Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1962, p. 13

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at the ex vmw show sewer water tilities to board ai- ii product familiar but not the technique was the theme of the induttnal ex tinea mot local tat knew basically what want on tx w3v tw had rr eyet opanocj by tha actual finished product in it t- cin of tlia herald t wi wriiwtunt but m rvrv everybody of courta wi am i ar w th the r weekly v i on t ut all utncojm lor bob mne my mpp john w nt rmeyer mp harry harley and induifr al corrii met ad ritald at the booth cwilattttoww locabteson television limihousi limehouse couple silver anniversary the georgetown herald thurtday laptember 13th 1943 rgl 13 patter riu on stii darvlbs stone our local sunday al the home of mr s s n mr and ln a c ton wrr bonourrd abd tfca bwbd flayed 6 nd ori fcnd m u wu tbe ahoa quterii bbd add key played upstair bov tbe ws- tw place f tba north halloa urba board uil wednesday tba urban board tmabn cooipvud with tbee furiouajy nuini tbu voir uul kill ut tbe tousle tttatkd uy were abautifif if wa ww toteting du bu only uo tuut but eirlicr tour i aaioi i a tsd wele unlitw look up two bourv lias at tbe rcw of lb bod jvry atiduim prkidat of tbe kah luhad htitdj cbild rtt a aiuicifclu appeared to explain lb ftninrul urueiure of tbe suflahia bcbool the r tut v irora a revolution paated by tba hoard asking tbe provinr fur tba suae grant toward uldd cblur- l school aa toward public whoola in rp y ur j reatt of tha dept of ldurauon clai ucd tba grants war tba ume f ed w add 0wj that ihu 2ft claim ia b corrbcl bow ve j ever lb eou of educating a j j jj retarded bud ar o much jl i greater than ihit of the so- railed normal child uung milton fitfuret be taid the eut of educating a public urbool child it uw of lhi amount thr prtince paid 117 and millon 1173 in cn trait be continued tha coat of educating a frlarded child it is1 h ihlt amount thr province paid 250 and the re tardrd association 1277 ha alt platj out that the peter joins 1boto pum whooj teachert aalarie imr child is ub3 while tea chinj the retarded i salary per child u 3q3 not hecau the i nd tliova factory littrr it paid more or even a aga n a mattt r of much but became on y a few tlxne oparat or i retarded children ran be hind harmanrax cock one teacher i ttie tery large coat of trtn iportation wn another factor according to 11 r adduon one hundred and ninrty tti mi let per day are covered trampor ling the 1 pupil of sunshine ur tin returned school kv afr a ucfk t i wilioti school for ret hrr home here irdd have to ralvc 0 per cent vilin art kitting into full u jran t h w h liday at of tba cg4ul met rf g t acbooj betor bau eildbla tor a w pr cent grant municipal itlea unlit eootribou u toucb or mot tfea tkbey do to eum tfiury acbools v w biw ta go to tba popl wiu raffua bak uw v duieea b con eluded hmtj cbalrtami kyoraun tvarce af milton umkpicd uji ata- ytki ajra fcuriinjt tbed tbit hiiniuipeluw pay lb uue pcwktmgi o eotu ai tbey do pobuc tcbook rath er than lli tame ajhounl unce tbe coitt ar hiw ur addi wa no4ktd bt arefaent a le4er will be wnt tocher municipal tie wbo received tbe oriior ipt of kducation ivp y euclimjiijf tbe fliiurek hbowa t ur adjiuu arycrhoom bowliit at ci it- 1 j 117 211 1vj 103 100 1b3 05 1 240 2m barnesoneill wedding in pofi credit church bitbtlk alult qlrftr iul mklehlat kttsiori nu yrjll tod cordus kuii d td corujif cixim smpumbmr vb far twirl l lil touuiajj ill lkkviw united luvinz fw a two ml koiu cnurtli ert orjil bdty li ux uugku j ur and un jslia oncul ef port credit vd cofdca u tb uia on uxir return ut iiuj key 11 ruud hsv1uy mutie dunra tba cioay i irwj provided by lira n 4itbi at tb wean and un joy l 7 tb wa f kayuditai aiajiog o ivrfct fa geogetown norval kiua ji prwiford special guetu tba bridal owo wu of vbil w lh brl iun ulk faille triuiwed with al l mr d mr t snit- loped wjui11 at tbe nevk eijlel lh m k j sjhj feafuruig luaji pouitid i ilviw tbe very full anklelhuav driva winnifcw uiigtb tkirl ai accented byj r nnefs thiw rotrttj aparklink with a intiklrial kftitf tequiru and fru dropped ml ou jow taa cfcr iht fluu sjurer cbnt uldrn 7 kwl keather uar hyd i atiies mjud nurric jui llrrna vurlmic wcbvttr halu u hrr usrj lutley ool cat jean stamp jteatniki mona urdonald georgetler iiiry petto country cousin mar spire 2 uuuntalneen helen 2rslr u hlftb avraa it mice mm oi id hrik omrn ijir trtlle alter llutrhiton uars spirrs jran stintp l llwiu timpinn hlfib tflaj ilfmlre 1unoml hria olden laura tnulr high siale lura trrhlr chrli oi ten alter hutrhiwtn and audrey martin hlh trlftte wltb haadlcaat uernice nond c51 hru golden 634 uauri treble 00 hlatt tlnale wifh handuaa audrey martin 2m 1jura treble 250 rene cau 24fl to tba fcoutbern uauwt tba brid ebo a vutt in angl wbil tetaaud by rd aecea- onea and a eorue of rd rouj btly below the waul at the bark tbra tur vetl she wore a rruwn of pearli tipped with rrytta icunng u three tier veil in elbow length she earned a cue ad irmj fjurt of deep pink ruvfii milrlry montgomery of tor onto wat maid of honour far hrr routin dreued in a coquet r blue iheath with iimktrl in bouffant ayle matching tboe and cryital jewellery she carried a circular bouqurt of ditte mum with blue corn rowrra rndetmaids were uiu barbara pearcey of cookaville and mrs donno o still the bride a attler in law of street villr they were d retted idrn lically with he maid of honour ronnie o neill tha bride a niece from slraeuvllle was flower girl dreated in coquette blue trimmed with white lace handy barnes of norval wai tin brothers groom man uth en were the bride s brother allan o nnll of slreeuville ana the groom a brother hodge barnes of norval the yellow briar inn in bra mplon wat the letting for thr reception mrs o null recrtv ed luewta wearing a blua pop lin dreta while feathrr hat white gloves and thoet and a cortege of pjnlt roaea ralait imr tkajh du uir bit itwui tba udttttul enhdill by tunatuf as whub wr dawa frvary baur during fri day hubt and saturday tka lucky 4va ware uur aalle hwih heather pllw barnard wiuai jcdi ur fcvl jakji hat dan cwil maa j huettviile alic wlltei ur k tcina mrs c uayaa du tvuual- bruaa uuttap philip bimm- ly rabwt law an tuf haeruaa ua a spaua jaka evant ran archer me bruce harley peter wrioht mra h fubarina mitt diana tckwvk barry hamillan mr j miswau j wamvta r baluntlfia end ricky chaplin of celwfca st who wan tba ratard cabinet donated by sunthlna furn lure flnltb- art an axnlbller in add it ten to the mar ckante a ward af ptlte o fa be ttuaulana wha helped t make tba event ta pleas ant the cerietown girl a pipe band rbe cerelwi citltana fnd directed by art hllllerd and eranltts paul barter fcitpji una and bar rued sbrubaaja herald ads the best for a real return on you the gtoom s mother mrs small ftnancial outb ou cant bar net wore a tope tatin drets beat a herald cuvjfird ad ate wnti a our trie smith ueiton when the vnasai screra ihit pin week fulr r githen 1 f a ou-tim- 11 kltrhenrr ar nrr to celihratc iht tr ijt miss carol i hfth annlvmar wha acted ai her model i n mr t mark vrtlle in cuelph hh in n 1 rd ai d fjmil r a few dat latt wr k i a stua slow d d portrait j jrnrttrn pr ufab w bee part of pubhcit wilh hrr daughter mm fifat tb carcetod artt and albert seutrl at rurf rd uhrre ctaaa aau eihibit and tale l ntvt hhy daughter wu l saturday at kim trr mr and mr matt baur from victoria harbour vimt rrr rntl uith thr r fami in oeorgetoun and rallinafad wrrk end home of v t r nrr thr and thu eek at thi nnme on i mr and mrs a llitnea wrre ruraa m slrne bat appear rally day will be obrnd mr 4 teeuan seeral timet t tjmrhouke prrihtrnan ch tew tw jiasl few earv bu urc on s pt 16th and s in lay bt u carols fim apnea ance school will retumr the follow taw bite thrilled with inb sun at 10 45 am i lift himrt and daughter heather from thtitlctown mr cooper hint michigan and mist haiti uiuon of gilt tfc aamectc b tbe new six room tch ol at ifr l tattarvon of toronto j 1 imrhoutc opened on srpt 4 ur 4s4 urv eric bunt and with six regular and one par tttea fas erc of scarborough itlme teachers after an ad rf ton nto after meeting srv eril old acfjuairitanc v thry v tiled the grave of her father and mother in the cemetery mr and mrs robert warne nt acton attended church ter ice hen on suhda morning nrttl with them were a daugs rr of ihc lale dithop warne ukaej the grantt on rri iditional twenty eight added mrv j npr hrr daughter ipy lira pa trron who re- fom stewart town the enroll iri i nt i frr tbe veekend re men it more than to hundred tanaoi ta brr btme on monday j visitors 5v 4 c murray opened bar mr and mn hling dcrt here tevda evening sep- nd children of calgary and mr ik when member of ola rrrg of toronto wrre himc p had three vrry a juiah cbarrh guild met for holiday with their parent s icfp dat with their rt bar tw bni fall meetine wiiaand grandfather mr hardy lf booth al milton rec lurk supper a good crib at thr lram thehera na4t f tl arranged on i mr and mrs mithrr enter i tbe balhnafad scout jrfviv decanted tble was en tamed about forty fnendi oi tr0lip wcre on hand on itfj we all iiretent sunday jo celebrate jhcirdau fr t0 aisnt in various ways la tbe abflewc of the preti urv c grant was awwflrd ta jvrevldc variout wktwut at vtuinet were- discus aau hie aaember worked rallma a iltjajrn ta be on kale at a aattoaj bauar to be held ct anmal tbe flrt saturday te maaptaaber w fee elder julie a recent engage mrnt to jaik vation of nramp- hon wi will mark ith il tenth anniversary the cubs pack started their meetings for the season on wcdnrirtay night and the scouts enjoyed a weekend camping trip to wasaga beach ai their opening session regular meet ings to commence thursday of this week mr splece accomp anted the assistant scout mas ter mr hud snow and ihe bos 1wej4ay vcmn september i rallinafad women a inditute on the weekend mllmbec tbe bauar quilt will met on wednesday the 3led a vote of thanks september 5 w wausend mrs murray and a aaiittiin ejoved with prayer evenlnu home of i tha attandanca at liaebcmue man was pamer at teeswater a ir i a tsramr in teewater and kww a reodent rd umehouia wiktuaa jereoiiah gordon 8 wmw at kahu cenennial manor stoaaai a aoeuit 18th mr cardan who wu born ml ivasmter was a son of john a ualiui ball gordon he tai wjiiwvbr el tba presbyter sunday mrs lloyd mclean with an at school jumped up to 50 on tendance or tfi tne theme of sunday and with rally day this meeting waa public iulai nrviccs coming up next sun vrftavttased by hu wlfelot is sbrgartt anne thornton he bwes twa sons wallace of wd dames of george in crajidchlldren jud ions with mrs jeau mcknery s convener the aubject uu cursed pertained to tha recent survey on rarm safety with a paper death on the rarm the crop that never falls this was followed by a personal quu of safety in our homes the roll call was answered b naming a responsibility ono feels u1 wi member mrs wm mclean prepared and read a splendid motto on the smallest deed done is greater thin the greatest intentions most of the ladies wore a cor sage of home grown flower the president mrs leo jam lesun presided for hie business meeting everyone was delight day a record attendance should he rcachi d the ladles of tho church ahti had a meeting after the regular service to plan their annual fowl supper to be held october iwh these are fall bi una that our auminor holi day a are over once more and the many fall and winter act jux joan linda donna ed with the proceeds from tho 1 ad mary joanne a bro- latest project catering to the titer ttw f auinibou saikat isteam threshers reunion at taditim usi a sist beatrice of milt pla were made for tiwjfcw lie was predeceased trklng the booth o milton fair vf trtiber james and skiers and keen interest was shown in 1 1 waty d francos all of tees it ft jtlu ucuulkin of st dmtgaig juihnn church con teteil tt lufl wrvlc on jutawt it u the runtley kt- piuwnl hone it iuhurari wen arthur uxl a c ptttcnon ihmliiumi ltarold fright hut witv wilniw jnd jick ttar atw aniim nephew okxihm sutkrt kitchener in i la athtrove cenu thr display boins prepared ot bathroom aceessorlea for milton fair plans were made to celebrate the tenth anniver sary of balllnafad w i at the next meeting oct 3rd at tho conclusion of this moetlnii a delicious lunch was served by the hostess assisted by hnrjimleion and mrs j snow visited with relatives in gtlnn- byoitsubaiy crest introduces pushbutton color puihiita a button for the col and finish of paint you want pt the new service introduced ills week at crest hardware the richardsons have instal led the maclcote colour sys tem thst means with a push button a turn ot a crank and the macl cote autotint paint blender producos exactly the shade you want in seconds tho machine has been tested and proven in countries around the world it made its first appearance behind th iron uirtaln as part of the os ex hlblt at the 30lh annual poi- han international trade fair in poland through precision dispensing and scientific formulas all col- mr and mrs lloyd mclean orb can be perfectly mixed and ro watched in a variet of fliy ishea mrthicharason explained

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