Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 30, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald 23 main strmm s gaorqatown ontario wcwhi vaget thukday august 30th 1962 editorial comment i dmvp tbe line at tit rk tisyi of sttbf ap proach liwe may b counlleu small buw- rvetirrwn who will y a rvew plan of live candiaq banks with toma miigiwmg w ere told that tha old 4ehcrw overdraft will b wipd out any businessmen wilt ttl you that an overdraft parmttad him to make a pay man t and rev tha bank honor it even though tufficiant caih may not have actually axis ld in tha account it was honorad on tha assumption caih returns in tha immadtata fiuture would cover it of course tha bankers of fa hve elt-h- native hai has always existed in obtaining loans by promiitory nota to covar the eb- tanca of tufficiant cash to carry on a but nii it it tafa to pradct that if tha system of overdrafts is automatically wipad out on seplember 1 thara will ba a flood of n s f cheques wi can only hopa the bank art will uia discretion m tha elimination of overdrafts a system that has existed for countless yeert in canadian bankt it does turn the bankt are introduc ing a number of changat probably part ally because of the increased volume and j advertising pays the following comment which wat dipped trom the kiwanis magazine end re printed in tha bulletin of the church of tlve comforter in toronto tays duz you oreft along with the tidei vel now it the time to cheer up if you want joy the trend is to breeze along 1o the church on sunday morning but too many woodbury their heads in a pillow end remain in bed or work to make their house sparkle forgetting that the lords day wat made for lestoil but when the lord it given first consideration a dove fricraated cqiw barjts are ho asking that all chaquwt be printed with a coda line acrwi the bottom thai will pmlt uctrohk sorting the procts named mwic ink qisrtctwf rcognlllort podixa line of pfuliar looking figur4prinldwitri a p- cial ink containing lion ox hie this line it magnetud in th sorting machlrw and the chqut are tofied into one of tevural pockets the buslnast man who utt prmtd chaquat it expacld to pay the cost of this new encoding system which is naturally more expansive man the prwioui printed chaquat it wat not long ago tjlther that tlva bankt discorvtinued supplying the spe cial watr marked bank paper for the print ing of cheques the cost of paper and the coat of the new electronic encoding have baen eddd to the cost of using prlrv 1d cheques there is no visible out to ell these things that are increasing the complexity of operating e business but undoubtedly increasing costs will always find their way to the contumert since profits in most small businesses seem already to hav been de pleted to a minimum level acton free pratt will never have fo tend an sos for you who put almighty god last trusting lux and who intend to mist church next sunday maybe somebody ought to dial you to remind you of the ivory palace up yonder this is not a tlmy babo worship it it intended to ad to your lifebuoy so next sunday drett up spic and span and dash to god t house then ea you sing praise to god you will get e wonderful klenzer for your soul editor t question how duz that make you feel mister clean dobbin neatly obsolete according to the latest figure from the bureau of statistics the horse it grad ually following the buggy into oblivion lett year centut shows dobbin number have dwindled to e mere 5v2o0o from well over 3000000 only 30 year ego or fo little more than e third what they were in 1951 and with the decrease comet a certain nostalgia for thing at may once were it it not to long ego that every family prided iftelf on a span of tleek heavy work horses and if the farm wat a large one it wat not uncommon to tea a double hitch for the heavier work in addition a singfe or pair of drivers stood ready in the barn for shopping trip to town ot church on sunday the advent of a new foal wat en anticipated blessing as wet his gangling frisklneit in the pastures later on a thing of pleasure and of beauty so much of canadat earlier yeart revolved around horse power that it is sometime difficult to believe that nobl beast hat been almost completely re placed by tractors end other heavy machin ery artist of that day and age painted the horse in ell manner of setting in ice tied racing escaping a forest fire drinking from troughs et the edge of a field end often to often e pair standing head to head under e tree tails swishing et flies end e hind lag relaxed thit wat perhaps the favorite tatting and rarely wid oe enter e home that one of that plcturet wat not on display rarely now doat one tea e horse at work in the fields and with their passing alto it patting a more tranquil time of humenenimal companionship today tha pony it kept at a pet the race horse it fine- bred for the track it will not be long be fore big hardworking docile dobbin it no longer fifth in a semis ontario northland is developing with amazing population increase spatial t tha hanu by alan mtphanon tha vast sprawling norrhwaitarn lectlorof ontario praid ovar 213000 tquara mllas or nearly 50 per cent of the area of the province it fait providing an antwar to whether suburban development it comparable to the electric paoa of metro the northland it lumping y being partially divorced by mileage from the envelopment of metro areas this tec- 1lonefuses to tubmll to negation end at a result thowt the most incredible andamax- ing expansion of many tactions in recent yean everuthe tiring statistics indicate optimum with a popujaton of 195529 in 1954 expected to reach 346000 by 1976 this of course includes keoora rainy river thunder bay and the twin cities of fort william port arthur geographically many parts of this widespread community are conildered remote jt u bordewdby hudsonsbay and jamas bay the state of minnesota and lake sup erior algoma and cochrane districts and the province of manitoba probably the north has natural advantages but the people displayed enough astute- nets for the exploitation of these and enough common teme to appraise the structural strength and weakness of their area u tit omhk u tweedlesoc and tweedlilegred range from 150000 to www 000 and thtn from 136 000 hydro to 000 000 meep rock lake iron ore they vary in tharactar from a 740000 yalca in port art tir to the firtj4 uiartnalalectnc 100 000 kilowatt plant of the ontario hydro at art william amcvrwf r first thfry ahow a first in chain etore development with can ada safeway traditionally bound to the west coming into fori arthur with a supermarket they also ahow mcljeod i ltdtsfrorn tha prairie provlnc sugar and spice by bill smiley what is technical education foumrw im utiu ayct kvj thar have lmb attawptj to i the future will be the beit 4 darolopvtryimill tampdfclte blsjst school wills ucbjutal eourtes cfferd in a general shop you tan be aura that thcta ptttgrutixs have done nothing to improve tha suadid of vote loul preparation at tha iw oudsry aebool level war ww are planning ao or ihia period we axa train ing oow for thou who will work in thiavriod are a toing it wu an w trauiag for what 1j to he or what baa been or what u ww for a u0uvt let uj think j at hlk huwj lmi back 40 ykit and dcqhfy soma tileuz 1 no uniformity of of the changes thit hiv ukea aundarda im k itrtdaits olliuire during that period tha technical high achoal rettr change in the uw of power aai througb all tha changtiiln iactricily elactroniri radar el cwphaui quality and purljfl propuulan the aeroplane pose a burnt of yechniril the turoeuin of euclear en shooli in cmftda have tmlnifrity uan made sjlellitw c uirwm high standards and have cling the globe although soma gained such status in their of uj may tfontinuiiy be is communities that there u keen orbit three astronauts have ra- ctiiqpetltion for entry into the turned ufiy schools and courses now if we look in the other with the change that u tilt direction forward have trig place tha naw progrbirt thit we u they king la the musical is being developed in ontario oklihomi one about u far tha new tourjej in akitth u wa csn go ewan in albarti in the usri in tpeaking or the future 1 t mrt i hr rv ry hope thi would like to submit two piece iherr it a new day ahead when oi tatatjcel vidtnr hint it the counn will rrach the oti ha hen rr ublv rrtimited thit jrclive 1 atetrd in my owning of all the acirntuu engineers irmarks about thr kinds of pro- tnd trrhnolfgitj that bsve ever ere mi for which frdrril aubt been in the history of tha nu ance may lie provided mm racr 75 art alive and i would likr to uy a further are working today secondly word about ktandardi the ie the world population today ur pirtment of ijbuur and embetweeo 2 000 million end plurn everywhere are inter 2s00 million the experts in eted in standard thry are thu field fonvait thaj in tha tntrmlrd in knowing what a neit 40 rari the population ot person who hu completed a th world will probably be piocraru of training can do 5 000 million and what he knowi tliey art of the 2 000 million who are u tercttrd in knowing how farialive tudi about one half are he la along toward full comp peasant lliey are poor people lence in the occupation for wratchlng a meagre living from which training has b rn given the soil and mrt making virtu- and what background he has for ally no deinaqdi upon the pro- further development and ducts of civilisation that u growth we nerd accurate and manufactured goods which are rejli tic standards at all levelijthe products of our industries and in all firldi thu means that tha total pro i hfurvk tilt rrqulreiuction resources of the whole ments for occupational compe world are catering lo tht needa ti nee at ati level are identi jof a little more than 1000 fiablr both in l rrru of lkiiumillion people which must he acquired on now if hy the year 1000 operations which one must be a i or in 40 years thert are able to perform and the trch 5 000 mil linn people and none rural knouledgr he mutt have ol thrm we hope will be peas- progress touanl levcli ofanls for we are not allowing pale warnlne this ealumr v find the strength to put on ii il is oaintf fa ba abaut hia ahura and he can dcvelopjcomprtrnce can be compared miluation to trow in its own a buildtrtl twoatores at fort my ut hln was a complete mental work about to moving up an inclined plane scrt wa the great power uilliam and dryden yaorthe fence he started painlingj or to winding jour way uplof the world are competing to theeea lakebead colleffe at bur v f sihlne i wteka ago and neer fin in one of the new parking gar ice which can get to the under xrl trihur uivnrtn nh h areund llitanlr t other pr hed uces at t annua places on developed countriea first with 0u000 asjdent school for h lhr jncln p th p mftsl i rf vt r 1 clever and talanled fhlldrarv hes an lw sludaeil at there should be platraus rrm our problem of the future li inaian pupiu at con rrairo t ijbj mllm kkw jf n the ing placei or leveli a here in t not going to be can we find a shirt ha teak aff last night ha dntinatile progress achieve niarki t fur the goods produced can play a clarinet but ha merit or accomplishment could by the world but how can we in the foreaeejble future achoola are planned for ken i bacama fad up new veuii find m right in thara with tha ore dryden and geraldton an l behm them trvlnq alrpok for tha lakehead tv canadian broadcasting torpor h p0 ation lelecting aatellrta stations lw 0w l falsa nwusry to sarve five communities a i toooooo hoapkal in geraldton i ftrcn ean ago this week and from calgary huiky oil m la moth co planning large ecele motel a lap in hia hare feet look and reataurant centra llk iatur wlmlon how doa all this happen p h the hriilth uorld and waiting for astutii evminft to bbld wkli the uorthtoat ejocounrged and basically aua stained iteelf by tbe intrioata fabric of primary tnduatriee foreet ptofata god mining with traoaparutloa end totirum contrihutliig aubatantlgl aupport hi twejst yjmiwt todkastrre of the potential of value of inenifectisrjrig produc- tion today in tha neighbor hood of wm000000 when we uulyee praatat development and pwpoaad fu ture drvjopment witbln tha provloce we muat place norbh- weaterti ontario in tha fore- grourwl both for aggreealve forward atapa taken despite telle tenhttrial cumdvanugea andy6rttrmtlealhoh6p progra jj eirpanaion regard lew t all tha awelnaplrlng propaganda about uetro war- keti why doat thu aacfjoti atud out bacauae it haa eotttplete lalth in ite reaourcea and beeauad it thloki poaiuvft here are aoma dlfeatlve facta about major project now undar- way in norunveafcarti ontario tbey humber si in all and in no email degree can cilucne of that section thank tha northwestern area deel opment association and i am indebted to general manager alexander phi 111 pi for a moat comprehensive coverage of all phasee of development this u one of the most wide awake troupe in ontario and they leave no promotional atone unturned to better their com muiilty with thtlr budgat they man agad a jbmlnutt documentary 16 mm film in sound and color attracting ell to ontarios great northwest thla film found ite way to an j3ngllsh network to he viewed jy s3 000 000 persons six prirtt have been available and are being shown across every cc tion of canada hollywood touch monthly progress reports on regional projects covering ev erythlng from industry to bridge building and highway construction are published reg ularly in a waatern canada bus ineae magailne monthly newt bulletins in form 500 dutrlct public ind bus i noes institutions federal government departments and industrial promotion commit loners in the united states and overaeaa of the lakehead picture more than 25000 worda of factual material written by tha association gete published every year it was the northwestern ar ea ataoclatlon that came up with the suggestion to prime minister dlefanbakar that queen elizabeth and prince philip continue their voyago aboard the yacht britannia througb he great lalcea deop waterway to tha lakehead af tar opening tbe st lawrence waterway tliis forcefully and rightly mphaaued the significance of a aea lane to tha very heart of the north american continent not neceaatrily terminating at toronto the association submitted a 25000 word report to the gor don royal commiaaiqit en cm adaa oonomk proepecti mhi0hy hayis moat important members of tbe aaaoditlon took prompt and vlgoroua action a gain at a 20 pes bent freight rate in crease clamped on three opor- continued on page 7 aume more of those goodies that cam every three hours rlom new hes sltllna in the living ream in ms bare feat at tha plana alttrnetln batwaen chepln masurbas and aiuaa in tha night the lard alaae knew what la sjelni thru hia mind but 111 bat anything that within m minutes ha will in tha kitchen leaking fee tamethlng te eat food is almost a religion at that age their moat familiar pose la standing with tha refrl gcrator door open gailng into the interior with the rapt look of a lluddhibt priest at hia pre yer wheel all that grub teems te bear fruit in the last year hes grown abaut a feat the thees re suddenly pinching kit taaa tha t routers yeu bought last saturday are halfway te hia kiiaaa hugh is an odd kid in some waa but ahow me a 15year old u ho isn t odd in some ways and i 11 show ou a freak like most bos lies a confusing combination of opposltes sulks and aunnyness selfishness and thou ghlfuln pm couardlec and courage in my prejudiced op inion the virtues heavily out weigh the other k la hes as stubborn aa a mule whan ha thinks ha right just ilka hi mam or he can ba the easiest parson in the- werld te get along with me can give yau a look e surly yau can scarcely keep eur hands efr him or he can malt yeu with tha mast charming and disarming ami i a any bey ever produced he can lit and discuss com muniat ohlntf intelligently but dont send him to the etore to buy four pork ohopaanda loaf of bread holl come home with eight lamb chops end a bag of buns he can memorise e beetho ven sonata but dont ask him where his gym shorts are or when hit weed collectlen la due or what day it is er what time the party starts he doesnt re member he can workfrom seven in be morning to 10 at night on hu mualfl mt school work without complaint but when summer arrive he can scarce cant gat the lawnmswar star tad in short he s right tn the middle of that bewildering ex perienre known aa adolescence when tha bod is undercolng chemical and physical reolu lions and the mind is groping through the nomanaland be tween the cool sanit of cftild hood and the confined fever of young manhood hawevee eur tan u taking it with remarkable calm i must say in fact hes te calm that he can slaap until nean wlthsut moving e muscle if hes net called i don t pretend to understand him but wc like each other pretty well which la more im porta nl the chief difference between him and other boys of the same age la that he is my son and i would not trade him for eight million dollars hit alwth talor and the last 20 years of my life returned sing ly or together 6h i almost ferget my brag- yhe kid triad e music evam in june grade 10 plane the results have baen coming in ever tinea he obtained tha highest mark in the province ha wen twe cash scholarships and admission te a special schml ef music his mother nearly went out of her head when aifkexl hnw he frets about it all hugh re plies pretty good i guess with a imall grin be marked the atttalnment at these levels struld be recojniied by suit able certification perhaps there should be plateaus or retting piacra or levels below full oc cupational competence or jour neman status where those uho uo not wish to proceed to ad ancrd levels find recognition for their achievement standard have been given a great deal of attention in prac ically all indutnalurd coun trie of the world the u k has standards at the craftsman 1 species there are approximately 130 different kinds of trees in can ada ranging from the southern hardwoods in ontario to the northern coniferous species ac ross canada georgetown herald published by heme newspspert limited georgetown ontario walter c blah publisher garfield mccllvrey production superintendent office staff terry harley aileen bradley news editor accountant hyde parker 1 advertising manager leslie clarie dave hasting bob baskervule mylea gllson bob uecartbur member of tha canadian weekly news pa pew association and the ontario association produce enough goods for s 000 million people in the next 40 vrars en at thu moment telen tills are at work discovering and producing things at a rate the world has never known be- ore many of the machines s and processes we use today u ill be as obsolete s the horse and buggy in a lot less than the 40 ears of which i speak the automobile as we know it will be among them the future of which i speak holds a tremendous challenge and the technician level si or education particularly m ha sweden and holland and the field of technical and vocat- grrmany and japan in can ada it is only in the apprent lcrhip program that meant have been established for in di ntifing full occupational competence this mattrn ok standard u one in uhich much remains be done i am sorry to have to say that it appears to be much more difficult to gtt co operative action and agreement in thu important mattir from dtpartmmt of 1- duration and euucators than from d part ments of labour i wonder wh should federal ssmstsnce be limited to schoou that are ac credited and vvhoe programs do meet certain canadian or nat on w ide or inter prov inclal standards before concludinc my remarks i want to look in a different direction we have looked at what has been what is and perhaps what is nrrded at the moment jtut suppose we look a little farther ahead whof of the future where i the future is it tomorrow next uctk is it 10b4 suppose wc look ahead 40 years let us tet the limit at the year 2000 and regard that lonal education kducational productivity must itself be 1m- prm ed in keeping with the vperd of advances in other fn ms f1htcator5 themselves must learn how to impart to their students more knowledge in kss time teaching methods will have to be revised espeo lull in the field of science and technology teachers today are faced for the first lime in history with a very real problem they know what they are teaching their students in the field of science nd technology will likely be old fashioned in a decade or uo and outdated shortly there- after a realistic appraisal of the achievements of modern tech nology and the prospects for the future emphasize the im portance of utilising fully the intellectual resources and skills of our people the impact of technological chankr upon education and training is so clear that it seems unnecessary to elaborate further about the need for high er levels of technical know ledge and scientific skill merry menagerie by walt dlttwy m a ii mlsiun jiuij ituifei taiwaeisii

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