr a willis n llel tlie da s fountain tie wedding took place in the itjpliit church helfounuin and the recepti m xras held at uiiihwoihi the bride a home e l buchner r0 optometrist eyeglasses prescribed and fitted eyes examined georgetown office hours a two reattre tsat out of town guests came fromj ncccfcwt muhigan lud hock ottawa i toronto quebec jlamilton wednesday evenings oniy 1y appointment only ui 0uelph st scott car lot km aw5intaunt phone tr 74081 tkef it tatmeltilnf taaady ktllevlnt it wet mutual she along wilh duffcrln at 16 000 cemfrtlnf u iha human spirit v me a sud rvu am i if uit remain as tht figures frf whether ifa a lea was tff wsmsn itr years tiate uien chaoi will result if th fimtilac chucklleti cht i candlt flame hnng ot icr fire memorlei tnvon camp in germany december hh4 tie wind howli wit of the ital tic the onlv light in the room w thay moved upward then we ily er kvurnlrtf with t slew can thank grchipa like tht de- f fiamt a bmhrt ttlopment aasoetauona muni m imth hlnaj ismw the dpal government ho refute tfirkrv4j r fht s iem to accept tht mttro giant and fr ht bltchw stove reaponsiblc agareuive legiala i jk am renewt tkeis t red flame ihlmtig throuif tort at quna park who almp- m i the- crevicva of the crude stove 9 ly will not aewpt the tired old ys m 10mnd lt dt irtp clause that nothing can bi im wtlt lnlt column bjidrip righteen joung fh done tinleat flame of all i- a i era of half a doxen nations he if the flffunt prove nothing ctnti theres been a lydro silent and watch the iirelikht else they act like the consult lng physician of industry and manufacturing pointing to tht warning sign of tha future which could strike countless ewnm unit let like a plague on tatry aide expert pin tana havt been unanimous if there la to be decentralization tht time u 1063 not 1530 yaare hence hxpiniivh land thr art ao many positive factors in favor of tha rural de- vtlopment areas land in metropolitan areas now ia ao expensive that ln tht words of one proxincisl gov renmtnt official on buy almost one half of a break and the lights have been danc on the walls out for hours ith the soft little xellow glow of my candle betide me i don t cart if they never come on again at the moment and in my present mood 1 would not trade this one candlt for all tht liffhla on broadway all tht power that pour over niagara falls and a light bulb prsonall auto graphed by thomas edison ips a brave smell red can tv isatebvat hma and ttvad tents a thick juicy staaut we thayrt all lisunhvt intently that irlsi tlrlst tmsnatlnt frm the hawtw ttlll hbtj up t tha tuva anj wfiilrtnt if tha ptat whisky 1ft prtdix inf will 1st fit drink in tlmt far tht new years parry esquesing named for chiefs wife it is believed that esques ink township was named after the w ife of chinguat coilxe whoe name is per petuated in neighbouring ihinkuacoiiv township peel countx lhlnguacousr tha legend saxs commanded a miifd detachment of indians and while men at fort mich- elmackinac during the war- or 1ri2 and held out against the americana for the durat ion of the war for what ou can purchase a factory site in toronto mucfit has been made of tht bitrleite web of highways and roads surrundtngaifu almoat bunlrig metro toronto ai thoufh many brochures write flowingly of the roads out of toronto the ruraljreas mvist fact tha painful truth that most roads lead to toronto and jet therei room for tha optimistic ajea developers to caplullu on this altuaton tha highwavs are now io traf- fie enungled that a load of manufactured products could be wucked into toronto from oah awa or bowmanvllle just ai quickly is it could be transpor ted through the heavily over crowded thoroughfares of tha city during many peak houra 1hall yanglii tht vehld broblem in the metro are has assumed itich outlandish vroportloni that hi hearing the impossible to pliv point a delivery date tor truck- art within the city these facts are what makes it disturbing to im intelligent individuals concerned to the point where negation creeps ltto any argument tor ihe rural developer more factors can be counted touarda dectntr a illation bban against ltt a tjikeatlon of facing the yes fire la trulv a hleudng die left ovtr from christmas under its soothing light and thart trt tnly ebaut hre in- warmth even tre chattering of ehtt tf it itft and in an htur women s tongues uill desist it will bt ust a burntdmjt under its influence business- eandtt but rlobt now it brine men who would se i their own can mt cemfart cempanltnshlp grandmother into slav en if town and memories uh net profit were right wax concrete gravel building sand road gravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines lien wllllawa tit 7um imaginative aentlmcnlal and ita flame bring bjck the uleallltic nigjita of wonderful coi1ihm aa a child at the cottaga in wa hava cama a lang way tummcr snuggled in bed with fraen tha alaya wfiar aur prim ro oung brother id uatchltlv ancaeara erauahaal bafara the grotewiue ahidowa flicked a lira and a cava dimly won oer the celllnglaia interior b tha irefilaea flame but there wa no real terror in ihe weird leaping figure fin tht other id of tha par- hon my baranl tlkad in the law aaeaful tonta of mril lialfrtmuaad by tn aoan lira th caal oil lamp eaat a tfurdy ornaa low thai chaiad th laa- ping ahadawa tha whlavaiaalr- will an tha hill behind th car ae called vila ehaarful ood- nlhl and i alrlffad inf ilea with a tant of aaaurlty i havt ntvar htd tinea the candle flarnttemlnda mt of hie flrtt time i fell in jove it wu huge bonfire 1 wai 11 after tha mirahmtllow and the tlngaong we grew all ont watching the deep red of the hottest imule isf trhe fire it it blirnod lowor thla freckle faced girl with the brown eyei nd the white teeth and the golden anna waa allung beside me uie got a bit dopy leaned ggalntt my shoulder and fell asleep 1 didnt move juat tat there being madly in love tlarlng whar wu far braakfatl wt tfeeit wear iklna any mar w waai klklnlt and tlrtpltu brtt wt danl kill ottpla with club any mre wa ust push butfana w aunt hr th llvar ul f navrly killed animal and al it hat and raw and lub cy wt pay 40 t paund and at it dry tna trletly with an- lana a but flreuglit has the same magic for us after all tha pro gram as lt had tor our ancestor slob the caveman it can lake the bitter unee from round womans mouth and turn her into madonna in tshirt ft can put a look of aheer heller into an old mans eyes u he looks into the flame and see himself as he was so jears ago it wauld b a vry terry alay far mankind it h leat tame hew th fratt lrt l lira tn th maanllma tiawavar my co lumn la finished i ftkl ilk tellng frltet aahdwlch yu cant cow atg over ten- dla and i wleh ththydr bay wabid pull th plekl anal rtl for the best deal on tv and stereo shop milliere tv sales end service mvveileyan st rca victor clalriont phlle rearafaaaille juuterela lwpta next clay i prapaaad t bar ttwawrrer j asaln bob edwards plumbing hot watestf am watinal b766951 138rexway pr how man banking t3bavicbs will be availablk here a comploto rango 01 bonlurik services booauso this is the sito of a nety branch of a chartorad bank future customers will come hero to do all their banking because only in a chartered bank is lt possible for all banking to bttdono under one roof bach branch largo or small offers a full banking service from cashing a ohefjue to financing foreign trade kaok has a staff trained and eager to render the high standard of servioo that features chartered banking ln canada the chabtbrkabankr3ibkrvlmcfyotnft community 3