Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1962, p. 15

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etb deut i kent s bedroom jv4 ruk kcn i storey bcjck house water soft iner oil belt slernlyre cresc three furnished rooms taf 743 sutrlea bedrool and living one hedkoom apartmeat rooni available now 88 oowi1 hled selfeon guelph stre fitaloed open verandah ross- atthacttve u bfcrm pls pho m forwent new apartments edwerd le clll arlmeol terrace apartisciiu si queen st mr stemlti apl is u pspkent 3 bedi bungalow 1 bedroom front 1 bedrooottronl fridge urtm allan km and mar hap ortrent tvstcotu k90 almost new 3 bedroom house ud fans soft water automat room brick hj boos 1 ic laundry facilities a- aluminum uorms f p nbvwj some with balcony wd screens nicely iiidscped ii c tad decorated 100 monthly l-t- colltk- u3 tr 73131 kookl apaktuemt bested fresduy decorated private eo irene tad yard upstairs tit ad stove lfdfclred plaaalt ton now th 1szs4 if wrald advttrtoino aings rust rtsutrs available appro dm isl reserve you suite now halyom aajttiumy l1m1tco trmjn w trr94is pour mdmoomt wilt lkv1l cakpofcy ttlw rahlcn venke8 and frame constructed hawe bulll one yees ago has lo be sold again becsuse uwnf tils lews transferred located on better street yuu ire mil pro tected or telue l4 dowd ruu prk uao pivf room bumoalow on l acrii tius five ruoubwkeoaitrilcud bunatslow needs a hettdytnsn rupbosrdi hsve to be put ui in the kltrtmisnd other things uu it u attractive wild the acrfaitr wblbh b aitiroxuaatiy 2s acr over 3 anyway arrordlnf to tta vendor ctoaa to lown uia aakinfl pric u ilootio with uuunlu down payment two ac a yummy imcomii houu cimtri locayiom two 9f0j1kv bnak boma with ttao 4 rtuuu uu funuinad aoartiiviiu ea baatrd naw lumacr in good condition witb il70 return a month heauml paid ly owner uinimura do payment 12000 1 moruta at 7 aiklnb price alafiuo wahtio l wvo rruluq14 bouae fbrlck georgetown or vorval ara wiut acllltiai and sardeo or retired couple paying x ilalv ac51k lot j puaaible brtwren norval and ilramp- 160 georeerown alao conaidared charles dykstra 359 oualpii st georeatown tprtn1lng tt 73j4j m accoeauooaytoet availakl iloow amd boari available lor w man 20 durham m- r 7by tl wxy ani hoajld avejlabla lor ona geutlrmaby1t 7wks tt i would like to ihare uy boala wllb bualnaaa couple uaa ol rig and rang so uculyre ciaat hxiaa th m accommotjayvoh wahyho wiykjoian wishks to rent j or 4 bedroom houu belora oetobar lit 3 rhtldred kepi hoi 71 rbe herald tt lost and found iikirtx strayed trosi h1 10 oa stb line about sept slh guerauy pirate phone tk 7uio lost uctuse iroa font bumper aorsetlma lait waak a7s113 u anyone tai found pleaia rail walter louth th 7317 services welding rd npim ttmag urvm georgetown wtld- itig and rd rrlr 56 cuajpb five roou wuck bunsitow wtth 4 pict tuth an quirt btrtct not in lubdvliion ou ht flnuhtvl bimrnt ttamii nd ifrnt lmge hot water tnk ihidr trrci and pjvixl driv cirrim or 78 irr month full price 2 uhi good tutn- new si1jt level brick bunffilow three ulroon on t lot etotc to 01 tl llornb carrie fur w0 per ootuli lill pfit 13500 or neireil orftr mum h oul by octobah- luh wew 6 hoqm brick bungalow near sliiulird inwiucti extra fine rrc room and added tilxu uaa hul carrie tor 103 00 per month full price 2900 l oilttt rotvoder d as owner 1 moviag oct 15th contact cuv w 1usuu georgetown j a willoughby sons ltd iialtoil 4a eellflvael ave l taewtts 13 bookkqxjeo typing tarv- irea eavalopaa tncoma tax all olflce needs ura lai clark 41 uam south t 73071 u gkorgtrrown upbolatary loweat prtces with all work i aunakip guaranteed s yeart termi can be arranged tr 74408 or tr 730m tl decorating to eipreal indie iduauty artlauc utansr ud exterior crettiraib us tba trade c a grant r b 3 georgetosb tk 73711 u tenders for door schools tmalio tihtwim will we received until naeei an tueidey gapl lttk 143 fee lunrlylna ell te the lellewlna ukaela el temuhlp uhaal area na i far the year september 3iu t auuat lilt lh3l speyslwt norval uoton iikig1its and ijmpjioust sohoola a total bt approxlmitely 23000 fallona al no 1 irumace fuel oil hornby mne crovf ijgny and quatrk rras ihoou l total o approximitety 7 300 gallnm no 1 lurmce fuel oil jialio tindirf e be add reeled te h i balkln sacty treaa tiejuealiuj twp scltaal area me 1 r r 1 geerae- lewn lawaat er any tender net naaaaaarlly aaeeaeed 013 resurrat3 your ewe uoin new duaueaa alactnc aaadimf uachlnaa adgera loor pollili era for rant tad bludd painting 4 decorating tr 7 3ml u upholstered furniture rec overed and rapiired quality worfcmirnhip t il brlgfa suwarttowb tr 7b311 tl for couplitk lavvh and gardun service including j rototillinf aaowing anddmg and aeadinf phoaa j jackion tr 74 ii asjigrovk welding electric and acetylena welding ailatacl truck bodies made to order dralars tor uccuum chain uws scottatwatar outboardi edhoro hydraulic holiu otico aqulpmenl and irco irrigation xyttami tr 78334 w sirvici om ford tractors and iouipmint new and uaed tractan and laulneaant steam cleenln shias caraci nerval b13 expert tv repairs by topnotch technicians service our work minthlp ii topi and our charge modeil w hvft up tothewninute knowledge the lafatt ftqulpmant and top quality placement parti to service your tei wigo tv appliances tr jm7t s3 muu fiortri bily annenifw um exrivml of s daugkur xbdar for connie larry end cayle on aucuat 2ul 1bq2 al ceorgetown and dutnct aleeaortaj hue pltal l rcixkr trank andcereea fuller tl king st e ara proud la announce tee blha of their daughter jacqueline joan on auguzt mil iberi u genreebywrt honital a aia- ter or ethel frank it and sauunle yrquarfi jack and joan are happy to announce the axle arrival of a 7 lb 3vl maths mraifenealy joaepfa lealie on monday september 10th letti at eulloo ontario jos eph laoltc alcafenaaay form erly of cleo wuliama in his 60th year husband ol the lie mary ellen given and dear ether of euna j mrs c e day ceorgetowa joe of thorold jack and ida mrs thonus hill of clan wlluaus mary ann mrs willuu ablley of rraup- ton and helen mrs j a cnpps of attan- funeral service took place on wed nesday al the harold c mc clure funeral llooe 34 fjlth street ceorgelowa al j 0 as daughter claris eileen stapuiton russell o rollle social and pergonal at geortatowa and district meaaorul hoenital en august 31h ibd2 mcquauiui bruce snd vl are pleased ta snnounee the birth or a son arvid sean i hi lit u monday aug lut isih ited al georgelowu apd dutrlrt ueuorlat uaa pita moore we would like to atinouiwe a new brother mark stanley who arrived oa august ltth lt2 weigh log 4 lb 11 or at george town and dulrirt memorial llotpllsl our parents are john and dorretla uoure steven kiraberlre snd uelsnie uoure r it 1 norval ftased way al guaiph gen eral hospital on friday sep tember 7th lwrt rusmii g ollle suplelon beloved husband of dorothy cordiner dear son o mrs harry ktan- leum aavj brother of alma mrs sua knlsley surl rile of toonto caeil mr and mrs charles cheaney and carl have returned to cleveland ohio after having spent their bolideys and renew tag accjuaintaneee at their cot tag in willow park norval miss helen devcreaux who represented macdonald coluga ourbec at theuu company leamlnexon apent the week- nd with her naorher mrs harry devereaux 4 perkvivw bjvd on her return trip back to msc- donsld cpuege ur and mrs j a rrochu hk 2 and mr ollle mortal of acton ft r 3 spent last thurs- ojy and kndsy in lit cathar loci and port dajheusle with mrs brochul slsttr mrs e j krlp and brother ur howard james mrs j f cillla felerbor- kd jougb a former resident ofjiu of georgetown was a weekend g ydgueil with mrs a w of georgetown the lunersllio park avenue mrs clllii7 t zu vtarentt isv service wsi held from thelwaj in lown lo tend the art un i wood and ur ith rumley shoemaker funeral end crahi eshlbillon and islen v y wood look sstwdey p o show his son i ur snd mrs t j brown- much ol the english country ridge snd allen of ashgrove they slso visited lon end lloberl snd stewart ulllrrjdon snd spent a day on the walsdrod kendall wwtditul at weatminsur united church weatoa last saturday a re ception sallowed the vddiee at the skyline hotel mrs j a isrochu of rjl z ceorgetown baa received word from her aou corp ronald l j king that he u serving some weeks with the rcaf in the top of he world as he puts il oa the map this is creen land mrs r n powell and son mlchsel of cbxrlotle north carolina 4 sre visiting wih her berents mr and mrs wlliisia hyde it queen sl mr powell will be joining tberd ta iowa the iskrr part a this month ur and mrs llsrruorl wood snef son lrahasne 40 rairalow crescent have returned from trip to their krsdiord york koiuelsnd it was their tiwi borne ta tea years brampton albrtnd uod with mr a w cllmeri 7 aj bvunto home la acton monday at ternnon st 2 p m inlrrment wss in fairview cemetery acton rati coarattmrm usulo thweeawy tun kilaeh tai pack 1 gejrtvetowa cadeb were part of show uiuoaiaml jamrt standisii in lovinf memory of uary catherine stsndiii i who patiad away sept 25th i 105 ever remrmbered by i her daughter mary and rand aun dell lnuejuinx juan and john lnderhlll 233 delrri blvd i are proud aad happy to an bounce the arrival of their vou- in lovinf memory langed for baby daufhter our beloved little aa eliubath jan bora on sep lockhart vernon lockir tmber slh 102 in st jo who vtn l god wplng on ephi uotpital ouelph a jplmber mth 1061 in hit dear sister for david and rih year paul grateful thank to dr sleep well beloved child proud osf guelph and dr le lord jetui tend the paul in georgetown sheila and frank young cards of thanks september 0th 1062 at gear 1iadlfy we would like lo ciath1 leon a on sunday gatown and dutrlct uemortal hospital leon a cook of water street in his tttth year beloved hutband of eliubeth grady and dear father of uargaret mrs john selley of ukrvirw and wal ter cook of kitchener fun ral erice wax held tuewlaj at 2 30 from the harold wcourt 1uneral home in terment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown sit ths pafm come lo georgetoln fair on friday arvd saturday sept em ber 21 t and 22nd you 1 like it come rain or shin services septic tank puupino j clianiho thank our many friends and relative for cirdi beautifu floral tnbutei and acts of kindnrls at the time of our rerenl tad bereavement their thoukhtfulnen waa kreat ly appreciated the hadley family c1arkk i with to thank everyone who vimtrd mr while i was a patient in georgetown hospital special thanki to dm thompvon and g t l ilehenek and the hospiul uil b 1 00 1x1111 buh your kindneai will never b r forgotten und clarke making encore of silvercrrek attended th- hope schools promote soccer soccar nthuitailv r hopirvg that trvs upcomirvq high i ulvool loccer wiion will provide arvw tourca fo lorrvi oppoutton tka wadivaujay niflht rsular ara ut ptttlmq wakly in ituraadng humir and if up t t4ta kitjtt uhaj tkr k tult4tawka at tdvfrwng te utt t4i wll elrjiwj fiiaya soccr locally i going to hingdj on ttie promoticw ol tha game in tha ichooj tyttem and anyone mlrited in angling the adult dub m telling the port to tha uninitiated ii welcome lo contact an official the wednetday night tcnmrnaoei tart at 7 oclock fewer registered for employment a tatsl af 304 aerteeii were alsced in aeaadevsa by vk natianal bmplavmant service durlna tke eaanh al august 143 an incraasa af 49 placamsnli aver auouit 194t wka labs were teund er 33s at the nd af auaust 1947 glitarad far arvuslavwvant al tke there ware sse aersens reels- and al auaust last year tared far amplaymant at the the brampton bmcdeyment brsmplan affka a decrease atotttea isevee cmnauacausy ca 33 from the number readier laden all af duherln caunry ad at the and af lait manth and part af iseoaaina tawnahip in- 13s fewer than tha number racludlna gaaraetawn twontylfist high school cadets took pare in the esawanony rfng cl and ceded day at the cne on sapleeahee 1st the local cadets were sv nag 323 cadets who inarched from the fort yorh aresoory u1 the cnk stadiura la thai eftcrnood parade they re- nested their march a tha etenlruf aa part of the even- tag grandatand show the boys wer served their evening aseal thee and ra- j eelved free adeslssloa ta the v traiwlatand crnrrttrlrllnr the group was the last doty from cadet major d d kaav hser ha was areompenleal l by cadet major tom quins and cadet cape stewart saxa the serjeant major was j its bowman three fire calls over weekend only amor deuagee resulted william varcoi reckwoaj ulllsr 4439 tf ray conn plumbing aljthoftfzid caj dialit h wahr a seaam wtln j ull sl tr 2784 u fxjdratt i would like to thank my friend who came to vimi me and sent bowers 1 ei mi and rardi while i wu i a pjtirnt in georgetown has pital and llnce returning home my thanks alio to dr chamberlain and the nursing ilatt mrs llranor iobert laws urtt words ar inadequate to eipreas our gratitude to each and every one especially our neigh hours who have hrlped tu through thete days of sor row with beautiful flower word of tmpalhy and deeds of infinite kindness we can onlv ay thank you so much the lawa famil an unutual rann tn shrub is reported by mr rred ballintine at their rh 1 home mr and mrs baluntine have a pirea busb hearing second h loo mi while a neighbour re port a lilac hush about lo bloom again thi year no doubt hit years early spring account for the phen omrna for tpnng and ium mer flowers were two to three weeks ahead in their bloom cycle from threa ilrea ibmii by fire- ro line uat ylkujuya re port lait wwdneaday a grau fir ignited by a pile of uirnlrlg ruliauih uixnad out of whurjot oo tha tvkajicuo nurtveriaa pro- party iwar gcorftuown golf and country club on the lous line but firtjdtn bad utile uouble in killing the fteuaai thet waa about 3pm sunday mojiung al 710 fire men were 4umistd to tb flti line farm of bruce lawrerwa when a stump fence waa disco verted in flama ii u beltevej lo have urtyj frjtvea a cigarette cojiibjy cuacmrtftvl by a hun ter tha brigade poured watt on the stumps the most terioua blase of the thr was at 10 a ra the etatme day at tba terra cot la home ox antonio xlllo ou spilled on the haaeraent floor fron a spjit in the oil line from storage tank to furnace caught ire after a pump motor miud up however cuinag was motl- ly the result ol heavy amoke la1yiho damaci forest ft re loaaas of merclf antabla timber and property are direct tangible and readily ap parent however other dinv age ta not so clearly recogniaed- rire may kill the uny young trees and ao daatroy the matur timber crop of 20 so er 100 years hence fire will change the character of tba foml through repeated urea milllona of arrea will change from pro ductive forts land to unpre- ductlve waste land r beeney huiabino hi atino prestos r herb pre tinsmithiho r wiring commrrcial domistic john lenz realileeed usttar llactrklan elxctrhcal contractor tr 73414 tt we have a modem efficient way of movinq your floods movino anywhlrl in canada and usux vuuv ucinsid andinsurld f and s movers ktmain st n tr 74106 al blair lathing plastering patch work and stucco phone huhonvllle 8658683 r r 1 georgetown u trj79 362 hardy signs and custom dicoratino first clau workmanship tr 74u0 tl barn painting haldlmand blda malntananca ltd call dunnvllla i7u1 or writs w w idle marvel t o 14 vears la this ares workmanship guaranteed u dove williams kelsteed bndtd master nllctstlcian all typaa af wiring gas and oil burners talm amb tlrvici tr y44m it like t u w b7hamiit0n construction ltd general contracter brick block concrjstg jnd carpentry work tr 7uti t raid ci jacks driving school fully licensed irufruciers dual controls tr 44w h robertson electric industltlal coeamircial ttrsidkntlab phoaa triangl 724j4 ceorgetown if plumbing heating i calutlt raaaj buzlharblnt u basim st p o at painting and decorating lin coxi ii yeur man tr7sm u wilson welding u water srreet truck bodlei built repair to coni mic tion eiulpmnt trlffarclfielna trtllert built buatpho 134151 rm lrheva idtwsl h ton sr wihea to thank her many friends for gifts cards and kindnesses while in st joseph s hospital llany thanks sophn we would like to ei pre our sincere appreciation to friends and neighbours royal true dlue lodge for their cards beautiful ltoril tributes and acta of kindness special thanks lo nev ian rlemlng for hu coruolmg words at the time of our ud bereavement the so per family store seeking longer hours i1ie georgetown dflira lessen recently opened on guelph st by mr and ura george mled- ema has applied for permit- alon to stay open until 0 00 p m ave days weekly a town bylaw reoulatlns store opan heura allawa each data el bualnau te tat it awn keura and the ftrtw made the request te ceuiull manday en tha oreund that it a the enty bualnaaa el lit type m teee tewtt councils planning committee waa asked to check and report lo council notice information 4sr- septic tank owners tba health board recommends that all tank should be pumped out at least every two years h tids is the year your tank should be done do it now be fore cold weather to insure fast service phone william varcok sucme uuhsr 4ilm take notice that francis hunter of aahgrove ontario claims to be entitled under the mecrunlev lien aet- rj50 1m0 chanter 233 to a lien or work done and materials furnished to a motor vehicle owned by dennis wilkenion 6 john street north acton ontario for the sum of 180 00 plus legal costs which amount remains unpaid the aald motor vehicle is a 1ss5 buiek lic ense no 01103 lmt and will be sold by suction at ashgrove by rvsnkjpetch auctioneer at 300 in the afternoon af frldsy the 28th day of september 1m1 dated at ceorgetown ontario his 10th day of sep ternber sfgned prank hunter hyjohn dordq or- 116 mountalnview rd s georgetovva ontario ai your superior food market georgetown htlcij fficttvi yhuitloay friday saturday uptimrir 13 14 ii paramount pink salmon savi an ixtia lee 141 133 cheer king size u off mr clean canada packes zip dog food pi 110 deal 37c art 11 as kahia 81 van kirks ch0cchipits 4 aa aire x c 659t mil world atlas with crest tooth paste ayimek peas carrots reo 3sc tin 2 37 maru leaf tea bisk icanamy tlsa raa- jm 3 lb pka herefor corned b reo a for a 0 vanitv kmft dinner j p jqi toilet tissue cateliriadvcui macaroni or spaghetti 11 ex tin 49 3c off rack 2 x 25c rag 43c ik schniidiifs skinless ked hot wieners spicial lb pko 49 canada racktts jwttt pickimd cottage rolls a 7sc lb spictal lit 65 piiish ptuits and vioitajilii golden ripe no 1 carrots bananas 15 3 19 special lb cal stll 140 lemons 6 or 25 out no 1 radish i bun l gr onions

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