Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1962, p. 13

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st off mumsmmw i majm hair style oof skilled beuhoni hv studivd rhar ii fell hair style and will lnti twi to fuhw youl q taaim ff tbiaajsse hair cutsauej fmgh rj for appomirnn pierre uaurrcumm sfaktwm sauttdav mt junior bowing at georgetown bowl 16i u jvuw u s- boysuaguc ao813 qhels ieagui aol3 ttfnagttcs aoe 1416 special instruction 9 em 10 30 e f tim 1010 a r 1045 em1030 er srccul 1am soc pa register wow mens league reminder anyomf wtuumo to sowt in men uaout staklttrto monday octoui iw at m fhoui otafcy wasytvx trywtt procla aasaaaa volunteer ambulance service day september 29th 1962 v cooprlion with the georgetown volunteer ambul new service and in accordance with a resolution passed by the geogetown council i proclaim sept 29th 1962 m georgetown ambul anew service day in georgetown the gvas wit tir5t in canada and the lervicei of the member since the service ws established have been more than commendable and i am ture tfpprec iated by all almnt official opening f iii new ambulance quarters on jamaa sir saturday stmtmkt irh at 2 00 p m i mtpactfully request and urge all citizens to attend thau ceremonial w d sargent mayer headaches nervous tension chiropractic spinal adjustments act quickly to cotfeet and relieve cause of pain mm woautu uieiahce ftaimaa my cutma ftli byglfaftartjhif vm teud decte l ike fceallef arte bees yevr eeury ww chlrepfattu ttuwunau f twoplt init f bawtacka bonw j hum ur many vmm haw ubui all ui ftf uiatwinu that only utnfwtnrtly matyr lb paw titd mw tt la lha tmutuumu batte eaua thi avaraf wim lawln to tti fclaa- ajf ai pain lh quick way mtkar than te tularmim th ral attnanhal muulitiflai out m causing cmuautj sawdtuhaa baud upon aciantific viwwujfa fcry eiiae lad muses uwu i th body muit b aupejud with lu full quale el vital m wurty imm lha wain telunctuv pijitly th aly path whtrahy thla amrva m erititultrf in lha brain may b inm nulut i ita ulumau tfceilutiea le ha tfwiiul cord h by nasalitf through th uanibh in tha aninal edtttu and bmifthlnf s an intrket aatwatk i tvaty ergn oi thi body if thfca dallcst tunn trunka te tubitet to pnwuh ol th hiid by mtmititi el th idim e jiatwawna fth maulta th jy t6atbw wy thla vul narv w eaa b m- ktvd a to f r th paaa htm th bplbil ttduma u th dutrimij p4a- 5 tha body cklmphfcue adiukinamu eu eatrvck thl nrv mutfamaoa imia ttw thltcauaa uaatoa aaj rimrlarhaa georoetown chiropractic clinic 1 malashmt seumi tv m01 moum tuatbay yhumoay and sattumday fey aayal only ii j i t tun i i ii iilaiataamiliiiinlil il inlilimiii i n fwetoaaesi yittlfim motavati thought they needed tj2 rebels pass up sure win th tcar6 wilt aay crtow otomxtelu sctj tied st jeran uu lo a pri iimnii uuwlaa aaeufidary ieliwj foot uu w la kurlii- uri tviiiey cjkt uiala tk only tuuuif etl uawat ol aw r tfc wu uo aquality dlapl7tn fcb uaivcubled deiire aad euyona wtlb mere tku a madia teojualnuik mia u gfeo will tell you uut m ttot al tka job thi bile ouurwnptrtd outuocfced aumuaacd aod ilrhd uww kiulieoer countfrpuu in ibtir aeuod latdllm ltf t niln hfth v y kli vi almml lwic tbt l jtr-f- u i mttlwbh- loul at uill iulj l i th pau pnly enoutb tlni dlawt lw hriha crtu wm a 1411 vktvy tv mil at mm kava u kep tb dfrftca booeu ila f heked on 3 of 7 altrrapu but t wai bis runflms off th option hut burl kitchener hr eljlumed lb corner for gitmcf 1411 w st jii- u a10 and so yards more ibo a of i- e knlriwaihlitg timet wrlgglasworlb av etvi u cp tuu crad clow to tn yards a a tjj k 1 i li carry running the middle and j ue fcirf m a 6me tba other blrlu lee and hep- ta tot ma gii r wy a 9 picked the opritingt ur u u tka 4yu mllgood calm llrpprt at e kick nut rvturner ran one uuol karkl sflit j ckaaca fr 65 yardt and on one pla tka kau o tleklt fru t lu ckanar utm t ii yard un v wllb lb aacondi ticking of aad lalad of going for u i l choutcr run p ulck kick aad a 11 breaking k point coacb alcurvn sent bs cbarg alter tha malor tcore i ttndout wee itie in tky dlaej on tb 7 yard line l iwbacker ruu llrdlry i j0 who muil hav been in ua yly yard into laad on a rougt early in th gam and tlrue for a major 1601 of the urklrt and llavr uclod thr only 2nd yar man i puipv drfr p i and nia play hut wnt for 45 k t l st w j yardi wbao sparty urghi lo m k fountklnny uarttl unrovtred srwiuf aupplied ih re on th ftfteati yard una th lh convert wai mlud and ltwu hulrd or yday la 7 ball em on tu ll w1 j kilrhfjr avenad thing in ln tha tacond quarter when th si jerome s quarterback atar tad mum hit play a ud kapt the georgetown defence tooie enough to complete a march from their aide of the centre ktrlp tlie point after tourti- 1 down wu through the upnghta and that capped the iroring in the lint half oh balance vha rabali pliyd esellent ball coatiol la tha third quar tar utglll kept the tacondary off balance by running the wide ituff pitch outs and op tions and then coming right back up tha middle for good yards on off tackle play and tha odd keeper gord lee ft nuhed the field long march whan be crashed over on a slant over the left side from eight yards out thinks to two or three key blocks that open ed a big hole there was no convert later ln the same quarter they lost a disputed touch down when mkil skirted tha right end but got bounced in to touch right at tbe goal line the offensive team indicated a td but the officials saw it dif ferent the waihed out play inspired st jeromea to an other sustained drive on the ground and through the air that brought out some glaring flaws in georgetown pau um brella and tha hosts made the most of them to tie the score it was a bad day for the toe and for the third time in tha game a convert was miscucd try raeiilea after the fame lvn mclar en explained if as ku uf chance te take a leek at hbj reeltle defensive backs under fire bafere uaue etey k4fc luitulaa hi reluctance teeuk- st i hte when st jeremeapeea receiver ceniutently beat the deep back in running their patterns that however was abeut the enly weakness the teat breueht eut both the offensive end de- fenslve lines were veritable brick walls end remarkably few blocking assignments wafe missed as the yards rushing figures bear out giis went for over 300 yards along the ground advance polls for municipal elections aewaw vih be bew fnalurv au the george- iowa launicipej eldbctiooa in demoaber council aet voting day u uoaday dc srd at this weeks ttfccudg aad exiled for sa advance poll to be be id at the municipal build ing on tbe previous satur day tbe advance poll wul be open from 10 a m to spja it wll elter those wbose business keeps tba out of town on tbe ifonday to vote and accordiog to cr bob urntmlly wbo with cr km inervin moved for the poll be had uveral requrils 11 december for such a proce dure hibbert ellison in junior golf finals the junier chfcw el wtrth hatlea cell end ceumry club will be decided um ii kele final thutun dy randvlbkert whe card ed m end tte lllisen with iw ril as the cenunder fer the ji nier crown lilt w in a teurney at tke hru hal ceurte ceniestod by tuv en vut 4lt all played nine betes end th feur tewtt played en- etner nine e decide the ii- nallah ahr the first nine bb imiien 4 er smith 41 jehn flnuy 10 end ran dy hlbheh s3 were the feur fewest on the secend nine hither carded a 43 te leke ever the leed end rek 1111 sen qualified fer the locend bill word at laurentian u ur bill sanford eoroued at laurentian university sud bury last week good luck te you bill ur and lira rrank brown motored to montreal uat weak where they visited bis aunt mils e brown wbo u quite ill u well as mr and mrs a cameron and family coagrsluutioau to mr and mrs a swinkels wbo rccivd tlrir canadian ciulenaejp cr tificstes en friday septetnber 3ut at uillon a few wa ladies beld a booth l the sale of fowl si the farm of tbe lata mr her j ruifujo ballinafad on satur day ummunion servites will be i held at umebouatr ireujyteri art church on september 50th at 3 30 p m beginning lbat iiy irrvicfi wilt be held ml ithr eftrrnoon with sunday at 30 p hi i ur mitchell returned hum un r rid ay after several weeks with hrt daughter ut tkru uitrhrl st weston i i ur itrnno spilxrr u incori vrnirntly nursing a brokrn finger received from being thb amoamrqu hirald tmiredy th ti i if 17 ifii pagz u together after 52 years mi ahdtkw dtwhuftst end ha 83 yeer old viiler aa alice chadwick have a happy reunion in england meeting her lor tve first time m 25 years the reunion happened during true week holiday in lancashire by mr end aarv dewhurvt 2s gvelpri si which they returned irom two weekl ego mr dewhurst end mrs chedwtck ere only two remaining rrvembeft of a family erf seven caught in a car door tee with secend rewnd 34 this is th lirtr veer that this syttean has keen used in delermlnlnf the junler till helder mr and mrs ai ingles at sunday when the pat tenon fax tended races at moipon during mily gathered for dinner le the weekend celebrate the two couples s5tts wedding anniversaries of b- mr and mrs a c iattrr son and mr and mrs wilbur patterson were honoured guests ai the home of mr and mrs russell patterson acton on trmber 11th and 34th ithankagivtng weekend oriat year come the firm weekeadl in chctaoher the fifth hornby seeking softball title llornby rural aoftball team which includaa in 1u lineup iva local players will come to grips with their final oppon entt ln their queit tor tha on tarlo rural softball league title thla saturday in hornby that it u it doesnt rain again th flral qama af tha basr- afthraa aarlaa haa already been paarpened twlca baeauta al bad waarkar tha flraltam waa erlalnally aat far last sa turday and than shirred to tuesday because of relit pre- settling th raalslanca will be a team rettreeenhnf a small camrrtunlry narrtad shaddan near sl thamas atsd whast rhlntt llnally underway lecsllut blake ingllt rats and jamie cunnlntdtant ren mc lean and tarry brush will ba halplnst tha hornby causa aa much as they can v llornby reached the finals by ellmlnltlng perry station last week and prior to thst they ousted brough they were al so supposed to meet either carlisle or duffs corners but both teams were thrown out of competition because of numer ous protests during their ser ies the second game of the horn byfiheddon set will be in shed don next week and if the ser ies is tied after two they will toss for the third home gemc jim hamilton of rr 3 horn by msnages the team and ken petty is coach cuvmut imjmj tpt imjm from the trim new front end to the stylish new rear deck chevrolet for 63 has the looks of the leader lines are crisp and clean interiors are lovely and luxurious the ride is jetsmooth and silent bold brilliant engineering of tho 63 chevrolet brings you such undortheskin improvements as selfadjust ing brakes impactresisting safety door latches bat terysaving dcfcotron generator cxtcndedlifo exhaust system g months or 6000 mile lubrication interval and a gtmbtu motoaa vuro air- washed rocker panels and front fender hncrs to reduce corrosion but hold on theres more theres a brand new smoothassilk standard six and livclicr- thancver v8 engines in a choice of 13 models plus a list of options and convenience equipment as long as your arm its going to be a great year for chevrolet your year to go chevrolet 63 its exciting cuvylf nm m uin chovy ii mndo a name for itself in just ono oar and this year its ovon bettor for tho 63 chovy ii combines tho easycare fea tures of the big chevrolet plub its pwn advantages park- momy and a full i now chovy ii cthwl ait cm dipt brlttht new accents eolors and interiors hlghllbht corvairs diatlncttvoasever atyllnsr for 63 selfadjusting brakes im- anywhero size fullfamily room pop and l afull complement of optional powor assists soo tho l its exciting- sriemmu um umj tf nui come to the chrwtepgo show at your chewoict dmlcts showroom arthur scon motors limited 61 guflmi st inui jvuii muiwrw hiivjiibi tr msi utimure to mb bonanza on the cbctv networkeac sun chech your local lutin jorchatmel and time seassaaasjam citsit

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