Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1962, p. 5

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iwinlui saatiag at taa la af la nerval oaldas aad ik mldllh bote o l kwlai a trim it ay aaealag aapteaebr mta hitb mrs hsabar la tb ebeir a resort as tb cold eetiv- ttus praamm by cum can tata mm cwiart was raaa ta caaeae will start fall program starts for guides brownies was bar tjfeuld btks wlaale itcewa boos tb rturnw ef cmmna wlaalpaf mail vbutlaj willi bar at tb prao- eat u anuf br eouaia blrs noaus mcdowell o braaoaa alao mr aad air j vlallad wttb tbolr ua aid w laair tall activities a friday faurlalaw las aid itrt aul pa laldlaw at cornwall aa lb italia laast 11 vntb a wi eld captal and llawteaaal ctwryl cteuy wbe ta gaidars cuajrjbovad lara uy a la job beta 6as- ad ta practical pmh af laoir caaesrtalt badsaa tb colaai triad tkat beaues badaaa at taa cuia aarolaxm all pa tbay wwa jarut car- martintown mother dependent of lull puaeral satvio for mxs jaavas uraabari we bald la aodrav united caurck and cr by hv k a wu of zloa uai ud caisrea wfvl uu1 aadatad by kav bnalaaeaurua al tliiiaah unllad cauresl fcvatvtt kucfc ol coreaall raadarad taa kola sud 6 aw saul burial waa la taa adjoini eeaaalary bins urquaart wn taa lotb v cardod untubart hi i ju- bart t pell kuai wa rinli esicfor ua aualartla ai- aasadar stobaruoa ualia at bariaul dooald catftduli afid waak-ad- hllpb u warbia la donald tbaauoji c tb carawall dialrut and lay kb unjuaarl tba forawr clcax aba aa wkay haaraa- tad at all ua actmtiaa baavl taitaftd worker la tb woceaaa wi godaty and taa wo- eaeav aesnrierinn sa was alao far assay yaaia a valued of taa waaaaaa lasts- ialu due paadlry aaur laih bar rtaada al a car roast al bar aas ua saturday urj u abalu ku gaatla ttl aahua bad trae- d la kpbit aba aaa kltaly aa by krida drela al trlaada aad iniilabilani la twaattful floral afiaraa aur- rouadad tba caavat baarvjalaf at tuk aauxbtar atra salaaa ttwkaaaai alartu- towa kod four aaal alartia ol tbraata gardod al caorgatoaa stuart af vkiimarbar aad lia- dca ktariiatoaral savafi caad- cblaifaa aad abw kraat kraad ebluraa klad taarwa fouobw a aaaday luaa i ibi- lta ims page a i mm uniuaart utalaa raauant ot hartiabwa paaaad oaiattr aaay at tba caaaral uaapatal cocam osavb ua tamo oau oatava mi kaad tor soe i stomi toot tom haines uamntil a tm yta laabalu kury kleaurtla wai bora it aurtlnlawa la 17 tba ualy daucblar tj jamaa wu uaaa auotarllii aad all wu jaaa aaa kuoaugau- sa tar lyada saaa and dwoaa rtubara kin d sailla iu brawn owl rapartad browola far tbr plr joaaa pbolo first in pick posies yhf htohtuffoi of bixllay gil shop william bock lay otlen mn blair bailar a bouquat ol rotaa and allow her to tka har ohoica finl hundred and fifty inlo iha plaia thop racaived foiet wh it opanad racanlly last of a mi1 rural ontario answer to province expansion the irwjutrat nd manufaclurmg cnvii affect rig rural ontario ioi no qtkjgraphi- cl favcxiliim al ih bordcri arxj in every area wherr there u thought for opt m im there n en equal dalnbuiion of pe t m for the future along the eatern jhom touching the st lawrence waterway lie ng rxifth and then back and finally through the ottawa valley the p dure and the tat it c are the lame good communities and poor communtti but all through the prov nte the lame univenal coipla m a tight wedge nd vice of metro dommat on unequal tax dutnbuhon and inefficient diven f cat on of mduitry however at government level there n at icit one cabmtl m n iter who ha pro- qreed fac beyond the ipeech making itage there i one man who is preparing to do tome thing for ihe province and hi plan are worth reporting in detail woven formula mm brhiml thr lathe rw1 hr nari for onl a loj mirbrt machipc ru his portion pruuniivi and all thr forrikn flntly becue they embrace toctn ourkou are wide ofrn for the tba most pnncn formula fori hard tell fcucorea uttrr nmphclt american cowtimt in m nuuhfcll it mak no sectmdly because uiit man h run difference whether a prt n tutta he h u tool to make tv utnl h tm ucuxy nouab broad t jz s k bayorul the prwrlncul bordan u f lnd comilrl b traniurt or ai- b faln marku they 1 ra c imlu mww plu irkhjjl l fa in srlcn in knoanrl lnn france- the mlnuirr contrn nthln from 1000 to dad tna automobua li a na i v uonal rymkol i o what dllterir dm 100 tlut hrre he itormed ana j m rleht in ontario we ime a thua the opamng foreho arriea of ionian produrta and nteta and mr ma la plecel and whole itroeturw ami delermined to open them will when they are blherad tojeth p auppoaed to call 1 a lierltled lndumrj for canadian ear dittrught araaa na waa aertoiu whl he add overdue ed we have never eouarel faced uila problem but we mi naturally the mlnlaler a on have to come to it alaujht aialnit the automotive juat one aentence but with lndllltry w lon overau for wealth of pmllctive object lhlt hl 1kn j r thlnklnt behind it l n j hi like jxrartnt iodine on tlk tnj trr industrial wound that is really derph dlstrlcu o oshawa avaalajt putabar 15 guala a daataadaat al tba klcatartkoa ware praal iroai ceuigtowa wba ab u ualtad kaiptrtl braaiploa acton fort crvdil i layaluu la lata eotaaaualty id ud norval tk naoa aba war a kl oblld and uat dlrwta daaacad aa aajuyabla walaar raaat aat of aaarlff alaaaadar aia- itrawalaa tialr awauaj will waa bald by the norval culiaa marun who al a buow al ouiaaunta wllk a cora ruail a and tkalr frlanda at willaw parllamaal bualoaaaaua bsat- ilra sailtki kaau oa wedaawtk on friday avaolnj sep niaalar and rullag ldr al tba day baptaajw ltd tve lol lembr htb praabytarlaa cburci caatrlba luwla auauajla will be bald lae avanma wn apanl in tad uueb la tba aarly tattle- is tba pnabylarlaa church conauralnl hot doia and pup men of xhmt coauaually fh eraiaat alau al offlcera and danrine under iha hart to nr paranta dtad waaa aba war rturaad lor a aaeonda rerord player tba uidei wu infant and aba uvwd year they are praaldanl lira report a eood lima and are nb bar irandraotbar lira da 1 flibbura terratary lira e looklni forward lo ibe fall id ucuauiaa and later vttb mclean treaaurer lira c actlvlllei hrowaa kouowlnf the meeting a loaelr lunch sat aervad by the i am rntt miul the neat maalln will be at tba home ol lira k uc darmma ctukh uan on tuaiday eveninf oct l vdui1c ober mh ail culdei and brownie mother are urjad to alland h forelm markeu they turn dividendi at home dlv idendl in money and joha thll ia lion rooert w ac aulay hinllter of enarcy ree- aurcaa and mlnlater of econ attica and development mr uauulay talked with forthrigfet bonaity and blunt oesi and aummed up the sit tsatlmi in two phases the deep aeonomloal problems wa fare la ontario and canada and use aolutloaa domination of canadian man ufacturlnj by foreign money be placed dearly at the held of the list of ill j that in ilself was not a hca vy complaint he poinlnl out lv but the dancer was in nwre canadian acsrmnly lines gath arlng foreign parti convenience for profit the factory mskea a product eompoaed ol aeven oomponent parts theee parts are manu tacluted abroad they are sold to canada and put together in tie plant but heres the catch the pa rant company is only desirous of the local market it doesnt taek to scale the tariff wall and 4nvada the import field ii u in a word a convenience for ugh profit thle affects the rural factory krorker he can only produce tinder virtual dictatorship and tba factory u in a state of aeonomle confinement a at manufacturing level eulma mr mscaulsy there era lectrlcal concerns miking in dividual products it a rate where it li impossible for the buying public to absorb them that li a phase of develop- iraent ha said where eompeti- tlon can be destructive hypothetleaily two tornpen sea can b making one piece of alectrleal apparatus suddenly lu foreign companies cone in to ontario and among other things make the tame instrum aul a thu l case aiyi the mln latar where we must take i keen long look at the monopoly laws and make them work for us si wu is against us he wants to bring executives together to come to sn under standing of production llralli and so protect workers in mich an up and down sryslem he utplalned i am not concerned with the men who run the companies as much as i want to ensure that the infectious he commented rural ontario and how will the solving of these prohlema af feet them first y ihe ontario econom 1c council la studying a poui ble lax structure for rural ar eas this is not in line with the kennedy redevelopment area plan in the united states mr macatllay explained but a brand new approach with no tint of political flavouring but rather an economic taste new industry and oakullc and windsor we bui what about the people of m ricod op under study too la a devel opment fund for the creation of new industry therea the 20 point econo mic program with auggestloni for rural loans and a keen ex aminltion of agricultural areas however of all ol the above- mentioned plans the most fea slble centres on his complaint of foreign domination ol msrk els he already has called a con ference for autumn and a cath erlng of the countrys best known experts to try and dis cover just how rainy compon ent partsoia finished product esn be msnufacturad al home there was a hypothetical number at s preliminary meet ing some 5500 parts bro ken down if 20 per eent esn be minufscturad in canada orf tario has s good chance tov snare oils ball of that number that would mean 500 new plants all scattered it strat egic points to lift the rural marketj why ruralt decline if these parti are made and issrmblcd there the ppcts if radical and much sought after changes occur in the for aeeable future component parts for cars could be manufactured aome where in ontario and the hoary plea of close to the mclro mar kel cannot posslhly hold true for aulomobdea the factories are outside ap art from metropolitan windsor wouldnt it bo feasible to make parts in rural areas adja cent to assembly lines finally mr maraulaya dis sertation on monopolies and the electrical industry that naturally must enter the tariff field but once again if foreign markets can be ex panded the absorption of pro ducts must follow his plans now in the forms tlve stages coincide with thll series of irtlcles for he real sei the urgency of lifting ruril markets and in general itim ulating the manufacturing and industrial power of ontario ab i wrote earlier in the ar ticle here li one minister wh thoughts are not centraliiad he could be the leader of such movement for he la a thor oughly decentrillxed individual working night and day for i better ontario and ajbatter csnids there are othera in the gov ernmentsl team who think the same and would like to air their thoughts they suffer from verbal af fliction for they become 1m- nmtnlxed when they think of one word propitious ilr miciulay summed up his specific prohlerna of markets in a nutshell vulllng with lllu prsirta alaguira for a couple of weeks businessmen to date lacked the faith lo get out and seek and then sell abroad the more products that show up in foreign eountrlae iha more job that emerge in onl which should prove the n lorn that we are still not an la land unto ourselves space confinerocnta will r- atrlct metro development along those lines in yesrs to coma the 11 ha fraught with thrlr own problema of how lo cover the local market the answer to real expan alon lias in rural ontario tba lome scats c com pany has resumed training at the park st armoury last week all ranks met for the first time since lhair training schedule terminated in july and ncos and offtcera ravlewtd the tall and winter training program a light drill was held thursdsy bul the program will gat back into high gear tonight whan the instruction courses begin tomorrow night the com psny will be the guests of hsu kan llurray for iha annual lome scot corn roasl harniu races the two best heating systems known to man bell lines by lloyd denby your telephone manager by notified to urid particular of nmr to thr undenixnrd on or before the 20lb day of oeto her 1082 after which date the eaute will be dlitributrd regard only to the claim of itira food jurnrii race will which th underajuned thall feature oeorfetown fair on than hive nnlice and the under saturday don t mm them signed will not be liable to any program available person of wheu claim ahe thill not then have notice dat1d at eometown una 17th day of september a i 1002 ttun1 adeline jlemnjlon jiutrii of the estate of torey karl hrrrmctrin b her solicitors dale bennett i j timer t lulncs 23 mill st goratown ont 104 har aunt urt jack fwniiii la 16v7 she maxtied jamr urtju hart kinf tv iluad who privlr reaied hrr in 1030 liar later eir werr trent in the village where the continued an active inter it in her hoov tier church and the community a mtwnber of the united notice to c retailors nobody tqueitorrs natures heating systems and in thr istatf o cery fart whetl it corrlcs to hottl hcatihfl hothlrtg is qultt a zir k flood as safe dependable esso oil heat aii persona havm ciaima ji willi esso you have uut rcaufing feeling that you aint thr mtate of corey karl always jet the very best the very best and most herri nit ton latr of th town r jl ahtp of kaqucaimt jouitryman economical heating fuel ihe very beit and most who died on or about the 23rd reliable servce- day of august 1062 are here l t t- a t 1 call your nearest imperial lsso agent today and let him introduce you to lhal wonderful world of esso warmth ron dumper th 74552 georgetown always look to imperial for the best take tjtf um out of runnimo your home like iv busy folks in cer vfwn yuve rebakly feuiwl tkat ruevnlnf a kme tdy 1 kaapa yv en tke rui m or smmi anj newftere la hi la sware evliaal ikan in ka kit ckan ike amalaat ream in tke ku ne tlkaa f leave a crucial ceejelfia ek te aaiwar tke pkna unua el caurae tke pkane la rik tkeee in tke klt- ckaa wlrk a hanah eeuurful etaun yu can make ami take call wtlle yeu watck tke yuatt4ra unxjarfeet and tkat mabaur ef lave 4 tke back burner yw1 tee is an ideal aeel far a kandy extansian it will aave yeu let ef running te tke pkane tuwnslalra and prevlde e fel tng ef security at nlflht special ly if yeu are ewer alena call us teday at 177 2393 and atk abeut evtanalen telapnenet in celeur well be od te talk it ever with yeu ceip in touch september i school time and a lot of younff people will be lea- rtftjljiome for college or boar ding scltoo urre s one good way to keep in touch with them lota of folks set a regular time for plnff up nn the news and more often than not this time li on a sunday or after 0pm urtcn station toatatlon ratea are lower remcmbcr too that after 0pm any evening you get double value on station tostation long distance cella of 10 minutes or more within ontario and quebec under our night ec- onotny plan so be nira to call often hie pleasure la big and the coat k amall 1 lot amauer than you think when you keep in touch by telephone watch our children tke atreeta of eur tewn are filled again with yeuneitera en their way back te ackeel many ebhem are vary yeun and atlll net folly aware ef the daneere of pea entt ajftomeuus may we remind tveryene te eimmlae extra eau lien while tfvrvlnfc ntr ackaelt tar wher ever yeimy e h i i children may be walk- in let ua retnember that children do net el way think before they move end can net- ally be ceunted en by telephone calling and keep corp tbd scott tft- da the unexpected traitlc safety off leer gtown business directory w h c a r r prsfeeelanal inalrtaar oaterle lana survayar 118 uounlalnvlew fid s georgelowd onl thiangle 7j3u raa pbona th 73300 or j j powir dentist 13 main st n for appointment call tr 7437 7m ciorcrtown animal clinic v zavltt dvm r footman mrcvs loh cuelpb street clinic open 7 p m 0 pjn mon wbo fri tat eftemaan 14 lever hoslcin chsrtarwl aecsuntante 103 queen w brampton glendala lsoss 44 victoria su toronto phone bu 40131 rank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po dox 413 tr 71sc4 georgetown dale bennett latimer baines barristers t talleltara douglas v lattuer terence p balves trlangle 74381 13 uill sl georgetown barragers clainerashlrt laundererc tr 7m7 ib main s 106 guelph all werk dene en premise for rxpirt iyh cari coniult o t walker occullst prescription 12 main st brampton gl 14474 rea gl 10143 hour 0 am 6 pin daily friday 0 am to 0 p re evening by appointment george c hewson barrkter and sellelter 116 mountainvlcw rd s carrctal duilding georgetown suite 5 tr 7 2311 printing 0 distinction lettt3uleads envelopes statements 4a wedding invitations seorgetown herald tr 7jm1 monuments mllock campbill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonr ll75a0 3 water street north o a lt robl r hamilton ro ofstomelrht eyes exsmlned prescriptions filled 60 mlln sl n far aaaalnrmant tr 74971 john d ord qc barrister and sellelter 116 mountalnview rd s carrelal duildlng georgetown suite a tr 749u a i l buchner ro optomalrist 181 guelph st scolt cr lot wednesday evenlntft only by appointment only tr 7081 wallacb thompson 3rd division court a clark t camntlatlanar i tr7m43 frederick a helson barrister snd sallcltar lla mountalnview rd s carrelal building georgetown lull s yr 7230 me hmderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georrjetown tr 7j464 t van sickler bjl barrllur solicitor notary dr williams bldgj sb main s t8 74s31

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