hornby softball team cops ontario honours junior tad brr uii ti u lhr diffrtcot drivrf l cb rc bury hunter m ti kfct hoy wer ia lb ki ibd rick curu m tk ftur tw hornby fcouull uua bw copped tb oauno later iwduu c tturl toftbil utu aiter dronpiai tin op 1b tb4 prtviatul final ike hornby club tallied utk to tu um lerte vitb 1 1 bi uanpb id s a weclciga saturday ed in tw big l i i 1 ltorojy wi4y ubt pqr locdl kq tt li lu tint urn is llorm- by intory that ibey tuv de it ill th way lo ike onufle crtusvn ijbwever bauball u by bo mab finubd id llu tth line vtluge tbe poatponam llilioa cubiy ctawpjiwubhi fine whirl uuk lck ieat lo be onurto playoff will bow bld tbe apotligm witb low v ill trying fur in uphet john wllmott handful rd hjwddon jiitlrri with thrrr m vi l tlrrl eleven share prizes at golf field day l- th 7 blue- jla tk 7u7i rm 1ui bhauw tk 7 send w ilk he nhl oldtlm truut mot er will b br u ojay ua i ak 1 y c caa1 c- ry cju ttw4y a li la assign players for local kid hockey teams y twfc k-u4- a loa hi iter and ronlnbulrej lo hn h rvrw rim mute by rtppinf out two bu puyrr bimwh lie ttarnt tjuih timn 1 11 cbarlir and rham iihe roled the plalr with the plhrr two i or no trorr wbirh tooa e bark uil lo smral pkkwtufi of ibele motkry wai hld at tbe sunday octuur mlh i ojtta of tk old ism tules lo appear but bere were hw is uka llwir plrc tberr it atill room for cuttw in thr j mml lrauri hayrr vvcr fcftua witb tw procccdj t int te uk umk hkiwy w action starts for dart gib league aeuoa in leioa brenrli 130 deil aiui crib league rted this week iukuj ve ruateu tbe cub booountbit wuain ejjtbt lesisi be impcruli tukebte ror i- ijiubert kr coeirn por ib hx orndei hutir special and ke i4j ktarltax out to compete ip tbe lisrt tebed ule lneludi ltrewen oeioa lodge ihrf iabiwrv iur awd oitu 3mi ft kaoihuj 11 uw jef uiddm hmut dew ww uu hu ui boy uuibroomi uedlc alliance p o pur k up la uatla count uowat uobod arrow i chaxen leflavrt tbulles wbitiwnker and proviueul paper rw uiure nd dfeftw iniu and a lt tf and roachrh aril wk 4tvtr jaa gotowb marks world series week with triple play taik alout dcvotioh lo bvballl thu cow on pal pltrwxi locuvl una farm al noval addad hmt on accom plilhmanl to hi long livt ol racordt chalked up dunng ik woid sr wl by pioduc ng a lr pi play li wadnri shea and wilson kart race winners day mornrvg above il minuni her olftptrvg lro arvd kervdla three uek at once with tompetative nonch lance minor hockey league may expand borders tke stiibily f tbe tri i ceunly utnee hlny aiuuia tlai wentually ipjvtvdtnaj k cever aei area fra lake 0i tarle 100 mltea iwrfh aeu fruh hamilln ike watt ic yeal 1a tbe il wt vtto i allied sunday in ike annual medline keld at uiltan deuaatea attanded the an pvual teatkerine lrm brantplan oakvlte milton caaroalewn haaater prai ion ac on or anajavdte coalph and burling ian and enqutfaaa wra read fraim the tawnt al dvndat and 1 iimm fur the trophy prr nljtion as in u v i lor ihr j in thai eaon chanya pralail prulrt rrculalioni rre baniird to mrrt the umr tanilird at lhoe of ihe on ino minor horkry auuria i n f wiirh thr roupmit i im tin arra li an affitiatr unnrtn miiii thi aiociatiun inc m to mrrl trarru in thf mi t ii a the onl il f inner in ihr prolrt rru i i oi l that ihf lrr arr lr than thoe prewnbrd by ihc pet whota eapentnet at an oha referee etebld h m in ra yuu miim d it tl ilrtin wai hrld at thr j legion 11 saturday nmrnii g if any boy tjll wlu to re tutrr be will be ablr lo do to when horkry gru undrr way yue and dtte will h pubhib rl latrr you muil be i yeert aid tv fore augutl 1 to play in ihr saturday morn in i hurkry tuere li na ckarfe whalw rrr lo puy saturday morn ing bofkry under tha iton lr league horkry which lake in hoi who are ljudet aaa han turn duruvird at gentlemen does your old chain saw sufttr from the cioucftown hualo tkunulay ocltjr ii im i teachers bowling varian turxlay rt trr 0 1m2 team landinf bowling taom standing feru abaut the paaibily el vinf ial y p trioun enter ina a team er teem in the ly minor horkry leagur he cimr the tn bounty minor hockey auoriatinn i couples bowling tui oct twr idi2 ttam stand irtf sn acm allr all llnnrymoonrri rubjmttrn t iref ichtrn curn tram no 2 tram no 10 i urky striker 7omhiri hrrrion slrrpen 12 11 11 10 ft pie wee to juvanile the function of ihr ancl atlon li to promote comprti lion brtwrrn tram from irr ure lo juvrnilr rntrul from intrrrtcd ccntri kir j oni aio four jurnitr chili did battle in hal wi the urt of the many houn of work that bom into the opera tian of incurs at urh alri now ilh a quick count fnl lowing thr meeting sunday thr eonirntu u that ihrre could be a total or 44 rluht ope rat ing in die per re bantam midget and juvenile eriri for the 1m163 veaion with 12 towns or citici represented no itwngs are left hanging tnii w roll in thu organnalion either a cju zomh 0 with the election of officer b 7 u striken 0 amendment lo tee constitution i 3 sleepen 2 6ung and general hutinru re hi af 3 chrrr 2 eelvlng ihr finest in handling 2 4 team 10 t right doun lo the laf unell honrmoonrr 4 cuweri 3 detail hammond prey n fred hammond of oakillr weekly hib triplai was rrlurnrd at prculrnt ni fi the group and ha a his j- n oron tutanli vice presidents h b pat r trraon of uramptnn and hud bjamci of eorgctown jamet weekly hitjh smolat brock i e of oakville returrw ai it in humper the trcaiurrr and returning to i- imrr dron the poat of iccretary in which allan ilailey x he haa been the hackbone of the organization for all but ore of ihe years the loop tus operated u bill uurrrll from brampton iiaeutlva mambara ana n- saatna hf sinolea mad per lewn rapraiented in ii the uafue are bill riehwond hrr spires i cuarpalewn joe 0vcrilba ule i haapalar arnold mctufle al mlllen dan munree al thk avaraoai villa dave finch ol oranfe i doug llruuin villa varn caw ino pratt on rnrce ure ihrh it a ii 10 ixailtxata 13 snaih 13 skipprr- ti harnkrni 0 thit waek raiult hscm ii a b s drai1tjli 0 sna u 2 swpprr- 2 harnkrni 3 hartir j i tjjt k kn ii i mikr norm shea and y wiuon dominated thr winnrri rirrle at he nottb helton kartkluba umrhouie track sunday wilicn made a clean awrrp t the uodified a heat wmi fi at ure and in doing u earn ru rrconition a l one of ihe favourite in thr club a 100 tap v but p wn made lor champlomhip endurance tetl tt later irbrdulrd for sunday october the following birth cartill 2flth dar armmrong finuh aaa and baptism paperi have ed a rloie ireond in tbe feat been in our poumon lor ure and h millman motrd up quite ionic lime and anyone lo iriare third owning ibrm nuy phone tit norm shea making the ihift 7 3o70 bark into hrgular a compel lrth cartilitatea robert don from thr fal uodified bruce huttell llntierl harlr croup cfupltcated t y wiuona ionaldkn anthonv hotert feat anil look hrat wmi and cinnamond feature in that divmon alike baptiun papert krnnrlh hunter wa the hobby clan klurrar uillrr i rat winner but ijoyd rotter don t forget thr dance at the t the irini there and ken riviera rrila november 2 j llrrrman va gmt rnough for thu it ponorrd by the minor j first in the feature hockev support roup the the only rlait run wai for committee for the dance weakly h gh tnpln mrl i jld itmi drrrn weekly hill mr m jrk knipr kon trn high singlti ojk 2ni 24 weakly hat harry rov harry high triplet hntppi r hnapprr mat 643 ro 614 254 2j1 weekly high sn mat john dunlop trnii john dunl p sea tan high triplet mat scotlv pttrrs n um harry knappr r seata high slnglaa mat john dunlop dros john dunlop averaget john dunlop cotty pattrrvin iurr hnapprr 1 ilrs weekly high triplai mars patterson mary patterson weekly high singlet 1 lal mary patlersin droit mary patterson seatena hiph triplet saaton t high triplet mill mel nald ww tarl wilr n v hon drrrn h2fl saaton t high singlet hon rem 332 hill mcdi nald 211 rml tnst 2i rarl wilrs hon drrrn jack hnipe i dlrs 174 weekly h0 triplet i7j manljn lurbcr doreen jrnnrr waabty hifih singlet mars o maherl i illun crauforl 610 manln llrbrr seatont high triplet ra lluisl seatont high triplet drorgr nursp doug itruton ace bailey mat mary pattermn 22 riiit marg r mmrrsnn saaton high slngtaa 730 mat marg tminersini 733 drav marg munition 713 ave re pet mary patterson margaret i- mmerson rui r cowan hi 204 millie mrniwn jean firaham in 102 inn now serving keal itauan r zai tka vary tl in tawnl babad frath i your onjr in enly 4 minul kaoular papparoni muthresma cmikinatiari 5 30c 40c 40c 45c 0 75c 13c 5c 95c 1j 5c 1 15 1 is 1 li taki 1 pizza homi now serving breakfast at 630 am y ctoioei the cottage inn 60h foods ceoroi t edma iucas ii main si s 77w11 canadas no 1 chain sawi pioneer hornby garage hoinby ontaiio m uu uh i uk uuciih h httawltwi utt deal days special gflflfl for period scpi 150ct 31 lhn coupon it worth 10 00 on lh purchaia of any naw pionaar cihain low tradaw 01 occaptad on thu offar which aipuai oct 31 1942 0114 iaalan lira llurl mrs mrad 271 hioh singlai vrk orlahrill avtraoaa ino lira llurl 113 dorrrn jrnnrr 143 jran graham 117 111 170 uul imia marlit al acton tha acr llailry rainplan rapraaanlatlua il la amu b tuhud al iha nanl maallnoj laiiiri with lh farnwr man bab pat waakly hloh trlplaa rarbvua n var iha mlr clri ural wlcapraaldanl thalr ol mar spirra dumprr taauna high trlplaa mare spirej mary carey hr clubi luch aa faroua ar kurllnglan will hava la mini si man i iha asacutiva ahauld waalily thalr ippllcallana far mambarmry carey ihlp ba accaplad at iha naalluic llailry maallng of iha auscialisn la llaicl dumprr ba kld in milton an sunday oclabar 14ttt mimi co juvanlla a new tulinn added lo the hilecn llailry constitution thu term makri il neeuury for a town lo flrat anler a juvenile team in the auoelltlon before brine ell bible to enter the remaining three lower eluba the reason l that when the league waa flrltlnilly formed in 1057 the tdporfs to give hockey to the juvtmiiba4f tfroup other chiruiei uw the play off situation revised as wellu the cancellation or semes rul ins with the ontario provln del police rutins on road con dltloni the final word ne- hgajiry before 8me can be called off on thii reason vot ing tor the most- valuable play er in each seme wjll bo done nd a total qf points al the end of the year will be high singles 658 560 554 2111 241 221 seasons high singles mars spires 510 mary carey 281 mr bailey 243 averages marc spires 100 mary carey 183 mers bailey ibs winner of hidden scare pete cooke 200 did you knowt wood u a renewable natural resource the cycle of cutting nd replacing naturally or artificially eengo on in definitely yitretnust be teken ti keep forest lands productns this requires protection bom the fires the orioinal saturday dance party what we originate others imitate but cannot dupiicatei saturday oct 50lh show of the month carl dobkins jr the casinoes tittle caesar and the consuls coming by popuiahjhmano octtsfffii the uncolnaires brampton orange hall spot 730 to 12 door dances rofrethmonlt available prizes momban 1 nonnmbr 150 tar ibis special show no sums or jeans pleasei por your addad enoymhl tv nd a wide variety of jamas in our clitbroam 60000 we rth buy laayarteal taaawfaetarcd tecab at the rot at su5 yea- fttna per year if eacai at us dlreried sim ai tab rt tbe fasrdsaaa af caiilaa wsjb speak we waau htlf crt00twahmiakiboabtaua we are the worlds greatest imporlen contrast our yearly total with that ofolhcr countries amencans spend j35 per capita on manufactured imports the british spend 75 west germans spend s60 canadians spend s231 per person jurearl if these expenditures in ontario on import ed goods could be reduced by 100 we would still be amongst the worlds greatest importers ifthit 100 we re diverted tocan- adian goods w4 wojifd add s600000000 to our economy aid kelp create 60 000 hew jobj i to awcornplislrihll trie consumer must become label conscious it is tbe turn of all our daytoday purchases which can add up to the success or failure of our economy whenever the consumer reaches out for an imported product he or she should ask is there a canadian equivalent for in most cases there is a canadian product that is as good or better the more money we spend tor thing we make the more prosperous the people of ontario will be i government op ontario trade crusade mom dmosltunity tha symbol ol prograss nd- epportunlty for tha paool and industries of ontario