Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald 23 main shvet s ctmgwwn onleiw w ci lag4 thuksoay sbt 20th 1wj editorial comment seeking senior acpice dcuon ol council uit w to wnot advtcatof tanio qfevarfwrtfit cwpartmn bouf a twjwatftjeftt wudi the town kj otfeej to iiyrt witti ft dvlopr for teltiit ol rr6 rrtkuwtial building land to ttop- whtdh moir oluerva will wmcam tke cw uum u on which t bmm in tfw f t cojfrkr murv kipj affair for uvwil yt and hat cai- md mb tplll votwvg among councillor lhrt any othf qoaitaoa tf u moat important qouton and ofm for wkkh all the ad vie poiibu thould b adughl erlur thu yr tit heeld cowrv wd bdltorl4lly that it believod oolrex tandt thoujd be released uncwf new tubdiviv- lori control by law patted uit year which tmitmri 1o find maonty favour with courv tll th mcwv a park aubdtvtton ugned uwfcr ium forma end w uit that tha cm- x firm ihoold have rha tarn opportunity hut with two proviuu that a penally pey- fttm tufficient to recover for ttve town tnuch ol the tax money which mutt je industrie building befc retldentlal land releata and council by a s4 vol hat do- d4d to oww a nw eqrment to delren wtit tome adovd hrmt wtuci the comp any h indiitd jt will accept and once again the courted chamber it filled with ratepayer eeci monday wtth a vocal majority oppoaad lo the naw plan in vw of thli uit wrlci cucitlon to tk advica of tha dept of municipal affairs learned eminently tannbla and for one tha bitter 5 4 battla which hat tptit council on more than one itiu thi lim wai overcome wiih an almott unanimoui cuculon like mayor sargent we are not ovtr optimlttic that any firm dacition wl be handed dwn by quaani park for tha nature of our democratic gov em man t it such lhat civil tervantt or legit latori are loathe to give flat opinion to munlcipalitiai wheh are utt at apt to come bade with the y of dictator in thii cata howaver we muit hope that expert opinion will guide our town and etillf council in making one or mi niottj keep trying fidel 1ic0nd of a slftlls ipnt for an overtupply of moderatey at- important decmom of the year fitad houtet and tha lack of an expected bvcra in induttnal building should la negotiated and that the senior government be consulted and be e direct part of any fwqotietioni since than a new control bylaw hat been introduced which calls for erection of whan a council it to bitterly divided wien ratepayers are torn between oppot ing opinions when one by law can ha such an important affect on a town 1 econ omy and its future financet it it t me for tomeone who ihould know btt to hip in and if not command at least adv ic 25 university grads i nursing group goal birth of a netv organization the ymcaywca organization it offi cially e part of georgetown aciivihe now and we forecast e bright future for it birth of this new group in town and district has been slow for over two years e dedicated group tl men and women have been carefully plotting e course leading to an impending public campaign to enlist members and of tfeun to raise necessary funds for the y like any other worthwhile thing must have lome financial support behind it to thrive a ymca program doe not need an xpemlve building to operate and in geor getown not even the most enthusiastic committee members anhinking of a build- infj ol their own at any certain future data the program locally will be geared to working with what facilities are available end when it gets underway it may lurprne retidentt to find jutt how many present building will land themtelvet at headquar ter certainly the human material 11 here to be worked with in this issue a young lady from ano ther community exprescet her opinion that there is not enough for young people to do we dont agree entirely with her but certainly there is room for more variety an the y can admirably fill this need in the next month you will be atked to contribute a modest sum to ensure that the ymca gats off to a good start and is not hampered by lack of money whether you have children or not you are assured that georgtown will be the better for the type of healthy recreation which the y promotes and the culture which it can contribute to a town by alan mxmtartan special to the herald ting nrd tiava no far that her ulrnu will go unratofnued ttin it a profalon with td nuttrxl thortafea toriiy and tha way the ataoclallon and thtlr cuilraguti at unlvtrtltlaa are idins to bridfe the ftp tt by ipiiwuns more tlrinftnt educa tion rciuirmeati on ttudant nursaa and thua avoiding any pombiluy 0 production line nurtins uraea of the future will haw thnr definite niche in toclaty sugar aid spice by bill smiley thr colombo flan ar othrr poaaibllitiea for l jn e nurwi hospital school nursci ran continue a frrt in the hopi tal 80 into indutrj uhich ti becominfl more drmandme for medical larviccs take a oarrer out her coutm and also will with canada s armrd iorrra or alui be welcomed upon sradu district news at a glance brampton lot brubploni in trueki wlu b4t b used in iny mora victory hlabrttloni council uondiy lalfht ondorud the lira and light eoramittmi raeommtiid fttion to end tha long time prae tut of allowing the are truck to lead a victory parade when- tver one of the owns taerosie r hockey teams win a champ louhlp utlinoton the burlington chamber of commerce asked counell alonday bight to atudy tha possibilities of a liquor plebiscite retail beer and liquor outleli in aldershot and cocktail and dining lounges in burlington as a whole were suggested by chamber members elllor john fulton ssld thit proper interpretstion of the bylaw would mean every doctor lawyer and archi tect doing work in his homo was violating the by law okanomvilli captain f 3 h woodcock addressed the annual meeting of dufferin county advisory committee cnib at the odd fellows hall in orangevllla on tuesday night he is the nat ional aftercsre officer of tha ar blinded with the cnid calidon more than 8000 attended tha annual caledon fall fair held under perfect weather last saturday peel u p tlruce beer opened the fair and noted that one of the riders in the pony ehow was arlene brown liar grandfather had judg ed horses at caledon fair 76 yeara ago hilltburgh malyon during discussion of aircraft boise over walton councillor h x chappell auggested that one fbul solution to the matter would be the expropriation of about stboliiis oitcaltricesl la melton noise from ilrcraf using the north south runway at malton airport la eontlnu lug problem to cattrldc st residents rrittafrtvillli a wholesale prosecution of btrwtnllla residents tor violation of toning by- lawi la dne ahortly this waa um ajatodjlntontlon of the tmoaustutkt monday blgafa simttnt which but- axtaaariy tt houri coun- a hillsburgh msn hss won the canadian checker playing championship angus craw ford of hijuburgb took tha title in toronto on monday september 3rd there ware twentyseven players in the competition rih village residents sre be coming apprehensive about wild animals which have ahown symptoms of rabies zhyzswdehng tnlopopulat- ad areas skunks in par ticular have bean noted bravely ambling around tha business section and one reported bit a dog milton- in ceremony on satur day atternoonjnunbara of the 13 mue creek conser vation authority were join ed by county arid govern ment officials as the carl- lale community pond anil the batueanako point con- servstion area were offic ially opened to the public the lultlrsnake point site includes 316 acres nova scotian heads chamber one statistic which causes great concern in protemona i i t i iir j thnr dallnlte bicbe in tociaty c rcles the fact that only 10 per cent of ihe student nunei wu ui in ontario are taking un versty courios w11 be abu to ktonvllth mcr prolciior helen carpenter dean of the university of the way of aiyvlce than in toronto school of nurjmg hat said that the ultimate goal the pi it and at the umi lima should b 25 per cent which would see 600 800 high eliminate waited work hours school graduates annually entering tha col eci i obiect of stepping up the admm iirat ve and special iil p 1 icd tide of nursing t that the present standard and levels wit is 9 rorcstcf f i have reactied their peak m ihe foreseeable future more roctntly a friend askod rat end more important positions will come up in the several this very question whrn 1 spheres directly concerned wth nursing hive him the itock rply da- most people imagine a hospital or a doctor i office to cribinf some of the multitude be the begmn ng and the end of the profession but the facets for the graduates for today are endless apart from general staff duties they qualify for ad ministration positions and they are m demand with public age nc iet oooo 0lortunities i in any cat any young worn teaching duties and excel contemplating a career in lent opportunttiaa ulth the nursing might grt the idea lhat uorld llraith orcanlution and she will utlk alone it ihould lots o friinds be pointed out that rnao cov ert the province with a total mmnberahip of tome 23 000 wtth officers in 12 districts and the students will be under friendly aunt 1 dance through become an office nurse it la in tha realm ol admin at the recant annual meeting victor oland victor oland hajlfiv nova scotia who ha bo en elected pros dent of the canadian chamber of commerce at the national business organizations 3rd annual meeting in van couver dc on september 17 18 10 lie was formerly first national vicepresident in btu inets life mr oland u preai dent of oland st son ltd and fxccpularblsaorvlca in world war n ai an officer lb the royal canadian artillery be hss spent his adult yeara in the family- controlled brewing industry ut oland bjlhgi to the cham ber presidency over 25 years o experience in biuhneu mili tary civic and public littalri born in halifax august oth 1013 he wu educated in hall- fax public schools loyolr col lege dalhotule university and oxford university ha takea over from w s klrkpatrlck former weildent of the can jynjcnunbfirflcoia titration thruikh that univcr sltiet are looking lor future leaders according to mitt carpenter reduction of the content in nursing and an increase in the humanities and wicncet it the aim of the higher course in nurtlng when you consider that as recently u 1020 tha only course available at the uniersjt of toronto wa4 oneyear affair for graduate nuraea the pre ant modern curriculum it at- tonlahlng and showt progrrsv iva thinking through the yeara it was 11u3 before a school of nursing was eatabllaherf in to ronto and 1042 before nurva could obtain a degree course one woman more than any other parson probably develop ed the higher learning theme in ontario and carried her ideas to every comer reaj pioneer she u misa k kathleen hub- sail now nrofeuor emeritus who insisted throughout her career on an increased level of education to keep pace with medkal science originally the university of toronto school of nursing was aided by the rockefeller foun dation and an indication of how its graduate have fared since the degree inception 20 years ago waa given at a recent inter national conference in sydney australia a ahow of hands there rev ealed that 34 per cent or the delegates present were gradu ate of the univeralty of tor onto progress in nursing education u notconf ined-to-the-unlvm- lilies a clou watch u kept every year by a special commit tee ofllnao with auch mem- ben u mlis kllubeth ma us of cttelph mr beverley mcltv tynjs of port arthur mlaa bvol- yn mckey of ttmmlni m4ai lillian mcklnnon barrle sister mary gregory chatham and mrs norman marowi gait to ime but 9 few who follow the preparation of nurees at present the committee and soli committees are work ing oili two year bule mirs of rnao the following district nreaidents were elected the miiiea joyce shack simla eileen mjnty rrantford kath leen arpin toronto muriel utumey kingaton phyllis conway ottawa kathleen mc- callum sudbury mrs uarga ret page port arthur mrs joan gibson colllngwood mrs lucy wigjfint kapuakaslng mrs jean philupt s4elburne mn fhth dunlop dumtas and mxa olive may cobourg these women with their own sub committee concentrate at all timet on improving the pro fession and the status of the registered nurse but they alto keep a close watch on outttan ding students in hospital schools they are looking forward and at all times they are seek ing possible top nursea and students so they can encourage them further in the field of nursing recognize talents in 10fl2 the novitiate of mir ation of things a forester does he ttopped me by saying i know all that i wsnt to know what ou are aot what you do i am afraid my answer aatla fled neither of us later i puuled over his question i think tbat i have found the answer i believe that an honest to goodness forester li not one but three things me is first a scientist he has found thr ough hard experience that the ability to handle a forest wisely is based on the hard core of scientific education and built on the observations of practical field experience and good re search data ite knows that forestry cannot be taught to lay- iren in ten easy lauont it has been tried and found want ing secondly the forester is a realist lie realties that wise use of the forest must be based on sound economic realities of our free enterprise system he knows and says that good forestry and good economics are compatible and hat proven it abundantly he preaches hi gotpe of forest conservation in practical term with the sure knowledge that wise use need not mean abuse lastly he u an evangelist not in the religious tense al though moat foresters are bas ically religious he is an ev angelist in that hi basic pur- pot in life la preaching better use in place of abuse of our u te hii al ta 1 1 ii tta liaimhtr oil in- tw fcfw yw twiewr tav al awll j koow tint tewrdifi ta tu rkytku bf nature fall u tt oed lo u e uwe of tlylag of aauaelsojy tj ahrlvuliug ea fee viae of rph for the futp up ap of wtaur mavytw cfcaltfcjufre fcf uj twtrwy tf tfy iw rt utitvwy ttwr s to at uj u tke ull ihtrf y aru wutr iwua u tk4r tamu sty bul all v a tt tkat flnt nli u lit u u nitemuai air phupa theyre ust foolia thmalva but canadiana act aa thaugb thy love the fall they come to life they unite ttiy form committea make plant have parties tby even aurt going to chuxefe prbapt it it just a last bya4cal fling a frantic escape froy reality with th grim profipact of six mouths winter ahead but they certainly burn with a clear gem like flame while it hit wkare tt tfce twr keuaa- ut4r wk tkaut ke dtlakuaj up the naelit and crvwul puhlnf a ke trw wbuuwe thuaj u kit fuel uif and tmhenlht auwm all tk kaukea fee tke klher vyse tket i skaadt hi tall you where be u on hit day off llei aundlng in tha ice water up to hit nipplet trying to ctlch a rainbow trout or out on the golf eoune ta bundled with sweaters ha can hardly wing or hes titling with a noggin watching the football game on television that where be la and wkeree tke tuld4fe wke tkauld be tmlhlna weeun tuki bhtmlng dew preatrvet and csisnad meat alrlna tke hannelahe tkaah patklnf tke familys lonej underwear and quilting a ulllt ill tell you where the k shes on tha phone talking ab out what ahes going to wear to lb tea or shes off in the car to ettend e wedding or the la out playing bingo or shes sitting around with her fact up watching tha afternoon mo vie thats where she la ii must ahalte eur plane ancestors rujld te lealt dawn er o frem their preaenl ab- eda and tea u breearine tor winter abaut tklt lime ef year trandfatkar waa kllllne a beef tkeellno a deer tal tin dawn a ke making spelt elder ttack int vast pllaa ef nrewaad and kutlllna kla wkeal te tke mill tt bmmt rvlaoa cvujaj tecka to l66k d6tt likd ae his gj-uni- 6d uuntua 4 far i bolldy hstying hk uf r6oofcd at uw bt twmur and uyin u ku htmx feue4y w taking 3 the phsms and cmliiag tha omlft dy uit wm mm um wu y wiwkm take a uir tea t ew k wwvai utw mm iw telu twluj echoes frw th tut l h harald 19ss and 1937 grest natural rfsoureas of watar aoll and forests thinking bsck in thesa tarms i cannot recall a successful fleld forester who was not a scientist a realist and a avsn gellst news and views wy oming forest district merry menagerie by wall dtwy foot ktiyl tbistii tha third bby hippo w lud thlh wmakl it bold it a utua qum la ike skadow bf kr taaji aw a4 hr grsnd- dmishul facing up lo uu rig- of wlnur rackwl by tha dreadful ladvclsioa of whether to uiy a koaaa frsr or a lur eot torn by ue diumsu of vbltr to lave taa cleaning vmsa eosaa oace or twice a aw f tw tkafs lmblnt 1 at sm uje f ske ulua- suo ctilii du- uv se wrrv akaot tatl4wse mi tmfci u leu a p w mx car he uawt nj woe ajtwii smi cmj a w fall kla avery iu se w4 a and granny didnt have la cope with a kllrhenful of maclv- inery kids who were smarter than she was and tha lata lofrv- les hs dulnt need sleeping pills rlgsrftltea and peyrhojogy lay htlnk l ii tu will he tj jd auys tly 4uflt kava mikk hot what y haj was tkalr wi4 net tha flmaaee cawi he aut aeeliaata n auahallcs aaay mini k eaajrln lafs werryu ahaut tha hermie f vr aianaer enceeters anj set hack t awaatln ever eur ewsi imuretsc chaos aukoka some of the finest antlqua cars in csnsds will be on dls plsy in aurora nest saturdsy ohen there will be a judging rally of the antique and class ic car club of canada tha location is st andrews col- lege on yonge st north georgetown herald imllij by haste mewtstapare llaaltaj georgetown ontario walter c uha publisher earlum mecllvray production superintendent office staff tarry llarlty alleen bradley nawe editor aoeountanl ii de parker advertising slanager uslla clark dave uestlnga cob dsskervllle uylea gllson bob slacarthur llembar si tha canadian weakly newspapers association and tha ontario aaaoclatlon 10 vuts ago second only to william merritt in years of omployment at th provincial papar mill arthur horbort was honoured by fallow exriploymt on monday with the presentation of a handsome smoke aland ross duncan huflh dickie and clayton allen each spoke briefly at the ceremony an addition to ihe smith stone plant will rjive employ- ment to several additional people by next spring the newt wit announced this week by the oeneral manager of the company who said lhat the new building will house a plastic division presently located in the duplate canada limited plant in oshawa c f pat patterson of norval has been named referee inchief for the ontario hockey association an oha referee for several years the district resident is adhes ive manager for swift canadian co it was through refer- elng hare met- pat first became interested in the area aa a place to live end last year he bought the emslle farm x js yeyub ago the high school opened agajn on monday with attend- ence eboutas uiualtonly one change he been made in the teaching staff mitt fatt of toronto specialist in english and hlttory tueceeds miss thompson o in an essay contest in which 54 students representing twenty schools in halten competed at palermo last week teddy stlgger of georgetown was awarded first prize mr harvey nurse of athgrove hat usr rooelvedfrom ottawa a beautiful silver mounted shield which he won at the dominion rifle meat in august it represents th championship ol ontario in mallbore rifle shooting mr inurse shot a percent score ol 400 put of 400 in the adletsi farm for tale 4 mllet from georgetown 7 acreithlcken houses frame barn loyally brlachouaey hydro furnace mswor beat otter t

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