Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1962, p. 5

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bennett bull scotsdale radium is new champeen qkotgcyowffs s o eiwwfft reivi th freyiertg trophy t tha cne for in reserve nior crumpion bull scolidale pad urn judgr of ihe show w donldion of palerborough mke lk prnton vinled by shorlhorn limel aaon cj o ste aixj beity lou sutherland scodalt herd nun emerion clarke ii l the heller mrs hams retains high lodge office lb trrih aeanoa of the sup- ixenhucrmnd ldt al uut iayal llrtm blue asaoeiatioil was held bt week in the county orange hail in toronto attended by meaber from ajtoyer cau trooi nttofouiuilftttdnii bnuiii col mw hi i kapraiahhiiai th utl it hwwi mw m m w murmi mrs cu uttb mr fj mrfaty mr v jru mr aiwt car- tar met su wium mrt- j fa hall mrt fcwi turyu bwrj olbers uuaded 6a moeday frwmnx wked lb blue dear wkj exetnpltfud by a itortfcl de team mr kbrt hsrrii duur of ttfyisonl of lb svpittam grtbd ledge wu rtdied to ihia cifkc for iuthar aj td mr gar grig wu apminl d m ldou fur j4lun tid wllirtilofl srfwitb y litiowel publisher head new group gvornr talhain of the ui towel unl banner was eler ud president of the canadian community newspaper kepre irritative lait wee lb ocnk which held meet lttg on ihe closing day of thr canadian ufwkly srwspapns aaoaatjon al uinmpg pre wnlt nunj of canada wrrk uea and wnall daily newvpap w in national advertising pro- motion the herald 11 a mem ber vice president of the croup it llarry urner of thr um bain jnt 1 advanre limn and treasurer la wcrdrn iravrm of the ballon on rnlrrpriw peter ruling full time manager of ot ml wnrs at urrclarsy annual mn tinj of the new group ha been act for he harniss racis no need to go to toronto to re good harne pares t ome lu r org down air on salur da sept 22nd urn of lb cwna excuuv meeting slated for oils rb- niary 14 and 10 coir bow has lbrm luuy operational offices in toronto aiootreaj aod vancouver star ted only four toootiia 140 it th oioftorrown huald ttwway f k w pack 5 ku already mack pnxnuftwn to 70 spcifv national hdrvtat- ingaocousu- itouisiwa coumcil mackenzie contracts new municipal hall the nev qursini uunlripal ttulldins on ihe 7th hn juvt w4t ol iht chxk unf il btl built try j ii uirkcnur j son t rot ot 71 4g5 thr trndrr ki ki wit amrdrd i ihu tj niagara new home qucunfl council mrtini p e j c i the buildml kill br ilerlrd lol uesmono cdns immediately in an attempt to beat uw cold watiirr situated clin williaus u ana mv duwkii lael mmtval lakeview wedding for gordon barnes congratulation to ur an urx gordon llarnr who wrrr married in tjkeview inilrd jchurrh on ulurdy septem ber 8th the receplian an held in the yellow llnar r ilarnet i the former r luabeth o nell daughter of ur and un john o neil of lakrtew and gordon is th- son of mr and mr rranl urnea rr 1 norvil victoria snelgrove in free dialing area in nirirlt n ill n 1 sn irovr h lhnlv t ii mnjrt itrinnint sun 1a srj i lfi rutmm ttr altlr tit iij irltvphonrv in thr if lor nr tree of luiik diaruc rjt i i for ihu rrjion uid t hi urt k lh ioinpin aruioumcd this prop i d rtrnio local calling arra mmr months ak ftilliaiiik tn 1 indicated a xtron roinmuiulv of int r st rust- trl aetoun and the tuo ni ikhlmiurin roinniumtirs mr dnby pa int ad eut that i thr will b n chang in the of oic s uhifi in ir third em pan ton bait th cold weauier sl r v rollomj a honemoo in baac nwnlhly rat i rc thi n the thirl expanmon nn tlve acre ol the char e and nl hae moved to ther 1k mllm h lh mltlmk huphmm lreu lm the s5 33 build ne home in maura i on the v h y 1w lh s in w de by arctutect uke chrium be work a a mechanic chno do n1 brln th thc 12 ra altendinj nranktome hall in vhtoid hna ervice station total above the i loronto while pamela simon j at whoattendvdlhewed al or in vaotvmt proiint i lire chrsr were eliminatnl hhj tlinl trom the dltnct were rl roup arhool there ue wiah thorn mr and tin mac alexandra don llalllord ol oakvillr a loul value of 1241100 in building permit wa uiurl u durin aucinl buildinjl inxpec well in their new home and we mr jjck rudd l torwm ilulu reported to the hope to ue them hack occa mrv wlnj ruddrl mr council u71000 rrnled mrall to ue old inend n jon cunmni mr lnd tnduilrial augment nd the len kfn ur in y wv resident ruworth mrtin and ui her laaimom allow lr11 manitrr added loni dis steam show attracts a smith and stone addition ur wythe marret i vuil i ilaroc milton crowds accounted for 73 000 and bij ins mr u dlion in toronto daddy freo cminer acton ur and ur w dion haxe h u the econd annual reunion of llmetone quarne mde up the been lifelonl friend of the fa m s heutthevr renilr mnth v mcm a ramalning uooooo of lh in i duly and u when ur dnon m l attract d dunl rmlt pd away recently un mar 1 0 1 j l nl down to be with ur n fvl ovpr nf wrpk ccri n i tl urs j keen with the nrev llnrnhi mi n had antiour dis one hundred and fifty fne dnon durins her bereavement ur t uk ny men nan amique uis chicken uere killed b dot j t mrt h p- n j on ihe dune cutt farm 1 w aller i jenberser h re- j p w lunmnehan ordon ilrmden ooultry valuator neiln stark turned to camp petaww after of nd told council the llhodc la- month a holiday at home l v chlp und red wer 3s monthx oljl ler from ihe study honk on on call tetwei n drurj i ami lluuonulle and rirkr toun and artiin in iwtl thr irrruul addition uill nut alloc t thrvr ralinj rran n mr l i jen by iaid skcialtzino in dalkiaut lunch lander lcka snkk lc craam plat ch nusit rv p urjjcious con- u air conditonid for your comport the snacket7e harold 1 may hulchlntan is main slraat s bell lines by lloyd denby your telephone manager i l 3 taxk thk suw out ok huh hi ho your jiomt liu iw u mki u0 lft yaww4 bwwuy aw rkal ruiilmfj af km uuy ltwa yu h rka rt jwratwt y urii fcw kikra i wu wuwl tktrt u k u4 ckn tw wui tm u frk biuia ua aw likm t uav a crim4al cluiti ab h btmr vk mkk brtuaa j cautm ka kwi u tke u rk kit clwl wlrb a waj 4uhul altitat yv cat maba nj taka talta wklfa yu waub ika yuaatw unhl aj hal fbwr f uw tiwwwru ika bli unur tw 1 fa an ul if fe a kawy aatanalaa ii will aav yi a m al rufiu la rk mm taiawatfalr aiw kvu a fa- t ucur fy al nlaal tjaaut ly if vo t frvr uw cah ut wy at i tt aj ak fcbvf aaiaaut ulufm u calaur wi ii u la1 u lali ii avae with yu kiip in touch eptemter ta arhoottuna and a nt of young people will ba laa ving home for colleity or bow ding krlvool here ona good way to keep in touch rttb lbam of folk aet a regular uam keeping up on the nrwa and rnora oftan by telephone ixu of folk aet a regular una for pnf i dun not thla time 1 on a sunday or after 6 pm 4ta rail i y telepl ng and atatwn tottatlon ratea are lower taamenvh- too that alter 0 pm any evening you get double valua on atallon to elation long distance ralbi o4 10 ra4nutaa or mor within ontario and quetwv under our ntbt agr onomy i ian so be sure to call of en the pleasure hi big and the coat ia amall a lot smaller than you think when you keep in touch by telephone watch our chilmim tha tlraaffl af ur lawn ara i iliad atln with yaunalari an rhalr way back la achaal many af ibaw ara vary yawnf aeul allll na fully awarv f tha danan af paa- ainf aulanvabllaa may wa ratnind avaryana aiarclia antra cao- tlan whlla tlrtvlnt naar achaali ar whar vae yaung a c h a a i cblmran may ba walk in lat ui rafnambar thai cmldrai da nat always think bafar thay mv and can f- narally ba cavnlad an a da tfka unaipaatad traffic safety officer g iowa cobp rmo tcorr ujj- and mr stark frit si 70 each the united church women would be fair re imhurscmrnt annnanred a stanley products the motion to fiiy this amount i demonstration laivt wednewlay wa rasaed evening a dainty lunch of fruit and nut bread wa served at a colourful and humorous i the close of the evening letter from mr c miller was mr and mrv cah sckank and family pnt the holiday al bis parent home hre carl h with the conservation author itv and is living at richmond hill rad protesting the condition of a wrecking yard attached to the letter wai a clipping from the herald which listed tome of the provisions of the wre cking yard bv lw all three high school boards acton milton and george town will receive one half of eaqueiing a 1082 levy immed lately and the other half after taxea are due october isth m george cume was appoin ted hqurinir rrpretentatlve to the siiteen lile creek con arvation authority to fill the vacancy created by the death af wilfrid bi mcdowell is new school inspector the halton county public kchool inspectorate have been changed this year with the appointment of it f bornhold as an assistant sup erintendent of elementary ed ucation with the department of education at toronto o o mcdowell who has been associated with mr bornhold this past year be comes inspector in eharfie of halton no 1 including xchools id esqucslng nstss- gaweya antl georgetown w h mcneil remains in charge of the no 2 halton inspect orata covering acton milton and portions of east flamboro burlington and oakvllle because- of their growth of achool populauon have aep- arate hupectoratu under their own boards or educs- liott r the church down tiv after lunninnhan hall ilrtu and othen the children rnjojed rule- on the double deck bus around the track thr hornby lull lull hjtl a booth nn thr grounds which a short dlvcuuion was wcrc kept biuy at all timci if vou read the list of offi cer and representallves of the rair board in the paper last week i think vou it notice here in t a single name from the glen have we no one in tercatcd in our local fair rally day service will be held neit sunday in united church at ojo ajn the sunday school children have their session dur ing the church service the fol towing sunday september 23rd the harvest home festival will be observed at the same time the choir leader mrs i hun ter is looking for members so if you are interested and can read musiccome to choir prac tice on thursday evening at 7pm you 11 be made welcome rev freel has started a com municant class on sunday ev enine at 7 pm mr and mr john wicstsffe celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary saturday evening by entertaining the following couples at paradise gardens in guelph marie and bev mood- stella and paul wagslaffe irene and bob momaster and bonnie stokes and ken beam con- gratuutians and many more happy anniversaries it was nice to have apple products represented at the trade fair last weekend hope many of you saw the good home imaptoduot hrld on this topic mrs r duncanvon gate the scripture reading followed with prayer by mrs leslie wanda reed favoured with a solo after which lunch was served by the hostrs assisted by mr jim davis and mrs jim ulu the next meeting will he held on tuesday afternoon september 2th al the home of mrs n robinson mr and mrs murray coc and faintly visited with mr and mrs a noble of the bruce peninsula recently brian re turned to the school for the dear at belleville last week after spending the holidays at bis home mr and mrs len hlliott and family spent two weeks visiting with relatives at peter borough and hepwnrth j d cameron and jim nich ardson travelled to victoria tie with the brampton jim ior excelsiors lacrosse team where they are competing for the mann cup good luck boys mr and mrs norman guth rie and family and miss crystal louth spent the hold i day week end at woodstock with rela lives a group of friends met at the home of mr and ho barry timleck for a corn roast by the credit river in honour of michael lambert and sandra wardale and presented the young couple wlth a purse on friday evening september 7th mr and mrs jim lagerqulst entertained friends ahd neigh hours at a corn roait at their home on saturday evening 3ptenibertljr during the four day show stan ley may had his horses in the parade and darnel llowdrn had an old dodge car in the satur day paradr taint lee his been a pat icnt in the milton dlstnct ll pital where he is recovermc irom an appcndrctom res wlshrs for a speedy recovery grant also tofmrs neil who n a patient at the same hospital miss alma bradley and mrx martha brunch return d to their home in proria last rrida from their viit with mr and mrs howard bradley congratulations to mr and mn harold robson on the hirth nf their son on august 2b at the milton district hospital happy birthday to mrs wilt iam tallyn and raymond arch er on september 7th congratulations to mr and mm peter belford on their second wedding anniversary on september 10th the hornby ball clubs held their annual corn roast last tuesday evening for alt tho hornby district residents at the community park a ball game was plsyed be tween the married and aingle men it was an ideal evening forthe gathering and the per sons cooking the corn were unable to keep a supply on hand for the crowd they con aumed forty ave dozen cobs of corn eighteen down hot fight galoiu of fresh ie and eight gallons of coffee dont forget the lions jam horee this week end sept 14 itthnnhtrarehat fabbbbsiaaaaaar kpi bi m i j c ahrsbaai iitm vkmii this car will go 100 miles for a dollar v on lha hlohway at hlohway iptdi hi of walr thtri nothing to nut lnk er dont hav to rploc hall th body for volkiwagn 1200 deliver around forty rploc and no anllfraaia to buy tha ink of a new ftndar a faw boiti uj atwt to a gallon of oak tha avraoa for oparatlng a car maani monay for faw mlnutaf and tha ob la dona city and country i 38 mpg uplep villi your vw dolr toon and ta tha if you llva whra gat u forty emit a a vw naadi ian molnunanea and volkiwaoan and dont ba afraid to eh xtallan your full axpania iint hard to fawar rapalri than any car in iti clau it a good tait run flgura out a panny a mlla our factory amployt 5000 fullllmalmpac it only colli ut a panny a mlla but than tharai tha oil ton who i to it that avry volkiwagan a volkiwagan invar naadi oil between u built to lait changai and monay for things ilka denied and tha cootjng lyilujn fandan t p urdkbhy k0iwl avolkiwaganli cooled wifh air tnttaad tha volkiwagan li a lanilbla car you w cv motors sjma telephone 87jk6531

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