Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1962, p. 1

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for fine printing a cwuni sswvtf rob aw mnm s oiaiajlll georgetown herald telephone tr 7220 til yaaoi t i m wary t bary jam tawlwaa oast iwwuy sti isa 1942 usmigm riau s400 aw tn saaaaw cry ma yea i at tjex tj m- ivtrr jones pboto vase the cause of appreciative pause mayor doug sargent and liberal figurehead john wintermeyer cast adm ring yi l thu sbs product mayor sargent of courts 1r1 m the well planned smith stone display had more than a detached two thousand view industrial wares show wintermeyer harley here for official opening over two thousand visitors saw georgetown s first tn had introduced him the liberal leader or ontario then cul the ribbon officially opening the exhibition seek senior advice before land release seek school space for ymca activities if rfwt m4i te ike iuiiimm car ttiroa keur every rssuu auk l4il ky fecal saturday mtunmtf to thai tka vmca satd vwca etfuui i p may u auuruud la tkr wiu k v pre- ha rit of tka public ukeel thm tk-pe- kre ski 111 to children a spokesman al e t ug of tka stkj ttrf tkey kepa avantuelly luord wuuy um ike y ulud kibk uhwun but can mkd ur space a c kan- only preceod gradually at irv kjy kuu uk en koward slrixle- era train i wrwuwk fokju uk i tka reu recm will for wkufc vjlnw cskiwaw wilt ckapel it school 7th and ilh at tka arwu rose ream grader and tha ioof hall lor too hall will enable park ta bu a pera tar tke whtw public utiul grades u iitiun t i jm r l nun frre-ue- ttir am j tn un n v rh imnrth vk kd uu it wool j meet n hani u m hi u wlurh ha with v rvaalaar fa discuss i n itnunl n m i mi i i111i 4 mhr at tka nait moat t cumin v l re tiicium uf tkat will k october 3rd ih hiijinnt slud- from rh i in the program fur ihis a in vt h ol ih nit hi inn kroup the lwa under i in umi i nutri i itir inurd i ence of an adult eumimtif tin ruminv i r tin jurii would include guidance craft- iransf i mr jml l lairs until aprakrrt uch i the itrt rrjmu iid mr anil mrs c a martin county warden council asks dma if benefit to town council on monday dectdad to ik tdvee from tf depl of municipal affairs bfoe signing any grm6fli for the release of more residential building land in town an ellolt barrager ntotion calling for thu and asking th departments o nion wliether an agreement would b good for the town financially and ottverwiie carried on a 7 2 vote while an amendment which wtuld invite dfiarl ment fepfeonll ve to attend a council committee meelin at which a new agreement w ih delrex development will he discused found only ore councillor opposed the motion came after anotherin a series of council meet ngs at wh ch ratepayers fiad commented on tfve pend ing land release following councils eiuov to offer delrex lerm to new co tract oatrad it charles ii john content rrn dt rr jctldil llruri llarli n ii n mini lrli4ii dm i he 1 mr n at ml unci anil harn t run on at any timr mare manaa clallltk lj mk jii milli vjrt t bv i jiii hxl h mil 1 chief atd police rhirf tliulriat tuur when ihry 1 4 be arrancird and wcondjr fc sports such j dtxi hall cru iijncr tn ilivil p a mhuul l nd crane cursmni coniru j ji etc hi txurd i kric rhinn m itrampi 1 1 1 it i h ymca uull mjjnri th uit nu im f tul 1 while thr iiru uuuld te dir ulhi r j i r tti xled by four iotji hth irtm t a p ohlun inn ctrl who look thr y tiainuu th hiu ih l course at camp this lunum r cili i ihr im i ur ilii carroll rarnell it urkinnm f ih u urn iixi jajce llund e and shirlr the ru n r h11 r ixwu the oruaniiatiun hn pupils h it ii 1 thi h to eventually train lwrlvr kirli buildup bun 111 i in 1rn11 id twehr bo at leader ropuvrd iiu mi thr i th sirlt of course uould irm mi uld ml lir thcrr h be much the same as the txi whin a 1 irer pircil but would include puppet malt hrjonri sjrt nt ltd hi mc writing play script and ihms becamr tanklid slaclns chrtslmai puppet low it would alio include an mim sandra iillwrt was add f4ct ill is millnn vkhii ujs rhiivin ward n l disrupting ottji r roueicilj j uf hjltun count fur ihr i1 kuine and iiti lid r jure u iijcj jt week the p- i r cumniiiit bi luiiilrd piiinimrnt was nrn sr follow hin iihk mmilli in in stillin ruh of wrdi 1 idor mlmtl sjiii hi it hp f school enrolment doubles mrneilly slresrd that inwn nnut hae a hijrher liinirnr or hirhcr taxes an i frcls ihr new atcreemenl will thai more houses w i pjy their way lie cliiuird hut 1 pponents have stalled artion but produced nulhinc construe ne s an allrnahve and that thr rounnl should mar haste to a r had rt lhini rillin and ovir itjntr come tuit publicit to ot nuncil has maile a proposal j a change at this uld make members businessmen he u the h n id ool populrtl on oeorrjelown hai doubled tt c lil two yeflrs rtxords f un 1 show there were 434 student kipftril aitrnding ghs two years ago latest figures from this falls registrat on points to a total still hemmerlna mr in thankinc the speaker dustnal ehbon and ccord lo xhblors 1 least lwc 11 l nm- i i j i ii l induitnal commission thirds of them said in amazement i ddn i know all thesel mrnlrd a 4 30 the hammer things were made in geogeiown thus fulfilling one of the inj w11 11 so on 1 didn t purposes of the exhibition according to councillor rex cockl think wed make it end mayor sargent both of whom stated during the opening with err at aplomb iitt e ceremonies that it was hoped to acquaint the citizens with the paul sargrnl presented mr diversification of local industry winlerneyer with flowera for educational projraaa and of ed to the teaehtn staff at ti of approximately course firll iport nicetint she will he in the 860 this year tke al v haa als asitad primary win at howard wrig i public schools are teaching lar tu el tka mti ukl v- klesairth public school about 100 more children this year bringing the number of jto eject mr ixlls thr ratepay pup is to iusi under 2100 jrr asktvt if a charc was lcinc breakdown ts as follows har i uid xnsuerid in thr nikatiie rson 610 wngglesworth h- thn askiif j a ralepa 428 chapel 5t 339 park ur hi is inhtbd to sit and 303 kennedy 409 llsun lo the rist of th meet j holy cross school has 496 pupils registered to date last the ni4 or thi 11 ruled thjl y there were 436 he could provided he nude nol tola enrolment in george i mure comment town schools 3 450 ask police eject council speaker r of hqui tnlin hiv inuvi im4ut autuvt j4 riuihiripjl afliri mminti r rrcrnlly offi rrd mich is its an opportunity advica from anncial exports t jielir rather than having councillor inr w wh have bin karo only aiekt seem liki p month making daemon en mid i such an important matter ti amendment create a ho stated comlition where the minority cr rtrd harrison jid tie iv ruling the majority he thr mnvi hut prtssol aid angrily 1 ve no object- amrndiih nt lo hjn 4 ion to anone looking into the fat decision bnnijbt lo thi lrpa we have taken but to committee mcctinc from the turn bark now on a decision government proves that our town is beinj otherwise 1 term this a de run by a minority of counci layins action and 1 wont vote cr immaetaai ielj paynsant for it he raid kk ukii svwu by tw cr hirrismi later voted for daleen r la aasa padnt k the amendment which aftrr a ww uwa akacbw arvj d couple of revisions riffled bypoty raava hunksr uu ka kw instmctlns the tuwn iolictorflj t far bylaw 4s is and auditor and any councillorijlvlno that industrial land who wish to deliver neceary sail at 1s00 an acre paper work tn queen park fcr but tka price it now uiou scrutiny itut tie voted acairutl cr barrajer said department the mayor relints for com good pfiomisi mere and mora paeple in hit remarks preceding the ribbon cutting ontario liberal leader john wintermeyer stated we must face up to the fact we need more and more people to consume our products right here al home he fell secondary industry it and always will be the backboneof ontario s economy oolt confidante l ju p 9 fioms lo the community demon he paid tribute to the men ilratinj their advantages with responsible for the exhibition they are obviously proud of their community and cons eioui of an opportunity to sell it courase ingenuity and quiet confidence with wry humour he conclu ded saying i ahouid he happy to return another year in a ca mr wintermeyer sue celled pa city other than leader of the talhat attracting industry was opposition assisted by dr not an easy task but one of harry harley up hallon who ask judge investigate local municipal affairs council takes further action for the second time in as many weeks council followed a closed commilteeof the whole meeting last wodncsday with an unannounced short council meeting to confirm dec i juoni discussed by the commit lee tha 7 45 pm meeting which lasted only long enough lo pass three motions without comment followed a 6 p m committee gathering where further discussion took place about the town works department the previous week pouncil had suspended works superintendent geoffrey ft an qwnfqfgnifl george rowe pe nding furth in js ligation hi wife and with equal difi nity heather harrison premnled the mayors wife mrs u d sargent with a hooqurt in addition to many indu inaliits from outside tne town other distinguished guesk in attendance were itrure ueer mp for peel maor owen mul lin of burlington warden carl martin of halton k l jones industrial lsei lopment branch of the provincial government i- s campbell chief of the products uesearch division and mr it ilon eneral mana ger of the toronto i ml us trial com mi m on hopi that anything ratepayer might sjv at the meeting would not be of the type which could be misconstrued the industrial kxhihition gave us the type of publicity we should he striving for he id what council did namink gets taxi permit permission to operate a taxi business from hli home wu granted monday by council to peter namink 17 kwing st mr namink explained to the council that he la buying the arc taxi businesa from mrs william braisby cawsau dokalad tha clause wint irweitlgallon with reeve john uliolt ar minted secretary the meeting endorsed three motions one was to ask county judge george elliott qc to inves tigate certain af fairs of the municipality the icope of the tnveiugatlon to be tietermlniv ti lauutjiaie auouier mtrtlon relttbtkted hi bllfih as works super inlen- jjend tsendlntf reaulti of the judges inveatlgatlott the third was to terminate ur howes services immediate ly wllb weeks pay in ileu tv bbuce ma comment all motions were voted upon without comment al votes were unanimous other than the relnatatement of mr blijjh which was opposed by reeve elliott at mondays council meeting mayor 1 sargent told a large at tendance of ratepayers at the council meeting that any dis cussion on the matter would he out of order tteterrtng to this and to the oontroveirsla dalrex agreement he decried had publicity the town has received in the toron to preai and expressed the the orifiinal motion as he fell the amendment covered thr ground adequatelv cr bob mcneilly opposed both motion and amendment i resent that 8 month in ference he sail some conn clllors have been- kere fcr ef tne tonlna bylaw which while specifying ceiikln kusl nessas which can be carried an from a residential area heme dees net mention e taxi busi ness a majority fait the would be no objection to ttxh a business but cr bob mc neilly eppood rke licence nay ina council hu already had complaint about a similar bual nets in another part of town and that the town pets no bust nasi taxes from such an oper ation the latter rf ti mt u ted by mayor sargent taxi bu slneues do pay business tax he pointed out j when calqon was added to the town water supply some time ago to overcome an iron fungus growth which was plugging walerlmes council had no idea that it was es tablishmg two precedents but the calgon led to the a imoi expulsion of a rate payer from monday s meel- ia when mayor sargent cal led sgl bilsborrow and cst rollins to eiect robert letts when the latter refused to sit down when he was ruled out of order by the mayor asked for rebate it happened this wav borne time ago mr letts aak ed council for rebate of a wa ter overcharge which he claim ed was cawed wheif he ran laps at the leorvctown conval escent home on main street n to clear up dirty water last week the water commit tee refused a rebate and not fied mr utti by mail that the disturbance wa beyond con iroter thetown monday mr letts demanded le knew whs had moved end te d the refusal at tha water committee meetlnej and asked if the matter was beyond the towns control whose centre ii was under the nursing home is operated by the letts tor joxtm in vestments he said and he thought the refusal indicated kplte work if its spile ajrainst me do not take it out on my com- pany he said ear her- when hetold by the mayor that council would isf happy to hear him but would hot enter into a discussion with a ratepayer ur letts charged that this had been done for another ratepayer at liif weeks meeting end he wanted the tame prtlvlege when mr letts continued speaking after he was told by mayor sargent that his com plaint had been carefully con sltlei0 and that the water jcommittee had exercised good jddgment in hli opinion the mayors asked acting cleric a c mobrlde lo call a pqllce offi cer whert cst rollins was asked wcifc nvicc would come from a croup of lawyer rather than man and he doubt that one man coming to a committee meeting could give adequate help cr brown claimed that earl r thi year the department had told council that more in dustry is georgetown onlv solution hut no one has told the town how to get it a new agrement 11 a genu ine attempt to follow this ad vice he said cr cook objected lo inslnu atioiu which he termed a dirty way of proceeding and said he had nothing lo fear about any decision he has made on council matter cr harrison said he has been accused of changing aides he cause he had opposed land re lease previously on no side 1 ve never been on any side i think a new agreement ellm inates the reasons i was ag ainst it he said the councillor said council har done nothing but engage in personalities this year and ho has heard that the money ikijs are sitting back hoping for a bankruptcy so they can buy out a developer at ten cents on the dollar i thought wo were trying fotetoeorgetewn on-ha- feel and 1 m not going to be influ enced by phone calls th reals or attempted blackmail he said mayor sargent said the an- nee1 to queenn park could provide some air clearing for a question which has been ground inlo the earth by various people using various methods he expressed surprise that no formal notice has come to the town about this new govern ment department h wouldnt surprise ma if typuafreltfll ilntry- paler jonas ibolo main street islands populated lovfry sharon armstrono wlfsol prominoni junior chamber o commorco isnt taking up rosidonco on this multif lowered main street island allnpuqli such an addition wouldnt be opposedby downtown drivers what mrs a is doing among the ponlunias is promoting the jaycees annual jamaica night which will be coming up this fall and speaking of the junior chamber nt week is jaycee week in georget6wit w 01 aoraaabla la leaking advice ha slid the mayor said some of the towns trouble stem from not imposing controls in land re lease earlx enoush and he had been advocating action ion be fore any controls were ittinotad j dont think all our dele cations have been anontaieous andlthliik if ratepayer would realise that council is only working for corgelovh gtmtt there would be leas vindictive ness he slated mm

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