r f db73 olftw william spent four months in native england ur ambrose hancock arrl vd fct walton sundjy night after amending our montiii i hii netiw land england 11 u 5 year since ha was there nefdlni to uy things are very different after ail thou years familiar fsees- are gone and boyi he knew than are old men ha made hi headquarters at iligbbridjs otderel tk family went to th airport to welcome hi to kama and thfn gathered at the feral konie to tuten to the v r-rtcj6wttm5b- is pur jones georgetown schools gridiron reputation rests on these wellpadded shoulders coiohtt lyh mdjutoj and hit regiment ol piqikin ponuri rumbia into tve 196 ichdul tuesday oct 2nd with rheir drit league test in pre hon end thau er the armour d tlhouuura on which th reputation gks has of fielding strong football aggregations will rest back row wayne sproule mccrae marchrrwnt atlunion sargent page murray scitoulen and barnei third row line coach peter bright einttent roger carey frankruyter campbell ctmholm nurte curry b ad ley bennett and harvey second rowi richardson berreger quigley mercrtend nail wriggles worth mcleod nd head coach lyn mclaren front row adams heppas mertel lee forgrave pennock mcg ii and tripp seek solution for school water supply some relief to a water ihor uge it umehouaa school ep- peered laat tuesday night when esqueslng school board member began negotiations for a fresh supply with o as- icin of hornby who owns ad joining property ur ask in informed ihe board hu water was supplied from running springs and be utved the supply would be adequate to aupply the school s well in stating his willing lie is to cooperate with the board in obtaining water the homeowner told the board his supply would have to continue considir iittlimint beanj tat where aakej if a leisaj term laaae mlajkt keavalu able in ereer le dale trams f hie tupartmaat and were aakaj far a few tlayt le cv tbler ike prebum el a sehle- tef at urate water u win trucked le the llmakause ukeal at a ceal e 9m iter tfceosand sllns asul aeily a s00 siim reaerve levk is us etelud trustee expect le keve m additional jm tiu lk uatalud skarlly boaard member lira shirley armstrong inquired regarding providing trinsportation for 10 children in the norval area she wu told no arrtngemente hid been made transportation ejtairman bob lawaon aaid be would not agree to rerouting buses for this purpose as par ents in other areas faced with the aama problem would de mand the ssme service and it would be impossible to provide this would invftnoatb on two previous occasions a delegation from norval bad re quested the board s considers tion for trsnsportstion of their children and had been inform ed an investigation would be made trustee mac sprowl on learning thst esqueaing coun ell was not too pleased with a recent report in the newspa per regarding a possible dsn ger st the railroad crossing on the fourtb line insisted a let ter be sent council from the bosrd requesting a thorough investlgsuon at the crossing board chslrmsn ii j cun ninghsra told ur sprowl he wu of the opinion a letter ftun the board would not have any bearing on the subject and stated the board of trans port had been notified to con duct a survey at hiis crossing koad hazard ur trwl arfued tket when actee liaukeuse quarries ke- clns eaterstlene ike creaalnf weuuke kaurvleu i nsetar ut eaatac lelly kuus carry i no cklldrem he culajtej ike view weuld ke ekstrvclad by rail- way can an ike siding wken e tkreufk feeln waa paulna trustees stanley brown ro bert lawson and the chairman disagreed with ur sprowls belief and contended the cros sing didn t provide any great hstard if drivers drove with care ur sprowl pursued the subject and asked that a let ter be sent to increase any power the council might have in urging installation of cros sing signals his wjrhej were discarded when the chairman read a resolution to adjourn the meeting whiefe was appro ved 1riips the board also approved ihe fifth certl ficste payment to leatraceo construction company for the lime ho use school amounting to 20fi2u plus tax heard letter from ins pector o o mcdowell regard ing procedure for conducting regular apecial snd committee of the whole meetings the letter emphasised the right of the public to attend board meetings discussed progress at the lime house school clih williams surprise party for 25th anniversary congrstulstioni to mr snd urs 4ort carvin who cele hratrd ihrlr twenty fifth wrd ding anniversary last tuesday when a number of friends and leighbours railed on llirm sa turday evening ur sndjjrs j dohrrly lorraine- snd ur jsnd mrs tn m untuck rva heli a surpnte party for them st dohrrty t home about twroty nnghboun and frirnds catered snd reslly surprised ibint they were reclpirnts of manv lovely gifts to msrs the occasion we are pleated to report thalj jack mcmtnrmy is home after undergoing sururry in georgetown and district hospi plan home nursing course for october tbe seplemlwr meeting of the deorg t wn hed cross was held at the homr of urs jltoyd irlond 31 langstuue crrscrnt the president opened the meeting and wriromrd the imrintwri aflrr the summer re tf the usus minutes were trad snd adopted the budget or 10a3 was dlirumed an 1 it uil be furwarded to division si headquarters in inrunto water safery irs jirk niruwhdf pmen trd a watrr safely report snd it was learned thst the oorge- tcu n j ted crux hsd spent 130 00 in equipmrnt and it if r a t u re for t he young sw l m ners of the town heme nursing the possibility of tiavinga home nuriinjt i uuru starting sometime in october was pro poed watch for the correct date in thr paper in the near future there being no fur ther business the meeting was adjourned the neit meeting will be held october 13th ai the home of the vice president mrs 11 lyttle many in i res ting aloriea w tltsel had to 111 them uarlene kwmtheid is hadrt jdcuasler university surtig hr aecond year of rkyucaj educatiod course comcuti oatavtt swbldimo iawo road oravtt rail kmj torsoal jtofsf wow tom haines tv me conon brothers norval church ladies groups begin fall meetings tha tint til raittinit otth afternoon auxiliiry ot th narvil ucw wu held on thunday venlnj september 30th at the home of lira don murray with the preitdent lira g miller in the chair the mlnutea were read and adopted followed by the roll eall and thank you noteawere read for ailver baby cupa and flowert received the devotional on mlraelea waa taken by ura e uelean conalitlni of a readim serlp- tun lauon and prayer the new book for atudyln the united church the word and we way wu dlicuued aad moat membera ordered a jcopy uwwdaoldedjo hyea abort dlacuulon on the book at each meeting with membera etudylns it at home it wu decided to have a re gular meeting in october in place of a thankof faring meet- ingwth the collection being the uaual kail thankofferiog collection to be iold at tha home of lira percy laldlaw a and the roll call to be aiuwerr ed with a verse about thanka from the bible a conteat preparedby lira 3 mtnhall on know your lugaidnea wa en fol- iwatiytramhwiihtbrtra miller and ura u laird m alatlng the hoateu on sunday evening septetn ber isth the hi c group o the norval united church held the first meeting of the fall aeaaon at the home of rob murray and held their elec tion of officera for the year elected were sharon durk preildent ed jack vice pre cldent jenny may brown ridge secretary and rob mur ray tveuurere a dlacuulon wu held on getting new membera follow ed by a film on prejudice none so blind lunch wu aerved by the hoateu and a social time en joyed t in tplte of the dull weather on saturday norval wu well repreeented at the georgetown fall pair and although the crowd wu not u large ai uaual it lacked nothing ih en- thutlash the norval inatltuta fared well with their exhibits winning prlsae with flowers vegetables applui candy and pickles y the first yuca in north america waa ettabllahed in b51t lal the llatnn brother tim and laddir arc hick to ap- plrby collrgt olkvilte for an other far harveit home service was hrld sunday morning in the united church the church wai decorated with all the entu a this bounteoui harvest the red and sold dahliu lrnt a dath of colour among the grain vegetable and frulti the bread and grain were pre tint which have a great deal of significance of the real bar veil symbol ilev l rreel preached the sermon and the choir aang a apecial arrange ment of 1or the beauty of the earth get well wuhes are sent to sirs nellie fcjifush who is in georgetown and district hos pital mr and mrs dennis han cock of itrampton spent sun day with both their parents here saturdsy evening the united church young people held a wiener roast in the church basement it was to have been held at sally hundalee home outside but because of the rain wu held indoora at the church they report a very en joyablo aoeial evening ftiwarttowh complete quilt for lucky draw prize quilting vsi the msin item of interest st st john s guild meeting tuesday evening at the brnith residence the is dies worked diligently but much credit is due to urs c smith and url j c murray for those who do quilting well know the tsk of getting it in he frames in preparation for the actusl quilting these ere the two lsdies vrho did this work so well the holder of the lurkv ticket lakes thr quilt irume the first saturday m jo ember the day ot the an nusl bazaar fabiicath htyav can a cotton bra that fewh act anal i shape you better than molds wirts borvtu or aaoytiasnaj vm uhm exquisite form discovers a ikw v that must be seen as to he twctauzino in dellcleua lunchee sandwiches snacks jtee cresnt piss etc air conditoned for your comfort the snackette harold 4 may hutchinson ib mu sthtet s nash and mcdowell humbino and heatino watar softeners wat systems repsirravarhtrshowl tr 72842 the mretit g was well st tended and mrs hoy bradley prrsident opened with pra cr hach member was asked to bring an article suitahle fur the touch snd take table urs thorns s warnes snd mrs j i murray were res pniuible for the delicious lunch served the meeting closed with prar a note from st johns iul letin confirmation claitcs te glr this coming tliursday ev ening at the church you are invited to attend these classes also choir practice is on tues day nights you are welcome the harvest thanksgiving ser lce will be sunday evening october 7th with the rev d robert couplsnd of uesford as guest prescher fabricadabra uat he want you to sec ihe greatest change that came oer a woman or a ahrtc soon as you intnrabricada this new givcableootum come to life on you and in all your life youve never looked so naturally beautiful because tates fabrn has ms own natural shaping ability thai tutv porti and separates better than unnatural hostm wires mold anything it though ihe bra mjdc right on you i celt like your own skin wasbtf like a hanky never ihnnks drm like new and abr1cada ts so heht you scarcely ktww ou re wearing a bra make it yours tonkorrow abc cup sim also available in laoiiguae style 7747al soy 5 big bold beau caulle asoxl svdeor this is whats new a magnificent thunderbird feeling fa yours in tljo 19c3 gojaxie with its sweptbock silhouette superb handling and plush interiors including the optional swingaway electing wheel new low prico is yours with the new ford 300 ecries that gives you galaxios big car comfort and quality at a lower- thanever price and galaxiotwaststtiopmoolhtrnutctest ride of a lifetime with new silent ride suspension soe the 63 galaxic today new metier beulle induda a thundaiblrd tyle concentric alasrlno column wllh escltlnh wlnorawsy sleerino wheat new inatrument panel and vlnyuandtsbric seat upholstery knilnai choices include five famoua galasla nolnaa from thy economical 13s h p mileaas makar sis to the mlnhh 405 h p thundei bird 6v4m hloh periormance v- ford st0neh0use sales limited l jlatlmfekc jr