Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1962, p. 5

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offers prizes for safety pictures acton hib school for three ar and in 1ss3 tranilerred i karl hig rnll n tv a former acton leaclifr wu if your husband u one alan lurkneu and bis band j one of ten persona killed in a tup bnaxc who dmace the urn play for the dancing both kri plane crub in india x l r s roro uiu clara cnndle waa com rjto iste eu brio tiw to tin riviera xwm nkwi riay bijtbli tert dmnclrrtui ffls the rendezvous studjai in tor onto wiu dewoiialrau the uust aup during tbe chjtmpi0 hour feinting at 10 hues go i th too apt pupils so far the taraaulla the hrtlt wit daor ajuj the mora have iwo avraoustriud ad o doubt have ua ihowo la auay a living rocs by mum fcrtd dad to aurprlaed iwn age hlldrn blow tfa tuncing lfion uu leu than to hour it does rot irtuffjrr wlb thai who ar constat with tbir pmeot okay gang now lets do it pwuf jooei georgetown that way mlwot wltstall aimxiation pteiitiervl bill smith appear to be tell ng th group of georgetown ball r wl to revwm bar what thay law inside and try to pley lite thet in their regular teagua game the boy have juii w tneived an international league game berwwm toronto maple leaf and the richmond vrg n urn end pr or to that playrd ball on the diamond in maple leef sled um in the background the bg day for the minor leaguer we saturday auqui 1 1th fourth in a ser1is thinks province should set decentral pattern special to ttta herauj by alan mtpkarte one ef ike main uncarlainfiaa fuing tka onterle dvatepmnt attaclatiam li th vatt terrllery uparatlna tham cwtaquantly although they de vmhiin werii in promoting 1har awn cenwnunltlaa they mutt pariarca he hampered tn their cemmen a f torn te ith rural on tarte te industrial heiohtfr tea individually tkey are handicapped by what can enly he termad tuperlative pro- fnatunal cempalen rem matropatltan area a thewaht hat occurred that the association might hand toaethar budget wit for soma type ef editorial or brochure promotion embrec ina all the pttble aipantion taction o4 tha province that might be fraught with internal conflict considering the great number of com aun i lie which need an industrial thet in the arm lfa interesting to note how tho various associations hava reactod to a davatepmant areoram the mid weatern ontario branch for tome year carried en dlract mail tarvice mainly with united slatea industry advltlng them of various tarvlcas and encouraging tham to vilt j the region tn addition tho ooneral manager callad on protpecta in aaatorn and central united statea he part and parct i of mrtro i mrntionrd thr one aided rr wu an indication that indui com prill ion hrturrn the irv try would n arh out with land elopmeot associations as tep- donationa and grant uv new arate enhtira and the highly unurrntlca at thr reported development in ivtrrtmtrough truth is drrmtraliuition is out ready t second in go in jf to pro whluli 11 rv ultl wlio hj into action li thr province it tin training j i f r lto-4- ad i ft ttu tachool juudwistern ontario dunns the past two rars they put stronger emphasis on aaisunjr preeent industry to lo cate new products to manufac ture and new mexkris to tell the products uldweatern ontario did not corset that vital industry tour um last year 30 000 copies of an attractive folder were distnbu ted and in 1m2 forty thous end copies will go out through varioo information outlru at preeent the aasociation it readying an hcooomic and tea akbllily itudy a complete in venlory of the fourcounty reg ion thil will he a three year effort of decentralization general manager flmer corbel strat ford hat thli to say it would have a beneficial effect on the economy or the province ai a whole mr corbel admits that in duitry ao far prefera to locate in or adjacent to large popula tion concentration because of greater market potential and availability or large labour for ccs nevertheless he feels thru a positive decentralization thr me whereby industry would be scattered in areas of smaller population density hisny ad vantages would be found that would offset reasons for local lng in metro centres traffic congestion ha streued big city early morning traffic jama and week end vehicular congestion coincidental ly mr goobel keeps his sharpest rapier for a suggestion already covered in this seriea until he aaya our pro vincial government gives a lit tie more thought themselves to dec en ire ilia tion of their own ac tivltiei there is nat much arty one can do about legislating or imposing such a program business the highways dopt come in lorafiir ghateof criticism from the kitchener gait guelph area hot elm en- tell the association they pay taxes for the roads and now travel lers who used to luy overnight return to toronto the same day liter a business trip the general thesis tdtihujly written by the midwestern group abounds with general aptlmliflfhpi the future within tie next years they claim the whole territory as far west as stratford ant lon don will be ono urge lecond ry industrial area undoubtedly but how much of that space in 30 year will item and thnr med n ureal or rnlir t jii any other trgmrnt of i he j j j at j n third ha alut ltn ijojii ly oi thr ira iui k pr rni shi hi id vn hjt tin lrdi tan e dt vi hip ttuiuljriu it hai imm a d in in ttir ipj ren tirrvhip pr knm 1 1 uill be done at dit jmi tii i tvrhool trchnicil trj iun lci 1 hut what aluhit the h u h xil r1h maw mvils the fnot numrpi is thr ni 1 inimrrlant ami the ci u uhirh pro vi ire the rritri am ui t of training and ontribulid iojlr lo ihr dt rlomtii nt f hkillel inanpow er in tnla than all tha othar tchoels put toolhr uirr thr vocation j i or technical hlkh nchool 411 thr comprahantlva tpe o nrkamzaii m cf ntmur to provide tii qualits of the tech nical or tradt programs we dancing lessons a new feature at the riviera planeadi kills exacton teacher ym geobgctotow mtuu ihunit aimt tint 1m1 pace s by a t onto kfporta ti lb aicideol wre confusing will rarly reports twal paiunrra were safe aiui- ihe plane was miuung on a buhl from nepal lo new delnl tl ilallon farm ialel loo 1l wrlcaj waa found uttl u receinnj enlriea into a m bounlamoua area and all aide safety lompejmon for piwer were reported kill ilallon county johoit n nerl tnth anda of hornby rhairtnan of live counril 11 in charge of tile harris floral akaaeautklfts rhm 1vhv occassom owalew cut yuee woddij 1 huiri w h tat yiiw style of terpalrhore another infiovalioa at lb kiviers u the eabluhment of the crdit valley club which ipohiort th saturday night dinrinx ufmberahip in the rlub is romplelrly unretlnrtrd and isi comprtition ivitr tdony will be award od uf groups of uk colore 2x3 slides the iubjt mat er u in thr ratrgury o any or all of thr following farm arndeot baxards actual farm arrjdrnla rrsulta of farm er ad rnli and prevention of ac ndrals the rompetilluri is part of provincial competition ipon ii red by the rarm safety court ope to anyone over twenty one the duel are on dollar per p conduc year uesberahip u laol rm salet tunrl by rllmf in an application a llirou 0nllrl0 the door a procedure which f j reducing farm acridrnts lakes very mile limr while on knday oighls miu ora are wflcomr on saturdays f rt h f- heraute the club has a banquet owiltlltling voq license over twenty one has b iliitrj to be he rule the credit dllcs 11111313 vallry club streara it la not 1 an after bouee elub but simply a- iwimauag pool ituuu uo rlub for organized aorlal acliv duxupled vrdneday munuiii insurance travel walter t evans co triangle 72512 a miu stun saving your community for ovar 4t yar idea such as dlnnrrs danrea picnics or theatre partirs thr club president ts lira s alrorn vire prrsident urs ii llrlfant and secretary treaiur rr lira s llegrirom geared metro agrnries ritail ales affrfting csluration at the mo tie educational dlvrnifiration the anawer is selfevident aa a ample one twu j v tor how that metro toronto cap i h h urtml hudenl en lure 3h per rent of the proi j h vmee retail ale and lin are in onalno per cent of canada i h urh i allhounh toronto booklet i l- make much of salaries there ts only minute evidence that they override auhorbla the latest figures of 1001 is show an average income of i met of w boo sini htechnical education for the rest of the province iet examine some approxi i continued from page 4 mate figurea from outside me tro samla leada with 4 bflft fol lowed by sudbury with v 376 welland port colborne w 114 and oahawa ujoo 3 2 per cent in the 5 000 a 000 brack et the ratio swerves outside metro with 8 per cent against 10 per cent metro low salaries in one sphere of earnings metro gor ahead of the rest of the province that is the low income space under s3 000 per year to digress its axiomatic that almost everyone who projects theoretical platitudes on decen tratiution always uses and overmses a tingle word fut ur f everyone gazes upward at the roseate alcy of the future when hard facts that cannot be contradicted point right out to the present one isolated case ii illuatra live to a forceful degree the onl dept of education although the department does not dictate to universities it does consider grants andthui becomes part of the education al picture in relatively recent years we have witnessed the transform a tlon or what waa five higher seati of learning to 44 ant with many more on the draw lng boards all away from the metro area new c0llhghs trior to world war n there wis no lakohoad college of art no carlotoii college waterloo college no actual laurentlan university at surf bury durinirthatnr local industry and rmplmmrnl a school which will assist in duhtry to train it workers and will provide the opportunity for persons wio are in the labour force to develop occupational toronto there are 24 3fi0 competence ami keep abreast persons in the mora than 10 i tcch change 000 per salary bracket or 4 tni qnt of tnr mml m per cent the remainder of arms o ajco or ontario 57 1m works out lo trjinirib whloh canada has to face the numbers are large and the training needs are di verse the denmrxl ts more pressing and reuqircments will continue as long as we arc an industrial nation high school programs aithouch tllf secondary school is in the best position to provide decentralized vocation al training facilities it ii diffi cult to equip euch schools for broad basic training and at the lame time meet the needs of adults who require upgrading or updating training or retrain ing for different occupations there isa danger in decen trahzing vocational training institutions in theie caso they mutt of necessity be smaller and they usually provide train ing only for the occupationj re quiring the largest number of workers it may be difficult to deny any aohool atyatcm the opportunity to offer courses in the eontmpn tradu know it has done a good job in preparing fur office occupa tions can it do aa welt in tui ineia education what is us eon lr l tuition in the field of agric ullure in onr province where voca aional course at the secondary level were at onr lime an in legral part of the high whool program they have changed so that in recent yrars thry are considered as part of general education without any intention of bring a preparation for en try into occupational life continued neil week wtien an unidentified dog jum ped into the pool and went for a swim when lifeguard lyn person attempted to grab him he bit her hand in the chase he also bit date walker fears that thr dog might lie rabid hsvr spurred a hunt for the anlmil opin siason on mumtbrs last ihanksgiving al th- height of thr bunting aeaion a couple who live in a beautiful woodland area of new york state aked thnr four yearold son to say grace before the holiday dinner folding his hands and bowing hu head he prayed near lird plravr take rare of all the deer and lei thr liunten lhoot rich other ikjrt now to tuapora for a prof labia ond inlaraiting buuneis cojatr you w ii trvd ihot showsoccaia 1r ng v i opn doors quietly lo q ltlbf job b agar poy and a biluhlar lulur enrol now 1am ilfalatf iumcts of cowriltt dlrtoma couit e at ovig o itiolal cmtjrff hu hund o cut scikikal fiuirati ailni ajiuteua gilol oitk 1 u ntntj o ftocltpa coflpod iv ond tngl tx j4wf 114 iko ikuvl tnwi wj o fiviiai4 motwuw tj m y toyloat r tonal dlopmr shaw might school ufi 1014 yjjuj taa vtwttt iufl rrhwtinwo roc riiiom uu mtwidav uotaamas sruw uuhoyiuht lulilh ixrw ovwi al 9245771 shaw schools hmid ollic 55 oioiu st wit at bay specializing in dliclul lunch sandwich snxli f lc craim pi clc miimi jw if i k lol s air condiiontd for your comfori the snackette harold t may hulchlntan 10 main slrl s however there ia danger that in a deeentralixed voca tlonal ayatem tralnlnc for num erically amaller uecupatlonj may be llnorbd and further that a narrjow vocational offer- ins may luve unfortunate ffuld ance implicatlona and many fieldi of employment are ig nored standards jheware tevoul problem facing the province of ontario in the field of technical educi tlon first what ii to be done with the hundred of technical ami vocational high achoolf mirapcultirjvhoolrwtilohtiro b- nash and mcdowell piumdino and heating water softener water syttem repair t alterations tr 72842 ur hay hiltaoprilr aafa tinrnkirun7nv pmofopm- kahaetopemei wwe mi up iijrrhr mettum ontthlwav oowaf beaver ready mixed conctfle suffly tr73510 lanes transport bcu passclnlm52l i too well built for 4 vv dont think io l bata o liclicvc childicns sliocs should be ai well built ai adult shoes lhals why our golden rule line prowdts a genuine leather insole and lop grade leatlierluiwgfor foot health and foot c add overall construction exccliencctplustnultiplc fittings to sec why our joungslets will lead the fashion parade bad to school in golden rule available 111 black or biovvn only 99 ior suci ojjlo 12 s3 99 for sizes 2a to 3 42aarwarav golden rule jjiiify foreducated fit delrex market centre georgetown v 4

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