team without a league yh ghs juniot footftau team are tlie vittrm of circumstance th s i on i ftdbel are witrkmjt a league end ere playing the r way through the eaon m n i j act bill robton end allar blair tbrd row coach keith donald larry tk snd rick parry sond row coach gerry thompon b ii mckrown b it d c v i jack himei ton quru front row bruce fcndley clifford levy b ii van wycl j rui steve petto l trr join photo 3f for a un or loop broke down fhe jun or i row ar john yk kth g lie mnc kor- i ii lorr mm dave lhiubole doug harley v r l i ii i wi jhl be i ir p tvolf torn in 1 lynn mac heme bob paul oove a 1 hurl pumpkin pic contest 4f fie evelyn shoppe for w l members president mrt hatttw presided over u october tin of georgetown wom ens injtituu with a good at undaam in kno cburcb hau ca wedaasday viat octo ber rd kouowlnj ik open ing exercises mrs joe shialds th wrrury eallad the roll nam a wxvuble uiinfyour initials snd uur rad theui pules ad correspondtaca the treasurers report showed a oaat balance in lha hnk a report on th institute dis play at ibe j air and thanks u kadad to couralttaata charge urt shields and mrs bail- uotioos vera paswd to pay any expenus tovojtsd in tha duplay auo duu to the district annual and 110 don ated to cahh lira w wiuon cava the report of director i alwting the tlendl in uil ton and the pridnt and tna eervtary w appointed to at tend th area convention in lueiph on nov 13 and 1ft it was dfridvd not to put notice of regular tnfcttnga in tha pi 14 urt ceorgt wilson rad a splenthd motto wiurr there will thrrrs a way urt c dirk was salted to judge the pumpkin plei brought in by nemben with kin snyder lit and mrs palmar 2nij carrying the honour soma mtm un kindly donated tbrlr pli to ba told adding to the w i fundi urt baitrr ai prog nmmi convener introduced urt woodi ybu delighted the audit- nrr witii beautiful colur rd ill tin of california bc and toronto mr snyder mr ved a hearty vote of thanks lo mn woods for her rntertaln ment to un dirk mn wil ton and all who hrlped make an entertaining evening aa well ai the lunch committee urt palmer mm k davidson mra lulley and mn petch the meeting rloaed with the nat lonal anthem 2 j- weather report hlob lew t 130 sun 1 mun i tuei 9 urd 4 thun 6 in 6 sji prerip 2 31 high for week 60 low m alicia r c scott tio aft m aa so 37 stockings sheer beauty for egs barely there topaz town loupe block coffee stylet 165 at thi evelyn shoppe mis evelyn holmes 7 mala tt u owgwii hi 1774m1 imisttbl colors irresistible colon o the team that plays just for kicks wis is the 1962 ghs occer team wh ch tiai already icrved nc i lo i i firit qamci hand ly in the back row ii the r coach mr tom br r ft j r bull f maxwell and john halt k djic row m llcwelln fl v cui i front row un dentf ed p wr cjht d booth barry shrpr rd g hn iy ballimafad mcdougallsmith vows in ballinafad church in the h 1 t mr n i vr lt i r i r of oiu u mr rinhtr ii 1 itla jo x i i t 1 in lri ii o pctft jones iholo m i to l r ii th i season by w in ng their s th m f kup ony witlon w turrr c b wn d hickman and l shandlmeir i s ii vw llyn r s 1 the georgetown hckald s i 1 r hitch r thurday octobar 111941 hnrli on vmih nd hi c iirt a c irsjk of n 1 n h ti mums taken tn r irr nf hi hmhl h u in tin ir r turn from a ii h n trip in the oil i strict thr will r sidi in nallinjfa 1 i mint hurci decorated ui h till vtin lin b gold tin ii inil whin mums mas the r in or mx darly autumn uidilin on sx j d tunia scptunhrr juh uun rr dorrin hizahth sin h dauli tei of mr and mtn i- 1 sin h stewarttown btcamo tin hndt of diiiktii allan mrl ui ill son of mr n i f 1 and mrs mat mcd u ill of bl0i0jy voutsc tor erin ki iiuijit hnd acton off ici it 1 t tin d ring ciriimin 1 li n ijii was mrs j hi irk the hndi given in mrnavt ti hi r fn ther uore a whin fl r length gcun with filtrd bod re trim med uith stqums and piaik and matchiii tiara the full skirt uia mhd in three tiers of nit satin and organu and fashiom d with a butlc sash she earned ans cade bouciucl of nil roisinl proposed school mot affiliated with churcli ml i school principal ahrc piarl lirlkks hir il hr 7lh birth u on tu 1 octolx r 0th uiui a pjrt had as u r m sis sjmfra cash a tukktns ivan hudinan markk uamca i nda law son a lis mcdiinald ltosln altin sun llr n la hi nl miss hsu cash anil sisli r phjllis i i i ii r 4 i ii irii mi ii i i rtl mi ii i li ir s i ni i i i i s ur irtu h n th i 111 hi if llrl ii i 1 will li i ui i ti ii h il i i i 111 p ilihr i m v i i th i tin l tn pr ih i lit t lie ir i v ii i hi ri r i is isc i i i i uhih i mi m i sh p i i i h i pirnl 1 ii i u ill n in i im i i 111 his vi iv ii ii ii iii iii i i th s oiiim 1 ih pr ih s i i s f such i ti i i i n i ill il i n n i i ii- i i 1 in i i si h i v i ri i ixii i u inn i i nil 111 st johns l umitid church crorurtuun onl minutrr rav ian m fumlnf music fhrirltr x h harmon ahct kmt sunday oct mils im th church with warm heart 1100 am sacrament of holy communion 7pm not t rom men 8 13pm hi ticn firnldr cm t werlhip laav t strw mr ami mrs llouaril tniis mhitt mums ihi maid o ho r alice an i lhllii aloi hour mjnli ann mcdoukall mr m murrey mor tlstrr of ihr broom won a rll olhriil c vinlil fold coloured hallrnna unili inindi in llnhu n sundav utln cown with bill skirt ind filled bodice with a rose made mr j harm ruurncil lo oj ihc same rrntinal for trim th toronto eneral hospital in he cintre of tht hack at lhl p the waist l rimoveir from his hi hi ttt mdiimaldi mrs how hi iuftennb a ureal deal rd hamilton and dianne pn but is able to ml ar bmllh slstira of the bnut ound thi house on crutchli woro the same slyle of drctsi in sreen colour and their mal mr nil mn it gibbons i ehlnc huls wcrv tin rusismidc mnl in ottawa for the lhanki of the satin material with ml civinc week ntl wllh his mo brims oml ech carried bou ilr mr w a nibhom qults of bronze and sold mums l howard hamilton of ccorse mr ft gibbons our ichool town friend of the croom was principal is talun a blolnsy the bcsl man and the ushers i course at the gcorsetown hlbh were hill smith brother of school and attends classes each legion otes by amis a si taurtnt set off your fail fashions with a new jj maim st n hairstyle our skilled beflutic ins h wt stud i rl the newt il 1 ill hi r ityl- a id will interpret tl ni to fl liter you tmtt 0 parma nan tt hair cutting high styling for appointment children welcome call 1774631 e pierre beauty culture formerly loulsai your home wotwino to mam thk a sam community our junior fire marshals need your help if your youngster isn the junior fire marshal program he is learning fire safety principles that may save life perhaps his own you can help by inspecting your home with him when he brings his fire prevention report from school we are behind this program 00 were sure you will be too its a wonderful way to help make our com munity safer place to live thi junioi fire marshal program is a puriic service of john t armstrong insurance john r barber agency limited walter t evans and co the hndt and donald hall of prln friend of the ffronm for the reception which fol lowed in the church hall the trld mother received the cucsu wearing a cinnamon brown knit dress with bcttfe accessories and woro a enrsajte tt pink mums she was a bus ted by the grooms mother tjtho chose a uold coloured sheath dress with block acces dories and a corsage of white knums for her going away outfit the brliln chose a char coal grey knitted- suit and thursday evening the eourko given by mcmasler university mr anil mrs frank knox of aurora were t hankhjiivtng day visitors with hrr parents mr ant mn heg williams margn and judy william spent thanksgiving hay with the- snow family at ilallinafnd and attended erin fair with them visitor with elmo alklnon 1 lllrjra nd mrs ruth dui- fight fallout renew in 62 mcrnbmhip u t io wo 1 mm oth r rtfl rnuc i dowp it the hr m i lomcom i ki tl ii 1 i we nr td m w n ml r rtqardltss of whtil prt sii t branch strtnqth is unl m have over 90 ptr ctnt ot i i volt rans oi nilmblij wi n i more mtmbtrs service work and v ti r in welfare are the prime can rn of the llqion liut sst cm i continue to do thec th nrj effectively unless wo have more members our nu it bership has been a qrt it fie tor in the past it qislahvi successes an increiisi i it rj ton membership is a mujt and will continue to bu more mi perativeas time qols by in or de that the leqion m iy u tain the influence thit it hjs built up over the yccirs question what dors this all moan to us our bnnch is doing oki answer everything thu le gion has done had its oriqm at a branch like ours ms do minion voice is thrrvoico of 2000 branches r ii ii ny come to a i v h l problem a r i d sound c ise con li on or ik llment i i y pn t nlcd it could n i i t f ihlo ch incje in v r r it cj i it on tlut is v tin ltqions n itioiul t n n h mi am somelhinqto ill ol us quostion why all lhs talk il ut oniiuunily work answor communityl work ifrnlit i ich of us to confri- butt omi thing to the bel li rincnt of this country what is qoo 1 for 2000 communit- it is qood fortlie nation thi i r lore such a contcibu t on is pirt of the leqions dims tind purposes smoker ortobtr 19th at 2000 hrs al vv tcr ins cordialy invited bnnq your dischorqo papors in order to be admitted en ii rt i nnu nt galore furlhor dc tnls in rtext weeks col umn 5050 draw lucky winner f hardy ti clt selllr k hunler genuine holland bulbs is a ftvmbol nf yntir personal achievement how regrettable it would be if in the event of your death your family were forced to give up that home heeauaa they could not afford to meet the mortgage paymenta fortunately you can provide for just such mn evnitutihty by taking out a sun life mortgage pro tcctinu policy noii 1 will be glad to give you details and there will he no obligation on your part clarence r tr 66854 sun lifeassurance company of canada now is the time to buy your holland bulbs big assortment t o choose from i deirn hue sprino sono i french carnival veuow mammoth i kach blossom m cardinal i carrara mulnberg and many many more ay halton cooperative supplies 44 gimlph st gtorgtown milton tr rm91 tr ijxai