Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1962, p. 3

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put joaai pfcete stamp of awroval you wo multtay stamp i mnor ball player switches roles with coach loryj end show norm ult how that bat ihould be hold if he hopes to cjet i hi in lh annual m nor un coach i game the game and a hoi dog and pop party w ii wind up the m nor lull tea ion locally the regular schedule terminated lest weekend 0l1h williams stiwabyyowm special events mark 60th church birthday st albani church eelehra mint of a spine condition we d the 60th anniversary tut hope ii will soon be over week with a numtier of special sun events sunday evminn lw pi fttb was the hrglnn ng of trw llarhara lurth flew down apaclal week with vvrn una fo rom tort william lit week lowed by a pageant thr stur and iprnl a few d in toronto ol st alban about 20 children with carol lurth they boih who had altendrd b blr schnol ipent the weekend at carol i took part in it lrd by itcv it hi me before barbara left uil stubtey an anmvrrvary an tun sunday evening for the uuffl tung by thr church rh ur i jkchead where the will he re pttfvoutly recorded wai play turning to college there d durtnj the evening monday w evening about one hun trrd aid mr bob addy visited fo r two twenty five enjuji d a hot tur wr ils with ha relatives mr key dinner and aftirwards play and mrs c preston in port me d euchre the la lie alwai ij prairie manitoba recently have a big share in the work for me trait lied by tram accomp- these affair but special mrn anted ty hi niece mn ii ttao la due the mrn who waitrd llipkin of toronto he enjoyed oh tablet and washed dishes on the visit vrry much but unce wednesday evening thr ladtri returning home tiai not been guild held a tupprrware drm too well so has spent the list uutrauon in thr parish hall while in sunn brook hospital yrt- uerle held won the door we hope he will soon be ferl price mc wdl enough to be back celebrations conclu lrd on home friday evening with a corn i out and dance about fifty mr and mn lai dafereat gathered beside thr nvrr to were among the staff members tnjoy the corn and all the fun and their wives of reed tied after all were full of corn fern motors of milton to attend and smaller ones retired the the showing of the new fords older ones moved into the hall at the o keef e centre in tor for an evening of dancing wilmonlo recently the luncheon tlte uanhittcns and charheland dinner were held at the crimea coffee was served at rnit york hotel laeh sales fc tfce eloie all were tired after manager s wife attending re- 11 the activities of the week reived a white leather lady but all feel thry had a gool buxton jrwel case and hutu week of celebrating st albans was fortunate to be among those these were given by tord while mr reed presented the wife of each staff member with a corsage john wilson best junior plowman wjap john wilasa u asanicd clkm will w atiltoai atiuujt tropiy u tee me aakubt 11 laial anal haitian jutuof hsowuii matck laua juur auuh m acu ti lam tij c awjd 6o aaiw faaat j llemliy rally day rw feaj bald a itaibniay tpl m at lk ucutad ctkufclt sueday ito hau holnj auue u bbnuuj wlth w j tie sun- raly day service glen united diurdv by ux italian ju iw kraur awa jj iw halt uaw ala tan u fcaapcrauoe iui tka oatane drj4- 6 jltnoultura waiw uw tat u kvrld la ui alur h a comnaulwe pfugrau u hm4 day school tkudria ukiotf lah- mu alccovaa ma tuuixu waiiaaf wr at tka dwv laje wt tka tcrvki bf witnkiji n4y huiur rad tw scrio tur unta laalak crvtf uoady atad bb kiutuby tout up ux uju0air1h sally lluaadala kaj tt4a ooorrowm huu tl4 i aai aav 1mi face wfin u dayv tvwnu tiua u 1v tw w u voaj ycara ullf ur 1v4 twn uw 1- aflar wbj4i ual ol suukllvillr duiiuivljjjiiily te61 tfcluro nrlij uk rrvunli fo hlril0 iktir tuim rally uy u ittn t ajl tinutrtld ot uta tmi ltkij wrra kyul rurli artiviuca thu jjiijiy faf uiultr 10 yar ol ajuj tea lor uihitr l a team of two jobji wlluut aiul ka kolwtuae w ilrftj tu rd rul llillon in th luar couhty rlau al tk inwrnalioa vrpl isrj luv hoa will u btuvad villi tla cburrb dorala4 wilb fruili vg- ulwi and sowri fur ika or- ralon uo carti sunday van ine hrv krvtl u uuulucuug al iubinf ultra al rn rufaaunlranl i tlau it 7 p u ujmj and ibao al i p ib llar n wmwri in rarb rlai wrr younj 1roplrj group tarauns claia 1 kiwald llrandrr x rburrh nerval b r 1 murray llanv i alllln r r 8 i marilyn rartb iprnl ika li cuu i john uiln norval nd viln carol allrn of bollon r r 1 h rooinum sorval lir coluja on mi uila dwilht ua llorivliy r r i lk donald brandw norval r r 1 i dmmila haacwb it bagmninl uokval stag party for groom a castle hu tmiid yar al university of toimoi aixueth birthday tuaan presten spent a day list week at the clinic of sick children a hospital in toronto she expects to go back to hni plul in a month to start treat urday see ynu at the ktf on sal f arm niws carolyn gardhouse is chosen 4h delegate by j a- p carolyn gardhouve daughter f mr and mrs hcford anl tlmm milton 11 n 5 has been letd ai a delegate to the national 411 club week she il one of seven 4 ii club mem bar in onurlo selected to rep resent 4h agricultural clubs national 4h cilub week is w aponaored by the canadian council or 411 clubs each yir fourteen delegates from jcb province of canada are brought together for a nne wftk tour of the royal winter air the selection is made on the 4 hula of overall participation in 4h club work and by a mlactlon interview carolyn has eompieted sixteen 4h agrlcul tural club projects these pro- ittu included seven beef calf five potato three forage and jaireitryclub ifls inter- ctrtat tbat in hlno of these pro- jecti aha either was first in the clujb or runneraip she has con tlktmiuy been seleeteomo take part id the queens guineik competition at the royal win lef pair on two occulnns she wa member of a 4h team from tulton at the provlncikt inter club competitions at c4iejpb in the provincial competitions alio wai on the aeeond placeuteim in grain 4idglnx in 1099 and third pla ord beer judging team in 1060 miss gardhouse is presently studying for her degree in household science at used en aid institute at guelph white gloves for county judge fall atsjim el the supreme court opened last weak al the halle county court house in ml man with 33 nencrlmltfei casee m the lexket aa there were ne criminal casesj the eoeeld traditten was fellewed ei sheriff an drew prank presented the honorable mr justice meer- heuse wut the tradlhenal set of white sieves ten f the case involve dsmaeee arising from meter vehlele aecldenb while 10 ere uncontested divorces end three ere contested divorce caiet m wh cryttela rbplacmd whilh you wait mcnamare jewelhre u main t b hospiul auxiliary work explained to institute mrs s newlrad of moun tainvtrw road georgetown a member of the georgetown and distrcit memorial hospital am lliary attended the meeting of fqueeing u i as sunt spra ker on thursday evening sep tember 3lh at the home of mrs walter lwo imreduced by mrs rohert ilarru health convener mrs newtead spokr of her work as convener of the turk cart rum mittr and explained thr work of the auxiliary as a whole she highly praitrd the olun teers who in many invtanres have answered an emergency call to fill in for someone un able to fulfill their duties and also the workers who supply to man hand made article for sale at the hotpital gift shop she had on display several or these items she also extended an invitation to the ladirt to attend their membership tea on september loth mrs armstrong in her usual pleasing manner thankrd mrs newstead and remarked on the excellent work carried on by the hospital auxiliary the meeting opened with the institute ode and the mary stewart collect with mrs l de vnet taking the luble reading the roll call was answered with a plant slip passed to the lady on the left cortepondence and business were dralt with the fair cwnmutee reported on plans made to exhibit at georgetown fair hut members decided to dispense with a branch exhibit at million fail fair this year mrs w r iaawson read a pa per very kindly loaned to us hy mrs frank petch of george town wi women are hkr squirrels when the writer ed na jacques described how we gather our fruit and vegetable and can and pickle until we have all supplies stored for the winter the meeting closed with the lord s prayer follow ed by a delicious lunch served by the hosteas jnd her assist ante mrs j c murray and mrs reg williams mrs robt mr donald will be hostess for the october meeting on the 2nd thursday the south hill was the ice he of another accident sunday afternoon when the driver of small truck found difficulty rounding the corner and the truck landed on its side in the west ditch this ii not news to the villa ie folk it happens too regularly fortunately so far there has not been a second car involved we in the village have chil dren travelling these hills to end from school and we fear for tbelr safety our sympathy is not extended to those who exceed the speed limit marked clearly at the entrances ot the village a sensible sate speed will set you there on time cay fokkena celebrated ha seventh birthday on ekturtiay sept loth and her baby titter jane her 3rd birthday on sun day the 16h they enjoyed i little party on saturday with sister janet brother john al ice and phyllis brlflct and bev erley staddon as their guests congratulations to mr end aire d r rand who have ed opted twin daughters liu end lesley arrived at their new home fcwwt a month ago and ire now nearly 4 months old sympathy is ei tended to the uruenrmy family in the death of their father who has been i resident of ike village ior on knday evening seplem many years i tier nth the men friends of allen castle fcrld a party in j k jb fcnguby honour of his approaching mar m w a 4 with riaie at the home of mr and their blicycles at the school yard mr wallv cattle 31 attending rntranre last week joan re and enjoaing the evrning envrd some frartured fingers while hob received a black nonralites kmonq fair pnivwininefs a itood nmabar ei nerval and district rodcats look u th branucf fall w oa friday uid saturday wfcr then wu fvus td eatertaia smai te be found for ail the fauuily a fw local prut vir8 khttcwtiui latidlew irst wukj ku hcuuia sr caif tud at cn woa svrl nrtaes with sua jcrwys end libda ltidiav tuuckur of mr 4d urt klo ard lfcidlaw emrvwd cat the firu prtu te th calf cvb pruua with fcf lioisulji cadf txd aise w an4 for ahowbkui jahip ur nfrmu laldjrf kmd hu us corxfa wta ftrt on thtir spy appus and bvr on th utaixgt cttiajtaiu lations the fveninx a norval ucw iwjd a rom rout gj thursday vaibg ip- uuiur ulk st tu uu it mrs k uurk to start their ftlj metibgs but due lo the stouy waather tht earn wjs ran turned indoors mrs godoe 1aidljw and mrs roy laidiaw were n charge of the devotional fo the tveniog mrs rurk president was in the rhair for the meet tug the male business dealt with was plans for a fall hu tar of aprons baked goods and christmas decors lions to be held in brampton early le nov ember mrs mac hyatt and mrs wm la id law assisted the hottest with the corn rout and a social time was enjoyed v mr and mr u in ijidlaw and famil and mr and mr s good hew vivitrd with mr and mrs ii bowers in srarbirough on sunday mn douglas ilrt wine flew from winnipeg to vn t with her parents in toronto rccenllv and while there pent dav v l iting wih rrlativrs in thr vlllagr thr mrn group c immittre of the norval suuu and ubi met at thr home of mr knth urm on monday ernint sep cmbrr 3rd the main item of busmen was plan fur ihe apple day to be held on saturda october 13th mr weslrv anthony mil con tinue ai scout master mrs 1 jrrrl as akela for the cubv and mixs jean francis as her esmtant thr scout and cub meetings will commence th i werk the next merlin of thr group committee will be on october 3rd at the home of mr hud carter and any who are interested in scout and cub activities are cordially invited to attend this meeting guevts from norval attend ing the wedding of micharl lambert and sandra wardell at the anglican church in george town on saturda september 15lh wrre mr and mrs harry tmlrck barry actrd as usher and joyce mcjlean who was to out the recepion was held at the yellow briar i i- ollowing thr wedding re hearsal on friday evening the wedding party were entertained at spot on 7 mr and mrs john dunlop and family spent the week end at their cottage at hunsville mn glen flliott and little girts are visiting with her par enta at llepworth while glen is away on business ee arnold rathbun rtimejle 7473 reprtblitive sun u canada gcobgttown 13 gowsr court rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wtobimo ahanotmimtj cruea spaauhy cul flowtra and funaral dlloni m abtmt tt 7s1 w wlr f lowara heat your home m mftjawi weywwt harunsi 0s nd smarts chlnoek automatic gat furnace clm illi fcamltia lams- tu natural qsi wllh ihtt owls nolle cmo6h will gjlva yw buadant hail le ik mou cost yew ever the otuaak liv mm i uo ihl utyoukhwooi viw kmu h0wj d wm twet benia september beautv specials ot pierres september special permanent cold wave ieoulai 15 00 fok oniv 350 r m thompson hardware humbino s htatino haw birthday to wndy stewart who wtll be ten yeai old on saturday sept 22nd tfcondition you hair after summer iifeiessness will b laaikml ky ouwinfl vllaliry back to school chhdlr shcial cold wave io 6 tint prtmtthi hair cutting hlfih sryllno children whcome for appointment call 8776621 s3 main st n pierre beauty cultuki flformwly louuai proclamation junior red cross week september 23 to 29 georgetown hai always bean an important centr for kse activities of tha junior red crott association of ontario and the elementary schools have bean active in supporting this fine organization at the riouest of red cross officials and in conv plianco with a council resolution i talca pleasura in proclaiming the weak ofsaptember 23 to 29 as jun ior red cross week in georgetown and i hope this will publlclie7junlolr red cross work and imprest its importance on georgetowna residents w d sargent mayor buy now save now during our lot wide clearance of brand new 1962 fords and demonstrators if you hurry you can save up to oo 800 1962 ford galaxie 500 oemonsttatoi 4 door sedan v8 motor automat c trammimton radio power sleer ng power drakes padded dash wh te well t ret waivers deluxe outside m rron licence 1962 ford fairlane 4 door uoan 6 cylinder standard tranimiilion new car warranty 1962 ford galaxie 4 door sedan 6 cylinder automatic transmission washers wh te wall tires license 1962 ford galaxie 500 convertible vb automatic transmisiion power steering power brake white walls wheel disci radio 7 rearview mirror white and red interior with black top back up lights padded dash license oniy one 1963 ford vi ton pickup modal standard transmission a slyleside box o 6 x 8 capacity white finish see our display y at the fair st0neh0use your ford deaum open evenings until v vn j nnmf il auslut st m 3-

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