Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1962, p. 4

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at georgetown herald 23 main slrael s- georgetown ontario w ci pag thursday stt 27 im3 editorial comment zj at to the facts in it ervdeevou to fwrujid council t m release wwe feitdegniisl buildmg isrvj the dlrett bvuhiknh ftifn htt ud me y pood rgutttntt and it would fcdfxr kul hie dpt ol municipal affair which he irvjtctd it will give ill opinion rvel week or two iwiuld erettorie ft me tori i y couaci deetitton lo offr rvw lend relest gr- trn thare will be rtetiung to hand m ll way of llowkvg more kouvt lo ba bo it h at lortg i trie uelre- firm link i lo loqcl argument one cannot be loo era leal no queiiion t onvukd and there ere many good reatom o oher lor trie ursp prvg of 1954 agreement whoie iwmi have bekorrve impossible to fulfil in trie foreseeable future but when hie dlre firm tlwougn it publicity channels tries to prove that indui ln4 ere voiding georgetown btttuu of a lick of 1 4 boor pool and b lack of houses for thou who iff locally mployed we think tha point it bamg iirefched lo a ridiculous length becemly delre pr releeie used uppotftd statement by ipokaiman lor g0gl0wn t newer industries lo g tint point across th anonymout speake- wai quoted at laying that 40 par cant of itt labour fore wti recrutld from ne ghbounng municipal itiet and that many havj bougrt tvomejs in brampionl a survey 11 then mentioned wh ch shows that tome 300 people who fv else- wkirt ere employed m georgetown indu vie and to clinch the argument another nonymoui execul ve mit that george town t labour pool it haul ted this it used to tie up in a neat pack age the inference that until georgetown has mora houses it will not have a labour pool and ottantibly not have vn enough houses for prtsent employees and thus our industrial seerch it vetoed unhl more land it released rain hampered fair for the firtt time in many yeart rain pot a dint in the big fall fair but while the morning ram and dnily tktes kept the crowd down tomewhat georgetown i uiuat luck prevailed and the rain stopped in time for a fair number of people to turn out and in late afternoon the tun peeped through the clouds et if to ley sorry i ii make it up to you now biggest diteppointment to spectators was cancellation of the harness races with the racetrack a quagmire officials had no recourse for it would have been foolhardy for these fine enimels io risk inury on the track while the inner exhibitors circle was alio somewhat hampered by mud moil fairgoers still took the opportunity to view farm machinery cert end the various com mercial exhibits which abounded there as for the midway it was the biggest yet and was well patronized both on fn day night end on saturday what are the fail certainlyihere are many wwn work irvg m sown who are not residents one hat only lo look at glen williams llftwtouia glwattot nt oihr port torn of eiquei ing lo see a large percentage of such men they ere living there because of cteaper fiouting family tiet or country air and tky will continue to live there whellier georgetown hat no riomes or e thousaiwj lor tale an exhausted labour pool mat trie dalrex firm not made any w vey about local residents employed out of town those 300 irxommuters are cwrtamly matched by et many or more who travel to toronto each day are tttey interested m working locally perhaps if the fight op portuniiiet come but here are penut i plant seniority nd fob preferences wh ch have a large bearing on a mans decision lo change obs or put it ihit way if doubling the sire ol e town m a dcede still means there eren t enough residents to lake obs in a far fromdoubled industrial force how ma ny new homet would have to be built and presumably how many temporarily idle men would have to move to town before thit mysterious labour force for which m duslnes clamour it adequate we don i think for a m nute lhat any potential industrial a at all interested in tow many houiet there t or aren l in georgetown or in how many men commute sugar and spice by bill smiley sfc ukl you fcow per urtly wu we imt elford ny of uul it a fcbwl w e boule ba avwdins sfrcce- ualuot tut ut my diiu for luuolaf to epa u a- ly tit4i by my pau at uw ttocw j uvlni lo tiauver w 1tw wbolt tmiiirtui of apee- bbea kaa grovfl into a tdauf aa mwtuu mrd r yke ctt t4k la w- cmm t tke mre tlaen aywbbeia el tke tukmi el caieie tly yw c1 v te ut j u tte m y tame wlt u- mituf skat kave e tfak et all ready for the world series ticomo or a uaiit desperate need for more nursing grads ky uu uuhn fpmul to tk tunli it ii indicative of tk clot bond of comrtdethip in th lufving profttion that mft blanch dcjncanton haadt th niohlingal school in toronto mrl duncamon it pratidant of th ranittarad nurtat to o iom town for the r da ly mploymnl tlyx on q 0n jnd low t if ihry wr then w can ih nk ol torn d mo poftlional nurtinr hava ban nohlinrj thorl ol lownt in th brix panintula whara in harculaan dutlry thould b iloclnng what amply ll t axiomatic thai ilia thould hav baan ohotn lo ad ho can ba porchij lor a tong and d ot h m l o nddi ol l l aaning in nurtinq whar ih whol labour fore movat oul n school n i tha fitt pnmnl toward tha becaut lhr ar no obt availabl twoyar goal nor could it proparly b irmad an aipan w do think that wa hav many tall tiant intj poinlt to ollr in ihn competitiv bid actually it com1 undr ih ontario hotpnal commit dmn or indultry and w thould concn lon wo wji l om monh or ward irate on using litem rather than anything and some form of a burury sy alera tfe nunaa ajbaorlatiob bokli a atronf harwd for ue daraind it fraattr uun ute aupory wbalever temrgea one ul lent elattwant rtaaliss autir canada nm trained tvurut deiperattly twi mail ba0 to ridiculous as thit businett labour pool housing cftaduatlom day on soteinhr 10 to be pre- alw the first freduatee leave the adhool and h la lntereetinf lo note ahat of 23 ctrta is have been piawd in varloua numnf pealtiona and ih re- maintnff five are advancing lo onlvcrsiuee for ofree the hall exhibits were up to usual as an example edda fab- ttandards for thersi time local public tlmtmlna bonnie al cock of sarnia and isabel schools did not show in a class school pop- f 0 aluiton will ulation has grown to such a point that if vh t were continued 4he whole hall would be needed a few rural schools took this space plus individual exhibitt by children paul barber organ music was a new feature in the exhibit hall which was plea sing to the crowd and among interesting displays were articles made by pupils of the north helton sunshine school and a spin mng demonstration by mrs a m baxter the fair directors have not compiled a financial statement as yet but chances ere the red figures may be somewhat more prominent than the black this year if so we suggest that a private tittle drive be made emong businessmen and industries so e deficit will not have to be carried into next years show we re sure no one would mind helping out an event which goes beck to georgetown s origin be in the graduating elaaa ivo of the utiwe firla have accepted boa- pllal poau and th third pror- ceeda to university th flrat real hint of revol utionary chantei in nursing cam when the canadian nuraee association wtprented dissatis faction with prevailing meutoda of nursing education thaae cvuickmi came to light during the biennial convention ol use association hld at winnipeg in 1044 and in toronto 104a a resolution waa carried gi ving approval to a demotutra lion being undertaken to dct ermine whether a professional nurse can be prepared adequa tely in leu than three year the association approached the canadian red croaa society for funde with he result that the red croaa agreed to put up 40 000 per year for four years to finance a demonstration school thi mail ba0 spirit of reconciliation needed in georgetown bur ur editor ttor hai been a treat deal ftf expert opinion and advice f van by numeroui voicea in eartelown jurinjrlba put months most of the advice his been well meaning helping o eolv the many complex prob- lerni that have aruea as a result of the sudden growth ol this lone eauhllfetted community but it would appear that there may have been tinea when the interests or the town haveben ill served because ol a conflict intereats amrpersonilhlea we have been like the bride woo aald those spoons that aunt jane gave us as a wed- ding present arent real sjtver how do you know that ask ad use husband tartly are you as expert on allverf no admitted the bride but i w an expert on aunljaile instead ol sitting down to eorw mutual problems in the interest ol all let ana suggest nut there bee been times israeli we heye jet dowo oetens- r alipuipgaiuttrea s3 umsbly expert in eeing the other persons fsullaor inun cerity in the affairs of george town let us be careful thst we are not simply grinding our own ix if share his been disslmula hon or if there is dlssiuu1a- tion hypocrisy or e lick of bs sic integrity now in some ar- tu of public life these suit uea may be overcome by s spirit of reconciliation but if public servants live with words of jesus this is my hommsndmenl thit you love one anotiieh ss i hsve loved you john 15 13 every georgetown chrutisn should recognise that animosi ty and self gratification have no place accordingly in public life and is alien lo the spirit of christ jesus slso slid but he who enters by the door is the shep- herd ol the sheep to hhn thel gatekeeper opens the kheea hear his voice snd he calls his 6vn sheep by nsme end leads them out 1 am the good ehepherd the good ehepherd lays down his life for the sheep john 10 2 3 1 public servants will be shep herds of the flock looked ui to imaginary battles lo preserve selfesteem in any area el life i eujsimt they are not aervlng the best intereats of the town of georgetown uawholesotne altitudes can- many and the aelfare of every eluding our relations with ohrut and hie church u u ugh time for the kw teste to be superceded by tha sweet usta id public relatione every ceortetora chr esrlshsttnue confidence aruj al first school after much discussion on lo cale windsor was chosen end the metropolitan school of nur sing esme into belnc jsnusry ims due lo lick of accomm- oatibn apace the first dsss was limited to 13 students however by september 104cc a new building had been erec ted to become the hosne of three classea wlhh bedrooms for ua cv ka wu u w tas k i llil l fectlon by those who follow they will put ethers ahead ol eelt preservation if they will first of all definitely sway that they way be held by the spirit of christ to be reconciled with filet with end do affect the harlchrlst makes ii ptsslble for us to be reconciled with men this looked like tha idesl arrangement for both student aid tescher but it wee doomed before it got underway due to no fault of the nurses or tha school the hospital became lnvolv e in unpleasant publicity with tha result lhat certain admin istrellon ehangeieoame into be ing and the nurses association found theuselve dealing with e new board alter rnnunerebla hassles that hava no direct bearing on this stdry the end wss in sight by october t iktt tha cna had withdrawn from the home and organiratlon not axil thepklt of heeoneulsfton must never be denied by the confessing chriselin roman ca tholk or rretjeetant or by our brethren of other beliefs jewish unitarian agnostic ath eist orjnvstli ought to know arid cherlehlhel to do eo would be to lute selfand to damn our tnunlcl pal progrees to the quagmire of human selfishness petty jeal ouay and party polities rev ian w fleming suohniujillteolcbufolti- gapl mbi 1083 sohocj and that ended the ex periment ii would not be fair to ssy it sal back nursing for another decade but it certainly altered progressive plsns by the gover ning body coal ih trcht nevertheless the vsnous nursing groups kept working to- wsrds their goal snd from the graduates of the metropolitan school they ehsorbed vslusble data th nlahtiogal school of nursing was startsd in e bull ding fertnerty part of the hos pital for sick children snd has now moved to new quar ters in downtown toronto elain handicap of the school is th restriction on the sun bar of students that deaent altar the fact that the eehool la now an en lily and a living proof that nurses eon he grsdusted in two years there still remains much work but the authorities vlausl las thaae type echools all over the province either aeparate or in conjunction with hospitals but very definitely under tha control of nurses acts and pigijeil several interesting seta em erged from the unfertunats clo sing of the metropolitan school metropolitan enrolled be stud enta and eyeduittd tt with a loaa ol 04 per cent two hos pital schools ol thst period lost studens to the tune ol 34 4 per cent snd so 7 par cent registered nurses examine tlons showed metropolitan school pupils averaging 784 par cent against h7 and 70s per cent from two hospital schoola one item relatively email in a urge budget looms like giant when wa consider the trend ol nursing today it was estimated that a atud ent nurses vshie for eervlce for one year 42m days waa es- umated at 1m7r0 nukui nlidid that means a world of dlf ference end is one of the key reasons why the transition from service to classroom will have to be gradual although tb amount can be argued both from days and dollars the theory ol education replacing work and service is one which not only wlh affect the student but her family there will be a eieeable am ouht ol money involved for ed ucation unleu a girltakes the nursing course near home general belle ii that will be gradually diminish while leading authorities says organization changes are needed keels ave can someone pleas trll nv what is happening te thia place called georgetown there is ene i feel who would like nothing better than lo hsve it known aa rextown re gardless of who suffers during the period of trsnlition before mr lleslop came to georgetown many looked urn way with eagerness where utsy raicht hsve s house of their own with taxes on a reasonable level and as s quiet peaceful community whar they could live snd enjqy life but today many are looking for a way is get out and leave this place far hehlnd them w taxation hevkiet increased to sn almost unhaerehle level the peace and quiet gone and in stead dogs running loose sny where children of less thsn school sge playing or crawling all over the road schoolboys using tha roads aa racetracks on their bicycles st night and most without a rear light ma king themselves a potential danger to all other traffic plus teenage boys la csrs adding to the confusion not so long sgo this tows had the opportunity of seeing one man stand up and fight this greed for monopoly are we now going to itt all this go to waste by letting s new council give wsy to thai which our last mayor fought to atop more hou sea means hiajter urea and f you dont believe me ask your- aelvee why the laxee have near ly doubled in the last five yaara then as reported by some of our darly papers our town an glnaer together with another la suspected of acting in a nun nar not in accordance with the ethics of his employers whit a townl every time a new council ia elected the first thing they do la give them aelvea a raise in pay then they have to put up the taxes be cause the budget cannot be hi i anced ilameny one ever enquired how much is spent each year on clothing for our police force did you know that there are some who have more uun they vill ever wear out and we wonder why the taxes are high i suggest mr editor that if this town lntendstaautvlye it requires some drastic chin ges in its organisation and that your paper aa the voice of the people uses itself to us full ex tent to help this town get on its feet once again and make georgetown a place every one will want to live in yours truly r pran0is yeur east ktaetue- all acrcua this cwearwr country the blight has spread new speclee railed th pro gram committee chilrmln has surged lo lb front la every orgsruistion llr l more ua portint thin toe president he is uie bird who arrtpei gussl spesker from th bottoms of barrels snd other nsliv hsbl ut u ii to el these senaaa srgijirl te tk sreaiesl hunt sj hi mmk cthiry try- u t iud a tuestiasakt any eu sues sakar thar is esteluar tfcuue thst be will wuj uts with en ulcer yfce caiiiesliue is sure ffvantu ska it u unane tk eaarkess then is s fslr probability thst our progrsro chairman will suffer complete nervous break down within a few months af ur he hsl uken the posluon thii u ususlly s direct result of a the gueet speaker com ing down with the flu the night of th banquet or b th guest speaker getting e little oiled st tha predtnner reception and including a couple ol offcolor jokes in his speech or cl th guest speaker turning out to be a real clod who has noth ing whatever to say and says it st s great length this ms muhii eu ssyrs r-w- bu the tew s use e ute isiwwr j ee saw te s s s esuehis wkwly eaurau se i sfcippij wvue uoituaauly tim as it so eiua hs and i dida t do a thing about it- two eights before the basquet dsprau si drove tea u ehoowi s tuple 1 de ridsd to talk to th lsaadiss cub sbout canada tha wss throwing swto ufnre parti tut ii was s sir tug vsgu uitieet so 1 stuck to ii su i cs ml yu i tlf srl sy hj w- i siw u lrw1 si all these a sals at lane v ites rxlly sususd mu- ays wsrih a htoutuol kuaas teitlrf cslsew n lam- ug slvta seeeul eu su- lu i didnt have even one lousy lsbtarn alio i had tried lo talk my wife into doing a few nalive dances lo edd some color but tha only native dan ca v have are indian and she refused to atomp around a fske fireplace in her bare skm and tha kids got into s scrsp over who wss going to play th bon go drums for th performsne so we had to wash out the whol business if wss ewful ftur tie yeu luv what i feuae suit keels see eaoessery esllie they will sit there heuu kseei their eyes seen e eashsr hew rsl- tsa s eustl sssaier ysu sre they will aaelaud with a itue kuad af ralui sad selhs but selllely when veu rulih uu they will have eaa el their wun slsad u and tksnk ysu wltheut a trace al ireay far ysur lasairlag addraaa w4ch i eaa sure we will all service ninlsned i have aa a shy far lraraaa ceaamthee ckslrwien whe sre ceme uaaerusulaua in their w ota el the mars sllaeery meav bars el tha frsleealty hsaked aad tuuu sw with tke skill el e can artist end that hew i cease te ke steading la treat si e csuale sf kuadrad eeeele the ether aleht with my hands kaaetag down my faeuth kaab- laa esea snd ths eallre auv isaee kaailne en my ssenlne remarks whkk i eauldet re- tka ywca was organised in london england in ltss and established in census in saint john new brunswick in 1870 this crslly character celled ma last june and asked me eas ily if 1 would address the csnadlan club in september he had picked his day it was the isst day of school id hsve is couple of belu lo eelebrete and september seemed six months away shore shore glsd to i want keck eut te the fjardaa picksd up my eatery slass sad saqulred way suae whst de yeu knew ekeot this csnadlan clukt- gmroetown herald published ky mease mawiaaeeco tualted georgetown ontario wetter c tlehn publisher carium mecllvray production superintendent office su8 terry harley alleen bradley news editor aecnuntsnt hyde psrker advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings bob bukerville alylaa gllson bob uscarthur member st the canadian weakly newspapers association and the onurie association echoes frm the laea el the rurau sepumber 1033 end 1037 thk mail iu0 10 vtuuts aoo an enrolment of 186 leit year will grow lo et lead 200 next september and neceuitet another teacher end an other clatsroom according to the information given to north halton high school district board by georgetown principal j l lambert et teat week meeting mr lambert taid the school ii crowded to capacity et pratent and teachers over taxed in time acton hai the tame situation this year resignation of cst george eamas from the local detach ment of the ontario provincial police leaves e vacancy which u expected to be filled next week at present cst ernest allan of dundas is relieving temporarily joining cpl joe mccain and cst ross mccrea hockey news is very much in the foreground this week with an ennounceemnt that the club has hired pinky one of thi b i best known saysno writ dear sir my colleagues and 1 wish to inform the people of george town that all accusations made against the town personnel are accurate and true no writ has been served against me or anyone concerned as stated i in last weeks edition of the mireing pursue a bosluvour for amvernwent- cooperation jhonias slater lewis es the coach for the season and most highly rated coaches in oha circles pink will take over thehelm in en attempt lo revive raiders winning vvays his home la in hamilton is yearts aoo tf prize winners in tha wctu provincial poster tat were barbara couseni ss v esqueslng bemice hughes i georgetown publk school and anna bowmen gaorgalown high school ee in the inlercolleglale track and field meat el vorltty stadium last friday varsity outpointed mcgiiir athletes who have been the champions lor seven yaara queens came third and mcmasler was fourth starring for varsity was georgetowns dave crlchron running gained 10 poinls or tha blue end white at the gregory theelrer mart of the people starring jo seph cellelai saratoge starring jeanharioyv and clerk gab topper starring constence bennett and cery f tintiictvhjiairfa

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