Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 11, 1962, p. 10

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tut j i i- 1 j i i i sr i social and personal mr tad us myua ouod and daughter 1 srb street visited bit sunday with kis par cnu ur and mrs h j gil ton tbarnbury ur julia uouritun io chirle succt sp14t lb week end id oiluwa u the tut of un lyu pollock formerly ol georgetown who u uw r- rnt supervisor of the 0h ywca ur nd un andrew uino king street kill and ur and ur wilired uino utnabb iort atunded diamond wed dim eubrdoju at lb boiaaj n twir brother and uncle ur and un will uno jyn uilu n sunday reter job uorgtowa f earned s100 on sonnys left husident of thi gcoioetown r l of beit ivnn o peel v lljfje i jr ty jfolllcool litiu i ckct mai 2 06 ii j crown to jut uy i ion n ll c i i i lui i teriled by ilti drill levy lo ii i i hilly 1c n ihc i llval ho y koul up tlif glove t and nm rn clubi cha i o h p d iattcinjii if ihjo i rti h 4 juiiipi ilie bcoe wai pie limbhoo slumberettesname for 4h club girls mail rag scores minister for racial stand 71 trench lrl richmond hill out october 3rd 1im2 th meeting of the um- houw 4h club wu held at th ham of urn uiutsnt lea dr un ted brown un c nu wilton u leader we are the editor happy to hive ten members the georgetown herald taking part in thu new project georgetown ontario called blai well dseiedaid dear sir wu roomed the mine ch as a canadian i am sick sen or our club is the u me with ahune and ditgut over bout sluwberetlei the el the hev l l ii taylor i tele ertioa bf officer resulted as gram to coejnor rou bamettj follows clarice handicap golf champion a clark k huh ry club wkkk thu yw tmrtyalv im a4y pretidcnt uary tiu u uutitppi bi letter of oe vltjf pr4ident lillian ober 3rd 10 the toronto daily brown scrtury elinor sur and lui fubjupnt a-p- karn prtjj rrporur joy l pearance on television concern tenon each girl will complete jn the enrolment of james druiq gown during thu mr th at the untvertity of tfcree local girl jean pen court miuitaipj i do not believe a rlv ruth ucctetfenu and chnnun can harbour the ftel nurina swath returned home tlw away mj1 he iiaj w yihementjy dl rrcnlly from a wtern trip j ur and un a bwmkit piyj thy vnited banff lake lou anna uarle and henry w th surwly thu man u nit ap- iw victoria and vancouver inhu itiler and family at blrlh 1 u dut ei of a hril vancouver they vuited with ro 1jri jninutcr i nnnol hlp it anotwr sorgetbwner anne n in need uf jkrhtalnc tucker ur u hrl itrnton j with her parents at mrafuxd hoix tniilin evrruhere luwn for the wju hken u lu tij thanktlvmj weekend were j ul ul d y llui uolly uoohng and com stanley and lirryl intl ur viunuul panlon utu stiirlry llimun shtrley watson to rimyui of ormton yuelwc wtthhtr sunday to vilt mr and mr m n urtn and ulrr ur vttiting 1 llicke 12a brother in lw and mm college strtrl un it r iaitmnti o luwe toft suffolk rjgland has brn vikiiing with hrr daughter and ton in law ur and ut a hurrh ami family tj tf7 a ward strrrt thu l ur j nmnd 1 firt trip to i anada and kay wau hutpilal uauon mo titby and fred and keith url nald ttiomai on sunday m mr ionald retunung with thrm af trr two week with h r daukh ter there ll 1 ii iih mi tr un ihi ir ii fir un i 1 lay 1 jlil i the lions den by cut fraruts a dnntr mj fj for ih jgeomtown ljai wai at btam kcitcitofii o 1 lu mundi firt trip o i anada ana the h tnurm ontno during vo hrr ttay here lurentian iniv bury ovrr thankii i 1 1 to day 0t lxrit a tit ihn yejr a enj wrhl aldrrihut c weie n them a we havl a in grorrj l wii a of v 10v plea rd to t fl krnn dy 1o club jyi iti co 1 j clrr 1 1 run t 1 j a d 1o iu t f i u n f 3i aae midtown by kl mr and mn rd talr mrven ikjukla aid heather 2- chiern st ient the week rn dat the home of mn tay lor s parents mr and mrs herb itichardi while there they attended a fainl dinner par ly and a reception when mr and mrs hwhanu celebrated their nuer wrddmt anniversary h mr ft 111 mt slj 1 uin heat your home uiu helen mtlli home fr m toronto the harris family rr unit n was held at the hnm of mr and urt newtun ltudd ii on monday burif attend dr m the modern way wti holoral cos and smart chinook aulomolic gal furnac cio- burning 4tp9n4 i j toi reading tin could 11 thiin uull find hkr i dxl i at 1hr are our llir ni jalt mreetiville llratnpt lut j 1 j to i f f d t t fruoui u h t i ik aoiuint future i j tn v w luht nu 1 tiukr a r r rd 21 1 u nt 1 u with i hi ir k r k j ft 11 tir 1 b p t 1 rl nth kn w v hkr on i 0 makr a i xa ijlrl mi rrcrntlv he mr hen et un saturda ctuler tilti hallmafad deurg t t heltenh 1 family have arrived srw raland frund hrrd from mr an 1 haw 1 who with morning n id to of i ott can wdvl vs al o a we vvtlto bcr to ru hall i on toi u r 1 re 1 1 i jt st t tlu mill t ot nu nuke 1 it uv thrrr i r a 1 mj litnr jn mirt all will j n mr 1 ivrrtar v r rd evi iiiiij t rlililrrn liir llarry ind j v liinir there hie r ihe lillh bf held m ocl hlh i kj iimih in rerrnl en tu k diwn un li r jinl uerr pre uf wflrome mr nil mn ndid li mr in t mn enre unit ind jinet in iht 111 uh smurlh4ile mr and mr tun u urhnod thfy nnirl lei tin ricus n mr an 1 mr jnhn 5lh line cottage nwnrd b ir hi ami mi an i mn r rni l v inrenl lilt eel lull i stereo spetiakcb 1962 and 1963 uojek sale better than out of towji prices with utvtc at you homi buy now save easy terms ul toukhimooi ci alt how i ftmet a god bbss the ailhur i o year- ft id trvi prci cjliit mr if to the oihiw land here i c v of vt y ui stewart 1ai if georqctow xn stewart club io p a imvn n traniterrc 1 va l on ci ib wav ci d f etl n i now i o i iran tcrrrd to i on club l rnnqrr ot thr th t i imp n ituvtv itut i un t f jo o 1 lyth soi i it frc bt dop i i yo d tt r i i 1 tiavr i rin i mr an 1 mis v i 1 k 1 urn 17 i nmn st rr t nni 1 at a farnilv i sun u 1 ukht i hm 1 t irthdav nun in other cr mrs w j mr iiifrriv jk nt i pnald mr and mrs william mrt itutv net but mcdonald jr and david mr mlv a tie m a trr an m robert tonelll andy rnt llrp rl enwr iti n nr r on the fvccamon of thi ir irol v twenl drat hrr kueti wrrf her alio wrlcome li mi ai mr m i hrclaiha n anil ie tu an apartment in ihe h u ouned by mr am 1 mr j ii er harry won two and johnny jf n aeconds one fwifth r h thompson hardware plumbing t heating i t 7j97t i ojuitone rovktoi tv stereo u1vice nouum aiout oui nfw free txttumo wamamiv kkucy mimictc sales and 14 wcueyam rr u7sw vtt fl d f 1hrr the l the m c i bohh- nil jaiter tttd m 111 wh ch took over the old inwion m 11 n j5ewarnown he h b n wih the company for i 7 y and i tfie 2nd vice prr tier i iof the ontario retail feed dna eri flivocidt on he ii mar ved and hai five loni hr is 5also a member of the un tt d hurch bon stewart and h vamily will be movmn to jgoorcjetown in about one jnonth s t me we are also pleased to say hat mr don gosbncj has iwwn accepted ai h mcrnhrr nd is now a lion cob wi re lt nq to iced ihe f0lj raw meat so look out don lion d ck ticata will once arjain be in charqe of the can dy and fruit that are cjiven to the children after the parade i more plans were made for the santa claus parade lion jarl olson w ii be in charge fal the santa claus float once aqam lion don barra jfjcr w ii look after the udgcs iriti awards thanks lions ma tiy hands make liqht work the eveninq was rounded off with a very inspiring and informal speech by our depu ly district governor gover jiod grayson laidlaw he was introduced by lion ernie bod viar and the topic oi lion gray tons ipetch was mental jiealti this lion is very in iteresled m this field and pends a great deal of his htrrte helping out at the onta jrio hospital in hamilton lion grayson ponted out that one but of 1 4 canadians require treatment for mental health fend that it takes from 4 to 6 e day to keep a perion n penitentiary but it takes leis jhan 4 a day to keep a per jon in a mental hospital this ame lion and his wife for lhe past 3 years have taken fwo boys from the mental jjiospltl into their home at christmas time this is what i call real lionism lion gray-j- on asked if a piano was hand v ho would start his talk by nrjlnfj my task but the to tal lions havinrvno piano wore uopnvecj o hcanncj gray sons fino sincjinq voice but re struck home wiwn he ended nu talk by saynq i have made it my task why dont you make it yours q l nr ihtkl lie un and a jrul ai nl wll thr you have it p j prt ttj k 1 h ou kium 1 f 1 if g ntorcst nq th lvcn ha i islington jrra and ha uc rkmk kithr f r thiy tart 1 up hi pnctircd ion nt it so i 1 nq r illy m the tecen ear aiikul of 1 hard ami out to fan th world no llnl the k hiiv- krt a onk so well jhi don i nerd one i r u bob smith j llnh is if att nded sharon uarlene and andrea f milton mr and mr wll ham macmurdo f velyn grant jiik thop intrrvuwv run marv ann mr macmurdo int i quite a hit of n i lint hut m jher mrs w macmurdo and wi i wr ur plu e vt p ask t jim mr and mri hep iu nu whin 1 intrn i to wntr t and amis hrothrr jim m lx k it ivn t fiinnv h s iiiv mv thrie uritinc critics hid mi to sprur m kfiut carelesnri with matche talent rou roukh out run and smoking are leading cau 1 oh tmh did i make any i vr of home firei junior ur mistakes in this one marshal urge smokers to be i hate to disappoint von allsure rigarcts and matches are hut i am afraid i will have tninut before they are discarded close now tr to control vour j 4 toronto whi he finislud one vear and then went out to work in an offin uoh was orumalu one of the original limriin ami has hci n doing a kreat job of tlnk i ini all the sorirv wr lik d to hear evi r vinct i the man on the drums is 23 rar old wayna brkcland uarnie wayne attendi d he ta salle coltijr and ccwnpleled 5th form lie finished collcg wh n he was 10 and is now wor kmi as an uctronich trchni cian amiini other thinkv sah was thi rhamp at school fur running thi 100 yard dash and wis form rl a mrmht r of thi silhouettes mav 1 add he is a terrific dmmmrr twanfllno out tht bass guitar ih gary mathawt ar gory is working out hu last yetir al ilichview lollriiiatr he li id and wjk formirly a member of ihe original lxicerncn gary dora a stupendous joh on the git box and of course makes us all feel good when he f lah that simile of his on the piano we find doug duff duffer doug ii 22 and in his third year at the ontario oluge of arts lie was form erly with peu fdrrnws four and sun knows how tn moke the ivone move iu on the nlhcr uuitaris jim tar martch juriiiie jim is id and is in his second year at the university of toronto he wan aho formerly from the orl ginal lttcernch and doif a fan tqatic job on the guitar as you can si e thewc guys arc not nnlv fabulous art is us they ore also very well ed ucated i dont know if all of you realize thia or not hut there is a lot more than just talent re quired to make a grunt band iii taken the ability to put on n good show ami more important cieh membnr muni project plthiinnlitv that is a big hill for any gwiirp to rill hut the yinlt nf fnullv plpci4luccrnoa an iiowi l t remember i 11 lw hack next week so untl then im sorrv to sav i don t know a mm in for todav i hut i ii tell ou what i ii try to do thit s havr one in next week for ou cheerio our junior fire marshall fcugueit that you check lamjw wnd electrical appliance in four hpnto for defective cnriu tnart 20 per cent offlroii ricar en- cubj scouts attend st andrew service cubs and scouts of st an drew s 4th georgetown group attrnded a church service at their mountainview rd home church a week ago sunday the ceremony was originally have bicn a parade to the church by the cubs and scouts but instead they grouped up the church lawn and en tired for the morning service in a body the srrmon prea ched hy hev 4wvm uohntvton um along the theme of harvest time and thanksgiving and the church had been decorated appropriately hy members of the junior congregation natur rambla some twenty cubs later went i a nature ramble to the ter ra cotta area and even listen ed to a talk on conservation from mr norman mcmahon at the conncrvatlon area the cuha displayed to their apca ker some of their own wood tore and identified the various spiclci of treca in the park the enh mlitrrn hhr jahiei munro and mr munro- is the assistant at 4th georgetown specializing in daliclaua lunchaa sandwich snacks lea craam plat ih wlih that evurynno or two of sargent new manager caoroa saroant assistant manaor of tha local lc bo eutlf hat ban mad manaotr of th naw acton store which will opart short ly mr sartfant has baanwltlt th local tier far th past flv yar oily rngi and paper can bfo- norato enough heat to ignite thenutalvon the junior fire murihola urge you to get fid n ntgii parnr inrt hfttifpli dobflr air conditoned for your comfort the snackette harold may hulchlnun 10 main stfmt ouft hai hi1050hiij m l fienw pmowphei beaveptready mixed anes transport xttfrwstpkfwixs i the car youll want to own 1963 mercury 2985 complete and ready for the road includes heater signals gas antifreeze license hds 24000 mile wahmhy full size reed redfern limited highway 25 milton phone tr 8393

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