Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1962, p. 12

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ntaf jo oeorgelow riding a sweepstake thouh tf amah ht seuba dvr r landing in about 4 of watar thay ar actually on top of the tipun of an old tailing ihip the swfttuli luit off hi point of the bruce penmiuu in georglin bay and thoie artlclat a couple of the divert re holding up are irouvenir from the hulk of the old vil the picture wit taken by another local divr paul barber in thit group are mike raltar stan hegttrom si mon llewellyn and joyce bundle the lhlp h iso feet long and at an aumpla of the way tailing ihipi were built in itt era hat a dk planking of 4 x lt it it tit- ting n 40 feet of water rosh hashanah is jewish new year by sam maltier qulta a number of ttora town frlrncu hive atkad tn why roih ilnhtuajs u called the new yeir tinre it taket ptaee in the mvenln and not the firtt month mmh mathtuh u the tint of the tan day of penitence tradition tella ut that god created the world thrn and the bible tpetlfim in uta te- venth month in the firtt fay of the month shall ye have a sabbath a memorial m blow in if of tmmneu an holy eon vocation although the real beginning of the jewish year counts from the diy of the exodtu and wit appointed by jjoiei u the first day of nl tun mirth april the sarvlcat in the lynaso- cue are shofar sounded i it hough thu year it will only be sounded on the second day at the first day falls on saturday our sab bath ita sound is a summons to the worshippers to look in to themselves and eerucicnce and core to repents nee ahr that there is much ft celebration and th ttieliht c awtty will sic greeting lerfunab j tobsh ukkithaby fmay ywi l ttaufe aa riftn rtnvii lh ha tiaittr mi mwmiia hebraic greeting lethanah written down in the book i life for a good ytar the day at atonement nine days later originated with ifo- sea wandering in the wilder nets if la a fail day marked by prayer when wa seek forgiveness for trsnigreuiont yom klppur it therefor eon tldered tha holiest day tit tha year with rttth tluhant4i it ronstltutei the high holy days on the eve of yom klppur when the eahdlei arc lighted the cantor llhgs the kol nldre and the mhgrega- tlon tings with him tha vary hhjft ran b ca ll it in rj wear the kltlel tha white shroud thut their thoughts turn upon mans ul tlrnale dlsiolullon and they re flect there la not a righteous man upon earth that doetti very solemn the k ainneth not thr ram s horn u svar fresh picnic tamtwkhet tlenle aandwlehes will keep frrifier if made of bread fro- itn in tha freeier ftoeen sliced bread septratrs easily and should not he defrosted the bresd will keep the fil lings fresh but will be tftawtd for eating by lutiehtime gggggg legion notes by andy a st laurent dear comrade according to a recent bul letin issued by com qarlh rusk chairman provincial irvembership committee ouf ontario command finished 1961 with a record paid up membership of 00186 at of doc 31st 1961 thit represents an increase of 955 members above the i960 figure very impressive you say you are rightl it is always nice to show increased mem bershlp year after year however there are certain erlm facll thai you should all a mada aware of facia that wa mutt all late up to req- ardlest of usl what our branch executive level happens to ba nendtanawtl i am hiking about lha fact that each ontario command lotas an average of 5000 tnembert due to nonrenewal of membership this is fact not fancyl what u tha reason for thil why do these legionnaires fall out whose fault is it your mine is it the legion as a whole it it the individual branch unified effort if we kndw the answers to the above questions i am sure we could dovlta ways and rrroent of combahind this perplexing problem the way i tee it la that bur attack must be directed at the source at branch level it mutt be a uninedjifortbdjhritlra branch executive working eehaclanlloustv towmrdt the eommen ooal fallout fveven tlan one way thit can be ac- combllthed ir to make your branch attractive to all it mamber thli io ma it vary important in our union wa have all typet of individual their tastes thd lalanll tra varied and diversified if is them responsibility yet tha duty of the branch executive to have an overall branch pro gram that will embrace these tastes and talents to that these members will have that belonging feeling unlets a member of a aroup or organ liallbrt be ii civic service or fraternal hat lha bpporturt ity to exercise his right uf active membership he will quickly hue interest and drop out mimmuhi imokift dont tergal our ship smoker on fimqy wti 19h i repeal oct 19lh and memben rlday oct not the 14th as published latt weeks column left fry and mike hit rnembdfthlp trhoker at uc- cessfutourltt one and the onlyway thit can ba ach ieved it fhat alt lagton mem- bert da their utmost brine alpng with you a potential member thats all leave the rest to the committee fight fa1louf renew in 62 parti of thit column ware quoted frbrrl a command but- lelln by 1 a kenhefjy the chairman public relations so so dkaw wlnnen e wilcox a etallqjv seller key that thing alway happe in threes and ihat wat that cue usl friday night when we- were proud te fce- eem yu with thnse of the most talenled gjrls i have ever teen namely the chermalnet the place was ul wclied with teant watching one of the greaimt thowt ever put on by ofjb mldtojm because i know that vry one liked this group i know tike myself that you would like to know tttae about ihete fine people to i asked them an awful lot of quetiieti and tfeia is what i found out ttuy eo ubm fia utleei- to fora tke cooaaiuutuecuur ntrun uhumlj uae dbhf of lfc roup w tia baa vbo di tmra a aa mr tu u la h oa tka evatl we kav wayoa cwshtra feee wtlrr drtfemiar eeule fo4 ke fuuad ka it tt- thtt we kava yora wllsoa vbo plays tka bms pultr and slnjij a luwly kiam liu ha u m oglsitum find narsa utmu uvlng ui storm and bjuunf but our fcardrunis wken ka tides u kw pa deep i sue keoa tkila ko you kprll it he la ii and then last but bet uiti ttut tuit ou if vitklng around tlie dsnre floor playing a man guitar is ken reraokl ha is si ttlty all so tosthar to lone lh most ibulmia band aver rsmptnblrd an tha fact of thr rarth it u hard to uy when thry lot their lira tag break becaiue thrr played at so many places they first appeared ar ound thetc parts at club 11 ui town through lha efforts ef alike willmgham rtllke you ii never knew what a great con irlbutlon you husda to rock and roll wa tkank you very much tfcay kava a daeae that s a eon hiiing word for up down at lha uiuu hdle tuttaa that could vary well rewelt ki in eord u ii tloe wolcit usee lei iowa rlsa bat yu every tuhce front kre to alaake wlu want ikam in fact it la a wonow to me thai they hiwnt beea hoo ked ikere already wall wayne hew hid you ilka lit now i think ii it hue i told you what wf have ejattned for this week tv keep up the good work wa have keen doing we present another favourite of your the lucernes tbete tnjs have only been around or a little while but already they show signs of becoming really tilg in the ii k world but if you want to know why just come up to the dance this friday night and see for yourselves i give you my personal guarin it that means anything ttsey fleet eorucl niragine tfc- eejtw la ike ela waenl tkey al klundad which wu kourt a tam esuw klkett akewe tswre le cbeetaaw al use t kf 1y iwry are new ill h tad are eewulnl they all swnrpletad ugb tcfcbej aad tl the of m wire inu thi twotubj tus itwea titey taaeaed their rjj arser a coualu ckjuwislne and have tu44 four records 1 wleve they wob acitalarthips aeat weaeld keva llkwd to wad bailee kail lhlr proleulon uklntj lt the tlasa ii doea kutda put tiit la lha shadows but tkey ttltl would like tp go to college if they gc4 the chance and tha ueaa t girls irene 011 and uod are haw recording tef dot rwebrdt and heve a new record not l reliaaed called jvi sti kail ltat night ef thit record it aiiythliiat like what we heard at the dance you can be sure thi it will raacb the top liiey said that they would lake to continue with their car ker far at leng at poetlble and isop te awotdty u an loci all ef the laid m ihai they love aha uwrililrei tnd the wy they get le kneet w wthv people they cewintehtoe ail haw frien dly the oaeedue peeple were and wfce1 a weederful boeeai ef taeha tuaee saa their audience i u very privileged te be able levjeerid hm lime with ihlierouji at i end and believe we yewawulditl find three itwh khthnlhat bula if you loo- kad far a itmlme uy that i main they acted juat til enr ef ike crowd there wean i any putting on aire acting beiter than every else juat a down ta earth nleeneaa that attracted everyone they wet far we ii wat a teal joy talk ink le inert and i at i guea mi wuh utah all the luck in kkewaeld 0 teuree the succcse of the thaw ran also be attributed to uta faejuleue show put on by the ceeieula these guys have been evening up io club uldlown or tt teetl a year now and thry ef even better than they were when they first started not only are they terrific artists but they are e wonderful bunch of jury rrxortlritjiids fain safety tips you will never regret it souctlirsg to think aiiout these interviews are only the first of the many snore i hope felltfwt i mean they are the to obtain from people i feel earl af guya that no mailer how jjou uould like to knaw aboul ung yettkave known them there scst urek i hope to he able to e alwtyi the feeling to want gte you the low down on the id del ta know them better aiccrnrs and the week after thtfthg lha course o the een that i hope to give you the low lrlg t got talking to one of them down on someone 1 know you aleitnever tandy beat represented helton as a eresslve conservative in the previous twe dlafehhakae ministration has tasaad his hat keck inle the awlitical rlne in ahtlelaatlen anethtr paev oral elactiart i have ttacleed te tfand once aealn ler tha cansarvatlva federal nemlne- llah ih mellon- mr best inter mad the herald my declslan hat keen made after a lenlhy and shareueh oiaenlnatlen ef all ike factors involved it hat bean aided in part by the ex treervely close vote in helton latt june ike eeaalklllry el an early eleallem and tha repeat ed tlrelne af many hueulreda af frltrvje and supporters that uati hook snt j0 nallonal dag week sept m autumn bh an at 788 am tot kept m oam blar molhart diy ken m ttol 101 vetra ago trenaeen- llnental lalngraph line mrnnlel eil bmit m ibm live yeara ago rrslrrai trnopt were tent io utile rock to quell school desegregation riots sep b9 jnll til yrars aco italhoa discovered ihc racidc sent 25 lluyi g5 vciri ami author william raulknrr born sept 20 koth itashanah the jewuh new veer and decided it was time you knew mor about them these fellows ball from lha toronto area and have been worklnc lagtlher far twa year two of them placed ih tha htlpatu but whan that group folded up will want to know more about 1 am not going to mention any names but i advltayou totune in if you are the least bit inter ested if youre net tuna in anyway it might be good for a laugh alsa tula it just tha start of the tsaaasy show wa hope tof be able to brine you in tbe la tere bfeaw pleas try te rent- testier eh whit shirt and lie or th ssxarta jacket you all look so h wheal you are dressed up and it give lha place a real leek dieilneuon and prid also girls reescm be alaekj br jeans pleaaa well faob u th motoitowh hatkau ttmeattay oilattl 4 imi people boeel ad ing laid a off east juat reeiember what kaey y tb heal dreeiwd uent ar her to stay fyd tnatter wha you are tu whal yosl ds aoearanc shows the real yoa they tey lhat ait good thlug le a ted- teat is ike od ilwekte svcaekac kliltlt be fr- euulcelun su aealsa- hmmt the sale epwralua ef ferwi saackliwry t e by lory at the uawtii ui the awash ej wllluwi hacu peceuseet held at svevvid fckj vet asht mr pwreutan waa killed ea the lih af teetwmwr set a fecwi t ut h ceeicauieis 1 fctueelnp yewathlp wheel h wat pulled bit far krvsier the five esse fury centls tad u hathaet tttld kili oiaieelewet ui afklhteei rk x tvaareelown alex cutknar hr i acteet char ue caueh kr 4 attemand j tlark rl 1 caacee tewe caeensr br oweea fyar avettdad canada navin- bondrl ltajewhw c ttr ntw on hale j we rexxiolmisd th hew issue of canade savings rlorkla to all whu lutve uvtiig stviublwlltvlmit jcatureeof lheee mlretdeu ltlufeeti4xt 3 tol4l the ailer s4 lo maturity nuvemher i i 74 deriomlriellonai 150 iiiw hix 11000 end ijooo with iioooo iii pet- ham katalteai up to the lloiuh limit may h fegltleied le hie names n i kutes or trualeea or admliiitimtiirt uf httutea caeh keturrti ftnniujiiiv w rmlinl any tint al law value iiwvariittl intntat v fuu yuu ixr wilt ui ay lnr tt itufiunt wootl c u fitly tie oiiiiny uulu je jueuj rvw eu 7seah f tfelepaww jojejj in asm over money till it ovi with h nutftira loan aflviior it hi job to tilp you niagara loan ara made up to 12600 ami are usually completed in leu than a day ramembar you will always bo weteotita at niagara niagara finance company limited large allcanadian csniumar loan company mi i hoikitfta manager main 1 wail phone ehofs p8 niaiiaha niani notice to creditors in yhi 8itati if jehri shtl don 2tvlft baclor al vet erinary mtdlelria dacaa- ted all prttsons having claims against the batata of john ahelrian zjvlli itta o th town of georgetown in the county of hallon doctor of ve terinary modlcinet who died on or about the 15th day of may ad 1wi2 are hereby notified to land particular of berne ta the undersigned oil or before the 18th dty of october ad ltmu after which date the es tate will be distributed with re gard only la the claim m which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un tie mined will nut be liable lb any person at whine claim the ahall not then have notice dated at georgetown thla loth day of september hxixi vleu ltiviti attmlnlilhs- trlx ul utk skule tit jrskti sheldon zavlu by bar solicitor john d ord c 118 hounltlrivlew t rfoad south qedrgdluwrl out lou get your free turkey for thanksgiving with the purchase of any cokonado major appliance m myu ansi v twnioiiutoa ta mtittrll itc the new 1963 c0r0nad0 dryer y irtflhite heat tdleclott olant urrl trar 8afh tmor tafety thermostat pbtelaln toe r urn i rap eereiy ww 6995 uae our thrifty time payment f uri only lvs down esseesessstswawxesw t setujreltlr ihteahdware htoniti fssst

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