Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1962, p. 6

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soon to lay track for cnr to milton hstalubon is proceeding here zst tfriinriay a- aurprta visit wo p16 to norval by u old norvaj boy win coov bunder ivry evui fccjl its ki ii liuu mml ki toother and aister irctm tbii family eu la norl kbcd u litbcr jc4 kvui wu fcecwuj tellies la tb lour bull wtx b wrtcd until tb4 toiu was wild id ifiu ulr lb uiftily aovd u toronto wbr terry ftd ltim llaued tbcir llcliul yvrry hm lb wruifi tkatpio nub4 and ulcouuiilas iswp 0 tw bntub hjntar i6t lb hfol itwtm ib england bad id wwl w u yunamt lrw u jauuraua 11 jaad lb it t j jlf lu l0 tb y 24v cajudua air kw t uw icd vwid war feud wa ctio it ti t w coaatracuod and kila craw tontlrwie tw cborful work tkrocrsal or cmwii htiaaj nrawl iftvjwt it inciud ft svtru totilim td fnbl -iila- yi kuud few eonikitoa by r w tw btec tw ucbdrfmia ave subway ud lb woodbac tj t4iifl bmlfist i rote rd4 bv bia 4ojut l ckoa project dirt kcmtval wing coraander boyhood in norval sunday the oco0town herald imst issu page uw wedding vr at and mrs harold lyosts gayle lyoasi and lira walter ridler atr and lira maul will raid u beaabj- ulle 1 arnold ratmwo vestast 7471 bep n ubrfcaaai georgetown 12 gowarcofcrt liver ul cfu uvt bwe 14 la 1u ajlooa wood l a lhlj w ad 1m kal td subways jl hava bea uutslud ave batkurj sift m wlui w st lav umum u laid bj yeaxa end tw yard ad0r lal uwty b j xwle m iw w ll u vauikii jj wllb 1u uijb- d u air attka lilkiual j way ko 7 adtu kuiuuy la iauuu ul liar tw ad u tbt aaaatk itkil y bulud i iiiic tbaa haa larval a lk 7 uparatlnj road and rail mat coau and m california traffic al sherwood road ar l ii saw twiaf transferred to diatioctioji for ua tkill aa pilot ha woa tka caorsa urdal fw aavtaff a valuabla plana wkaa lh uudinj tt fallnl jutar tlx war ka arrv a aaj wt tubwaya al hay wa aw and itufteritt st i 1 1 i alta f tirarltilf couiputiua tla mar ftlw in both thr acrru lloa and ultima k v ard erld ogicra plana ara b wm nortb hy hla frirnda in tba iljlla war vary ptaaaad and bobklrad to a4 aim tha brit fall biaatinl of tbc w h kentner son 44 ouhn st w yua ototottowr summer price on blie t- coal stove nut sizes 27 per ton hey teens something for sunday alteicnoons thc fclvlfta h lomcth ng ntw tor k trm itof rd o rd hcvonkurq vw sdutg llt sunday the r v era wot made ova lable to georgetown nd d mrurt etar tor hjnv finh recofd kopi thonkt lo th in t ative o murtna fraver and jnny rawtrigr waw ftpproached management w th the idea adm iucmi n fifty tenti uilt dmjiv ra m-1- bi and ean and ilni ar tabu above the prorvotert munm tllt uiih t9carx tnd jenny prepare to holt iheif fifit group 4j h 1 tywttu will v4ww yum iulail bafe demands rescinding of agreement bylaw apt 445 mi n si n forwrlown outan isvfplimur 3rd llxi- dar sir i would apprrciiti o ir pnn tins th followinv i t b t tijt rompltfd for rdiamiut norval woain itutitut was a tl y work wilhm thr nnl moetb hrd on tbunday eveinf fp- vut jw hu it 2tj tii nll to be advrtud 11 or u1 mo- liridgrj and grade uparttani on tbr arrrulint ontracti or mi bulldmgi to br corutructed in thf yard are auo lo br advrrttud in nrar futur r uaiuu i a1 qf lhf ecemllne wll b gnallfd by rnlruwd trf tt tr bi 11 m2 flc cotlo whl ln mi t cm wbdjwttidmt to fipuin usy they root i nurd 1 ixit wrfki trlartrl to ituil i more an i murr hoinrj ariirlf by jt v hi ard a romplrx of truvition twoway radio radar electron ir equipment and analog com put on will be utilued to tort out freight trains uuuiruj grav ity flow some 7 000 can a day rejo red that dhrn n about pen ojt diruttvasj tw irt baij tilt it t w ulj mu to bejtatdrrk fir o rallrl that there h banlwry aaw cur ttkm a ma it it iiajuuiaja tomara thr would then hive njptlon ia ouay ceuanlw u litiiifi b j c4relwc ttitv mm m cunij ffu vl t n fennni of the ran be hindlrd at what will be at a rom of a nilin dulur luvuium i rraj tw aat lftttrrn lh 1ranto y in the taprr fur f heart rryrau uu tw um w 4ummiltm hj slinlijr cn irll now br irarcua and it to be rompleted operational in u ncton mon if emtrr 30 the project treal and winnipeg r va 1 nurnun j marmillan eieru tej mmunicaliona en tie ire preidrnl of n head diijoiil know nm at the ume ivajer ha becooar u time that thnr induitrul ljnd place through rodawkiai rreti w unijlrable without the pro- tion that it 11 ajnoru nraauc per sewage dnpoul lrv to that in pahiu altwt made to council on ihnr sept ilh meeting ilr uior and council ors mr maor you and jour as i mjjet thai if liun tic lociat aliut out the liijuy nt can recite lh lar4 pmrr publ c from a ctmmittre mrt then aiauut imimrtuae y m ing in regard tu thr ton bark on a owr of artjaa hud work department ou f or ot would brine rum t t ember ftth at tba borne of airs keith webb with tba prudnt urs il ctilhru la tba cbatr tbe roll rail was answered by naming a means of self edu ttt esuoa tbe motto fttcause you have not ave talents do not bury tbe one you have was ably taken by urs h crawford and tbe topic for tbe education program given by bra o hunter was very inter evting her papar waa on ca r duration teach wisdom and pointed out tbe facia that adu rated countries have the best 1 ving standards hut education hi not improved morals or lrened crime it was decided that each mem ber donate 1 00 towards financing the adopted korean hoy as the rates have gone cinrrrv ard trctin ru h w quarter montreal recently p tor hn support this year are wl ag ith thnr railway toured the arceu line and yard t1 d play for eorgec rasaierparu on avprcts of k sites 11 a t ur tt fa la onor about aug 20th th that lhoe employee wire pii t that they ihouj tw abated t otfwqgm lowplclc council agreed to nlease llbj r uxiaen ni c and repeat the prarrr ollerw tn klj more lots to dclrex develop- hey knwtrux dauta tvs u a vj t16imui rieacjcs bianu for bu iding hom- and wvre their mono i it rmn moment tur isw- ad i y wiwhrlh buck 11 o lun moina over nau and present government jrobe or hope it will b fr j xi bxd new in our weekly papers 1 d i i reawnali wire tsat j ro nilor u law px m anj ura vlkluu have come up with some start lt w be done in the open few rjr i have hero frd rn 4 ling information that 11 of vital j i cent court case to a peal m tv 3 m n nteret to all lhe uxen 1 jdffnnt oct- k v kerkah of georgetown i going lack to the full pake a m me of thrv appea i ur 4i a ufv j chjr in on august 20th the delnx ad by delrcs i quote lelrrs har pi 1 a led wio tsu cowrv w h m manager charged this council developments planned 3 goo to look carrluuy befare as ur j mffc r rarni 7 0r with mlamanagemeot and slat homes and 100 industnrs u mr y huoa to dears cturj nvd d that delrei has been char november 12 10s0 they admit or any one ebr rjinnrv ga uxea for 8 years on tnduajthat they had buiu 026 homesl ml maor vj cviawjwv rrt u roai norval trial und that ia irtuall un already llut where was the on behalf of mseli bmi ur ur ltmtr saving guren st notice to creditors 1alr wu diiruvrl and mra t uurk un 11 hurray and mra r crawford were ap luinlrd to be in charge utinc crafts a the theme tba ettaaa ika lata imaat mn i murray and mr r stall thampaan datraatad i anutrd the hoileu in icrin8 lunch and a aocial all permini hain claims acant the estate ol yrnrt scttl thompon lite ol the 1 mil of jcorcrtown in the lime waa enjoyed every latpairr ia raavalam ur u 1 no demand llul ya r d ur ind u t bm scolc your aurretnent to repair tbatr 1 ifo more home- far iv tl taleabla promised industry tbey were ur uayor and councillors rclr3scd a furthi r fifto ln for don t you think it stranuc tlut buihlinc and now another 1 163 delrex has kept silent for cahtlmore delrex 1 thus well on years ahoul this lack of sen their way to the 3 goo aomrsiwitwi further dea ge on industrial ian is and all that as their coal while the 1 now call upon ur j the lime claiminc that iml mr taxpayer is fared ith unsur uliolt to make flat aaolua a- moontahle tasrs f r whool mr james hmmrruus lo srvoad acwa and ualr etc t mr iaor and 1ouacilvrv most of cvorsrloian h rrc o think cjrefulls b fore isa r- ntn are payint as much for fuse lo do s ou ar it tl taxes and salrr toilaj as thryon thin ice vou eoud ra ikra vj j s lid momrcil were pajinu for rent a fe mr t ii ntt n i mr fjmasroe ur md un sprafue mc years ato georcctoan is quo will m put thjt atotwa la illlxw c ted as annexing 1 boo acres of council now congratulations to llcnny vis and nicholas mans who were i nlv of llallon salesman i iu tni i married in the canalian re formed church in ilrampton on saturday sept 1st llenny is lhe daughter of mr henry vis it r no 3 norval the uception waa held in the nor sal parish hall following the wedding neighboura attending ssom just around the corner vo the contrary i quote a full page ad in lleral i oct 2ulh 1050 delrex offered r ully 6arviced land for riant sites at nominal trice of 10 per acre mr mayor and delrex i aav you what happened to that fully aerviced land that waa uat around the corner i iuggeit that the statement taj juat another amokc screen lo induce thli council into re leasing more lots for homes if delrex had really boon inter ailed in industry we ahould have heard about the lack of ewage facilltlra long ago i quote from delrer fall page ad once again delrex has and trul finance factory buildings for industrie that will locate hare thia takes a substantial amount of money and we rely en the sale of land to provide funds nut what has delrex dona with the fundi received from the aale of lands since we hive little industry to aliow or t finds it would team that delrexmust have 1 iliad them for more homes now delrex no longer necda a awoke screen ao they claim a i uefc of sewage facilities makes industrial land unsaleable the threatened action for redress against thli town waa just one tnore amoke screen to fool the ublle and scare this council itarelculm whut waa rroba bly the balance of those a 000 sola for homes in leu than half an hour conuou has once again betray d the inteerst of the taxpayer by releasing 1 113 more lots for building homes why mr mayor and councillors what do you fear it it is ejtnpauro for past commitments to del tax would ii not be better to face the music now while we atlll have a vestige of honour left than to face it later when you have completed the ruina tlon of thli town make no mistake about it truth will come out aug 31 telegram headllnos tell ui town i worki clopt faces probe mr mayor not onty the town worke dept needs probe but the action of tj council from the year 1654 sum thoaa who have consisttnlly ajereed to any and all the pro- nasals put forth by donex dov e sopmenla since that liiuerour aonyroment and others hive a ofatui why and the ior of individual ac infuad of council being d uiuj releiilng those jjtsoiildjiiva batrrs mr i shnlti r r 1 ur lurrs shortill 3 maple aise ur and mrs r shortill sr nallmalad ur and ur f sinvson ontan 3rret u and mrs 1 smith r r 1 katiljunx coatds campbehville trade house at ssstn aaul carages totauiax ujso0x land for delrex developments i disagree it should be quoted as follows delrex annexes oeor getown and georgetown fools the hill mr mayor and council uj cs4iiua sua lors 1 have no wish to be here wots ouruw ob tonight my desire is to live the rest of my dayi in peace and quiet this 1 csnnot do be cause my living depends on the income from my property and we ire being taxed hcyond all reason i am filled with righteoua indignation for my self and othera these people are my friends and relatives this is mv home town and this council deliberately ignoree a petition by one thousand of its people in order to cater to the wlahea of one developer we have tried to provide comfort able low coat apartmenta aance 1030 for people who cannot af ford to pay 100 per monts rent now i must point to another aspect of what that building means to ua and to other for 11 yeara we have set aside mail portion of that building for the worship of our items creator who revealed his name to moses in kxiulus chapter 6 ve 3 as jehovah in that hall a group of dedicated je- hovaha witnesses study god s word and strive to leach others of god a laws and purpoea for us and all mankind when g id first revoaled his name to moses hit people were down in egypt in slavery to phar- oah the king of rgypt pli oah was a mighty icing ha had no reaped for jehovah but pharaoh ended up in tha itd sea with all hs mighty army in utter destruction you may not listen to me as one of jeh ovahs witnesses but there arc thousands and thousand of people listening to the warning of dilly graham who is giving the same warning to nis listen era today 1 quote from a booklet recel ved last week the entire world trembles on the brink of dim atlc dkuitor on a scale that pys- ehopathlc men only dreamed of lnfanusy i ask you did you reid your dally paper tha hum wtho have caused- this condition art the mighty phar ophi of today but they haves ahull counterpart in almost ev cry cumnmttlty 0uruuy far r thompm n c atksjta ur uallacc thompson church who d rd on or about the 18th uay of july a l 1062 are i eretiy n titled to send in lo the umlrrsiinrd rxeculun of the sa d estate on or before the 7th da of september 1dg2 full particulars of their claims after uhich date thr estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the hxecutors shall then have notice dated at georgetown ontario this 31st day of august ad loo- rrnrst emery thompson snd john scott thompson rxcctitnrs by their solid i ir m f msnderson q c 61 mill street jcorgetown ontsno 0 20 mcmaster university extension department tvmmoumctj culiitl to u owlls at oakville and georgetown oakvrlu tlsmil a uakatmk hlfth school bjl cmcail clauis claislca 4r3 thursday september 30th 6 lo p m hngtlsb 3g3 thursday jan 10th 6 1 p tu uathemallcs lsb tuesday sept ib 6 lo pin uelllioub studies za3 thursday sept jo ft 30 p m kellglous studies a3 thursday january 10 8 jo p m srirnre 16a tuesday sept 18 830 pm st i a clajjis account ng i thursday ictolier 4th 6 15 pm industrial lgislsuon uonday october lit 6 13 pm cicmcitowh tha hlh bkaal sjk oiciii clais1j tliology 1x6 tbursdsy seplemtser 20lh 6 13 pm politics la6 thursday september 20th 8 30 pin icistratioh sla defrtte students will register by mail registration forms will be distributed st the first meeting of each clsss ami should be returned to the registrsrs office mcmsiter umsrrsit h september 24th 10b2 with fees attached rja students will register on a date to be announced in a separate advertisement not tke faa far b a daaraa ceursas is im 00 tsar s unll caairsa work started recamtty the constructioai ssf a m 4sm 000 grandstand at ike svrsr campbeltvllle rara track us naxaagaweya tamijap permit has haara lssiaetl ky township building isssasrctar don ucuiluta newman ccuutructsoai st st catharines is dausg tie ansak other permits issaal sty the township clurusg aaxsrul included tkre k talal- 1 ng 00 000 one is tahard a special totalling s43 00 in at j70000 and is knag er- dsmesnc sicence class at ecled on a sural farm ssrar igasargelown fair gel partic i- den mills an atuasaa la lars from secretary mrs g street i ur t troutrn iorne st ur uri vanlloorn it r 4 i rorlsiood ur harold wheeler glen i siilliams ur and urs w whytr lang stone crescent ur g wilson rr 3 ltr ii s young 7 held court ur and urv john u colter uclntyt cres ur and urs wallace it peter nan 10 uclnlyre cres ur and urs it rradstrccl 42 weber drise urv ruth wngglesworth 20 jajsvea street fox twi ladies il iraauudes notice to creditors and others i mw estate l wilfrid blauajk fssftltrsantiassuuvssacaasatl all persons having claima ag auul ike estate of wilfrid licensing dtilrsrt naakrr s nloudi ford late of the town taktsiysice that ike vof georgetown deceased who nual meeting at tke lmjitarldsed on tar about the slh day licence board of oavtarsa br of june 1062 are hereby not licensing dutract nsuaker 5a issed to aend in to the under- comprising counties ssf wdit sigssed personal representative notice of annual meeting tke li il i r k act worth and iialxon will be held at coral boom kaigu hall s sanfortl ase s la ute city of itikultoas ua tke oaasmty ol wentworth era uaauiay tw 15lh day af october irsd cosa- menctng at tkr ksaaar asf la oclock us tke foaeasoaai at wkacas time it wul hear aaul ttetefssiine applications tor tke reawfwal ssf licences in aasxnansaasee witk tw liquor liceoee art aasal atssgss- latiohs tlseisiaauier and kllbtiuku take not ice that any perusst tuwitwl ua said licensing thsxrart fissueet ing to any aastfti as shall ble his trouastb ssf ajaieet ion in wrilusg with ike saepssly registrar at keasst te be fore use bveeluag g c cage q c deputy kaegsstirar king sureet west csf ike said deceased on before tbe 13th day of october i0sx full partleulara of their euiaat immediately after she usd date use said personal bepreaeautivej will distribute tke assets of the laid deceased saving regard only lo claims of which it shall then have ssblsce dated at georgetown this loth day of september 1862 national trust company utvflted 40 king st kail toronto ontario and lesvora orma ford s3 market street georgetown executors by saale bennett latimer and balnea s3 mill street georgetown ontario their solicitors herein man 3- rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wfddino amangemints conarses tpetlalry cut flowers and funeral designs 32 albert tsl 7 2953 we wire flowers business directory w u call prefaaaunal tnejtteer a ontarla lajsd survayar 116 mountainview rd s georgetown one e triangla 7j311 baa pbona tr 73300 or j j power dentist 13 main si n for appointment call tr 77 7 26 ceorcetown animal clinic v ravin dvm b peatman mrcvs 10s cuelph street clinic open 7 p m d pm mon wed frl sat erterneen 13 heat your home hi httdbt1 woy ww m4uhii got nd smctrih ctilnook aulombllc gat furnac ci am filanl bwmu dapsevd buimilietel 0 whh ikt euto telle cmtteak will glv yew ibundamt kaf v iw weml ctmsv- forlktbl wulsr you va vr tfca cvu fur- i klftli hl- cjemkcy satwu tow oi ceih fully nelsivtl with twtvlam boast hbtblmtamml r h thompson hardware hummno s hcatino lever hoskin ckaraarad accountants 103 queen w brampton glendale 13s8s 44 victoria st toronto phona eu 40131 prank ritch ucensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 724 georgetown dale bennett latimer baines barrlstara a sallcllara douglas v latdfefl terence f batnes triangla 73311 23 mill sl caorgatown barragers claanarashlrt laundarars tr 7 227 jamiins ida ouelph all work done en premises wttawr printing op distinction letterheads envelopes ctatcment5 wedding invitations georgetown herald monuments pollock s campbetl designs on request inspect ourwork in greenwood cemetery phoni tlltom a water street north o a l t for expert eye care consult o t walks occuliat preeerlpttonj htlad 13 main st a brampton gl i 4474 res gl 16343 hours 0 a m 6 p m dally friday 0 a m to 0 p ra evenings by appointment robl r hamilton ro ofsrofrielrlst i eyes examined prescriptions filled 80 miln sl n far aewlfilwwtnt yr 7m71 george c hewson barrlstar and solicitor 11g mountainview ltd s carretal building georgetown suite s tr 72111 john d ord qc barrister and sellcllar 118 mountainview rd s carretal llulldlng georgetown sulla 2 tr 74se t i suchner ro optometrist 181 guelph st sco car lot wednesday evenings only by appointment only tr 7408 wallace thompson 3rd division court clark t csmunlsalener frederick a helson birrlster and sellelter us mountainview rd s carretal building georgetown sulfa 3 tr 722m h errthndersotivqc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 tvansicklerjjl atarrlarer sollclter netar dr wulutau svldrj sin 8 tr 74831 sssssi

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