Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1962, p. 7

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district news at a glance vl junior red cross spreads its wings job c6riowd dan scauoiouou of th gworgatojun volunler ambulance servc halpi barbara hi id tw and and linda turnar 0t acquamlad with uma of the equipment mod by local brigade and which wilt ba on d ipjay whan tha wr vk officially opam it new ambulant a hat ton on james st th weekend barb and linda have mora itian a casual tritaratt in th work of tre brigade nee they are coorgan icrt of the h gh uhool branch of the canadian junior pad omi now in it formative stage the junior ped ooit has long been a part of pubt c school life locally but th i it tha first time that secondary school student hare will have a branch through which to do work for ova famous organ ization junior sthool prize winners at fall fair jujir un tad mj miu maria barbour yoauf stamp junior jam a rayner ian kovacs chruio- pbaf todd intermediate ail atayner pfaylua harbor ihihp uw sanior carol urgilriy saw hay lome rayner evrapbook junior ruth ov ttdan intermediate john lay tam jean wilson senior air7 hay collection serviette senior turel mcgilvrey doreen liar son jennifer linton carol low cry jane coprland 1 atriria uarki llarbara cleave lnn anderutn sua heuneuey judy uhluon laorraine seek mt ton unda macklern louisa bwk ington ttie paul ladtraine odden jesn wtuon jane ann hmmrrum hmhroidered tea towel in i inmedial ihhli uarber r-mtu- tea towel senior carol mri ilray r lizabeth hay mary hay fclftd 1 hoab liitermedute olutton sperka murray pow r richard forater senior david klwnini j no graff dou ui irrvavtane sttbook of poetearde in awmadlat jaan wilaon jno laynua richard forater bird hoom michael utudd daniel dew coluctoln 0 colna junior jtdaapb letts intermediate ho- lth ualwyde biwida laon mrylhs barber senior unda barley xnutinf sanior mitu el aabeth hay suaan mitchell tfeera r 46 entriea in the boyi he bakinff contect and aavaral additional prise were hospital building fund apple pie jim henderson borne taachout john pans s crave david austin n thorn petul caordie green vuthaw aiararll john spring frank kin immpkli pie robert mctee larry white ronald gilmer totvy afears blayne llllloek owls candy making contest wry larffa entry and extra prbee awarded uapla cream mary ucgee joyea maedmiald lorraine ma dkieta alarlene hculer jean wllara lonva peardon heath r mirahall bath richardson barbara cleave mary gudceo gboeouu fud0t cherry jep- ur william u genlr rr 1 glen willianu un daisy wadson mo man nine avenue toronto pledtfe paid up mr john bird rr 2 georffe- town mr and mrs a liwr ballina fid mr and un normsn wod hams mclntyre crricent mrs k anderson 2 cross street mrs w cleave maple avenue writ mr fred masterman charles street mrs marjone gilmer park st mr and mrs b bradmrect weber drive mr and mrs j r colter 3fl mclntyre cres mr and mrs w b peterson mclntyre cres mr and mrs r mclnrry bal llnafad mr graham r arncll albert street mr and mrs garfield mcgil vray guclph st mr and mrs f garbutt ann street mr and mrs john cox maple avrnue hast mrs archie mcrnrry rr 1 georgetown eoost prestige a trv leakmnalres glee club qeve rheir first out of town performance last saturday whan they ware inviled lo sing testimonial dinner at lfw brampton legion t rvtuit ty that alt of tha nuests ware wart aback after hearing our gto club i don t believe arryona there expected tuch talented rendition of num ber such at when day is dona old black joe casey would waltz for an encore they came back with stout hfarted men the latter bonn i bal lave was the best and i they marched off to the clubs theme of vive lea leo lormalki you could hear roars of applause at the audience was hqwlro their apprecia tion to all gloe club parti- tipants conaretulahons you do quite a tot in adding to the prnfffltt of branch 120 mfjrystthip smoker you will no doubt remem ber our last smoker and you will also agree that it was highly successful well we are ooirtq to have another this time an friday oct 14 at the auditorium you will also remember that shortly after our last smoker we held an initiation dance and 32 members ware induc ted l again will stress what i have said previously that is that all members who are planning to attend this mem bar ship smoker to bring with tfiem a veteran who is not a member of our branch i gua ran toe you that if you bring a guest with you hell be so impressed with tfte epr it-de- corps that wo have in our branch hell join within the following week fight fallout renew ikl 62 i rejulli5550draw lu- cky winner harry brand- ford ticket teller art stamp farm niwt halton farmer third pasture competition mujh lualy mil ton it r placed third in the south central ontario pasture com petition the romrtition inrludei the unty winner in ontario rk lerl llat m uelland nd nrant counties ur ueaty u fcrlectr t by j norman itird the judge of haltnn i ompelitinn to reprrvrnt the rout ty in thr ion competition the lone ict rme wai judcett t it waril henry field crops ilranch ontario departmenl o agriculture mr heaty w one of eleven contestant in the hittt n pat lure management competition hie winners from each county then compete in a tone com petition the five mne win- jners then compete in the pro vincial final the pasture management pro- cram carried out h much be- aty atrcj carry inj capacity and quality production hilton ii predominately a tivejtock producing county and pasture production it tha most import ant crop crown town of georgetown notice prapiad by taw t utkaelta itta wldanlng and altrln f ontario straat frsm a e4nl set ita tauth a ida maaiurad 79it0 faat from main stroat for a tlla- tanca of 3590 75 faat and frow a point on itm north tide meas ured s33 73 feet from main streat for e distance of 341074 fee i i noticf is irmrny givf that the council of the corpor at ion of the town of george town proposes on monday the 15th day of october 1002 at he hour of eight 8 o clock in he nftrrnoon or as soon there after as it may deem advisable tc authorise the altering and widruinc of 1 part of the northerly idt of ontario street com mencinp 532 73 feet from main mrret for a dulanr of approximately 3410 70 feet ha vine a perpendicu lar width of 8 25 feet and bung parti of lots id and 20 concculon esque inp now in the town of geo me town 2 that part of the inutherly aide of ontario street com meticinff 203 go feet from main street for a distance of approximately 2800 73 ft havinb a parpendicu lar width of q25 feat and bcins part of tha eut half of lot 20 conceuion 0 esqueainjt now in the town of goornotown according to plan no co for the town of georfletown the propoied dy law and plana showing the lands to be affected may ba seen at my office 36 main street north aaorotowa the council will bear in norson or by hit coun lei solicitor or asent any pais sons who claim that his land will ba prajudirlally affected by tha said dy law antjl who applies to be beard c g ben1iau clark towjbtgaorijewn clearing auction sale in erin township of itlr4l tnj grt4 mutli cihu trlr litvlmwih hay cru tuuuluw jt lie tht undrninrd hi rrcnvrd inilructloni from g h green to srll by public luctlon at the firm lot 1 con 10 twp iiiih slluataj vi h tth lliu 4 ctiui uutlk 41 irln villa wednesday oct 3 ow 1 pvm sharp t1il fllowlno v ofwl crtu hautolt cattle the herd coniits of 14 refi ute red and 12 trade cattle 7 lteitered and 4 erade cowa several cowi are freih in aug fc srpt they are all in full flow breeding dates end pe digrees given on sale day there are 3 pedigreed heifers teady to breed 4 reentered yearling heifers 6 young cal ea all cows bred hv bulls irom the maple artificial unit dairy equipment rite way 3 unit mllkins ma chine with pump international milk cooler pails 8 gallon el eetric healer vegi electric cream separator tractor implements mccormirk decnna w4 trac tor in good condition mccor nick deering 1020 tractor lw 3 furrowed tractor plow i iic 2 furrow tractor plow fleury bmell 3 aecllon spring tooth cultivator harrows 1 iic tractor due like new caae mower i ii c motor mounted hay baler in good condition massey hams side delivery rake mecormick dee- ring 15 due fertitiier and grain tractor drill dump rake it m tractor manure spreader fac tory built rubber tired farm wagon heavy 3 wheel trailer 2 wheel car trailer truck built wagon corn binder cutting boi with inside and outsidi pipea 25 ft bale elevator grain auger cockshutt grain ulnder fanning mill 50 ft endleu drive belt lumber 2 x a scantling some used lum her heavy duty paint sprayer vise 2 electric drills cable tools chicken house fhtl2 all farm tool hay and grain 15 inn baled hay boo bus of heavy mixed grain 12 ton of straw houmhald goods rca victor 21 tv flood as new kelvinator large size refrigerator with full six freezer mgjil2purney 1 eetric stove dining room suite table chairs china cabinet buffet occasional chairs 3 bedsteads springs and mat tresses dishes iqgllt electric washing machine singer sew ins machine all household goods yhmmsi cash with clark on day of sala no reserve as owner la niffvlng to england w a cibsortuctiombir 8 gladstone ave quelph koamttow oo4 applkamt for tw powtwa nranaa lti tfc lovd a tatraod dowd bcrfaua kia bouy w kky djvln toiailw bill rdod told codacil aiody aucht w eoaiowd out ba wooldat b obbcb uw ia us bt w m ujuxd h lld sky diving ul 8 lot 6 rv rmarkd deputy rv wibwd siiyt t butb r pliod or bryow couatt lur ad bvwa koctom x cask to pu arlifuq ir u holloa afha bu tmfud tb kauway uark atlxbt tbotuaod tutura is tb s4l aiid tba 661 waatb- f kas bad a diroct result fed lb ripun whan ujnprntur djpd tb doikfiri 6pdd tawtr tmirid ad uw eooubltta la coofiiunt tb quota will ba fkd sbortly thir alafar u py skat laur kuaillaadtom d uuu supertatabdal a public schools for burling ums la prafluy involved with burl inst ou board oi ed ueatlofl ia fortaulating a saw guldaaca pogrambvi a aid grade igbt pupils to cbootlag ciu oi xh tkroa flaldj f atudy kt6t ually it is bopad grsdj su and mvu can ba integra ted iota tba guidance aysubi to tbaw pupils familisr with tha iatoait areas opn to tbaw within a few yaar fmoug baatty brotbara limited of v erfus baa obtained control of 60 parcent of tha stock of general steal wares lid a latter was sent ont to shareholder announcing the move last n baatty trade name appliances will continue to be sold undar tutr prmsent names and will continue to b made la fergus but as a division of csw aajltom k iflltou police tkb wek inccd m mvtrg cxackdow on uaderag kaaoken caucf raydreas pajatod out a toaanber ot tbefu recently ladoded cigarett puicring h airwsml it was ukcaj for a child undr 10 u kmokm and u was oifco for bmixajjuj tm aell to uiyoa ufidw 16 actom aclod coaci u ayvijtg ibe old6t ortk4 u a solutmkd ta thai ovt rrowdd kniuiidpml llg tve uu tj tw pbltc toc will b lncrad best tke librmry u or uv kfld tb to attic is uiod lo tvpacsty aa it is hwt tba yhtca sw ka uuj abowt hdovlns into- tka vmaud r a auhoa tbe firu hup tp fill tlw vacancy tbl wth ba utt wb lb orv wifcswlrmw tkrl pro- triiod frooi tba lownabipj f sciag knd wblucsnuii at tbe bgiabftig of hist yi was wku kclag cauarll bsviud tp- ruotauvs of tb fouadjoiav lug wunicipalitica aurora nuisrkw ttt cwllujbbury and whltwhurvk u euacuas with tba tba bt way u fill tba vacary a eoouaitio baa ba a tp ta atdy a tiw municipality awiljimsuoa auqi0n sale tj trfrk4t siviri fo ferdinand viuo lol 11 ctmuia i town uilp of cavdaa wau altuatad oa to 3rd use 1 ulu aoutb of llvy 34 l coulurvll saturday sept 29 at 1 so p a iod bud hi hwj u kbhkrm strt wwlbl 1tm s60 u m0 iks tbaae are good quality weat em steers on tba fsroi sine apnl ioutively no reaerva sa tbe laase expiree tfju1s cash on day of sale herb m reinhart aikiua owner or auction- will not be nonetbla for any accidents oa day el sale a17 xcz y captivr or free ip6mvjt oppose vertical integration in th livestock and poultry indtmtry vl1wreatens to destroy the family farm supeiwttt iavilca your tutslioht for fljtdjn vertical inttfcfaiioa hjht for adeptadtaoe by pooling ideat and rrfotu jor cop4c of 6rf pampljcl oo vj write to jvawaaaif formula feed oivisloh tohn hooo flour mills limited 37 mrtln strut milton onttrta 5340 tumrna bold town of mount royl ottoba dated this 18th day of si- touber 1d02 1011 georgetown district high school evening classes the school offers the following evening classes for the school year 196263 couki 1 aula mechanics 3 luttrttlry 3 mtkartual drifting i 4 carpentry and mlllwstti 5 mathln skp pnctic a laslijimitlna baglnnara 7 baaklfafilno advancad ivag tlma raam tuai 710 111 tuaa 710 114 tuat 710 in tuaa 710 110 tuaa 710 112 tuat 710 j19 tuat 710 314 couki evap tima raam t snsrthand ruflinnan tuaa 710 317 9 typing tuaa 110 1u 10 draumakinochlldran t clathlng wad i10 10 11 hama sawing tuaa 10 10 13 hiytlcal filnau woman wad 10 oym 13 oh plnhno and skaichino wad 10 119 14 baaicenfjiith tuaa 10 11 courses 19 inclusive will run 19 weeks fees 10 courses 1014 inclusive will run 12 weeks fees 6 first term classes will begin tuesday 16 october 1962 first term classes will end wednesday dec 12th 1962 second term classes will begin tuesday 8th jan 1963 rec sttation night will be tuesday october 9th 730 900 pm at the high school rhom ta 41471 rknry whaaur clark no classes will be given unless there is a reasonable number of students in each cuss fees are payable at registration b h breckenridge chairman- a m baxter night school principal

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