med ad ossified rate woks am lat laisrlsuel sc a ord tealnilitum l 001 adsuonal uatrtitns 4e tasialaiauia nflr clasamo msfuv fi vt pr coltuaui usee eaatsaoetlams sim plus 10 f tafceb line of poetry cafctts t thamef b trd ulotuuw 1 odi suatits maaalagti 08ayhs i sim ij for sale three acres of gaod silaga com apply versos picket ik mis7 bed ciiestkhujod opens into double bed nearly bcw t8 7- sost conversion oil burnkjj with controls fit any fslmaee tr 7saw7 for sale wooij lor he cul ui uagtht dilivered will kid bird tr 11331 11 baal oualily ctusmed gravel ht sum gravel wj iawd riu tr 44114 automatic westiaghouse w aaer nearly new condition 1 years old l please mil ott3ib3 in ikivtiac ssfaiactir g- olinder zdooc ncelunt con dition apply lanes wbitr mm service slstloo aipij xjctsale cortlanda and spin k cunnioghaio uh line 1i miles south ol town tele phone t7 3fl4 htis hlnllac 4 door slstion wagon sutomalir vr engine radio etc in good condition will sell or 7sa 00 tj bioe hoys hotkey skates alir i shin pid end hockey pants iii boy up lo 12 yrars njvy llaimrl blairr like new me l for sale rwrawsm flonty fully rt- peoed so lb pails sjas john lanaer 3a mala sl s an- ises ieu iflajs for uk ii 4w hear per brtag t eoalaiaere end pick your ftwfl tre- rn- tr 7- isoo wanted by walnut ranch 6wu uj muklij tlil m eaa- service aeu m4 lv si immealcei you sale kano 46060 loom 3060 both inueeucat roditloa ruiu eajrtrlaaiaw 72s40 elw pa 1611 ilakdwool dry 1 to tiicha long o single cord u two cord 13 lhr cordj tie delivered erleuaf ftru ib- lasov u ijjiirivbildrroi kftd biiyl rlubea all luel in food ruin condition alio evening gont yri k butlrey tit t1s 1011 12 for sale juty by thr cjuon or by tht quart for our bm uj8 cliddch paints and be jtiuiid arbor sales your uliddrn ljlrr lfe7 prince cherlet drive t 7741 deaths en hum tholical riill neoai 1 lor ii uuck veil anfeu null 6v black red ull krki w so with ume plantj 34 queen st th 1mm luonatoel i1aik iwtyi3yojir dreulng adjuttaolc fstsh fiuit ceorci brakidfosd piano hlmui alt brampton community furniture clnuu 14s30 7 hlftwv brmptan oaml ewnio tttl 9 pm drrj form tu 16 nd up itk 744so vtckyaftlis uhown twfjocoat ui rullirfd fit is 1 childa doll bouie with furnitur m is uwwiumvuw rl cmim u junior rt bofkey me tw 73034 jthjjmli we ukuvek ii i3 xot housk trailkh like iwvr fully quppl at piiiy ti leaving in one week will wll nr rib at a bjrgun prir or trrmi could br rkncfd apply at cordon llntdrni hornby ontario 870 2260 m uklok for islr rirl irnt ouidlticin radio mow tirrs can tw lininrrd to re poiuiblr prron 8776706 m v8 knginr 3 huuri run ning unce completely over hiulrd itice jm00 tenders for heating ytadwra wifl be rclvd by the gorilou isiulc library board lor tie supply tad uaululloa ol eoulcu btf gas beallfai ayauaa in the baaenebt ol tu library ualng tbe extaung dud ork aupplying ik aula library teaden to clou nov 3 ltd or lurtber pirticulan contact o kowuah u clwecai tleam yb tuu helpanted waithis wantw1 txu mgbu tr 714to w a rtrkss w anttdrday night apply ceorjevlew open kitrnen babyutrkh wantcd lor orcaaioaal saturday aigbta jckn street wau area th i4u3 real estate muvatb sale 4 bedraoea bouae liviacrooea a k wilb diemlg hjm ttesd fboeai tt-il4- tf roat ixl dit kiwy oat feuftal hjakhal a ml kwidk i slorma ik si rainl lftdrpel mxmo 5o0 teak w jlai eaootbly ratal niia aaohjeaga aejy tbe vtaeau it tlau- ctm dv1 to mimd ouf oe wofck i wlid a kiltaalm patty to yakal ovii thaj pavaiathyi oe wu ehlk aaouth om my ri hyaaouym i domt want any aloney hack for alysklk wiatal call atsom wamteo itwo kdmuwal apalrrauoet warteo dowaataira arbere iciuldrnl mlcou- tal 7ijl for rent house wanted t jiiriija h i i ii m iri j i ail 1 1 lf ts6d atun pee- aaoiatk 13441 u wtwaas kiubrjl h1kncj1eo bedroaa aac kooats lieiauf our advertiaera aaoriabs it rcoaa bea you aay you aav tbeiri slrfert if jproduct advertised la twaioiikltns btdubooai toucac illwili rambler mechanic mt havc tammum kxrectcmcfi awo rou oasa lioensx banelitv h e chic simpson motors ltd 110 1 istlt xjiir v a is6 ibuncauow by no 1st ta rl taj 717 after ysjel aad reke-ds- stilsausokl hjijicalow rent tlu to llixs uo0k tmy tit nasa kk housk ok alr uksts tor tale or real w contact halloa aasi- ai rn ul i w 12300 jaioaoom bick noom auimlnua storms and screens water aolteaer garage s aaacta na i tym ni you are much farther ahead u iiv inos quality and economy wbaa yau buy your car al st0neh0use drop in and find out bow k1 clpt slrmt tr 7nv passports 9 will auut in renewing or ebtaing paiiporti for any nationality bill south can save you dollars on your nrit car be la new or mrd at franklin pr0use motors mavr under ownership f pete masson cikl ok wouan wanted apply in person lo barragers llraners ii slain street s shirt inuber kxikiuhnkui capable house kreper required lo care or lkime and small child 5day eek 81m761 lor inter- virw houil ro 1ali pull peloa tuost large lot 3 bedrooms bathroom livingroora kitchen located in hilkthirrh ontario us4j47 home on 28 acres dk1jwal alllktjui sales and service used milkers poultry and dairy ventilators by vent omatlc nrsmpton klilling and larm supply gu lr731 coitkk tabijs lor sale also step tables desks and book shelvra clearing all seconds and discontinued lines csll at delta craft factory s river drive ii frrooro home all conveniences on 2b acres ol land 1000 christmas trees l must sell laau full price 33000 down uakk an orkkh taxi dkivkks part time must be 13 or over reply tele by letter ayily lo bos her qwntr phone bt7 334j aid staling age driving es au st ati insiihancrrimu pence and bouraavallable circle protection auto home llolskkiiijt lo live in contents accident and sickness kvenings and weekends oil ll lile agent ii scott wanted v una im alii tajlor 4 13fl3 guelph thoneton or telephone alillon 871k collect l i s1 espected huj wanto lualk to dn bookkeeping typing and ge neral oflice dulie on a part time basis apply bos no 03 herald cash in on the big kail and christmas selling season rep resent avon in your neighbor hood write or call mrs ii slock 71 duchess st kitchen r onl sidney k lamb r r a l t o r i mill slrast e acton lulftjo overlooking glen prici slashed tlloom must be sold price 9800 benefit from iliua eight year a c mr wntediolook vfler houacand n hr bdroo bungalow iuh asaur aukire uiunr m a 1 i about two mil from hkuaiiie iioukckketkr riperience in automotive retailing rmlttanc tr 743am w do not make any charge for this aervice john r barber travel agency agents for all ttoamiitlp uh si tl alrlirvaa tr 7m14 folly lacomlltponad used tvs ideal for cottages some with new picture tube price a start al only 17- and 21- 3495 met 21- wigo tv tv 7337fr32 main si and vacuum pumps bulb children tank bruihes cleaners aanitl- ue jera atainlns steel paiuatrai room 1a1j ners water bowls pipe andinp cundale i fitting cut and threaded for complete milker service call horace tomhnson bramplo- ci 11275 if for roasting chickens with the eld fashioned flavor try ours weight from 8 lb up yearold hent 4i to 5v lbs for boiling slow roasting fne auee special price on 8 or more eviscerated free of charge please order wednes day for weekend delivery goose feathers and down mix ed 1 lb 223 or pillowa weight 2 lb each monogrammed s13ft0 pr lai extra make lovely wedding presents mrs a n stark ilil 3 tb evgfiss tf yur neat car call charlie wills0n collect tk uw reedredfern hataa phone tr 74054 rvshy r4urulilkosel used tvs ideai fox cottages tsqrrv with new picture tuba 3495 i and si al only sty wigq tv tw wtm main si 10 down ibg2 ixmid convertible save 1310 s3195 1k2 volvo save sgo0 tls- 102 voijis radio i 14m i0bi volvo radio nilano nkw 115 lwil iuuy 13 one onwer i ims 1d00 austin cambridge se dan radio 3161 1000 morris oaford radio silts 1060 monitls ro0 13000 miles like new sa9s 10so angija 105 k one owner ss 1050 rambler very economi cal sw 1050 volkswagen deluxe radio sivs 1058 pontiac sedan real value s79s u7 meteoit convortiblo fully equipped sw5 1057 pord kaiflsne 500 vs automatic radio stvs 1058 volkswagen deltue radio sss 1053 rover or the retired sentleman s195 shaws sales service georgetown ltd vpur luthorlxed volvo dealer gueloh el od highway no 1 wanted wanted to buy used bed chesterdeld or colonial type chesterfield suitable lor rec reation room tr 73744 free realovaltof dead or disabled arm animals old horses 5c a ih lie 1ssc03- 100rpa3 paconi deadstock removal zenith 07d50 34 hour aervlca if hayni dead stock service highest cash prices or iresh dead or disabled eases and horses uv healthy horses wanted call collect goelrji tayler 310al sr faroua plant fsx uc no 150c u u hile mother works taooo monthly plus georgetown and board phone reamed ceiling in living room ith picture windows over looking picturesque glen williams and the credit river lovely sunroom ull basement oil heating needs soma inishing touches ijdy owner leaving or england and will accept smsll down payment experienced stenographer shartnasuj laaanllal legal eiperience preierred box fl the herald tool and die makers required by automotive parts manufacturer in southern ontario haapllal madlcal and lile insurance plana fully paid reply box h the herald help available tenders for renovations tarvdara will is ratalvad by ths certwii public library eusard lor basement renovations aa follows 1 ceiling acoustte tile 2 walla 3x4 partition with dry walls 3 painting 4 allowance for electrical changes included in price for further particulars contact d bowman la church straat tat 73453 rototilling odd jobs cus tom iswn cutting phone ww service tr 74 t experienced clerk typ ist avallsble or work is her own home typing bookkeep ing etc call to ewri tf child will look after in my home days raylawn ores tr 74007 mcenery agencies ltd in 1333333 two young uen looking for odd jobs washing windows put storm windows and doora painting general- repairs ar ound your home phone jim or red tr 7-s1s- lost found lost vicinity of maple av enue and orchard blvd last thursday grey part peralin re- male kitten childa pel tr 478 after s pm absolute luxury a prestice address parksldr set just a step from the hesrt of brsutiful brampton overlooking theeto- bicoke river valley and huge park lands provides a prestige i aodress or discriminating people who desire only the best electronic sound door al lows you lo spesk to your vi sitor eliminating transient un invited callers twin silent and smooth elevators guarantees no rustrsting wsitlng one two and three bed room aultes each with thermo static controlled clean and quiet electric heating are magnitteenlly arranged with a panoramic view custom made drapes and luxuriant broad- loom colour choice left to you naturally there are com- plele acilities lor laundry parking janitors parties gar agea and maid service if de sired nothing can surpass the pure elegance ol parkslde truly incomparable call 459- 1171 for an appointment 53 church sl e brampton or call e a altlchell ltd realtors 4514370 or your realtor mem ber of the brampton real es tate board brown leather purse loat tuesday october znd in vicinity of barragerj laundro- mst finder please tele phone otr6 reward lost pair of young girl glasses with land colour pia ue frame between holycrosa school and delrex reward phone tr 44541 accommodation available rooii and board avail able in park district living room accomodations three hot meals a dayjtt 7tttua tf exclusive wilderness hunt camp moose deer ducks 3000 actea guides dogs ex cellent food supplied ilunla- vlue district don barrager georgetown tltmito 1011 four room bungalow 6900 s4z1 lot 110 a 1m taxes vfw tllts 4 room bungslow 2 tvdnwmi is loraled appruiimatr ly 8 uilea norut oi georgetown terra colu and need thr liaitkiag toucbra ijving room 12 a 17 v spsriouv kitrhen and 3 bafsdrooibs lls a 12 eaeb part bateinent approxim ately 10 x 34 and shed at the bark whub rould be isade tbe gar we for una 11 rar conitrurtion avltrvtoi viding au ainua 4lqrws and trrrrni plus 2 combination ikvurv fluor furnar oil fired t water heater drilled well 78 it taie only s4a0 firvl mortgage 13000 paymenli iu a month principal and interrit vendor take bark second mortzagr 1000 down 4 room 1uwoalow om lot ss m iso with carport full hici omly vm tl600 down this solid 4 r- uub buaaauv l wll uuw ct with this eatra long lot nl u i ui ft the living dining room is 22 ft 8mm1 kitrbrn and three juriuui tkedrouin with all ronvrnienre like forrrd air oil heating wjtrr ieater and 4 piece bathroom and laundry tutu in the base ment flnt mortcne anfiroi sh7u0 at 5- with total mini tmy payments of ww 31 vendor lakr bark wcond murt gage lmmediatm povfinun wavtkd 3 ikrdronm home on larite lot not in suhdiv- imon our client ha s3 000 dovtm llalanre on 1 mortie dutnrt ilen william nerval slenartlon and of courave georgetown suit lautat limild tt77iulv ictisy 3 hxjkym fatmjjy k arodvtua two itoiki dokanuiwa ilure hark itiulnrt shrimie tu t3isi7 i1imuj acioii aprtjiii ujiuiilat lur hilbla rfiaupjtf qf jnuipla aitb one ctuld wl litjjo aithaltivk oat udrooa aj artirrnt terrikt ftpinhfiilt 2 oueeo kt mr vltautj apt u tf r iuimiii iioisjtwjixi iuhu ah full kilrben fwiu- lies available imnedtatel th 7h11 after i pre tf services charles dykstra 2s9 guejpl st crown representing tt 7324s 1 wmjhng rad repairs spritkx servire ceurgelown welti ing and rad llrpoir 36 gtwlpai st til 7 2051 if luxlkkkkping typing aerv- irev envelop- lnrome tax all off re need mrs ls clark l mam south til 7sot u g k hg itij w n uplwilsiry lutatnt prirra with all wor aaanaiiip guaranteed 5 jrcara terms ran be arranged tr x4406 tar tr 7 3084 tf oki uuat1m to raprvas ladiv duality artiatic interior and exterior craftamaa la tba trail c a grant r r 3 georcriown tr 73781 tf uslitrak rwqfi floort rw dutrai etectnc sabdialj machinev edgrri floor poliut ers fur rent ted rltidd painting it uexorating tr 7- 3cs1 tf extra value custom ttuiit and apeciiuy deiignrtl 6 room brick bun galow is now offered fur quirk tvalr owner transferred to lanndon by company iarr i shaped living room i3rl2xli with broadloom 3 brlroomi extra large 4 piece bath lrje kitchen finished rre room 21 x 14 childrens plavroom gat heat i viced at 14000 with 3000 down paymrnt avkrd ivkly 2 iuuroom home on quiet street close to down town hot water heat garace garden newly painlrd owner will lake bark mortgage avium s12000 with 3000 down nfv j hedroom brick bungalow on 1 acre lot wmlh of georgetown 4 milev good well oil brat loe to 401 full price 15100 came for txj per month pijt contact guy w busull gforgctown rstane c7v4777 j a willoughby sons ltd realtors 46 efjlmiesi ave e toeonlo 13 uilllllstuhkd urnitui reo- vered and repaired quality workmanship t il brtggs stewartlosm tr 7b313 tf mill complete uwn and cahik service including lolntillinj mowing sodding ard sridine phone lets jarkson tr 74413 tf w f hunter hal estate moket 133 gswipetslrml triaisgu 74441 11000 t1us is considerably lrs than the original price uortgage carries for 0100 per month which includes the tax payments on this six room subdivision home on one of the best streets all the convenience for up to date living plus recreation room partly finished situated on a large lot ample room to build your garage call til 7- 4441 100 acres hobby or production your choice iarse comfortable brick farm home with all conveniences driv ing shed hen bouse and large hank barn do acres light workable land graavi pit good spring pond tractor and implement will be included in the price of 40000 lhone tr 74441 or call at the office and well drive the thort distance to tee il after business hours call any of our staff ed tyers tr 73114 e taylor tr 74774 asiigrovk welding ewctih and aretylrne welding auvtteel truck bodir made to sruvr dealers for urculiocfe ettaia was kcott atwatrr outboanh lulhoro hydraulic hoistv otaca equipment and irco irtigatioa sj items- tr 7 0334 tf 34 hour service servicing all types of oil and gas burners daavasweslic ctsmimrtial liujutlrial 774043 r beeney plumbing heatino tihsmithihg b r i georgetown u tr 79362 w b hamilton construction ltd ceneral casstraeser rr1ck block concretsc and carpentry work 7r 73410 1 atom ct septic tank pumping and cleaning approxiatately os ft by 300 l present tales 1025 thla lot li on a quiet street in glen williams the asking price is si iso this would be a suitable lot on which to build the house of your own planning s10000 a beauttitil bungalow with a split level en trance containing 3 lovely bedrooms dinette attractive living room kitchen and a bright recreation room 36 x istt there la a patio of softly coloured cement slabs and thla la enclosed by a red brick wall there is a profusion of brilliant rose bushes evergreen trees and lowering shrubs there la a gaa unace and the house is economical to hcal for an appointment phone this home la the epitome of comfort pleasure and beauty for further infoatmation contact mrs v yownend caaraiewn phone tr j33sm represerttativo for james hews0n real estate broker brampton william varcoe raclwaad ulalec 4v43 if wiring commercial a domestic john lenz aalssarad master eucklclan electrical contractor tr 74414 if dove williams riimrj bonded mastar electbiciah all types at wiring gas anil oil burners sales and service tr 73m3l ehja st tt barn painting haldlmana ttldaa mal lw call dunnvule s7ui or wriua w w- moesfal pxs m 14 years in thla area k workmanship cuaranleed slv