Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 11, 1962, p. 7

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sugar aac spice by bill smiley ambulance volunteers number almost 100 0oruwb voluntcp ai- buunc srv toumbrin d- imua one hundred uo who rndr turliajf public rvw jctunfarliuy tafacubfed in ww quarttr on juatcs m since uinf ofiinikd fcvrfvl ca s hu4 aw l jkukd ctnwl colrtt 12 qob elliott 4j hriwi cr jim hrvry coioibd ftl uosiuiain tbuiiriwiij so ufcrf4 virw ed jsuwi coajiu m aw vtn u unit si kug wlkrkft u roy crwd u h e gro 57 iyuw cikru j cwrrimd cm uwvioa lit juk tuan 34 upu wi 10 alwrt u le uufcfftum u w mj w u wkwrt iwuj uiitf wavl li fctkr totrvv i rouldat blp rthftgrfcluifcl inje tuywu bo i rid wj thfcl ujtly dttjy ol r btiv h tw uajvruly o uuiujtpi wi iwfbag ntumi in tb uini l ik tiujil irjtf u r whit key tj drvilurd djur d the hiked twukhuttor fet frf vuuas i yu t la wi w r4tu tsr u utwty wtfrkwt 1 4unt know wbv thr revl of lb world cdt be like ux ltwll t thou south ariniu limy ot them jmt bte uwk popu liak at tkot conjfouw limy of them juit hatr white pro pie ue dent bate anybody o w kva cue llttl j cuiihtvm- amw til w r wo mm t hum yu cm carry hu loftk u far w ixcajm ka iwt ir nfcmpu hut tk xtm rftmaji c4tkltl w v ktual prtklalfl r tuf t t u utukr httlr hiumlt1 tkat htvv a l lr t i it nj that ihayvt t umtwhar we realue that while neu roe are ilinitrl human be ingi there no point in imtat inj our american lourula by letting the black people stay u our tount retort after aji thjiineia n business w hnw prftly wll thai jw r uat a aad aa any kmty smarl t but ufa tup tksm in ih clalhik bualnata ykay un t lib it taft nt kav aity tkam in maduln r tuttlttry laft nt kaw any m t4tm in aur ki natunal wank a inauranc lamswui tkvra tung utvart fr tkalr sflkinjc of forrisnrrt of course we don t rat them for eicnen as lomt people do they arc ethnic group or new can axllans or bloody kurnpearu i don t think there a anotherl country in thr world that givrt them a warmer welcome ar ound election time 1 mutt attmit that ita rath- air nnylnfl that tarn j thaaa cmkaratlv nawchri t ur y bmki u fc- v7t a ujjro wkn new wilding kj lueetlngl of ustmiitrfra and uai nag tourtea bjve bird to w a u4 oi tbw pje ial md fo utbr quarter uwuuy tor ddht robi cut kr juat tu j to gl out in uit rb wlh u tbuw ol fcaa u cur w king w jut to find o rayi stw h dbauwvud jubs lunuy victor aiiim 108 rnv curua jtn luuva 7 uar garu st jwk llr ucu wiuubu willii kiaiu m lriicy ujwj h to urch 7 kury st noruua klclxxuld 53 virtou ave cleu uc kuigbt 54 ivlrx wvd krankt jj jubn w uoug llwnm kiot1u 21 water st ron o o f ipk si wlhj new 2 vehicle garage wuh a uf mevtmg room wbitb providaa heeded fatilitiea hie building which had jtt ohictaj oiutug lakt wrtk u on jamri st rlotr to tie nrur krmriubf ancr 11 uiuoa st crg cu fwd 9 unioa st cordoa grs bun t uupw w heory uua iuu 3 udkf st rd ilkll ib uirtjl st hoy lubten 70 ri k carl iuauo f7 rsy two tr krank uardy w pr cbiui tw irli htmum wildwood trrrp cwla llr premier will open milton trade fair tb taocurkbu john v kuihtru rbicj- o oaurio 0l iuiid aad oifwiilly pcd tu itb kuul kiiltod cbmur u cotiuaere ttmk kair buig ibcld ohbwr 1113 ud uul opvolng ccrrmoold will cwli ineum at p-ta- october lltb 1 tw miltod aj-iu- fj notict to crtditort r tbu w4 yev tvent of ixuluatry amd commerce on par d bnagj iftfmthr uiidnr oa roof over v3000uaq0 m urcb- adiz and product- erf local loduatry uany kdcd attract turn r plumed lacludiag a biby siow saturday aftrnooa wid fe daily cbcu tournameut featuring the bwt cb2mtn la tbc dtrut the ceoftgetotfrx herald tfchrwiy ocob u1m2 face 7 the uote rair is deucned to lbow tb laut in better liwmg modern botnc imprwvmcnuv and the lnlnjducuon of tbc lm3 iiyliog oi automobile twt will w draft lor valuable pruea aiul of couiw b dam a on u fre pru mke a living tbey cam out here bcau tberw wa a potato uhtuv la lr- uy or tuy wr oa tti dol la t jig land or tb porridge wat tailgbly tluu la uuujwj tr tome thing worthwhil like lhat rfc a as mnnhrri urc but i ub k h ui thr wn tkat ktwhrn tk fuatlu firemen 4aj lk j mll bm1 11lr cwuium juw fclt krt li l tur tk way w0 kv lruj r l kiiw uiuw tfcli u wk uing tk lf lvu arc divided into l st trrvor wuum 18 park group in iroup one raptainrd viw ikuig uilliaini 118 tr by dan srarborough arr jlharl lr llainu n uwl llenderwon 5m1 koh st aca hill 31 john w krwl u s ontario si jjuea jeukiiu 4 rayuwu lr rod kfiig ib ti i rd uun ijlrd 47 aior st lion uvtngilon m ann st eorg waesulay tfilra hi wauy urllonald 6j llewuta odea 5ii uewaos cr iul ismilwa 4 jobu r allan prouw 11 kirurt si ceorg srol mb kjue clea wil j una liao sramjorougb 4 ue ur im willuib seryire ira william urry shuriill 43 wfcple ave w art maaip 4 ttturckill cr lioyd kutfm jjrr lxgan uarlkinald 24 uar iark ave ken tbouiuiij 110 v alfred uaugeneu ua urlntyrelrrtr u alter tbunp u s s urllutfb cun the ion si victoria si loug y uhama tom uaiuna si liel townrwl 17 uwiilanmrw kl rfl tom nlvrn dltb irrue no reuiunera iloug tucker 2it u ater st ttirir um ifm other cbna walker so llrwvuii r than the kmulrilgr that tliej rrw u at ace 14 inrwe bar frl oed to lb ua ur lioug uard 40 horton r rrard uku 142 curljh ctnajlan hwvj llk ok uaoa waa did wt crowd them ipto tiny rrirant retervea aa rh ami after we d proved we lick thwn uell ye actually hut w paid eaih for the land did clhlld e did thrrn took aay well not elactly cah maybe but a long term promii aory note ami do you know aornr of i bote indian tu re ceive at murh a m 77 a jur iniht1rkst alohbt i and it wtw1 that v4 tk away tkair d lnd wa ut tat aid cattla avator and er lanj that thay w4r nat nini anyway and w han- 44 var tkam dandy klfik rky land nd tm fartlu iwtmp far thalr rawrvatlcna do we denv the indian their rights sot for a minute 1- ery ume e get invjel in war e let them join the ar my jul like white petple i why in e n- lmand nevvlncaa indian can 1 the phiba and o trunk ot ilka whll ppl and a final mark aor in- urait in fkalr walrara wa ar nw umlna rhm t ukaal with aur awn chlldran thu will nrabably finlih tham ff ukkar than whlby ar amallex ye air it make you reel prvtty downright warm all over when you realue lhat we can adlana don t have a prejudiced bone in our bodies kirept maybe our headbone llairwuw uotmrt utt 7b uain s n in group two captained ually uaclhtnald are tom arimulead 23 in b larr allan 74 river drive jamei itrnnett 51 sarvetil hd u tft1nghain 23 mew won r ralph itankr 2 allen rd ho jwt hrade 2u delm lllvtl keg hroomhead 14 victoria lr harla ir are bailey 21 ku j jonn lien cannell 44 main s lnrne w harvey t happrl 2 trmplr st doug ieok 45 normandy lilvd cr attain jorter 31 norm and itl llod rid 11 by ron s llar4t sekmgion irince harlrt dr rnejl sim mn 6 ontarto st hchertsin un oniano st lareiwe me vet d it harle iw u tl lain ualker 10 ihaper st lkn warj 7 academv ltd lrwi wartl b hae ir al eravlev iw uelph r rrel zorge 30 reaway dr jaine keama alx huoks baving cliuj tftaiasl uw uiti tj jobn ij zivku iu ut tw twa oi curgiowa to us county oi llaiton doctor of v urinary kldicine wbo di4on or bout to istb day of uay a l 113 ax berwiy noufied to tend ortlcmkj of wu to the uoderugned on or bwoe tbe latb diy of october a d iftej aiur wbiffc dau urf ea uu will ba diuribuud wlib t gard only to tb rjaima of fkhirb the underugimmt khall iheu bfcrt uotutf ud um ua urugnej will not he liable to any perwin oi wbot elalia aba aliall not then have notice lutrd at rbugeluwn tlut sou day u september lfid2 vickl jlaviu adminitra tru of ike vjuu of jobs sheldon juviu by her solicitor john u ord cm lie uounuinview road south oeorgetown onl 1011 field day results chapel public school christmas parcel for korean boy the v rl v omen institute ing lunch and a octal ti nr hrll their rekular mnthl mee- rn norval reudentk ettemt iwn ting on thurvtay evening ik v pthv to the anl and bailie tober 4th at the home of mr the death of mrs 1 bulk in ihr atnence of dona i 1 uard of rorirton the prrmlrnl mrt ii coltin uard lived in the village mr llurk wi m the char eral year 10 before m eorketoan her mter the mr ja on havncs and fjmit auo het in the village until in v ing to snelgrove a lf rjr ao tlie funeral a in st ir day september 0 uith 11 trr llillrrrt emrlrr so yd dah girla 10 yrt old molly ilenderwn heather uc- ivrvald kathie king boya 10 yr- old danlej kngleby gua dezoete george poulaen so yard dath girl 11 yean old jlcweanne parry linda paul carol wtuon boya 11 yraold david smith dick dczoete jim w ulenderson 75 yard dash girls 12 year old ilrenda hlliott janice thornton verno hall boya 12 yr old bill eaton chru young oick dezoete 73 yard dash girl 13 yri old judy mclcllan cathie hale jdaureen sealon ltoyi 13 yra old rill namink richard pear on robert jepson 100 yard girlt 14 yrt and ov jer carol rhodes sonja poul cn loli peacock boya 14 yra kid and over jim stamp bill ewins john reycc high jump intermediate pirh rrenda uliott muriel meek i iwn maureen thompaon inter mmliate boy bill eaon dick dczoete lome vivian senior high jump boya bill namink john layman john reycrfirls judy mclellan lynn cofell jsnet martin running broad jump inter mediate girla linda paul bren da elliott carol wilson intrr mediate boys bill eason dick dezoete chris young senior running broid jump girls sonja poulscn carol rhode lynn cofell boys jim stamp bill namink bill ewlns intermediate girls champion brenda hlliott intermediate boyi champion bill laion senior girls champ j mcullan senior hoyi champ ion bui namink the inert ini oprnrd uith usual inititutr opening nrr cie the main btninfm divrt aed wa the hnitma parcel to the adopted korean boy mm ion murray offered to ire that ment a parcel he wnt right attay norval with reral offering donation tnwartl it also to end 5 00 in miv jran marshall hel t a cae hr parcel doe not arrive miw llanrtnn h ier with mi s on time or 11 pilfrnd on the colleen lrahhy 11 guru of hon way our on tucwiav evrnjng sept th roll call was answered 25 ueli vere n igbltnr from by an interesting fact about the eat rnd of the vil ace lomr place you base visited mr r iwood pambleton mm and the answer proed ery colleen crabby aunt held a interrvting miwrllanrtus ihosaer in her h mr u tlrase ami mr u nur on monday rening oi t graham llntorical itesearch with guests leing n latises convener gave verv intereil of the drashy famils ing paper mr craham on many invrls lifts ere recn norval and mrs cleave on glen ved at the ahowrrs william mr graham conducted a mr and mr harold dlins contest on names of fa 1 mr heuer rary and mr millet pal and present of i claude mclaukhlin have wt the village which wa won by for montreal where ihes will mr joe murray board ship for kngland on a mrs 1- may and mr j mur farmer conducted tour with a ray assited the hostels in ter j group from ontario note upward trend employment figures ifmpvlaynwnt cwljtu u th arc tarvad by mat unal cnspuymant offka u rramptan canllno u akaw uurwvsfl vr vu yarv at ik and at av tansbar lfij tkara we 171 rutrad lar amalaymsnt in the antira aeaa in 1w1 at tk nd af s plans bar thae war 7 slkatln an u at tka bramtn ilayiwnt oatu thra kondrad and twenty ioht 311 paran wra a4a- cd in enplaynsanl dorln sp- timbir 1w3 an inrau af si lansnt avar saptanv br af 191 at tka praiant tins tk it ahartaa appluanta fr killed fradaa tka braenpten ensptaymant ohit urvii cklrtflomauty caladan all af duffartn caon- ty nart af etoaalftfl twp includln caaeaatawn if ield day results wrigglesworth school boys 10 yean ind under david ward raymond inrllt bruce saviei 11 years david gill nleel gundinc robert sale 12 yri david mcatenamy erie pea voy gearce stlcscr 13 yeara tllarry allen michael harley howard walker h yeara and jover stanley kynneraley glon jrae steven turner girls 10 yeara sharon lane reth hjchardaon janeann emmer aon 11 years karen kiuier- 11 claudia teasue iluthken ined 12 years brenda fitxger- ald karn allen unda teasue clrla 18 years loretta gund inn sharon collier patsy arm strong h years and over janice wilde marlon kennedy jbuuhlntf broad jumft intermediate boys eric pea voy stevon whluker david 4mamenomy intermediate girls brenda fitzgerald coby west mdors ruth kennedy senior boya philip southon harry al len stanley kyhnorslay senior kins palsy armstrong poggy tyler diuhno foalcr hloh jump intermediate boys nigel gunding john collier jimmy sorensen intermediate girls brenda fltigerald louise secklngton lorraine seeking ton senior boys stanley kyn nerlley philip southon harry allen senior girls janice wilde lynda macmlllan mar ion kennedy senior champions stanley kynneraley janice wilde intermediate champions rrends fitzgerald nigel gund ing diamond j cleaning 0 inspection your diamonds will be vehtored to original beauty free at b0ught0n jewellers main m w-4j14- harris floral ahkangimints fok every occasion dtl0fii cut plewsrs wddlno reuqustt 10 main st n tr 70ji1 big bonus buys in x juilmal health products y the following 2 big bonus buys are available at animal health departments of drug stores and at feed dealers also ask 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barrister and solicitor 61 mill st goorrjotown ir 7 2464 t van sickler biv barrister solicitor notary dr williams llltls 30 main sa

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