Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 11, 1962, p. 11

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fadlities inadequate move acton court cases doling october xd novmbr all court catei will b hold m otkvlle councillor j duby of acton told rh north hajion urban board us welt thi could rmult in all our policemen being out of town at the im time he conten ded 1a addition wtf hve to pay mitaeq plus a day off tlaled mr doby mi i on and georgetown memberi wondared aloud if their lownt would be similarly affected cmliu key kinitnimmjac urfmg th initial citl of agt 11 twwey oilifcir 4i yh mqtowowh hau irtrr jmts iuy they snub their southbound cousins you can keep your call of the wild at far at thit trio it concerned they re the three canada neete who have a full tim fob floating aound on the pond of mr and mr art scott maple ave and turning the haadt of parting motor it ft nat re tayt tliey ii lom their coutmt at they fly over in a v bound for the touthland but trw loyal tno have defied ihe migration law for three yeart now and thr r owner hold little doubt that they will give n answering honk al each flieirvg flock but hold the r ground when it romet to mav ng that cho ce lctween staying and leaving the r wmgi are not clipped to they can depart civil rat on wltencvcr ihey feel lilt it sa d a ifoleiman for the feathered canuck tho what if we don t om the lhabaitcal to the tlouthland they ci have tin r wanderluttht wr r that itht rd with our thurroundmgt it means ihwimming around w ih those ihtuclt up thwans but then lhath the way the old egg thoamblet ttw tu hiliwee m ttw lc- luui u arte wot uu- eeie 1 tfcufc e m hhwu im trfiiwijilj vuiu t rt mm to tmy uy u e maufrfog artoa fjt a cwuofl iiould t to uk attorney crsl offuv at4 prvwnt tbir vuw at ivntftb tt wis dahrnvd jo uk th fcubci up vttli tb utdividou trouiwrtls twfor wn dm a dftufauoa ult bwj c4fwa i wslkd ovrr ullton a gr baj diifuul rs tonight and thdii t vti kiu 1 wk cn it j laid uiuarillur ii urnnlly of i jorgtown this routd npv i tr hjppu in oforgrtown h addfrd quinlrsuy j ur ucneiuy trll thai th fart hilton itwlf op rated thr cirlar trniff n reiponuhl town lows control in which fur thr rlranllnru ratr the contractor uli up ru chairman norman jvirre ot and regulation which may uiltun quoted thrir rusts at nut b convenient for thr rill juit ovrr 3 prr capiu not irni brides first communion at holy cross wedding bquipouttt t uh fir uiui wm to dm h h iit rww m 11 n it wiui i tuut uldod mm w4u m iwu km jiiirjij ur ueueiuy roandd that a private contrartw mutt ualte uonay to tay in the uutnau uvd felt that thr profit bight ii well b thr tuwil ullton clerk jamra cutlian polnlrtl out that thry havfc very thv rohiptainti rsow about ban- 1 gft up girhagr rim dunipi or po trrvtr wa rl our rea- j idrnti are grttlnjt wrvice un j rquatlrd anywhrrr tauj tha rtrr wr have twira wrrtdyi pick up wintrr and iuromr and wr pick up rvrrythlng rv rn old waijiing mirhinri brdi anything taid ur loftljan mr felt that by trndrrtng u kitchener new home for mr and mrs hardman a double ring rrffoony in holy nw kc hurrh on sptrmbr ith unilfd in mir rugr uimiirl rot uilnnn itauiihlrr of ur ni uri ltn tcr mf union r 11 3 ind vic lor jouph thliunn ion of jlr md ur tho chuiion 20 ultkinilc drlvr ftlur zno olllcilrd at lh in a m rrrfmony thr brldr tfort a floor trnfth ikgr of pink gown of whilr lacr anil nrt tre living irakr work pnirrl f r hunil rrd of rontructnn and manu trluring firm- ovrr lalin tke kirl wai fa llul ihr labor drparlmrnl ha ihionrd with a tier of than urn rrcriving romplaintl that tllly larr ovrr four akirla of lom of tht nrw arhoola arr nt and tha bodic fealurtda brinj juipprd with machlnri acalloptd ntcklina covarrd and tools purchard outiidr thr ith irrldrirrnt arqulni with country as a result mr starr this ihr worr thrrquartrr rrrrnlly wrtr to prosincial irntlh flosts of rhanlilly lace ucation authorities to pom a finftrllp vrll wn held by a on stllembrr 1st at 4 o clock thr former rre eownrd id bolton united church decora enlically in sold peau de snie ted with white gladlolas and sleath drtlset with short lull old mumi wai the icene of a oierikiru and matching crown r double nnl ceremony when heartprrcn with net seili they ul thr lrrmt ol lhr tlir 0 pearu and tiulni and irene luella jane jean mof carried bronie ami told mums mrn cj1 of t lhr ctrri bouqutl of am fltt dauthter of ur and mrs the tiny flower url wore a mean beauty rosea and lily wallace moffatt wa united in full white dreis cold cumber of the salley marrlaife to wilfred alhertlbund with bow at lurk hold most in omtabio lurdman ton of ur and mrs crown headpiece anil she car onlano has ma ie the trratesl n robert hardman of rone no a basket of cold and bronze uxc lhc prnkr nll mijj y ii town i mums a plications approsed totalling m 0 honour wora itxeat rev fg knowles nertormrd mr lordon hardman was best m federal lrn of pale yellow the ceremony with mrs sadie man lor hi brother and the r oi j1742 million ott with lace trimmed small it the orjan and mr i ushers were brothers of the lnc iuti millioft in 1maic matching tiara trim murray stewart as aololst in bride mil lord and itob mo n lrlll 17 0 ml p and while ging the 23rd psalm and nun- fait m additions and alterations to lftr bouqutt wai ual llenediction the recectlon fo lowed in the s aaoooi n of nlnk roial and church parlours where the will be ac liv-oi- the vallty bride mother recened ar llyo ing an otttr brown br cidcd lnp m sudents will be commodate under the ontario program viola uelmon tht bride aiitir wai brldeimatd and given in marriage by her father the bride wore a floor length peau de sole gown with fitted waist and full skirt rnd ing in 1 alight train the aleevee were pointed over hand and the neckline waiimumj prince idward island to id lace with a lata bolero atooped her houlder length the couple left for a honey c 13 million federals wore imall belfe feather uered net veil waa held injmoon to lhehastrrri slates and shlrr joooooo 1 new vocauon sat and earried a nosegay of end uhealh drew with matching i se of the federal subsidy byl ret length gown of long jacket beige hat brown acces o olhpr pr n in lace over theline and a eorsace of gold f taffeta the bodice waa of net dace by a headpiece of small fseau de toie flowers and teed dearie and ihe carried white gardenlai atephanoli and trail ing ivy the bride 1 liter mr jim schlld wa matron of honour and the bridesmaid were also listen uri ken thompson of peffarlaw and sharon motfalt two year old janice srhild a niece of the bride acted ai tlo wer girl are now living in kitchener the bridegroom mother as listed wearing printed bjur sa tin sheath dress with jacket white hat and accessones and a corsage of white and pink mums out of town guests were from pennsylvania niagara i- alls ny shlnnnnvillr hilmuirc eorgetown hrampton vsest on wulowdale schomhcrg to ronto and ilarrir expect canadian equipment in schools ny v tisslnston ottawa sptciaj to ttit herald the aovcrnment austerity program jim not af fected the agreement to pay 75 per cent of the coit of construct ins equipping technical and vocational ichools in canada but labor minister michael suit recently found it necem ary to remind provincial minis ten of education that the fed ral government expects tha schools to be provided with canadian made equipment an j tools to july 15 this year the gov ernment approved new schools and additions to existing schools for a total cost of wmg million or this the federal share la 225 5 million the money will build 207 new vocational and technical schools additions to 140 wore plus some bo other minor alteration projects the new construction will provide added training accommodation for 121060 students the agreement under which the federal government raised its contribution to auch schools from 50 to 75 per cent expires mrh 31 1wv3 a labor de partment spokesman said tho agreement will not be extend ed beyond that date larsely be cause the program wilt have achieved its purpose but there has also been crit icism of the program dn tha uhdhirtiturtieipihtnsrghir a school 1 addition to a trade school and 4 minor projects prowdinc room for floo addit tonal studrnta quebec total cost g54 million frdrral thart 11 3 million 1 nrw technical initi tulr a new trades school 31 addition providing for 4200 iludnts saskatchewan total cot 10 2 million federal share 4 million 1 new school and 7 addition anil alteration to pro- ldr for 3 000 students british columbia total cost 11 million federal ihare 111 million 4 new schools and 5 additions to provide for 3 400 students the provinces rufihrd in too rapidly to get a share of the federal bonanza it is charged that there was not enough prior planning about the need for the schools and the types of courses that are demanded in todays modern automated and technological world slow i wo down there has been a falling off ir the ruth of applications for the federal subsidy in the last few months and the labor de partment is believed to be sec retly pleased about this or iginally it was expected that it would take some five yean to reach a point of sufficiency in technical and vocational school accommodation but thj rush of applications has just about cut- this time in half some idea of the sudden surge of technical and vocal icnaf school building is seen in the fact that in the 10 years before the present program be gan in 1060 only 54 million was contributed by the federal government to provincial costs of such facilities but there is no suggestion of a cut back in the program or a withdrawal of the federal 75 per cent offer before march 31 next year for onelhingrnho legislation stands without change and for another the eonitructio and e of school buildings is a ma wood can be used for more than 5 000 product from cribs to coffin care of the forests assures canadians of wood sup plies to meet all her needs hst and carried a nosegay pink roses and lllyof thavsl ley the groom s sister fran ana chlasaon was flower girl wearing a full nylon drau flowered white hat and carry ing a basket of small pink ro ses daub rlnff steve chlasson was his bro ther a groomsman and ushers ware tha brides brother arth uelanson ii r j hornby ard the groom s uncle clint clendening ril 3 george town ur melanson gave his daughter in marriage in the doublt ring caremony and tha bride received her first com muninn that morning at a reception at the home of mr and mrs chester mel anson her mother received wearing a navy suit navy hst white accessories and corsage the grooms mother also re c rive i wesring a navy outfit ith whilr hat and artetories and a white coruuv mr and mrs thiaxion tra vellrd lu am us quebec for hair honeymoon where they visited with a number of tha grooms fiiendi the brides trsvtlllng costume was a short ilaavad checked suit of light brown and white with white rcritorlei shr wore a cors carnations they town at 3 llgin street the groom is employed in hrampton a a g later with k rabar istival of colour ovtr this week ind the annual pilgrimage to on tario s northiand as well ai thr caledon lliils is conclud 4 this waakend ending a month of riotou colour sale continues on ail colf suphies over 35 sets to choose from rag spaldino top fute spalding executive campbell staff macgreoorr tommy armour first flight macgregor tourney macgregor parwn 150 i6s 150 150 150 120 62 now ns 119 us 109 iis 19 41 sets from 2900 and up new and used ladies mens right and left hand a small dapoill holdi anythna unhi xmai s bruton professional georgetown golf k country club bob edwards plumbing 18766951 usrexway dr s write your mtum touess iii ihe left cobih anil balp ya malll juat follow ttiata tour poinlt 1o latlar mail tarvica avary hmayouaddraitartanvalopa uia lull and cnincl nam of par ton you fa wr img to uia full and corract ad dean wilti poital zona numbar in canada a in 2onad ciliai wntt your own ralurn addratt and iotlaj zona numbar in uppar laf cornar of anvalopa ihioejl a7 wit what you like fish chips jumbo shrimp deep fried chicken barbq chicken when you like it aaaaaaaaaag new hours we cook and deliver til midnight friday and saturday phomi 779151 how you like it delivered piping hot 5 pm til closing ihau mo mlwry fruay j- tm delivery crlatoi is jwl awfijok fliifo maria ofj kw tx an omit 8yu ifoat wki tlrttrt cntmjb irnn e l buchner od optometrist eyes examined eyeglasses prescribed and fitted georgetown office hours wednesday evenings only y appointment j0niy 111 ouelph st sr car ll for appointment phone tr 74011 farm newspf master feeds are now taking orders for fall deliveries on beet pulp bon delay order yours today we offer a complete feeoand farm supply service including a complete line of master feed bagged and bulk feed grain seed and seed cleaning miscellaneous farm feed supplies custom grinding roiling mixing and molasses mixing pickup and delivery service master feeds i xtfwarttown dial t773sll georgetown

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